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This edition of Digital Ship magazine is sponsored by

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October /
November 2021

MOL to deploy remotely IN THIS ISSUE

controlled robots on ships Advanced Tech
Why integration and
Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) is testing collaboration are key
remotely controlled ships onboard its vessels to make shipping for data-driven decision
operations safer and more efficient. making - 4
Evergreen renews 22-year contract with

Kongsberg Digital - 6
OL recently signed
a memorandum of Leveraging the power of data - 14
understanding (MoU)
with Tokyo-based Cybersecurity
cyborg technology company MELTIN
to introduce MELTIN’s remote- Elcome launches new virus
control robotic technology for adop- protection tool - 16
tion in MOL’s ocean shipping-related
operations. GTMaritime updates GTDeploy for cyber
MELTIN's robotic technology is protection - 16
being developed to be used in areas
such as dangerous, time-consuming Speedcast and HudsonCyber team up to
work, or duties done in extremely
high and low-temperature environ-
help companies regain cyber control - 18
ments. The cyborg technology aims to
transcend the physical limitations of
human bodies and create a society in
MELTIN’s remotely controlled avatar robot, MELTANT-β Catching up with Mr Sulaiman
which humans can achieve their max-
imum potential. For MOL and other Al Ali, CEO of Thuraya - 24
shipping companies, it is anticipated also reduce the workload on seafar- combining improved telecommunica-
that such technology will not only ers, particularly in tasks that present tion with MELTIN's remote-control
Providence acquires majority shareholding
make shipping operations safer, but challenges to hands-on operation. robotic technology. in Marlink for $1.4bn - 22
MELTIN’s avatar robot for field The companies will push forward Spire Global to acquire exactEarth - 28
testing is known as MELTANT-β and more discussion and action to study
can be used in environments that are details specific to different vessel
not suitable for autonomous robotics. types and routes for introduction Software
Both MOL and MELTIN have of remotely controlled robots and
repeatedly studied the possibility of associated technologies, with an
BunkerMetric and Veson
addressing a wide variety of issues in eye toward not only determining collaborate to optimise
the ocean shipping industry by intro- the feasibility of introduction and bunker procurement - 30
ducing the robotic technology. Major the level of onboard telecommunica-
advances have been made in the tion technology required at sea, but SOL-X introduces SmartWatch for seafarers
high-speed onboard telecommunica- also implementing Proof of Concept - 33
tion environment in recent years. (PoC), which assumes practical
MOL’s car carrier, the Beluga Ace MOL expects synergistic effects by use. DS Wärtsilä cloud simulation added to OTG’s
Ocean Learning Platform - 36



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Sea Machines prepares vessel for 1,000 mile autonomous voyage

www.sea-machines.com Odyssey, which translates to a long pur- The SM300 provides the remote human
pose-driven and eventful journey and commanders with an active chart environ-
Vol 22 No 2 Sea Machines Robotics will embark on a harks to Homer’s Odyssey, which for mil- ment with live augmented overlays show-
1,000 nautical mile autonomous and lennia has inspired humanity by Ulysses’ ing the mission, state of vessel, situational
Digital Ship Limited remotely commanded journey around and his crew’s courage to undertake a voy- awareness and environmental data, as well
2 Prospect Rd, Denmark in late September. age of discovery and adventure. as real-time, vessel-born audio and video
St Albans AL1 2AX The project, known as The Machine This voyage will prove that operators from many streaming cameras.
U.K. Odyssey, will see the modern ubiquitous can integrate autonomous technology into “From time immemorial the oceans
tug named the Nellie Bly depart from their vessel operations for a host of tech- have driven the best of human innovation,
www.thedigitalship.com Hamburg, Germany, on September 30, nology-driven benefits, from enhanced designed and built by architects and engi-
with full onboard vessel control managed safety and reliability to leaps in productiv- neers, and deployed by a select and special
PUBLISHER by autonomous technology, while operat- ity and new on-water capabilities. The group of people, mariners, that much of
Stuart Fryer ing under the authority of commanding Machine Odyssey marks a new era in the society relies on today and evermore in the
officers located in the United States. human-technology relationship propelling future for the supply of food, power,
The vessel has been designed and built on-sea operations in the 21st century. water, goods and transport. And as a tech-
EDITOR by Damen Shipyards of the Netherlands Sea Machines SM300 autonomy system nology space leader, Sea Machines takes it
Fiona Macdonald and its name, Nellie Bly, pays homage to will be installed onboard the vessel. It is a as our duty to embark into new waters,
email: fiona@thedigitalship.com the American journalist, industrialist, comprehensive sensor-to-propeller auton- motor through any and all fog of uncer-
inventor and charity worker who was omy system that uses advanced path-plan- tainty, and prove the value within our
widely known for her ultra-bold and ning, obstacle avoidance replanning, vec- planned technology course,” said Michael
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR record-breaking solo trip around the world tored nautical chart data and dynamic Johnson, CEO of Sea Machines.
Karl Jeffery in 72 days. domain perception, all to control a voyage “Just as other land-based industries
email: jeffery@d-e-j.com The project is named The Machine from start to finish. shift repetitive, manual drudgery from
human to predictable robotic systems, our
autonomous technology elevates humans
from controller to commander with most
of the direct continuous control effort
Vaida Stockunaite
being managed by technology. This recast
email: vaida@thedigitalship.com
human-technology relationship is the basis
of a new era of at-sea operations and will
give on-water industries the tools and
ADVERTISING capability to be much more competitive,
Ria Kontogeorgou end the erosion of high-value cargo to air
Tel: +44 (0)7815 481 036 and road, put more vessels on water, oper-
email: ria@thedigitalship.com ate in better harmony with the natural
ocean environment and deliver new prod-
ucts and services.”
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Throughout the voyage the Nellie Bly
Narges Jodeyri will carry two professional mariners and
email: narges@thedigitalship.com occasional guest passengers and will call
on ports along the route to display and
demonstrate the technology. Sea Machines
PRODUCTION will stream the journey live on a website
Vivian Chee dedicated to The Machine Odyssey for all
Tel: +44 (0)20 8995 5540 to have access to 24/7 updates from the
email: chee@thedigitalship.com sea, the crew, the command centre, and
The Nellie Bly. Source: Arie Boer, Marine Traffic more.


€180 per year for 6 issues
contact subs@thedigitalship.com,
Flagship Founders start-up automates cargo ship crew changes
or phone Stephan Venter on:
+44 (0)20 7017 3407 www.tilla.tech all important information (e.g. current
travel restrictions or transport routes) in
Tilla Systems, a new start-up founded by one place, reacts instantly to last-minute
company builder Flagship Founders, has changes, and suggests viable alternatives.
developed a smart platform for the auto- The high level of automation not only
mated planning and execution of cargo saves a significant amount of time and
Printed by ship crew changes. money but also focuses more closely on
The Manson Group Ltd Tilla uses API interfaces to integrate all key aspects of crew management, such as
Reynolds House, 8 Porters' Wood
its essential data sources. Crew data are recruitment and training.
Valley Road Industrial Estate
St Albans, Hertz AL3 6PZ, U.K. pulled from existing systems like the One of Tilla Systems’ first customers is
Hanseaticsoft Cloud Fleet Manager or Hamburg’s shipping company Peter Döhle
No part of this publication may be repro- flight data from Amadeus, eliminating the Schiffahrts-KG.
duced or stored in any form by any
need for manual updates. A machine “Crew changes are extremely fragment-
mechanical, electronic, photocopying,
learning algorithm proposes the best time ed, dynamic and costly processes making
recording or other means without the
prior written consent of the publisher. and place for a crew change. them the perfect point to introduce digital
Whilst the information and articles in “We’ve collated all the information, solutions. With Tilla’s support we can keep
Digital Ship are published in good faith parameters and parties on one single plat- a closer eye on crew changes, process
and every effort is made to check accura- form, and employ data mining techniques information more quickly and efficiently,
cy, readers should verify facts and state- to cut processing and travel costs. This and ensure all our collaborations run
ments direct with official sources before Niklas Weidmann, founder
allows better, more efficient decision-mak- smoothly,” said Johann Diercks, ship man-
acting on them as the publisher can and CEO at Tilla
ing about when and where a crew change agement director at Peter Döhle
accept no responsibility in this respect. should take place,” explained Niklas Schiffahrts-KG. “We can streamline our
Any opinions expressed in this maga- Weidmann, founder and CEO at Tilla. processes and offer our customers the best uled for this year’s fourth quarter. Tilla
zine should not be construed as those
As well as including every stage from possible service.” plans to use the new system on around 150
of the publisher.
planning to reporting, the platform groups The platform’s official launch is sched- ships where it oversees crew management.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 2

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Why integration and collaboration are

key for data-driven decision-making
Late last year, Veson Nautical and ZeroNorth entered a new partnership to integrate data from Veson Nautical’s
IMOS Platform (VIP) into ZeroNorth’s vessel performance optimisation software, Optimise. Digital Ship spoke
with both companies to find out how the integration will enhance data-driven decision making.

nder the agreement, both it alone. It has to come from multiple peo- It was this lack of standardisation and opting for software-as-a-service (SaaS)
ZeroNorth’s Optimise cus- ple working together and bringing differ- industry silos that led Danish tech start-up solutions that have the capability to adapt
tomers and Veson’s customers ent perspectives.” ZeroNorth and US-headquartered Veson with a company’s changing needs, rather
now have access to fleet and In order to do this, solution providers Nautical to team up. The solution offers than investing in large expensive technolo-
vessel data provided by Veson Nautical, must be willing to integrate their products, information on ship performance that is gies that lack flexibility.
and weather, port and market data provid- work with competitors, and share reports easy to access and digest. Customisation is “I think today, rather than making huge
ed by ZeroNorth, via the Optimise plat- and data, Meyer noted. possible, allowing users to see only the investments and upfront costs, companies
form, negating the need to switch between John Veson, CEO of Veson Nautical information relevant to them at any given want to invest in digital technology that
applications. An intelligent algorithm com- believes in the same thought process. “In time, avoiding complicated and complex can adapt to their work processes so they
bines the information collected by both order to be more efficient, you need to be data screens. Thanks to artificial intelli- can make small investments as they see the
ZeroNorth and Veson and turns this into collaborative. One company cannot be gence (AI), machine learning and greater value,” said Veson.
tangible actions for the operator, facilitat- good at everything. You have to have the connectivity, the systems are expected to His advice to shipping companies is to
ing better time charter equivalent rates right digital partner and once you have continue learning and become more find the most flexible and malleable solu-
(TCE), lower fuel consumption and CO2 this, you can really start to see the value in advanced and insightful with use. tion and let it guide them as it adapts to
emissions, as well as easier compliance sharing information. The two CEOs hope that by building on a their operations. “Don’t look at what other
with industry regulations. “I see a shift in the way companies are data standard to exchange performance people are doing but be guided by what
thinking and they’re realising that they can data, shipping companies will be provided the software is telling you and use that to
Standardisation and sustain a more competitive advantage by with a complete picture of vessel perfor- modify your approach,” he explained.
collaborations key to investing in others and not trying to build mance that will support operational deci- As the industry embraces this digitally-
targeting industry silos everything themselves,” he explained. sion-making with greater clarity and cer- driven culture, one thing both Veson and
Speaking with Digital Ship, Søren C. However, one area in the shipping sec- tainty. Ultimately, they hope to demonstrate Meyer expect to see is an increasing inter-
Meyer, CEO of ZeroNorth explained that tor that requires significant improvement to the industry the importance of standardi- est from non-maritime players. While there
the integration was driven by a need to to reap the benefits of collaborations and sation in achieving maximum advantage is huge potential for them to bring valuable
break industry silos and bring together partnerships is standardisation. While vast from collaborations and partnerships. new perspectives, those not used to the
skillsets from across the sector to reap eco- quantities of data exist, there is a lack of “With this integration, by following the structure of the unique shipping industry
nomic and environmental rewards. standardisation which inhibits the way standard format that we have within our will also have to appreciate the complexity
“Fragmentation is high in the industry, data can be aggregated and used across dif- platform and connecting it, we're laying of it if they are to contribute to its progress,
and we don’t always have the capabilities ferent systems and platforms. Many data some of that groundwork and we hope particularly around digitalisation and
to aggregate data and add artificial intelli- generated today are locked up in specific that it will make it easier over time for the decarbonisation.
gence (AI) to create AI-driven vessel per- systems and sharing and using these data industry to continue connecting more effi- “A lot of start-ups are looking at this bil-
formance management,” Meyer explained. across other systems and solutions is not ciently,” Veson explained. lion-dollar industry and realising that if
“Moreover, if we want to solve the digital- always possible. Without standardisation, “Part of the issue now is that people use they can get even just 1 per cent of its busi-
isation challenge, one company cannot do making profitable decisions is challenging. different terms and have different vocabu- ness, it will be a huge achievement for them.
laries for the same process. That poses a At the same time, start-ups need to be care-
huge challenge when you’re trying to auto- ful because they have to really understand
mate because you have no idea if the per- this challenging industry,” said Meyer.
son you’re speaking to is talking about the “I think we can expect to see more soft-
same thing. One of the important things ware engineers, data scientists, AI special-
that came out of our partnership was align- ists, designers, etc. These types of people
ing on these data points and ensuring a get super excited because of the complexi-
shared understanding of the meaning. ty of the industry and the impact they can
Unless you have this, the tool really can't have. Especially with climate change, hav-
do very much for you,” said Veson. ing just a small impact on the global envi-
ronment will be a huge attraction to a lot of
A new digital culture younger generations and it’s very encour-
Driven by the global pandemic, the last 18 aging that we are able to attract such com-
months has seen a rapid acceleration in petent talent to the industry,” he added.
both the rate and the way that digital tech- That being said, both agree that those
nology is adopted. According to Veson, transitioning into the maritime industry
large monolithic projects that were three or will need to take the time to understand
four years long are being replaced with a shipping’s DNA and its dynamics if ambi-
more agile and continuous approach to tious goals and long-lasting changes are to
Veson’s IMOS Platform. Source: Veson Nautical software uptake. Shipping companies are be achieved. DS

Oldendorff invests in Finnish navigation start-up

www.groke-tech.com Corporation, who is the leading investor of Groke
www.oldendorff.com Technologies and introduced the company to
Dry bulk owner and operator Oldendorff Carriers has Groke, which was established in 2019, is developing
invested in and become a minor shareholder of Groke intelligent navigation systems for shipping operations
Technologies, a Finnish start-up creating navigation with the aim of creating safer and more comfortable
solutions and developing new navigation technologies. working conditions onboard vessels. Groke will continue
Oldendorff Carriers has a close relationship with the its development and business with the advice and sup-
Japanese trading and investing firm, Mitsubishi port from both Oldendorff and Mitsubishi. Oldendorff has invested in Finnish start-up Groke Technologies

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 4

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Using behaviour science to cut ship emissions

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Germany has formed a strategic pilot partnership
with software start-up Signol to apply behaviour-based data science to reduce fuel
consumption and carbon emissions of vessels under its management.

tarting out in the aviation insights which nudge employees to work Atlantic save over US$6 million in fuel which are calculated based on the crew’s
industry, London-based soft- more efficiently. The other part offers man- costs and 24,000 tonnes of CO2 in just eight recent performance. Every week, the par-
ware start-up Signol developed agers the means to investigate company- months, according to data from Signol[1]. ticipating seafarers will obtain updates on
a two-part approach to help wide trends and alter management pro- Now expanding into the maritime arena personal milestones and achievements via
companies reduce fuel and emissions. One cesses based on Signol’s insights. Man- to help shipping companies reduce their the app and email. They can digitally
part offers employees the ability to track agers are able to spot areas for improve- fuel costs and carbon footprint, the start- review their voyages and the progress they
their performance and earn charitable ment and identify strategies for addressing up has been working with BSM to deliver have made on fuel efficiency and submit
donations by reaching personalised tar- potential problems. personalised performance feedback to their personal feedback via the app, which
gets. Performance reports include tailored Signol has to date helped Virgin BSM’s masters and chief engineers. The will contribute towards further improving
goal is to positively impact their behaviour the solution.
in selecting the optimum speed for the ves- The use of the Signol app onboard BSM-
sel and ultimately lead to more fuel-effi- managed vessels intends to not only
cient voyages. BSM’s operational data ana- improve crew decisions with regards fuel
lytics per vessel are combined with cut- consumption, but also aims to boost sea-
ting-edge behavioural science in a dedicat- farer morale and wellbeing onboard due to
ed app built by Signol, creating person- ongoing communication and personal
alised targets and feedback for each crew interaction. “Our studies have shown that
member. changing the master’s behaviour alone
“Whilst shipping is the most efficient could result in over five per cent lower fuel
means of global transport with the lowest usage as well as in much higher job satis-
carbon emissions, we at BSM believe that faction by giving employees a sense of
the potential for improvement in this field empowerment,” said Dan White, CEO and
is still immense,” noted Nick Topham, co-founder of Signol.
managing director at BSM Germany. “By “Achieving carbon neutrality requires
introducing our crew to the direct impact structural and incremental change and
of their actions, we hope that we can drive can only be achieved if corporations act
them to make measurable fuel and CO2 in unison,” added Topham. “That is why
savings.” BSM is forming strategic partnerships
More than 60 masters and chief engi- worldwide to develop and implement
neers on 28 vessels will take part in the innovative solutions that monitor and
pilot project that commenced on 25 mitigate the environmental impact of our
August. Over a period of six months, each managed fleet.” DS
Studies carried out by Signol show that changing the master’s behaviour alone could participating crew member will receive
result in over five per cent lower fuel usage
individualised targets via the Signol app, [1] www.signol.io/industries/maritime

Evergreen renews 22-year contract with Kongsberg Digital

www.evergreen-marine.com Equipped with a scrubber system and trust in KDI’s maritime simulation training Marine for more than 30 years. This is clear
www.kongsberg.com KONGSBERG’s patented IAS (Integrated solutions,” stated Andreas Jagtøyen, exec- evidence of our long-term commitment to
Automation System), it typifies the level utive vice president digital ocean, support the maritime industry, delivered
Evergreen Marine has renewed its long- of detail provided by next-generation Kongsberg Digital. “At completion of this by the combination of our simulators’ long
term system support program (LTSSP) KDI simulators, enabling Evergreen contract, KONGSBERG will have deliv- product lifecycle and the extensive service
contract with Kongsberg Digital (KDI) for Marine to refresh its curriculum and con- ered technological continuity to Evergreen provided by our 24/7 support network.”
another 10 years. tinue training its crew to achieve the
The Taiwanese shipping company has highest standard of operational and navi-
used KONGSBERG simulators for crew gational competence.
training for over 20 years, with the first “Our fleet consists of very large vessels
maritime simulator delivered to the firm’s which routinely have to sail in extreme
training centre in 1999. weather conditions, so it’s vital for our
The new LTSSP contract commits KDI crews to be fully prepared to meet any
to upgrading the majority of the K-Sim challenges,” said Eddie Pai, junior vice
Bridge consoles and hardware in the president, Evergreen Marine. “Over the
Evergreen Marine Training Centre. The past 20 years, the Evergreen Seafarer
centre’s ECDIS lab will also be treated to Training Center has worked tirelessly to
an upgrade, while its Polaris simulator will improve the professional skillsets of crew
be succeeded by the latest, next-generation members, broadening their knowledge
K-Sim Navigation model, offering base and sparing no effort in the drive to
enhanced accuracy and increased realism prevent accidents at sea and combat
for optimal crew training and convincingly marine pollution. We are very glad to be
immersive simulation. progressing into another decade with
This thorough overhaul of the centre’s KDI, providing us with the most
simulation technology will also encom- advanced simulation training equipment
pass an upgrade of its existing full mis- and any maintenance support we could
sion engine simulator to a state-of-the- ever require.” Evergreen Marine is to benefit from an extensive simulator suite upgrade,
art K-Sim Engine type, complete with a “The new 10-year contract renewal indi- including fully equipped K-Sim Engine simulators
new MAN 6S70ME engine model. cates Evergreen Marine’s confidence and

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 6

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New technologies are changing commercial maritime. Electronic information
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From laggard to leapfrog: turning shipping

data from information into action
The maritime industry is good at collecting data but has not yet fully realised the
potential value it promises, says Evan Gooch, president, ABS Nautical Systems.

ata capture and analytics tech- stand both risks and opportunities. machinery health and maintenance. feed into corporate systems.
nologies are developing at a Globally, this is the direction in which To make this work means having an ABS is making investments to develop
speed that is superseding tradi- business is heading; pushing insights that operational, on-the-ship perspective as more products on the software as a service
tional ways of working. trigger actions and decisions that can’t well as bringing data together to present a model, browser-based for easier access
Whether for plant operations, server and wait on an email – let alone the noon report fleetwide view. What will help this process regardless of location. The product
network status, predictive maintenance, – but shipping has a problem. We have is when data collection on board ships roadmap includes electronic logbooks that
machinery monitoring, process efficiency been talking about big and small data for becomes more automated and standard- can be accessed from any location on
or other critical systems, managers in over a decade and collected terabytes of ised, with analytics on speed, route, fuel mobile devices, supporting the remote
many industries expect to be kept fully information from ships but done little to consumption and emissions available as working trend we have seen over the last
apprised and alerted before things go nothing with it. decision points to a superintendent. year and longer. NS eLogs, have been
wrong. Certainly, an increasing amount of ship- To facilitate this, ABS Nautical Systems approved over 34 flag states and 25 stan-
Shipping is striving to do the same; at a board data is being collected and relayed has created a new platform, NS Capture, to dard logbooks are available now, with
time when digitalisation is increasingly to shore, but many operators are still strug- enable real-time acquisition of data from another 20 set for publication by the end of
important for operational safety and effi- gling to extract value that can drive data the vessel, around the clock. NS Capture the year.
ciency, vessel operators need to under- insights back into the business, generate brings together inputs from all sensor- When ABS looks further down the
cost savings and create value. equipped systems such as engines, genera- track, the megatrends point towards an
For a vessel operator, their vision can- tors and pumps- and GPS and weather increase in remote operations and mainte-
not be limited by only looking at data and data, with analytics performed at the edge nance. New satellite constellations being
not what lies beyond that; it is necessary to (on the ship) or in the cloud. NS Capture launched right now will dramatically
run the analytics and make the decisions provides a vessel-level – not a C-suite – lower the latency of data transfer and
that the data suggests. That’s the route the view of ship operations and critical data; increase throughput available to ships
industry is headed, and we think there is though it can be used to populate higher at sea.
real value in turning data into action. level fleet management dashboards too. When these services start to become
We also believe this is an opportunity to A major focus of the work is to move available, it won’t just be the number of
utilise learning from other industries that towards use of data standards that make servers onboard ship that could be dramat-
have solved these problems and there is integration and dissemination easier and ically reduced. Even on a ship with some
plenty we can leverage into the maritime faster. ABS is not alone in believing that crew present, further advances in data cap-
sphere. Maritime needs to jump over the standardisation and automation will be ture mean voyage decisions can be made
learning curve and understand that data key to embracing the digital opportunity - supported from shore in real time. Again,
should mean action, not just information. it’s a model where everything that can be this is something ABS already sees hap-
Doing so will help to put decision-ready connected is connected. pening on a day-to-day basis in other
data into the hands of owners, crew, ship Work is also in progress to provide ves- industries and, despite historical resis-
managers, port personnel - heavy on rec- sel operators with enhanced analytics on tance, they believe we will start to see it
Evan Gooch, president of ommendations, light on graphics - togeth- that data and to offer output via third come into shipping in the next decade and
ABS Nautical Systems er with proactive alerting on system status, party integrations using an open API to transform vessel operations. DS

DFFAS completes construction of fleet operation centre for crewless autonomous ships
www.nyk.com The FOC will be staffed with operators simulate the actual operation of crewless container ship toward the realisation of the
who provide support from shore by col- maritime autonomous surface ships in full-scale commercialisation of these
The DFFAS (Designing the Future of Full lecting information from the ship, together congested waters using a domestic coastal autonomous ships by 2025.
Autonomous Ship) project comprising 30 with abundant information existing on
Japanese companies including NYK and shore, and monitoring and analysing the
NYK Group companies Japan Marine operational status of the ship from the
Science, MTI, and Kinkai Yusen Kaisha has FOC. Additionally, the operator will be
completed the construction of a fleet oper- able to remotely navigate the vessel in case
ation centre (FOC) in Makuhari, Chiba of an emergency.
city. The centre will provide onshore sup- The DFFAS project aims to realise a
port for crewless maritime autonomous domestic coastal shipping business sup-
surface ships. ported by crewless maritime autonomous
The FOC is part of a comprehensive surface ships, thus contributing to solving
system that covers the functions required the issue of crew shortages by coastal ship-
for operation of crewless maritime ping businesses.
autonomous surface ships. In this project, the NYK Group will
The DFFAS project is sponsored by the make full use of the technology and expe-
Joint Technological Development rience so far cultivated in the technological
Programme for the Demonstration of development of maritime autonomous
Unmanned Ships under the administration surface ships (MASS).
of the Nippon Foundation. With the sup- The DFFAS project will work toward
port of the foundation, the project will aim the standardisation of technology and the
to conduct a successful crewless maritime establishment of systems and infrastruc-
autonomous surface ship demonstration ture through open collaboration.
trial to advance the practical use of these The project plans to carry out a demon- The new fleet operation centre. Source: DFFAS consortium
ships by 2025. stration trial in February 2022 in order to

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 8

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Bogerd Martin introduces the Chart Track Navigator SUITE
The all-new Chart Tr
T ack Navigator Suite is a comp
m lete overhaul of the well-known
and established Chara t Track Navigator softwaree with all of its functionalitiees.
It brings more clarity to its users, is much more intuitive and makes the wee e kly
tasks easier and more fun to fulfil.

The new interface separates the functionalitiess into modules that can be
licensed modularly. This improved system moves utilities that are not useful for
specific users out of the way and only shows those that matter to them.

The suite is customizable and allows for quick access to all navigationally critical
information such as Routing, Paper inventory Management, Updates, Catalogue,
ENC viewers, Passage
g Planning Tools and many more, without overwhelming
the user.

It’s easy to install, easy to use and designed to simplify weekly tasks like co
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p1-15 Adv Tech_p1-14.qxd 25/09/2021 17:31 Page 10


Avoiding costly system failures

with real-time oil analysis
Innovation in oil analysis technology is enabling new insights into the health and maintenance status of
propulsion systems, bringing with it the ability to achieve significant cost savings and efficiency improvements.

il management is a critical cosity, relative humidity, or particles, thus on a piece of equipment and continuously analysis quality of our technology is the
component in any mainte- ignoring others, new technologies today analyses oil, providing a stream of infor- detection of any unexpected oil wear,
nance programme. All parts of enable a full holistic analysis. This means mation in real-time to existing display and which is typically the earliest indicator of
any propulsion system must that the technology fully analyses the elec- monitoring systems. The sensor analyses an equipment issue that requires attention.
be correctly maintained, ensuring optimal trochemical composition of the oil, which any oil type in any application. The critical thing to note here is that this is
lubrication and thorough analysis, reveal- detects, measures, and identifies all changes The sensor works by accurately tracking before wear particles are present, which of
ing potential issues for which pre-emptive caused by any wear and/or contamination. the oil’s condition throughout its life and course indicates that damage has now
maintenance will avoid costly failures. This means that nothing is missed or over- identifying any unexpected changes in occurred. This enables what we call an
A variety of methods and sensors exist looked. Along with this holistic analysis, the numerous parameters, including oxida- advanced fault detection alert and remedi-
that provide various parts of the solution tonew technologies bring a new level of accu- tion, total acid number and total base num- al action to be properly planned.”
oil management. However, a new genera- racy and sensitivity, which can be as accu- ber, all of which combined give the earliest According to Tan Delta Systems, its
tion of technologies developed and previ- rate as 0.001 per cent to oil condition indication of an internal equipment issue. technology can be easily fitted to any piece
change. All of this is achieved in real-time
ously only viable in large industrial applica- It is critical to identify these issues early as of equipment into an existing OEM port,
tions, such as utility power generation and on operating equipment with the target oil if left untreated will lead to damage and with standard and custom adapters also
manufacturing, are now available for com- continuously analysed, producing a flow of subsequent failure and/or a sustained available. The sensor connects to any exist-
mercial applications and offer the opportu- high-quality information. reduction in equipment efficiency. ing monitoring system and can be easily
nity for a total oil analysis solution. The quality and depth of information Chris Greenwood, CEO of Tan Delta accessed by both onboard crew and remote
These new technologies enable real-time contained within the analysis data offers Systems told us: “These new technologies ship managers.
continuous analysis of oil. Rather than the opportunity to both improve and will open a new horizon of possibilities for The sensor has been engineered to
focussing on a single parameter, such as vis-streamline critical propulsion systems and shipowners to reduce operating costs and remain robust, even in harsh environ-
ancillary equipment improve efficiency. Our FSH core analysis ments. Once fitted, no maintenance is
where failure is mea- technology is embedded in the OQSx-G2 required.
sured in tens, if not hun- sensor and enables it to track oil condition Greenwood notes that better quality
dreds of thousands, of in real-time and accurately identify its cur- data must mean better results. He believes
dollars. rent condition, thereby eliminating waste that these new technologies and product
A proven sensor in and worry. innovations in this vital area seem set to
the industrial market “Our technology also detects and move the industry to a new level of moni-
and gaining traction reports any contamination and thus pro- toring, with all engines, gearboxes, propul-
within the marine sector vides continuous health monitoring. The sion systems and ancillary equipment con-
with these new capabili- sensor analyses the oil several times a sec- tinuously monitored in real-time by a net-
ties is the OQSx-G2 from ond with extreme sensitivity, which work of small sensors. This minimises has-
UK-based Tan Delta enables contaminations such as water, fuel, sle and risk for crew through unnecessary
Systems. The OQSx-G2 or wear material to be detected and sampling and inspections, whilst also
The OQSxG2 real-time oil analysis sensor is a small sensor that is tracked to as low as 15ppm. reducing costs, increasing reliability and
permanently installed “Another feature that arises from the reducing waste. DS

Keppel receives DNV verification for world’s largest 3D printed shipboard fitting
www.dnv.com Additive manufacturing (AM) – the “KTI has been working on this project Keppel business units to innovate and cre-
www.kepcorp.com industrial equivalent of 3D printing – is an with Keppel O&M, DNV and AML3D ate value. This is in line with Keppel’s
emerging technology which uses 3D model since 2019, and we are proud to achieve Vision 2030, which includes leveraging
Keppel Technology & Innovation (KTI) has data to fabricate parts, enabling, among this endorsement. Keppel is transforming advanced technologies to drive growth,”
received a verification certificate for a 3D other benefits, significant time savings. the way it harnesses technology and KTI is said Francois van Raemdonck, managing
printed deck mounted type Panama Chock Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, or supporting this by collaborating with director of KTI.
(SWL150Ton) from DNV. WAAM, has the potential to enable a pro-
The component, which is intended for ductivity step change in shipbuilding, and
non-class maritime applications, is the is able to 3D print marine grade metal
world’s largest 3D-printed shipboard structures at a scale well beyond other
fitting. commercially available metal 3D printing
Panama Chocks are large shipboard fit- technologies.
tings for towing and mooring, traditional- As part of the qualification process a
ly manufactured by casting, and are weld- 1,450 kg Panama Chock was designed and
ed to a ship as a supporting hull structure. produced to meet international standards
This component was manufactured by and KTI’s project specific material specifi-
KTI’s partner AML3D (ASX:AL3) using its cation. Material yield strength was twice
patented Wire Additive Manufacturing that of the original cast material and
(WAM) process, which used medium was produced with acceptable internal
strength structural steel grade ER70S-6 soundness that was confirmed by various
wire feedstock. non-destructive testing and evaluation
The verification by DNV follows exten- methods.
sive research, production and testing by Throughout the production and testing
KTI with end users Keppel Offshore & processes, there was close and collabora-
Marine (Keppel O&M) and technology tive engagement between DNV, KTI and
partners AML3D and confirms that the AML3D. Factors such as functional specifi-
component has met all the primary test cations, safety, testing procedures and
requirements in KTI’s project material acceptance criteria were all subjected to The Panama Chock in the Singapore lab
specification with satisfactory results. scrutiny by experts.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 10

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Windward launches Data for

Decarbonisation programme
Predictive intelligence company Windward has launched the Data for Decarbonisation programme (D4D),
a partnership aimed at increasing transparency and fostering collaboration within the
maritime industry by leveraging the power of big data and artificial intelligence (AI).

he programme aims to create assets. The programme will also foster trust of the general public,” said Ami trained specifically for the industry’s
large datasets gathered from all interdisciplinary collaboration between Daniel, CEO & co-founder of Windward. unique operations. Together we can realise
stakeholders in the maritime data scientists, bankers, shippers, IT spe- “The maritime shipping industry is headed a solution that will allow all stakeholders to
trade industry to build AI mod- cialists, commercial teams, and ESG teams. to decarbonisation. Those that invest in analyse, predict, and price their carbon foot-
els that will accurately predict the carbon The programme aims to help shipown- sharing data and insights now will benefit print, improve their bottom line, and
emissions of any vessel’s voyage, and opti- ers to cut fuel costs by optimising vessel from the advantages of an accurate model accomplish a carbon-free future.” DS
mise the whole pre-fixture process – operations without depending on the cover-
including vessel selection, contract clauses, age of expensive IoT devices and hardware,
and supply chain scheduling. Current and will allow them to compare their fleet
solutions are based on static and historical to others. Charterers will be able to optimise
data, primarily on vessel specifications, their pre-fixture vessel selection by choos-
and lack the high level of accuracy needed ing the optimal performing vessel, optimis-
in this space. Often, they do not consider ing the ballast leg, and during the post-fix-
variables such as weather, a vessel’s opera- ture phase adapting a smart ETA and laden
tional profile, ballast/laden status, the bal- speed to real operating conditions.
last leg, and hull fouling. Freight forwarders and beneficial cargo
The programme will ignite participa- owners will be able to measure carbon ship-
tion across the maritime ecosystem includ- ping performance for every container,
ing financial institutions, shipowners, accounting for the particular vessel and pro-
insurers, charterers, and energy compa- jected route of every shipment thus offering
nies. Existing members include ADNOC end customers a “green premium” option of Windward’s Data for Decarbonisation programme aims to create large datasets gathered
Logistics & Services, ASM Maritime, low carbon shipping. Trade financiers will from all stakeholders in the maritime industry to build AI models that will accurately
Executive Ship Management (ESM), be able to independently verify the environ- predict the carbon emissions of any vessel voyage
SOKANA Shipping, and Interunity. mental impact of financing decisions thus
The Data for Decarbonisation exercising sustainable trade financing.
Programme is expected to not only see the “The answer to reducing carbon emis- IFAN invests $1.2m in future-proofing
creation of a solution, but to bring value to sions lies in the Power of Many. Regulation
members by accelerating the learning is necessary, but the solution needs to come safe navigation
curve of understanding their own data, from within to ensure that the global supply
enabling them to better optimise their own chain continues to function and garners the www.ifan-maritime.org remotely controlled. Meantime between
failure of the system is greater than 50,000
The International Foundation for Aids to hrs with availability of 99.95 per cent over
LR and Inmarsat to jointly develop Navigation (IFAN) has announced a near two years, in compliance with IALA
US $1.2 million investment in safe naviga- requirements.
remote survey solution tion in the Middle East Gulf. The vessel, which is being built in the
The money will be used for significant United Arab Emirates, should be opera-
www.inmarsat.com able dedicated bandwidth, meaning it can recapitalisation of the Differential Global tional by the beginning of October and will
www.lr.org increase the potential of remote surveys on Positioning System (DGPS) sites it oper- have a range of more than 40 nm, enabling
vessels where connectivity restraints have ates in the region as well as the construc- it to reach offshore waters in the Gulf.
Lloyd’s Register (LR) and Inmarsat have previously limited its use. This approach tion of a new workboat that will strength- Operated through MENAS, the work-
announced an industry-first collaboration provides flexibility and 24/7 availability en its capabilities when it comes to main- boat will have a shallow draft allowing it
between a satellite communications which enables surveyors to perform sur- taining Aids to Navigation (AtoNs) in the to access inshore areas to maintain light
provider and classification society to pro- veys efficiently using a blend of tech- Middle East Gulf. beacons. Its overall size and the size of the
vide a connectivity solution that will niques, reducing the impact of unexpected The announcement underlines IFAN’s cabin will allow for a much wider weather
address challenges experienced during situations on vessel operations, where sur- commitment to safe navigation in this window for operations. Being able to
remote surveys. veyors and crew can quickly navigate important waterway. accommodate more workers and spares, it
The new solution uses LR Remote, a problems using remote technology. The investment, implemented through will be a more fuel-efficient vessel than the
specifically engineered application for The new solution is another step towards its Gulf arm, the Middle East Navigation vessel that it is replacing.
remote inspection that enables crew mem- digital class, opening opportunities for Aids Service (MENAS), will mean the The new vessel is fully equipped with
bers to livestream video, photos, and audio future uses of vessel data in demonstrating upgrading of the four DGPS sites in radar to check the Racons signal, AIS
from onboard a ship to an LR technical spe- compliance and driving deeper insight into the Gulf, starting with Ras Al Khaymah receiver to monitor AtoNs, as well as AIS
cialist located elsewhere. It will be empow- vessel efficiency and fleet optimisation. The to ensure against redundancy in case functionality and other standard naviga-
ered by Inmarsat’s Certified Application solution is currently being piloted by LR any site fails, or has to be shut down for tion aids such as DGPS receivers.
Provider (CAP) dedicated bandwidth serv- and Inmarsat with clients specialising in maintenance. Peter Stanley, CEO of IFAN said the
ice, Fleet Connect, available on the Fleet gas carriers and bulker carriers. The Ras Al Khaymah DGPS site will be investment would greatly enhance
Xpress digital platform. This collaboration follows increased relocated 5km away from the previous MENAS’s ability to undertake its impor-
Fleet Connect provides an uninterrupt- uptake in remote services throughout the location, and only a few meters away from tant maintenance work in the region.
ed dedicated satellite link between vessels COVID-19 pandemic as access to ships and the shore. It will have a range of more than “Investment in the DGPS sites is cru-
and seafarers, offering users function-spe- assets became more challenging. LR has 250 nautical miles (nm), covering the entire cially important if we are to upgrade age-
cific bandwidth that is independent of offered remote survey capability for many southern part of the Arabian Gulf and part ing equipment, he said. “And the
business-critical vessel operations or crew years, and now, 1 in 3 of the 30,000 plus of Gulf of Oman. The DGPS capability will enhanced capabilities of the new workboat
communications. With no additional com- surveys LR performs each year is complet- boost positioning accuracy for less than 1 will strengthen our maintenance of AtoNs
munication hardware required to run this ed remotely. Subsequently, in May 2020, metre compared to 10+ metres promised in the region. It is part of our overall strat-
application, the separation allows LR LR introduced a team of a global team of by traditional GPS systems. egy of renewing our equipment and sys-
Remote to be enabled remotely without remote survey champions to support Dual units at each site will ensure con- tems in the region to ensure continued safe
any intervention on-site. remote surveys within the marine and off- tinuous coverage, even in the case of one navigational aids for ships using this
Fleet Connect provides secure and reli- shore industries. unit malfunctioning, and they can be important trade lane.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 12

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Leveraging the power of data

French data integration company Opsealog helps maritime companies to reduce fuel consumption and emissions
by leveraging data from across multiple sources. Digital Ship spoke with founder and managing director of
Opsealog Arnaud Dianoux to find out how the company is helping vessel operators realise tangible
fuel savings based on complex vessel performance data.

ince its launch in 2015, French erate tangible savings around environ-
data integration and analytics mental impact, fuel efficiency, fleet utilisa-
services provider Opsealog has tion, and cost control.
helped more than 470 vessels to Streamlog is an internally developed
cut fuel consumption and emissions by 15 software solution that streamlines onboard
per cent and has ambitious plans to boost reporting. Information is digitised, inte-
this to at least 25 per cent as the capacity to grated and shared automatically among
collect and analyse data increases. The stakeholders. Reports are generated on a
company’s primary focus has been on the daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
offshore oil and gas industry, but it is now The third solution, Wakes, is a turn-key
preparing to scale up its services to larger market intelligence solution that helps
ocean-going vessels. companies to make decisions based on the
In today’s digital era, highly advanced current market. The latest industry data
equipment and onboard sensors facilitate from multiple sources is combined and
relatively easy acquisition of large and shared through a web portal. Marinsights combines data integration, processing, visualisation, and expert analysis to
complex data on ship performance. Opsealog deploys artificial intelligence help customers boost their operational efficiency and generate tangible savings
However, translating these data into tangi- (AI) and machine learning to create a
ble results to improve decision-making is model of each vessel to compare its current emissions savings are met, Dianoux told easy access to its services.
still a challenge for many. In part, this is performance with its potential perfor- us. “If we don’t achieve the savings we “Partnerships are key to progression.
due to different companies and depart- mance. “The model is based on the design have agreed on, then the customer does Opsealog will not answer all the challenges
ments being at varying levels of digital and operating parameters of the vessel. It not pay us. It’s as simple as that,” he said. and there is not a one-size-fits-all
maturity. Some processes will be automat- takes into account size of the vessel, deck “At the beginning of the relationship we approach. We need partnerships and col-
ed while others will remain manual, caus- space, deadweight tonnage, what kind of start by explaining to the customer how we laborations to move forward and increase
ing data silo and widespread inefficiency digitalisation tools it has onboard, and calculate the different fuel and emissions maturity of shipping’s digitisation, effi-
around data management. This fragment- more, and uses this to compare the vessel’s savings. We look at what regulatory ciency gains, and decarbonisation.”
ed approach makes it even more of a chal- current performance with how well it requirements need to be met and how the
lenge to identify the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’ could perform with various operational or customer will achieve these and we con- Future plans
data, further complicating the ability to behavioural changes,” Dianoux explained. stantly cross check the data to ensure what Having proven its success in the offshore
turn data into tangible results. Data are integrated, processed, and we are analysing is accurate and reliable.” oil and gas industry, Opsealog is now
Seeing these issues arise during his sailing shared in real-time through the web portal. According to Dianoux, the return on looking to roll out to commercial ocean-
career, which spanned more than a decade, KPIs are shared on a daily, weekly, and investment for Opsealog customers is going vessels. Dianoux expects one of the
Arnaud Dianoux set up Opsealog. The data monthly basis. Opsealog provides weekly around 300 per cent. biggest challenges will lie in finding the
integration and efficiency-as-a-service com- remote efficiency meetings with its cus- right model to convince larger shipping
pany integrates and processes data from tomers to help them gain better understand- Integrations and companies to put their trust in another
across multiple sources already onboard a ing around various aspects of ship perfor- partnerships offering. “Often taking the first step is the
vessel and employs maritime data experts mance. “The ultimate goal is to provide as Dianoux is a firm believer that solution biggest challenge and I think we want to
to analyse and cross check the data before much insight as possible to ensure concrete providers play a large role in helping ship- make that step as small as possible for
generating concise reports for the end user. results are delivered,” Dianoux confirmed. ping companies to navigate environmental shipping companies. They are faced with
The ultimate goal is to help companies goals and the regulatory landscape and is so many regulations and environmental
achieve tangible results around vessel per- Installation and cost keen to see more industry collaborations goals and there is so much uncertainty
formance and meet decarbonisation goals, Opsealog customers can choose a subscrip- and integrations. “We’re still at such an about which engines or fuels they should
without the need to install additional tion-based or an incentive-based model. As early stage of digital maturity and I think or will be allowed to use, so we have to
hardware. no hardware is required, Opsealog will the change towards maturity will be quite make sure as a service provider that what
The company has 38 employees with immediately begin analysing the data once progressive. It’s really up to us, the solu- we are offering only helps them with this
12 data analytics experts specialised a company signs up to the service. tion providers, to deliver integratable ser- transition,” Dianoux explained.
in maritime, and offers three solutions - According to Dianoux, Opsealog can anal- vices that will actually enable shipping “Our goal for the next five years is
Marinsights, Streamlog, and Wakes. yse any amount of data so a company just companies to make this digital transition,” to really assist the maritime market in
Marinsights is Opsealog’s flagship starting out on its digitalisation journey Dianoux added. decarbonisation.”
product and is based on the efficiency-as- can still make use of Opsealog’s analytics. Opsealog is in discussion with other The company’s algorithm is beginning
a-service model. Marinsights combines The more data Opsealog has access to, the system providers to facilitate further inte- to integrate more and more data and the
data integration, processing, visualisation, more detailed feedback will be provided. grations and to improve the quality of data company is expecting to increase its CO2
and expert analysis to help customers Companies also only pay for the service generated onboard. The goal is to expand emissions savings from 15 per cent to 25
boost their operational efficiency and gen- once their contractually agreed fuel or its partnerships to ensure end users have per cent in the near future. DS

Kongsberg wins simulator contract with Zamboanga City State College

www.kongsberg.com The state-of-the-art simulation of bridge tract was secured through a recognition of but also cements our already leading posi-
www.zcspc.edu.ph and engine room environments will pro- KDI’s console, equipment and software tion within maritime training in the
vide an immersive, all-encompassing, quality, reinforced by a strong, depend- Philippines,” said Andreas Jagtøyen, exec-
Kongsberg Digital (KDI) has won a new hands-on experience for students training able, local support network and an avail- utive vice president digital ocean,
contract to supply the Zamboanga City to become licensed seafarers. able local user group. Kongsberg Digital. “Zamboanga City is the
State College of Marine Sciences and This delivery of integrated, next-genera- “For KDI, building a relationship with country’s largest exporter of tuna and
Technology in the Philippines with a com- tion technology is scheduled for October the Zamboanga City State College of other marine products, and this contract
plete package of full mission and desktop 2021. Marine Sciences and Technology not only confirms KDI’s strong global position
K-Sim Navigation and K-Sim Engine simu- Awarded through Kongsberg Digital’s helps us to assist in guaranteeing the pro- within training for crews and operators in
lators. local partner, PCI Technologies, the con- fessionalism of future maritime graduates, the fishery segment.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 14

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p16-19 Cybersec_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 06:49 Page 1


SNSfortech adds secure communications tool by Armour to portfolio

www.armourcomms.com shared across devices securely, without absolute privacy and protection of Armour for five years, the latest product
www.snsfortech.com ever using email meta-data, or hosted on Armour’s SigNet has been an instant hit with our
• Note to self facility – voice to text notes secure cloud clients in the maritime sector. Clients have
Athens-based cybersecurity and data pro- and reminders that are held within the • An improved interface provides a great reported to us high rates of user adoption
tection solutions provider SNSfortech has app, and can be shared with linked user experience because SigNet is so easy to use, while sup-
added SigNet by Armour, a UK-based devices Antonios Mytilinis, director at SNSfortech porting heightened security procedures
communications solutions company, to its • Can be installed on-premise for commented: “Having worked with when dealing with sensitive and private
portfolio of communications tools for the information.”
shipping industry. SigNet by Armour, is available for iOS
SigNet is based on the Signal app, and and Android devices, and for use with
provides secure comms for voice, text, Windows 10, macOS and Linux.
messaging, video and attachments. In David Holman, director, Armour
addition, it provides enhanced security comms said: “Customers of SNSfortech,
features which include: such as those in the maritime industry,
• One-step provisioning for end users – have very stringent security requirements,
download the app, and they can start not least because vessels are often required
using it straight away to sail through unfriendly waters. Owners
• Anonymity and protection of privacy – are keen to protect their anonymity while
users do not need to reveal their mobile still needing to convey instructions to their
number, email address or even full management teams, without fear of inter-
name in order to use the app ception. At Armour we are committed to
• Use across multiple linked devices – providing products that protect privacy,
the same instance of the app can be strengthen security and that people are
installed on desktop, laptop, tablet and happy to use, so that there is never a need
mobile, so that information can be SigNet provides secure comms for voice, text, messaging, video and attachments to use a less secure alternative.”

Elcome announces new virus protection GTMaritime updates GTDeploy

tool for ships’ navigation computers to support cyber protection
www.elcome.com shipboard cyber infections is downloads www.gtmaritime.com
from shoreside networks,” explained
Elcome International has created a new Kostiantyn Matvieiev, Elcome’s senior GTMaritime has launched the latest version
secure tool to prevent viruses, malware or manager, charts and publications. of GTDeploy to support businesses as they
corrupted files from being introduced into “Electronic Nautical Charts (ENC), tighten maritime cybersecurity processes.
ships’ navigational computers. Notices to Mariners (NtM) and software Patch management is a vital part of
Elcome Bridge Protect provides a sim- updates are delivered to the ship by satel- cybersecurity protection and GTDeploy
ple and cost-efficient method of ensuring lite links when underway or on a DVD enables shipowners and operators to send
safe transfer of files without the need for when in port. A USB flash drive is general- and install software updates and security
passwords or fingerprint checks. The ly used to load these files into the ECDIS patches remotely. Identifying and address-
package includes a special protected USB computer. If an off-the-shelf unprotected ing gaps in software security reduces the
3.0 flash drive and custom client software USB is used, it can potentially introduce attack risk, leaving fewer potential entry
that makes it impossible for infected files corrupted files, which can spread through- points for hackers to exploit.
to be introduced into the ECDIS and other out the ship’s interconnected network with The latest version of GTDeploy features
networked ship systems when uploading devastating results.” a number of updates including a brand-
electronic charts and updates. The Bridge Protect client software auto- new interface to enhance user experience
The shipping industry’s growing matically locks the flash drive with a low- (UX) and a revised workflow, which better
reliance on automation electronics and level file system that leaves no empty mem- aligns with customer’s needs. UX updates
Jamie Jones, operations director
digitisation increases the danger of cyber ory space in the USB storage medium, include a new search function to simplify
at GTMaritime
“bugs” being introduced into ships and thereby preventing transfer of harmful files navigation and easier viewing of system
shoreside infrastructure. Cyber-attacks in inadvertently into the ship’s computer. resource information such as disk space,
the maritime industry have risen by over Bridge Protect can be incorporated as hardware, network and OS details. we proactively develop our solutions to
900 per cent in the last three years, ranging part of the Safety Management System To enhance the deployment of fleet- provide customers with the greatest level
from malware introductions causing navi- stipulated by the International Maritime wide software updates, the revised of cyber protection. The latest version of
gational errors to full-blown access-denial Organization (IMO) Resolution MSC 428 GTDeploy features: GTDeploy provides customers with
ransomware. (98) and becomes a mandatory part of the • Automation to allow software deploy- greater control over software updates. The
“A primary potential point of entry for annual verification of the company’s ment management to be rules-based redesigned user interface, and new
Document of Compliance, and installations across a fleet to be automation and customisable functions
which came into effect 1 based on customised criteria have simplified the process to make the
January 2021. • One-click deployment and installation deployment of updates even easier to
“As the shipping industry • A new ‘attributes’ function which has ensure continued fleet-wide security.”
transitions from paper charts replaced tagging to enable targeted Designed specifically for the maritime
and publications to electronic distribution of software updates industry with the demands of satellite con-
media, there is increasing Abstract tagging has also been replaced nectivity in mind, GTDeploy operates over
danger of disabling cyber- with customised attributes for vessels and the company’s secure data transfer plat-
attacks that can threaten the workstations. form FastNet, which provides additional
ship’s safety at sea. Elcome is “When it comes to cybersecurity, just security while optimising data streams
committed to harnessing cut- one piece of out-of-date software can put a between ship and shore.
ting-edge technologies to vessel at risk of a cyber-attack. Software Managed via the FastNet dashboard,
protect ships’ systems and updates are vital to patch security holes, GTDeploy requires no user interaction as it
ease the workload for crews fix and remove bugs and add new features installs, uninstalls and updates pro-
without compromising safe- to improve operations,” said Jamie Jones, grammes in the background. Software
Elcome’s new tool aims to prevent viruses, malware or ty of navigation,” said Jimmy operations director at GTMaritime. installed by GTDeploy can also be auto-
corrupted files from being introduced into ships’ Grewal, executive director of “GTMaritime continuously monitors matically updated when a newer version
navigational computers Elcome. is available.
the evolving cybersecurity landscape and

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 16

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p16-19 Cybersec_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 06:49 Page 3


Newport deploys multi-layer cybersecurity suite

www.marpoint.gr Enterprise-grade firewall, web DNS ing management portal for real time • Global network of MarPoint approved
www.langlois-grain.com filtering, application filtering and holistic monitoring of the vessel’s partners for smooth onsite projects
secure VPN interconnection antivirus protection implementation, regardless the vessels’
Greek Shipping company Newport Ship • Custom rules on vessels’ firewall, alert- Crew welfare services ports of destination
Management has proceeded with a fleet- ing and web filtering service • VoIP services: Newport seafarers now “As we move towards the era of ‘smart’
wide installation of MarPoint’s Evo2 • Assets/networks segmentation enjoy unparallel crew calling services ships, the role of the modern IT manager in
Router for controlling and optimising ves- • Vulnerabilities and threats assessment • Crew hotspot cards: reliable internet a shipping company becomes a daily
sels’ multi-person networks and enhancing via a complete network inventory access is provided to the crew via multi-tasking challenge that needs to
crew welfare services. remote monitoring/reporting service; hotspot ensure proper communication ship to
The shipping company, which operates automated alerts mechanism • Evo News: Seafarers’ free time is spent shore as well as proper operation of all IT
a modern fleet of bulk carriers, was look- • Network assets management (Ups, now more creatively by enjoying free systems on board, 24/7 remote monitoring
ing to modernise the IT support for its printers, thin clients and other) and unlimited access to worldwide and compliance with regulations,” said
business with a complete portfolio of phys- • 24/7 complete systems apps/files back news/articles, along with a series of Theofano Somaripa, CIO of Newport.
ical, network, data security services, and up/recovery, via MarPoint’s UNI video games, all without being con- “By taking advantage of MarPoint’s
ensure compliance with the IMO 2021 reg- active-active triple cluster server nected to the internet latest approved technology and excellent
ulation. By partnering with MarPoint, solution Added-value MarPoint services proactive it managed services, I personal-
Newport was able to centrally organise the • Desktop virtualisation and active • MarPoint dedicated IT project manager ly was able to have a peace of mind
fleet’s network infrastructure indepen- directory using Linux Thin clients • Dedicated MarPoint IT team for regarding daily troubleshooting issues,
dently of the airtime providers, gaining offering one account per crew member. 24/7/365 IT managed services, via an maintain 24/7 control over all operations,
complete access to the Evo2 platform and Thin clients remain the most reliable, automated ticketing system and with providing at the same time an excellent
customising it according to each vessel’s easiest-to-manage, most energy- standardised response times according crew welfare experience to our valuable
unique needs. efficient and highest-security end- to the event Seafarers!”
Newport’s main priority was to take point option available
advantage of the existing VSAT satellite • Software patching, based on cus-
connectivity in order to create a cyber- tomised/scheduled downloading
secured network environment onboard sessions, for bandwidth and vessel’s
its fleet, to provide unparallel crew operations optimisation, in line with
welfare services during the COVID-19 the IMO 2021 regulation
pandemic and to stay compliant with • Intrusion Detection System (IDS) :
IMO regulations. 24/7/365 monitoring of traffic moving
By partnering with MarPoint, Newport on networks and through systems to
was able to improve: search for suspicious activity and
Cyber risk management known threats, with zero day vulnera-
• Establishment of a Secure Vessel bility updates
Network, via MarPoint’s Evo2 Router • Antivirus integration with cloud host-

Speedcast and HudsonCyber team up

to help companies regain cyber control MarPoint’s Evo2 Router will enable Newport to control and optimise
vessels’ multi-person networks and enhance crew welfare services

www.ha-cyber.com drive continuous improvements by identi-

www.speedcast.com fying and developing a tailored cybersecu-

Speedcast and HudsonCyber have

rity program in a timely and cost-effective
manner, compared with hiring a tradition-
Navarino’s cybersecurity solution
launched a new cybersecurity assessment
solution to help the maritime industry pro-
al consulting firm.”
The CyberInsights framework not only receives DNV Type Approval
tect themselves from cyber-attacks and aligns with IMO 2021 Guidelines but also
meet regulatory requirements. integrates with cybersecurity standards as www.dnv.com With enhanced web filtering, antivirus
Speedcast CyberInsights is based on a described in the U.S. National Institute of www.navarino.co.uk protection, intrusion detection and preven-
Lloyd’s List Intelligence Digital Innovation Standards and Technology (NIST) tion, application control, Honeypot, and
risk management and assessment service Cybersecurity Framework, the Centre for Navarino’s cybersecurity solution for mar- ICS/Scada protection, Angel delivers
that enables decision-makers to evaluate Internet Security’s Critical Controls, and itime, Infinity Plus or Infinity Cube with multi-layered protection of the vessel. The
their current cybersecurity protection the International Organisation for Angel, has received Type Approval in system’s core component is Juniper’s
quickly and cost-effectively. Standardisation (ISO) 27001, among oth- accordance with DNV’s Cyber Secure Unified Threat Management platform,
Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), ers. Coupled with Speedcast’s consultative (Advanced) class notation. which works through Infinity to separate
the CyberInsights platform integrates support approach, CyberInsights facili- Angel secures a vessel’s business, IoT business, IoT and crew traffic, providing
cybersecurity standards, frameworks and tates real-time benchmarking and monitor- and crew networks against cyber threats separate, secure network traffic flows. This
standardised practices and aligns with ing that tracks mitigation progress. by providing oversight, security threat is all backed up by a team of 24/7 security
International Maritime Organization’s “Our integrated approach offers alerting and control of the vessel’s entire specialists, based at Angel’s Security
(IMO) 2021 Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Speedcast’s customers a powerful tool for network. Operations Centre in Athens, who are ded-
Risk Management, as well as other cyber- implementing and sustaining their cyber- Angel’s DNV Type Approval applies to icated to handling any security issues.
security standards, frameworks and stan- security strategy, helping them to mitigate Infinity Plus and Infinity Cube Dell 440 Navarino CEO, Dimitris Tsikopoulos,
dardised practices. damages arising from cyber threats," said servers, on which the Angel service is said: “We are very proud that Angel has
“According to Cybersecurity Ventures, Cynthia Hudson, CEO of HudsonAnalytix, hosted. achieved type approval in accordance with
cybercrime damages will reach US$10.5 parent company of HudsonCyber. “The The Cyber Secure class notation from DNV’s Cyber Secure Advanced class nota-
trillion annually by 2025, and it is our world has become more connected, and as DNV addresses the cybersecurity of a ves- tion. As the maritime sector’s digital evo-
ongoing goal to continue enhancing our the threats against information and opera- sel’s main functions and shipowner’s oper- lution gathers pace at an ever-greater rate,
cybersecurity capabilities to protect our tional systems increase, this solution ational needs. The notation comprises choosing a cybersecurity solution that is
customers,” said Jeffrey Irwin, vice presi- becomes critical. Combining our unique three different qualifiers – Cyber Secure designed precisely for maritime is impor-
dent, product management at Speedcast. cybersecurity capabilities with the world’s Entry, Cyber Secure Essential and Cyber tant. Angel customers can rest assured that
“As part of Speedcast’s cybersecurity leading global satellite solutions provider, Secure Advanced, with Angel having been their vessels enjoy certified levels of pro-
product suite, CyberInsights is a robust we are very pleased to collaborate with type approved with the 3rd level of DNV’s tection from cyber threats through a valu-
solution that will strengthen our cus- Speedcast to deliver high value-add, cost Cyber Secure class notation: Cyber Secure able collaboration of two industry leading
tomers’ cybersecurity capabilities and efficient solutions to the industry.” Advanced. companies.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 18

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starting at

per GB
p20-29 Satcoms_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 10:36 Page 1


High-speed satellite connectivity and data are enabling

a revolution for cruise lines and their passengers
As the world is emerging from the lockdowns of the last two years, some of the cultural impacts of the pandemic
are here to stay. The various digital technologies that have been utilised to make our lives easier and keep
us connected during these challenging times have secured a permanent place in our everyday lives,
writes Gregory Martin, VP maritime market at SES Networks.

he same goes for today’s cruise Zoom, Teams, FaceTime, and WhatsApp engines that the industry is transitioning
passengers who are expecting have kept people connected to friends and to. As fuel can represent as much as 50 per
unique, hassle-free experiences families throughout lockdowns in the last cent of the total operating cost of some
while traveling and constant two years, and passengers on board now ships, this translates into substantial cost
connection to their friends and family at expect to be able to share their experiences savings while cutting maintenance costs.
home. As a result, cruise operators have in the same way wherever they are. This is This amount of data has also opened the
invested significant amounts of money in equally true with social applications like door for improved maintenance proce-
meeting these expectations by providing Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook– dures that reduce downtime for ships.
the onboard wearable technology, apps, where usage trends are now higher than Condition monitoring systems, providing
and seamless customer Wi-Fi on their ves- they were some 18 months ago. onshore experts with real time information
sels – accelerating pre-existing trends. Early signs from Europe and Asia indi- about the status of critical systems, are
cate that these activities are driving a dra- allowing remote diagnosis of problems and
Digitalisation for enhanced matic increase in passenger demand for rapid repairs. Increasingly, cruise operators
passenger experiences low latency data. Partners of SES have gone beyond condition monitoring by
Well before the COVID-19 pandemic the Networks using our O3b MEO solution using data, AI, and specialist mechanics to
cruise industry had started to embrace an have noticed substantially higher vessel create digital recreations of their vessels
enhanced level of digitalisation, with data use on their first post-lockdown voy- that can predict future issues.
major cruise lines developing internet of ages in Asia and on their ‘cruises to
Gregory Martin, VP maritime market
things (IoT) solutions connected to wear- nowhere’, despite the fact they were oper- Delivering the data at SES Networks
able technologies and apps. These land- ating with significantly fewer passengers. for digitalisation
mark programmes have accelerated, with Digitalisation will continue to be a key dif-
major operators taking advance of the Connectivity improving ferentiator for cruise lines, as well as a key As data demands have rocketed
downtime over the last 2 years by schedul- vessel efficiency driver of profit. onboard passenger ships, we have imple-
ing vessels for retrofits. High-speed satellite connectivity provides As passenger expectations are continu- mented enhanced automations within our
These new apps and wearables make shipowners with the opportunity to collect ing to increase, while operational technolo- network – allowing operators to alter band-
use of thousands of onboard sensors along- massive amounts of operational data. gies use more and more bandwidth width allocations for individual vessels
side cloud-based data processing to allow Connected sensors can now be integrated onboard, shipowners need ensure that with the click of a button. This flexibility
everything from keyless entry to state into virtually every mission critical piece of they have the connectivity to handle the and capacity will increase further with our
rooms to one-click champagne delivery ser- equipment onboard a vessel, collecting data demands. next generation O3b mPOWER constella-
vices to any part of a vessel. By allowing dozens of crucial data points a second. This SES Networks’ current O3b service pro- tion when it comes into service in Q3 2022.
passengers to make even more choices to fast, reliable connectivity also provides vides responsive, land-equivalent internet We can truly say we are currently expe-
optimally enjoy their vacation, they make it shipowners with the opportunity to anal- virtually anywhere on earth to all of the riencing a revolution in the cruise indus-
truly easy for those holidaying to have yse this data in real-time, and leverage it cruise majors today. This uses low latency try. Data-intensive digitalisation is making
unique and tailored experiences. into significant cost savings. Mid Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites to pro- every cruise vacation truly unique, and
Yet, this isn’t the only thing that’s Some cruise ships use this data, along- vide fibre-like speeds to any area within catering to new demographics experienc-
changed onboard cruise ships. Where pas- side advanced cloud-based automation 50° north or south of the equator, with geo- ing the thrills of a care-free holiday at sea
senger Wi-Fi was once seen as an technology, to make near immediate stationary satellites and land-based infras- for the first time. Operators must ensure
afterthought by many and some cruise adjustments to throttle settings and fuel tructure providing global redundancy. that their satellite connectivity solution can
passengers even happy (or relieved) to burn mixes in real time. This minimises When outside of those areas, our service flexibly meet this exponential growth in
turn off their phone, connectivity is nowa- energy waste and vibrations – which is provides seamless coverage wherever you high-speed data demand, or be left behind
days regarded as a must-have. Apps like especially important for the low emissions are located, from Alaska to Argentina. as customers expect better. DS

Yahsat selects SpaceX to launch Thuraya 4-NGS

www.spacex.com Thuraya 4-NGS will enable next-genera-
ww.thuraya.com tion connectivity solutions for all customer
www.yahsat.com segments, including defence, government
and enterprise.
Al Yah Satellite Communications Ali Al Hashemi, group chief executive
Company (Yahsat) has selected SpaceX’s officer at Yahsat said: “We are delighted to
Falcon 9 to launch the advanced satellite be launching Thuraya 4-NGS with SpaceX.
system, Thuraya 4-NGS. With their capability and capacity for
Thuraya 4-NGS employs the latest satel- multi-launch sites, we are confident that
lite communications technologies to they are the right provider for us. The
expand Thuraya’s coverage across Europe, agreement marks a significant milestone
the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. for Yahsat as we continue to develop our
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 was selected primari- technology-enabled infrastructure to pre-
ly due to its high reliability and advanced pare for the next stage of our growth.
capabilities. “The UAE has established its position as Thuraya 4-NGS is a next-generation advanced satellite system that is
Thuraya 4-NGS is expected to spur a competitive player in the space industry expected to launch in 2023 and become operational by 2024
Yahsat’s growth across new and existing by collaborating with global leaders such
product lines, with the new technology as SpaceX. At Yahsat, we will continue to create value for our customers, share- selected Falcon 9, one of the world’s most
offering higher capabilities and flexibility forging partnerships with the world’s most holders and the UAE.” frequently flown launch vehicles, and we
while increasing capacity and coverage innovative companies to enhance our com- “For launch of its advanced technology, look forward to a successful mission,” said
across Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the petitiveness, deliver on our ambitious Yahsat sought a reliable and high-perfor- SpaceX vice president of commercial sales
Middle East. Once operational in 2024, growth and expansion plans, and continue mance ride to orbit. We’re proud it has Tom Ochinero.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 20

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p20-29 Satcoms_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 10:36 Page 3


Satellite connectivity is evolving to help

shipping process a tidal wave of data
The collective sum of the world’s data is predicted to grow by 61 per cent by 2025 – amounting to a staggering
175 zettabytes[1] and the shipping industry will be impacted by this tidal wave of data.

lready we are seeing a signifi- on offer and you’ll notice that operators and offshore users, bringing shore-based onboard maintenance. Systems such as IEC
cant rise in onboard data use include L-band by default to any Ka- or Ku- effectiveness onboard and enhancing the Telecom’s newly added OneAssist applica-
and ship-to-shore data transfer offer. The business is changing,” he noted. ship-to-shore data and communications tion with its handsfree headset supporting
as digitalisation continues to By 2025 the prediction is that almost 50 relationship. voice, video-streaming and file exchange
flood across maritime sectors. Vessel opti- per cent of data will be stored in the cloud, “The shipping industry requires soft- enable repairs, spare part fitting, or vessel
misation, data transfer, IoT and compli- while about 30 per cent of data generated ware capable of operating seamlessly over system updates to be completed by a crew
ance with increasing regulations and envi- will be consumed in real-time. High tech GSM and satcom. At IEC Telecom we have member or onsite technician with real-
ronmental measures have made digital ships are now offices at sea and the associ- invested the past five years in the develop- time, two-way communication to specialist
connectivity a ‘must have’ for modern ated requirements for managing large vol- ment of specialised applications optimised support onshore – saving time and money.
shipping, according to satcom specialist umes of critical data via reliable connectiv- for the low-bandwidth environment. In “What started as a preventive measure
IEC Telecom. ity are increasing exponentially. addition to enhanced compression, most of has now become an efficient tool in helping
“Data transfer and system automation Onboard connectivity as a system is also our applications are pre-set to resume data to optimise workflow and decrease opera-
are core components of today’s ships, mak- becoming increasingly complicated. transfer from the moment of interruption tional expenses and the shipping industry
ing reliable and efficient connectivity the Nowadays a large vessel’s network typi- in case of any signal loss, saving time and is now clamouring for more and more dig-
backbone of operational continuity,” said cally comprises three telecom networks money,” explained Mr Ben Soussia. ital solutions as the benefits and opportu-
Nabil Ben Soussia, the company’s Asia & (WANs): VSAT, L-band and GSM. With The pandemic fast-tracked connectivity nities become apparent.”
Middle East CEO, advises that increasing such reliance on satcoms connections it has development for the maritime world. As ships move ever closer towards the
numbers of ships are now operating with become essential to have an automated Marooned at sea, vessel operators had to possibility of full automation, the number
multiple lines of connectivity. failover facility to guarantee connectivity find new ways to connect and communi- of business-critical applications will
“It has become common practise to at all times, with reliable back-up facilities cate with their ships or offshore platforms increase exponentially, predicts IEC
equip an onboard network with one or two as well as an extremely robust, agile cyber- and the limitations of bandwidth restric- Telecom, which means it is essential to
back-up lines. Check the VSAT packages security system maintained and updated tions focussed developers’ minds on over- ensure that all these services can be deliv-
regularly in line with well thought out coming barriers and enabling the level of ered both over VSAT and back-up systems.
operating protocols. communication required. Necessity may “In the modern age, vessel productivity
As this high-volume comms traffic and have required such invention, but the ben- heavily depends on onboard applications.
data transfer grows it is crucial to monitor efits have become so clear now that ship- When the VSAT signal is down, vessels
usage, consumption and access levels for to-shore communications have been per- can no longer afford to limit communica-
effectiveness, cybersecurity purposes, and manently transformed. tion to the email service traditionally
to avoid a bill shock at the end of the month! For example, videoconferencing is now offered over L-band. It is imperative to
Network management systems, such as a corporate communication expectation ensure optimal network performance at all
IEC Telecom’s OneGate, have become cen- and, whereas previously it was almost times and new satcom technologies are
tral to onboard connectivity. This technolo- impossible to achieve at sea due to band- there to provide business continuity even
gy enables automated failover at least cost width limitations and latency levels, new over back-up. By investing in network
routing meaning that, at each given software has been developed to enable solutions you enhance your VSAT experi-
moment, a vessel can direct its comms traf- video-conferencing to be used even over ence and secure higher returns due to
fic over the most competitive channel. the limited speed of L-band back-up chan- increased productivity,” noted Mr Ben
Maximising onboard technology has also nels. This benefits vessel operating com- Soussia. DS
led to optimisation of digital dashboards munications as well as facilitating crew
Nabil Ben Soussia, IEC Telecom’s
which in turn has given the opportunity to services such as telemedicine and e-learn- 1] International Data Corporation (IDC) Data
Asia & Middle East CEO
integrate specialist software for shipping ing. Technology has also transformed Age 2025 whitepaper

Providence acquires majority shareholding in Marlink for $1.4bn

www.marlink.com connectivity and digital solutions.” installed worldwide will serve as a spring- journey. Apax is keen to roll-over part of its
www.provequity.com Michaël Vervisch, managing director at board to design and deliver the much- investment and hold a significant fraction
Providence added: “We have been needed digital services which Marlink’s of the share capital, in order to continue to
Private equity firm Providence Equity impressed by the company’s transforma- direct customers are seeking for their busi- back this remarkable company.”
Partners has agreed to acquire a majority tion into a branded broadband provider ness-critical operations. We believe The transaction is expected to close in
shareholding in Marlink from Apax leveraging its own hybrid network and Providence is the partner of choice to con- the first half of 2022, subject to customary
Partners. The transaction results in an capturing scale benefits by taking a leader- duct the next stage of this extraordinary and regulatory approvals.
enterprise value for Marlink Group of ship role in the industry. Furthermore, we
approximately $1.4bn; further details were see significant future growth opportuni-
not disclosed. ties, including through offering value
Apax will retain a significant minority added digital solutions.”
shareholding. Marlink’s management Bertrand Pivin, partner at Apax Partners
team and investment house Ardian has said: “Apax Partners first invested in
also committed to minority interests. Marlink 15 years ago. Under the leadership
Karim Tabet, senior managing director at of Erik Ceuppens, the company trans-
Providence said: “We are pleased to be part- formed its business model, tripled its rev-
nering with such an outstanding business, enues and multiplied its EBITDA by 10. It
and, together with Apax and Ardian, we emerged as the worldwide leading Satellite
look forward to supporting Erik Ceuppens Service Operator, first in the maritime sec-
and his team as Marlink continues to be a tor, and now, with the recent acquisition of
market leader and seeks to capitalise on ITC Global, in the enterprise sector. The Providence Equity Partners will acquire a majority shareholding in Marlink for $1.4bn
increased demand for higher bandwidth 10,000-strong remote broadband terminals

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 22

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Catching up with Mr Sulaiman Al Ali,

CEO of Thuraya
UAE-based satellite operator, Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat) has been steaming ahead with
the development of its new half a billion-dollar L-band satellite ecosystem. Built by Airbus with operation
anticipated for 2024, Thuraya 4-NGS is expected to enhance coverage, boost speeds, and transform
products and solutions. We caught up with Mr Sulaiman Al Ali, Thuraya’s CEO, to find out how
the company has been progressing with the development of its latest programme.

huraya, the mobile satellite ser- are in compliance with regulations and produced four CubeSats (miniature satel-
vices subsidiary of Yahsat, has restrictions. If they are not, an alert will be lites used in low Earth orbit) by students,
spent the last year meeting vari- sent to the authority and then to the fishing two of them funded by Yahsat. The first,
ous milestones in the develop- boat, enabling them to move as quickly as MYSat-1, was launched to the
ment of its electric propulsion satellite sys- possible and avoid penalties. This will also International Space Station (ISS) in 2018 to
tem, Thuraya 4-NGS, with plans to launch support the growth of marine life and pre- analyse communication with CubeSat,
in 2023 and enter service in 2024. Accom- vent accidental fishing in protected areas.” establish telemetry download and take pic-
modating three times the current number Furthermore, for seafarers onboard fish- tures of the UAE’s land area. The second,
of users under a hotspot area and deliver- ing vessels, which are often operating in DhabiSat was launched to ISS in 2021 to
ing data speeds above 1Mbps (one of the harsh conditions for extended periods of access the accuracy of Attitude
highest speeds in L-Band/MSS[1]), Thu- time, the additional connectivity onboard Determination and Control Subsystem
raya 4-NGS will significantly enhance con- will facilitate better access to data that can (ADCS) and take pictures to validate
nectivity at sea, provide greater opportu- be used for entertainment purposes or to the same. It was deployed to orbit in July
nities to optimise vessel performance, video call their families. this year.
increase safety of vessels at sea, and help
boost the wellbeing of the industry’s Flexible pricing Navigating the pandemic Mr Sulaiman Al Ali, CEO of Thuraya
seafarers. Thuraya is offering a flexible pricing model Despite the global pandemic, Thuraya has
Speaking with Digital Ship, Mr Sulaiman based on usage. “Many of the services seen kept on track with the development of 4-
Al Ali explained that the driving force in the market today are a one-size-fits-all NGS. Mr Al Ali attributes the company’s service life using efficient and easy-to-use
behind the new satellite innovation was approach. When we looked into the areas progress to its strong customer and service tools. For the flight dynamics system,
Thuraya’s desire to deliver more services that we are covering, we saw each country provider relationships. “When the lock- Yahsat will help improve performance and
and enhanced capabilities to the end user come up with different requirements and down came, we were really grateful for the increase the operational life of the Thuraya
to meet shifts in market demands, and pre- of course each customer also had different partnerships and good relationships we 4-NGS satellite, which will improve the
pare for them even before they arise. “One requirements. So based on this, we wanted had built. We could still communicate with company’s long-term capital expenditure
of the difficulties we were facing before to create a package that would be flexible everyone and push for a lot of sales efficiency.
were the limits on the number of users per for every user so it could meet their specif- because we had good, trusted relation- On September 8, 2021, SpaceX was cho-
satellite system. But with this new technol- ic needs,” Mr Al Ali told us. ships with our partners,” he explained. sen by Yahsat to launch Thuraya 4-NGS.
ogy the system will be capable of handling The flexible pricing structure allows Unsurprisingly, the transport of some According to Thuraya, SpaceX’s Falcon 9
more customers, avoiding congestion each customer’s requirements to be tai- equipment was a little challenging when was selected largely due to its high relia-
issues,” said Mr Al Ali. lored, ensuring they are not paying for the pandemic first hit but issues were bility and advanced capabilities.
The new ecosystem will be capable of more than they need. “We have seen pre- resolved quickly. One greater challenge Mr Thuraya has also been refurbishing its
handling greater traffic than there is capac- viously in the market that some customers Al Ali pointed to was the inability to deliv- ground segment portfolio and services. In
ity for today and is being designed with will come with requirements that are er in-person demonstrations. This loss of 2020, the company worked with Ericsson
the latest payload technology to ensure its above what they actually need. When we direct human interaction that would usual- for a core network modernisation and
flexibility and adaptability to support the started entering into these discussions ly be in abundance at exhibitions and helps upgrade to a 4G and 5G ready infrastruc-
surge in hotspot areas. Thanks to the with the customers, we were able to identi- cement relationships was something Mr Al ture. As a result, mobile-data users based
advanced technology available today, fy how and where they could lower their Ali admitted was a little limiting. That in remote areas where traffic is dense,
Thuraya 4-NGS will connect latest IoT costs by providing them with a model tai- said, he confirmed it has enabled will benefit from higher availability and
technologies, sensors and automation plat- lored to their needs.” Thuraya’s team to work even more closely reliability.
forms to support multiple technologies with their partners to deliver services to
and boost cybersecurity in parts of the Building & design customers on demand. Future plans
market that have not been captured before. The Thuraya 4-NGS programme has been In June 2021, Thuraya announced the In addition to the launch of Thuraya 4-
fully led by Emirati engineers as part of the confirmation of its Preliminary Design NGS, the company will continue to
Coverage Yahsat Space Programme, marking a sig- Review (PDR) for Thuraya 4-NGS. A PDR enhance its web-based tracking and moni-
Thuraya 4-NGS will incorporate a large 12- nificant growth of the space and satellite provides a comprehensive review, validat- toring service, SatTrack. The ultimate goal,
metre L-band antenna and a payload with sector in the UAE and showcasing the crit- ing Airbus’ design approach for both the according to Mr Al Ali, is to build an entire
onboard processing, providing advanced ical role played by Yahsat in the develop- physical and functional requirements of ecosystem around this service, further
routing flexibility of up to 3,200 channels ment of satellite technologies in the coun- the satellite system. It also marks an impor- optimising onboard operations through
with dynamic power allocation over a try. The development of the programme tant step towards the on-schedule comple- condition-based monitoring, reducing
number of spot beams. has involved close work with other UAE tion of the satellite and confirms its effec- OPEX and boosting communication
In addition to the Atlantic/Indian space entities including UAE Space tiveness for in-orbit operation. between onshore and offshore teams.
Oceans and Northern Europe, Thuraya 4- Agency, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space In addition to the PDR being a major The company’s 2019-launched maritime
NGS will have a wider coverage area Centre (MBRSC), the National Space milestone in the programme’s develop- voice solution with tracking and monitor-
including the entire African continent and Security Institute (NSSI), with the pro- ment, the achievement also demonstrates ing capabilities, MarineStar, will also bene-
the Cape of Good Hope. As one of the gramme having a strong commitment to Yahsat’s commitment towards transform- fit from some upgrades throughout 2022.
world’s busiest shipping routes, capturing producing future generations of Emirati ing Thuraya and building its next-genera- Mr Al Ali noted that due to demand from
this part of the world will be a major step space and satellite engineers and promot- tion system. fisheries, the company has experienced
forward for Thuraya in the telecommuni- ing Science, Technology, Engineering, and On September 2, 2021, Yahsat signed an bulk orders of MarineStar and will contin-
cations market. Mathematics (STEM) education. agreement with the Spanish hi-tech group, ue working with third-party system inte-
In particular, the coverage will prove In 2017, the Yahsat Space Programme GMV to supply the control centre and grators to add other tracking platforms to
vital for fisheries. Mr Al Ali explained, also founded the Yahsat Space Lab and flight dynamics system for Thuraya 4- Thuraya’s portfolio. DS
“The extra coverage will help governments today more than 30 UAE national interns NGS. The control system will provide safe
monitor fishing boats and ensure that they have been trained at the lab. The lab has and reliable control of the satellite over its 1] Mobile Satellite Services

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Cobham joins Thuraya 4-NGS satellite programme

www.cobhamsatcom.com US$5 billion and is projected to reach more ing, creating a platform for further innova- tions. The award of this contract to
www.thuraya.com than US$19 billion by 2027[1]. tion and development of features and Cobham SATCOM reflects its extensive
www.yahsat.com Cobham SATCOM’s solutions will also applications across a wide range of sectors. 30-year experience as the global leader in
increase connection speeds, enabling inte- Critically, it further strengthens Yahsat’s L-band ground infrastructure, and further
Al Yah Satellite Communications Company grated end-to-end customer solutions, and position as an industry leader and lays a cements their leadership in L-band.
(Yahsat) has selected Cobham SATCOM to expand Thuraya’s ecosystem to provide solid foundation to support future growth. Thuraya 4-NGS is planned for launch in
deliver a comprehensive mobile broad- superior and pioneering features in the “We are excited to announce our part- the second half of 2023, with operations
band system, including ground infrastruc- mobile satellite communications sector. nership with Cobham SATCOM, a well- commencing in 2024.
ture and products, to operate as part of the The partnership will enhance Yahsat’s established and experienced industry play-
Thuraya 4-NGS satellite system. services to several key customer segments er. This partnership is representative of 1] Applied Market Research, ‘Satellite Data
Cobham SATCOM’s expertise and in land, maritime and aeronautical, includ- Yahsat's commitment to build on our strong Services Market’ – 2021
capabilities are expected to enhance ing military, government and enterprise. mobile satellite solutions legacy by expand-
Yahsat’s Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) This partnership agreement is transfor- ing our reach and delivering advanced tech-
advanced broadband data services,
enabling the Thuraya 4-NGS ground net-
mative for the group, its customers and
business partners. It will enable the provi-
nological solutions to our clients. I am con-
fident that this agreement will further
Telesat and NSSLGlobal
work with 4G and 5G capabilities and fea- sion of best-in-class solutions, delivery of strengthen our position as an innovative collaborate on Telesat
tures. Yahsat seeks to increase its share in mobile satellite connectivity at the highest market leader and enable us to capture
the global satellite data services, market speeds in the market and broaden Yahsat future growth,” said Ali Al Hashemi, group Lightspeed LEO network
which is currently valued at more than and Thuraya’s product and service offer- chief executive officer at Yahsat.
Leif Ottosson, CEO at Cobham SAT- www.nsslglobal.com
COM, said: “Today is monumental for www.telesat.com
Cobham SATCOM. It marks a new and
innovative partnership with Yahsat, rein- NSSLGlobal and Telesat have signed a
forces our position as a leading MSS infra- long-term strategic co-operation agree-
structure and terminal provider and will be ment to collaborate on the commercial and
critical to evolving satellite communica- technical aspects of Telesat’s new Low
tions. We were selected by Yahsat because Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation, Telesat
they believe in our relationship and trust Lightspeed.
our solutions. We look forward to a fruitful Telesat Lightspeed will initially consist
partnership with Yahsat and Thuraya for of a global mesh network of 298 state-of
years to come, initially building the the-art LEO satellites that are seamlessly
Thuraya 4-NGS ground infrastructure and integrated with on-ground data networks.
terminals to deliver the highest connectivity Telesat Lightspeed will be an advanced
speeds globally.” LEO network, optimised to serve the con-
The contract with Cobham SATCOM nectivity requirements of enterprise, gov-
will specifically drive a range of commer- ernment and mobility customers.
cial and government focused terminals for The agreement will include the integra-
Leif Ottosson, CEO, Cobham SATCOM (left) and Ali Al Hashemi, Group CEO
land, maritime and aeronautical applica- tion of Telesat Lightspeed services into
NSSLGlobal’s value-added network, pro-
viding an expanded service portfolio that
delivers increased performance, flexibility
Navarino upgrades Spectrum to simplify IT network management and resiliency for customers. NSSLGlobal
will provide a European end-user testing
www.navarino.co.uk equipment, software catalogue and net- download files and when, meaning they and trials facility for Telesat Lightspeed
work topology and includes equipment can schedule downloads using only the services at its UK Headquarters. From this
Navarino has introduced several new key that is connected to both the vessels’ IT most cost-effective bandwidth option and facility, NSSLGlobal will support Telesat
features to its software suite, Spectrum, to network as well as OT assets. ensure downloads do not occur during with service testing, performance valida-
help maritime IT managers simplify the This information is then available to busy times onboard to avoid disruption. tion and customer onboarding to the
way they work. download and print in a complete report Navarino’s product manager, Nikolas Telesat Lightspeed network, and conduct
Spectrum offers IT managers a cen- that helps vessels comply with the inven- Papanikolaou, said: “As with all Navarino field testing of user terminals from a range
tralised platform for remote monitoring, tory reports needed for the new IMO 2021 technology services, Spectrum is constant- of providers.
maintenance and management of the cyber risk requirements and which cap- ly updated based on feedback from its NSSLGlobal intends to market Telesat
entire IT and connectivity infrastructure tain’s can easily print out to provide users. Easily deployed to any Infinity Lightspeed services into the European
onboard. This includes network devices, he most updated documentation for units, Spectrum is here to help our cus- Defence and Maritime markets.
satellite terminals, operating systems, inspectors. tomers work smarter and we welcome any Sally-Anne Ray, Group CEO
applications and security measures. Customisable network usage ideas for additional functionalities that NSSLGlobal said: “We have been working
Update manager Spectrum allows IT managers to choose they may have to help them achieve a bet- in close co-operation with Telesat for
Spectrum allows maritime IT managers to which connectivity network to use to ter way of working.” many years and on Telesat Lightspeed
download updates and patches that are since 2019, including live demonstrations
automatically deployed to all computers for key customers, and we are delighted to
onboard, rather than having to individual- formally expand our partnership. Telesat
ly download them to each piece of IT Lightspeed will be a game-changer for our
infrastructure. long-standing customers who demand the
Furthermore, updates and patches are most reliable, cutting-edge technologies
downloaded only once and then deployed on the market. It is the only LEO satellite
across the vessel, rather than having to be constellation offering that has been specif-
downloaded multiple times by each ically designed first and foremost for
onboard computer, resulting in a highly mobility customers on land, sea and air.
efficient solution that saves both time and As cloud-based services become ever
bandwidth. more prevalent within our customers’ net-
Risk management reporting tools works, it is vital that we are able to sup-
Spectrum's Risk Management Reporting port these latency-sensitive applications
Tool is based around the Bureau Veritas whilst continuing to guarantee our gov-
NR659 rules on Cyber Security for ernment and maritime customers the
Maritime Units. It automatically populates highest levels of security, support and the
Spectrum offers IT managers a centralised platform for remote monitoring, maintenance
all the onboard network-enabled equip- value-added services that they have come
and management of the entire IT and connectivity infrastructure onboard
ment to provide a complete picture of the to expect from NSSLGlobal.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 26

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Reliable connectivity
where it matterZ most

The future of maritime

Manage your connectivity and applications on board comm n\Uication will need:

Overcome your challenges with global satellite connectivity

Seamless global coverage
The maritime industry is on the threshold of rapid technological change. Shipping companies need Always-on broadband service
to incorporate new digital solutions to remain competitive and shipping fleet operators need to High reliability and availability
automate and digitise onboard processes to ensure optimum performance, efficiency and reliability. Guaranteed service level
Enhanced satellite coverage with Orange Business Services and SES Scalability to support future
data growth including voice,
Orange Business Services has partnered with SES Networks, the world's only multi-orbit satellite video and telemedicine
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The Orange Business Services and SES Network’s partnership offers:

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■ Worldwide coverage via multiple geostationary satellites and gateways connected
by a global terrestrial network Find out more about how we
■ Over 70 satellites in two different orbits can help you to modernize your
maritime network and deliver
This higher bandwidth enables: seamless, cost-effective global
connectivity for your fleet.
■ New applications: Including Office 360, AWS, Oracle, Salesforce, cloud apps, video on demand
■ Real-time business: Work environment, services for end users, business processes and apps, Contact our sales team
machine-to-machine communications, customer relationship management software and more on our website
■ Internet as a convergence enabler: Application services, infrastructure optimization, multimedia

■ Integrated business applications: Including IT integration, real-time access, remote intervention,

crew entertainment and safety
■ Airtime: VoIP, email, crew calling and SMS, internet access

Orange Restricted
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Mackay Marine chosen as Iridium GMDSS service provider partner

www.iridium.com manufacturer of an IMO-certified Iridium Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime improvements to its predecessor system.
www.mackaycomm.com GMDSS terminal, the LT-3100S. Safety Committee (MSC). The Lars Thrane LT-3100S capabilities
Iridium’s implementation and acceler- This ground-breaking safety-at-sea continue to evolve. An external interface
Marine electronics and satellite communi- ated activations of its GMDSS systems solution is the first IMO-approved alterna- module is now available to support addi-
cations provider Mackay Marine has have been full speed ahead since officially tive system to Inmarsat-C since GMDSS tional features that will soon be available,
joined Iridium’s Global Maritime Distress launching its global service in December became operational in 1999. Iridium’s including the IMO / ISPS regulatory require-
and Safety System (GMDSS) as a service 2020. This was preceded by 13,000+ service GMDSS network architecture, coupled ments for SSAS (09/21) and LRIT (12/21).
provider. tests and LT3100S onboard assurances, and with Lars Thrane’s terminal features, pro- “Mackay is delighted to be selected as
Mackay is a global partner with Lars the 2018 official recognition of Iridium’s vide safety and connectivity enhancements an Iridium GMDSS global service provider
Thrane, the first and currently the only GMDSS service by the International for mariners, offering coverage, capability, to promote this innovative GMDSS system
and cost benefits, including: broadly to global resellers, integration
• Primary advantages of Iridium’s partners and Mackay’s diverse customer
GMDSS Service are its unique truly base, served from our 50+ global loca-
global coverage; a Safety & Distress tions,” stated Matt Krupinski, Mackay’s
priority button that initiates a voice call director of satellite services. “The
direct to an RCC, triggering relayed enhanced features of Iridium’s GMDSS
alerts; automatic storage of Maritime package are a welcome compliment to
Safety Information (MSI), and pre-con- Mackay’s current broad line of electronics
figured voice access to medical services and marine service portfolio.”
• The robust LT-3100S GMDSS terminal “The unique combination of Iridium
is a compact, integrated satcom termi- GMDSS service and Lars Thrane’s terminal
nal with a high performance GNSS/ not only offer the security of a long-await-
GPS receiver, providing voice, data ed enhanced emergency system, but reli-
and tracking services; all connected to able communication alternatives to a wide
its low-profile antenna by a single coax range of mariners; appealing beyond
cable, up to 500m long. Certified SOLAS-required vessels to include coastal,
installers, such as Mackay, will ensure workboat, commercial fishing, charter
required integration and warranty yachts and leisure craft,” commented Kai
Mackay Marine has joined Iridium’s Global Maritime Distress protection Madsen, Mackay Communications, marine
and Safety System (GMDSS) as a service provider Collectively, these feature-sets are significant satellite sales manager.

Spire Global to acquire exactEarth Döhle partners with Navarino to

print,” said Peter Mabson, exactEarth CEO.
The acquisition aims to:
upgrade connectivity on 100+ vessels
• Increase Spire’s customer base by over 75
Spire Global has announced the acquisi- per cent. In the maritime S-AIS (Satellite- www.doehle.de model. More than 90 vessels have been
tion of exactEarth for approximately Automatic Identification System) indus- www.navarino.co.uk installed.
US$161.2 million. try, exactEarth will accelerate Spire’s Benjamin Weltz, head of fleet IT at
The total transaction is comprised of expansion by adding over 150 customers. Shipowner and manager Döhle Group has Döhle Group said: “Inmarsat’s FX and
approximately US$103.4m in cash and These customers in the commercial and partnered with Navarino in a major tech- Navarino’s Infinity were proven success-
US$57.8m in Spire’s Class A Common government sectors will provide sub- nology and connectivity project that will ful during sea trials. We decided to
Stock. Once completed, exactEarth will stantial cross-selling opportunities of see Inmarsat Fleet Xpress (FX) and Infinity migrate our fleet because we needed a
become a fully owned subsidiary of Spire Spire’s data and analytics products rolled out on more than 100 vessels. reliable and fast connectivity solution in
and continue to operate from Cambridge, • Minority indirect ownership stake in IoT The company has selected Navarino to order to meet the increased bandwidth
Ontario, Canada under the leadership of provider Myriota, a fast-growing player combine the high-speed connectivity of FX demand, while at the same time allowing
exactEarth’s CEO Peter Mabson, reporting in the low-cost, low-power, secure direct- with the advanced digitalisation tools of us to control our costs. Furthermore, the
directly to Spire CEO Peter Platzer. to-orbit satellite connectivity for Internet Infinity across several of its managed fleets solution helps us to provide a higher level
The combined company aims to be of Things. This affords Spire a solid first in order to provide them with a major tech- of crew connectivity, allowing them to
transformative for customers and the mar- foothold in this high-growth industry of nology upgrade. Intellian is the chosen stay in touch with family and friends as if
itime industry. Bringing together real-time space-based IoT solutions. exactEarth antenna manufacturer with the NX series they were ashore.”
and historical space-based maritime data, will retain its board seat
Spire and exactEarth will provide cus- • Strong addition to ARR. With approxi-
tomers with innovative solutions that drive mately 90 per cent of exactEarth’s USD
the digitalisation of the almost US$2 trillion 18.2 million LTM revenue under sub-
global maritime industry, such as better scription contracts, and a Net Retention
fleet visibility for more efficient routing, Rate of approximately 130 per cent,
cost savings from reduced fuel consump- exactEarth will accelerate Spire’s
tion, and a lower environmental footprint. growth in annual recurring revenue (ARR)
“Peter and I share a vision about the • Expands Historical Database to acceler-
opportunity for space-based maritime data ate AI/ML driven product development.
and the digitalisation of the global mar- exactEarth’s 10-year archive of AIS data
itime industry, and I look forward to pur- will substantially increase Spire’s histori-
suing that vision together,” said Peter cal maritime (AIS) data set, accelerating
Platzer, Spire’s CEO. “I have great respect Spire’s new product offerings and solutions
for the highly experienced team at • Adds depth of experience to maritime
exactEarth and am excited to continue and product development teams. With
driving this digital transformation togeth- an average tenure of over 7 years,
er, serving more customers with a more exactEarth’s experienced sales and
robust data and solutions platform.” product development team will enhance
“We look forward to joining forces with Spire’s global market capability and
the Spire team to not only have an impact on reach in the maritime industry
the maritime industry, but also to have an • Expands Spire’s geographic footprint.
impact on the planet, through offering cus- exactEarth sells to 39 countries around
tomers enhanced data solutions that are the world
designed to impact not only a company’s This acquisition is expected to close in the Döhle Group has partnered with Navarino in a major technology and connectivity project
bottom line, but also its environmental foot- fourth quarter of 2021 or first quarter of 2022.

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Digital Ship
Briese Schiffahrt commits more vessels to KVH AgilePlans
www.briese.de “KVH AgilePlans provides full cover- nectivity in order to get and keep good
www.kvh.com age of all fees in one price, and we have crew members. Our plan is to equip every
found working with KVH to be seamless.” vessel that is sailing on waters more than
German ship manager Briese Schiffahrt The arrangement was facilitated by 50 miles from the coast with VSAT,” con-
has expanded its relationship with KVH Heiko Höfer, managing director of Dualog tinued Börchers.
Industries as it continues to roll out its sub- Nordic, KVH’s airtime service provider in Nearly all of the 38 KVH-equipped
scription-based Connectivity as a Service Germany. Briese Schiffahrt vessels use the TracPhone
(CaaS) programme, AgilePlans. “Our success here is owing to the close- V7-HTS, a 60 cm diameter satellite com-
Over the last two years, Briese knit relationships of trust, support, and munications antenna system designed to
Schiffahrt has rapidly grown its installed dependability that have been forged in the provide data speeds up to 10 Mbps
base from five to 38 vessels and has plans local market over many years,” said down/3 Mbps up. Two vessels use the
to continue the growth further. Thomas Plüschau, KVH regional sales TracPhone V3-HTS, a 39 cm diameter sys-
According to the German ship manager, manager for Germany. “These strong and tem featuring data speeds up to 6 Mbps
the flexibility of KVH’s no-commitment positive working relationships, combined down/2 Mbps up, and one vessel uses the
AgilePlans programme and the reliability with the power of AgilePlans, enables us to TracPhone V11-HTS, a 1-meter diameter
of the global VSAT services in supporting help drive change, modernisation, and system featuring data speeds up to 20
critical operational usage and crew com- business in critical shipping hubs.” Mbps down/3 Mbps up.
munications were reasons for selecting Briese Schiffahrt manages a fleet of pro- “Briese will build a number of new ves-
KVH. ject cargo vessels, bulk carriers, and con- sels during the next years and all of them Nearly all of the 38 KVH-equipped
“For us, it is very important to work tainerships, and performs crew manage- will be equipped with a KVH V11-HTS. Briese Schiffahrt vessels use
with a company that is able to provide the ment for more than 2,000 seafarers. The very first of this new generation KVH’s TracPhone V7-HTS
ease and flexibility of paying monthly “Every morning, our crew program is is planned to be delivered in mid-
without any commitment worries,” said synchronised and when a seafarer steps on November.” world, an important aspect of crew wel-
Holger Börchers, IT manager for Briese a KVH-equipped vessel, it automatically The AgilePlans program also includes fare. The NEWSlink service includes more
Schiffahrt. “It shows that KVH under- recognises the crew member and provides the NEWSlink service, which enables sea- than 65 national seafarer news dailies in
stands the commercial maritime market the appropriate Internet access,” he said. farers on the Briese Schiffahrt vessels to more than 20 languages, plus monthly spe-
and the fact that fleet sizes change. “We know that we need to offer good con- access daily news content from around the cial interest editions.

Hapag-Lloyd renews and expands FrontM and Marshal Systems partner

Inmarsat Fleet Xpress commitment to expand digital services
www.hapag-lloyd.com www.frontm.com dom to create highly differentiated digital
www.inmarsat.com www.marshal-systems.com experiences.
The collaboration will also help to
Inmarsat has expanded its agreement to Software firm FrontM has partnered with reduce operating costs by retiring unreli-
deliver maritime broadband to Hapag- systems integrator Marshal Systems to pro- able legacy systems and bandwidth intense
Lloyd, after the transport group renewed its vide marine businesses in Southeast Asia terrestrial video conferencing services.
Fleet Xpress contract for a further five years with access to the companies’ communica- Marshal’s recently developed product,
and committed 33 more ships to the very tion tools and digital platform services. “iM Kiosk” will be integrated into the
small aperture terminal (VSAT) service. The collaboration will bring together a FrontM marketplace, providing a web-
Under the extended agreement, which satellite optimised digital platform with based centralised monitoring system with
now covers 77 ships, the Fleet Xpress communication and offline workflow bio-metric authentication to address vari-
hybrid of Ka-band and continuous L-band automation tools to provide marine and ous use cases such as remote monitoring.
back-up service replaces Ku-band systems offshore businesses with better communi- "We are excited to enter into this part-
onboard ships merged into the Hapag- cation and connectivity capabilities. nership with Marshal systems. Our com-
Lloyd fleet following the earlier acquisi- Hapag Lloyd’s Hamburg Express The partnership will deliver person- bined capabilities will help marine and oil
tion of United Arab Shipping Company alised micro app workflow experiences and gas clients rapidly transform their
(UASC) in May 2017. Scheduled Fleet most advanced owners for IT, ship-shore between channels (Web, iOS, and operations with digital communication
Xpress installations enable seamless ser- connectivity and digitalisation,” said Android) via a single, cost-effective scal- and automation solutions. Working with
vice migration based on the end of the out- Ronald Spithout, president, Inmarsat able platform. Customers will be provided Marshal, we look forward to rolling out a
going supplier’s contract. Maritime. “Standardisation and integration with real-time insights and marketplace suit of FrontM marketplace apps and bring
“The further standardisation of our are pivotal enablers for corporates. This deployment of solutions to keep abreast of the flexibility of FrontM's API to adapt to
vessel communication systems is central to agreement and its expansion to 33 addi- industry demand. new market trends and needs" said Kiran
our Maritime IT strategy,” said Florian tional ships clearly demonstrate Hapag- In addition, scalable architecture will Venkatesh, FrontM’s CEO.
Liebetrau, director IT - marine & maritime Lloyd’s objectives are being met by the reli- provide maritime businesses with the free- “Singapore plays a key role on the glob-
operations, Hapag-Lloyd. “The outstand- ability, performance, and service support al stage as a leading maritime hub and is
ing reliability and robustness of Inmarsat’s provided by Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress.” well placed to serve the varied interests of
Fleet Xpress as a product played a key role The new agreement includes the flexi- international shipping. Based in
in our decision to expand our commitment. bility for Fleet Xpress-connected ships that Singapore, Marshal has a track record that
Hapag-Lloyd has a mature strategy for its are managed out of house and linked to spans over more than two decades serving
vessel connectivity and management Hapag-Lloyd operations to be brought global oil and gas and marine customers
which demands systems-wide predictabili- under the same contract terms without on large-scale international projects.
ty, reliability, and integration to sustain our renegotiation. Marshal is excited to partner with FrontM
global vision for container transport.” Offering an insight into the major devel- to equip offshore oil & gas operating assets
Hapag Lloyd was one of the first major opments in shipping’s digital journey in and the shipping community with opti-
global shipping companies to commit to recent years, Spithout said, “The average mised satellite communication tools for
Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress following service committed information rates of data ship to shore communication together
launch in 2016, transitioning all of its in- acceptable to deep-sea container lines with advanced digital innovation and
house managed ships to Inmarsat’s mar- today are roughly double the maximum business agility. We are confident that this
itime broadband service for vessel opera- information rates they expected in 2016. partnership will bring significant cost
tions and crew connectivity. The five-year On average, a container ship’s monthly advantage and superior performance to
contract envisaged expanding data traffic data traffic in 2021 is around three and a our customers as we introduce them to the
and scalability to handle fleet growth. half times the level experienced five years FrontM digital platform,” said Ng Yeau
“We are delighted to renew and expand ago. Inmarsat is meeting this rapid growth Chong managing director of Marshal
Kiran Venkatesh, FrontM CEO
the work we do with one of shipping’s in demand for connectivity at sea.” Systems, Singapore.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 29

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BunkerMetric and Veson collaborate

to optimise bunker procurement
BunkerMetric has teamed up with Veson Nautical to optimise bunker procurement
by providing mutual customers with data-driven insights for bunkering decision-making.

he Scandinavian software com- quantity, ideal ports, dates, and type of tal impact of bunkering decisions so that BunkerMetric, said: “We are very pleased
pany BunkerMetric has joined fuel to lift at each location. organisations can stay up to date with to collaborate with Veson as a Platform
the Veson Partner Network as Direct and secure integration between reporting requirements that evolving regu- Partner. BunkerPlanner and VIP can
an official platform partner. BunkerPlanner and VIP saves teams time lations require. An embedded Carbon together streamline workflows and uncov-
This partnership will see BunkerMetric’s spent coordinating voyage decisions Intensity Indicator (CII) calculator within er impactful new efficiencies and cost sav-
bunker procurement optimisation tool, between chartering, operations, and BunkerPlanner helps operators under- ings for mutual clients.
BunkerPlanner, integrated with the Veson Our use cases indicate that by optimis-
IMOS Platform (VIP), to empower mutual ing the fuel procurement process, the
clients with the data-driven insights and potential operational savings for an organ-
connectivity they need to optimise their isation can reach tens of thousands of dol-
bunkering decisions. lars per voyage.”
The turnkey integration will help With the ability to integrate commercial
streamline and improve the complex, often voyage plans in VIP with optimal bunker-
fragmented workflows involved with ing plans generated by BunkerPlanner,
bunker procurement planning, enabling clients can gain greater control over the
more optimal bunker decisions that save proactive management of the largest cost
time, money, and resources. component of every voyage: bunkers.
Customers of the integrated platform Graham Piasecki, director of commer-
will be provided with relevant voyage cial strategy, Veson Nautical, said: “In an
itinerary and activity reporting data from increasingly competitive market land-
VIP, which can be imported directly into scape, organisations need advanced plan-
BunkerPlanner where it is analysed within ning optimisation tools that integrate
the context of a voyage’s commercial, reg- bunker-related information from within
ulatory, and operational obligations to BunkerMetric’s bunker procurement optimisation platform helps shipping firms the company commercially operating the
to make better data-driven decisions around bunkering
help improve voyage yields through vessel as well as with external data
bunker optimisation. BunkerPlanner does sources. By working together with
this by combining data such as charterpar- bunker procurement, helping teams work stand consumption effects to not only BunkerMetric on bunker optimisation, we
ty agreements, vessel specifics, positions, together more efficiently and prevent cost- increase voyage profitability, but also cut can put powerful tools into the hands of
routes, ETA, tank capacity, bunker prices, ly errors and misunderstandings. down on emissions and improve the fleet’s our clients that provide new transparency
port details, and sailing distances to make The integration will also provide performance. and insights into such a significantly
recommendations for the optimal fuel greater transparency into the environmen- Kris Kosmala, chief commercial officer, strategic component of every voyage.” DS

P&O launches wearable fatigue management technology

www.pomaritime.com has previously been used in the mining alert system, notifying the wearer to take feel too tired.
and trucking industries to eliminate safety action to prevent a safety incident. SmartCap also assists P&O Maritime
P&O Maritime Logistics has begun Phase 1 incidents due to fatigue. SmartCap works independently but has Logistics in eliminating fatigue-related inci-
of its implementation of wearable technol- P&O Maritime is testing the effective- been designed to complement existing dents through escalated intervention alarms
ogy that proactively prevents microsleeps ness of this technology to bring leading- safety technologies and protocols common that are customised to local fatigue manage-
and supports workers in managing their edge safety to its operations and customers. throughout heavy industry. ment policies. The technology can be adapt-
fatigue. The wearable technology actively moni- According to P&O, companies that have ed to various vessel operating requirements,
SmartCap from Wenco International tors real-time fatigue levels of employees, used SmartCap as part of their safety pro- including crew work hours and rotations.
Mining Systems, a wholly owned sub- sensing when a worker has reduced ability tocols have reported a significant decline in “I’m incredibly proud that P&O
sidiary of Hitachi Construction Machinery, to resist sleep. The system then activates an the number of fatigue-related incidents. Maritime Logistics is leading our industry
After the conclusion of the initial 90-day by piloting this innovative safety technolo-
phase, which began on July 27 with a gy. We’re always looking for ways that we
group of employees at the Jebel Ali port in can boost the safety of our crews and
Dubai, P&O Maritime Logistics will assess empower them to ensure that safety is
the success of the system and how to inte- always front of mind,” said Martin
grate it across its entire network. Helweg, CEO of P&O Maritime Logistics.
A key element of SmartCap technology “As P&O Maritime Logistics is a tech-
is that it puts wearers in charge of manag- driven business, the SmartCap system is an
ing their fatigue by sending them private exciting way we can look to introduce
early warning alerts. By keeping the alert innovative solutions that help in our efforts
private to wearers rather than triggering a to continuously boost our high safety stan-
central alert, SmartCap empowers workers dards. With technology such as SmartCap,
to act on their fatigue pre-emptively with a it also gives us a high-level view of our
proven scoring system that pinpoints safety programme and will help us track
propensity to resist sleep. fatigue across our crews.
At P&O Maritime Logistics, SmartCap “I look forward to seeing the results of
is intended to complement existing safety the pilot and to working closely with
and fatigue management systems and pro- Wenco International Mining Systems on
P&O launches wearable fatigue management technology tocols. Crew always have the right and understanding how this tech can become
responsibility to stop working if they ever integrated into our safety systems.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 30

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DTN and OrbitMI partner up Ocean Technologies Group adds crew

to enrich weather data management SaaS to portfolio
www.dtn.com These alerts could include recommenda- www.oceantg.com
www.orbitmi.com tions to reroute vessels to avoid these
conditions. Ocean Technologies Group (OTG) has
Data, analytics and technology company “Nearly every maritime decision has a incorporated its crew management soft-
DTN has partnered with OrbitMI to pro- dependency on the weather, from safety ware-as-a-service (SaaS) tool, Compas,
vide weather data via Orbit, the compa- and routing to fuel usage and vessel effi- into its suite of services, introducing a
ny’s software-as-as-service (SaaS) product. ciency. Integrating our enriched weather third pillar alongside its learning and fleet
Orbit aggregates and integrates data data into the Orbit workflow means that management solutions.
from vessels and existing shore-based sys- all teams, from the office to the ocean, The addition of the Crew Management
tems, amplifies it using machine learning have a single source of truth,” explained SaaS platform to OTG’s portfolio demon-
and activates it through dashboards, alerts DTN vice president of weather operations strates a big step in furthering its agenda to
and actionable insights delivered in real- Renny Vandewege. “It removes the need bring knowledge and enablement tools to
time via desktop, tablet and smartphone. to switch between single-purpose systems empower the human element in shipping.
In the integration with DTN, Orbit ingests and apps and provides richer, more com- The addition also reflects the increasing
data from DTN marine weather, integrates prehensive insights.” importance of effective management of
it with other feeds from the customer’s DTN weather intelligence is backed by human resource management to world
technology stack to reveal hidden insights a proprietary marine forecasting engine trade. Manish Singh, CEO of OTG
about weather, routes, speed, consump- which includes more than 500 weather OTG currently serves over a million sea-
tion, TCE, vessel schedules and more. parameters. It is a flexible configuration farers, connecting them with maritime pro- programme backing Cornel and the
For example, Orbit currently alerts with full spectral wave data from any loca- fessionals ashore and providing support Compas team to add implementation and
operators when vessels deviate from con- tion worldwide. The high-resolution data both in their work and career development. development capacity and bring transfor-
tracted speeds, bunker consumption as is fully supported by master mariners and The ongoing COVID crisis has intro- mative solutions to our customers.”
well as changes to ETA, which could sig- meteorologists. duced significant disruptions to seafarers Compas CEO Cornel Ciocan comment-
nal that a vessel may arrive too late to its “The real-time weather analytics from and their shore-based colleagues in rou- ed: “We have enjoyed fruitful partnerships
scheduled port. With the DTN integration, DTN will allow OrbitMI to offer its cus- tine operations including crew changes, with OTG’s brands over the years and
Orbit can deliver augmented alerts which tomers even deeper insights that empower crew training, procurement, maintenance now as fellow OTG companies with even
include weather and route-related infor- them to make confident decisions about etc. With fewer personnel at sea and closer alignment of our platforms, we will
mation such as: ‘Your vessel is not cur- crew and cargo safety, vessel management ashore and qualified crew harder to find, be able to offer best-of-breed specialisation
rently sailing the optimal route. Adverse and reducing CO2 emissions,” noted Ali the importance of retaining talent and sup- with “out of the box” interoperability,
weather developing is expected to delay Riaz, CEO of OrbitMI. “This partnership porting seafarers in their work has never bringing significant efficiencies and new
the ETA by 14 hours and consume an continues to help our customers seamless- been more important. Ship managers are possibilities to our customers.”
additional 14.1 MT, when compared ly move through the digital transforma- increasingly turning to SaaS that they can Rune Lyngaas CEO of Tero Marine, the
against the weather optimised route.’ tion of the maritime industry.” integrate across their fleet to enable com- division that powers OTG fleet manage-
pliant and efficient performance from their ment solutions via its TM Master software
workforce and the vessels they manage. platform, explained: “We see trends in the
Manish Singh, CEO of OTG said: “Our market that more and more customers
group companies have a combined track want to buy fully integrated systems that
record of over a hundred years in pro- include a full HR solution for Crew
actively delivering solutions for the most Management. We regard Compas as the
pressing challenges facing seafarers and best-in-class crew management solution
ship managers. The current operating and in joining forces we are now able to
environment demands unified solutions to co-develop solutions that will bring an
manage complex operations with efficient unparalleled value proposition for ship
labour-saving workflows and improved managers and seafarers with workflows
data portability. across learning management, fleet man-
“In our dialogue with blue-chip cus- agement and crew management. Almost
tomers, we see a strong desire for joined every one of Compas’ customers already
up, turn-key solutions that enable insights relies on OTG for learning and in many
across personnel and vessel performance cases our TM master solutions. We know
and the monitoring and measurement of that bringing our companies together will
KPIs in a single place. With our new com- be highly appreciated by our joint cus-
bined offering we have a great opportuni- tomers and our aim is to offer combined
ty to make this dream a reality.” SaaS enablement to more of our customers
Orbit’s SaaS product aggregates and integrates
data from vessels and existing shore-based systems “We have a comprehensive investment going forward.”

ioCurrents sets up EMEA division

www.iocurrents.com intelligence (AI) and machine learning to where demand for ever increasing report- with vessel owners. Fuel emission reduction
analyse data from different sensors around ing accuracy, especially regarding fuel con- and parts failure predictions saves both
ioCurrents’ edge computing platform a vessel to provide clear and concise sumption, has been paramount. time and money by reducing the amount of
MarineInsight has experienced a surge in actionable results. “Since joining ioCurrents I’ve not had a vessel off-hires, leading to greater opera-
demand in recent months as the shipping The new division will be headed up by minute to spare. The new decarbonisation tional efficiencies,” he continued.
sector steps up to meet decarbonisation EMEA sales manager Toby Harris. Toby regulations coming into force means that “We’re so pleased to have Toby on board
goals. To meet growing demand, a new has a wealth of experience in ship broker- charterers are under pressure to reduce and I’d like to welcome him to the compa-
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) ing and chartering having worked for fuel emissions by up to 80 per cent, so hav- ny. His wealth of experience in the charter-
division has been established. Tokyo Marine (Europe) and the Kennedy ing accurate dashboards that can produce ing and brokering sectors will be a great
ioCurrents is designed to provide Marr Group. Most recently he was sales reports in real-time is an absolute must,” asset as we expand into Europe. He can
shipowners and charterers with meaning- manager at Ericom Software where he spe- Harris noted. demonstrate how ioCurrents can provide
ful insights into vessel fuel consumption, cialised in advising clients about cyberse- “ioCurrents has the right capabilities to the answers for these markets to enable
parts failure predictions and condition- curity threats. help provide the most up to date informa- them to function more efficiently and com-
based maintenance planning. The compa- Based in London, Toby has been focused tion so charterers can view the results and ply with all necessary maritime regula-
ny’s proprietary platform uses artificial on winning business in the offshore sector make instant improvements in consultation tions,” said Jesse Brink, ioCurrents CEO.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 32

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Digital Ship
SOL-X introduces SmartWatch for seafarers
www.sol-x.co compliance with corporate HSE policies steps to mitigate potential heat induced their SmartWatch, every crew member
and measure effectiveness. Crew activity injuries. now has live access to information about
SOL-X has introduced a new certified data is aggregated (and anonymised) and Heart rate and fitness monitoring: their working environment, helping them
SmartWatch to improve safety and crew can be used to baseline and then compared SOL-X SmartWatch empowers crew with to manage potential exposure risks. When
wellbeing onboard ships and enhance across vessels for the purpose of HSE pro- real-time wellbeing information, which approaching hazardous zones, crew will
health intelligence. gram design or reviews. they can use to manage their broader receive GeoFence alerts, warning them of
Seafarers face multiple risks to their Heat stress management: Vessel envi- health and fatigue levels. Based on indus- hazardous work being performed.
health and wellbeing, which can affect ronment may expose crew to high heat try health standards, if their heart rate Similarly, when they are working in a high
safety, performance, and livelihoods. working conditions, resulting in heat measurements are detected as being high, heat environment for extended periods,
According to the European Maritime stress. Heat stress can lead to impaired proactive alerts will notify workers to they will be proactively alerted to hydrate
Safety Agency (EMSA) 2019 annual and take preventive actions.
overview of maritime casualties and inci- Crew assist and location tracking (in
dents study, 66 per cent of incidents are lone work situations): When crew encoun-
caused by human factors, with crew ters difficulties, they can use their
fatigue and lack of situational awareness SmartWatch to request remote assistance.
being major contributing causes. SAFEVUE.ai will automatically include
SOL-X’s new tool provides connected their current location and job context to
wellbeing programs, real time visibility accelerate response times. This informa-
to front line crew operations, and tion is particularly important in lone work-
enhances crew situational awareness ves- er situations when it can be difficult to
sel wide. The SOL-X SmartWatch is ATEX locate crew.
Zone 1 Certified for use in hazardous The SmartWatches have been equipped
environments. with custom designed hardware to with-
The SmartWatch is integrated with stand harsh industrial work zones - its
SOL-X’s SAFEVUE.ai platform, a industrial grade 1.78” touch screen,
behavioural based safety 4.0 system, cen- IP67Waterproof rating and extended bat-
tered around human factors. tery life, enable crew to remain connected
Key features of SmartWatch include: across the vessel. With its combination of
Pro-active workload management: personal and environmental sensors, the
Working hours act as an important data SmartWatch delivers the real time stream
point in managing crew fatigue, however it of wellness information that help manage
can be difficult for crew and supervisors to their wellbeing and fatigue.
keep track of these accurately with current SmartWatch is integrated with SOL-X’s SAFEVUE.ai platform, a behavioural based safety “The SOL-X SmartWatch was devel-
systems. The Workload Management fea- 4.0 system, centered around human factors oped with seafarers in mind. Our team of
ture enables crew to track their Work Rest maritime and safety experts saw a clear
hours conveniently and accurately from judgements, health injuries and is a con- hydrate and rest as needed; and if feeling need to use technology to operationalise
their wrist. More importantly, this data is tributing factor to crew fatigue. SOL-X unwell, the crew is advised further to seek behaviour-based health and safety princi-
aggregated for supervisors on the SAFE- SmartWatch records temperature and proper medical advice. There is also a fit- ples at scale,” said Nigel Koh, chief execu-
VUE.ai vessel dashboard, along with humidity of the individual’s surrounding ness tracker feature in the SmartWatch to tive officer of SOL-X. “Seafarers are now
proactive alerts when crew need to rest area and these measurements are mapped track daily step goals and promote healthy empowered to take ownership of health
and indicating those who are available to against Heat Index tables. If a crew mem- living. This data can be used to more effec- and safety outcomes, while the shore
replace them. ber is deemed to be exposed to a danger- tively measure and track efficacy of teams can gain assurance of the right job
The wellness information captured on ous level of heat over a sustained period, Corporate Wellness programmes. being done by the right person, at the right
the SmartWatch can also help monitor the individual is alerted to take necessary Geofence high hazard zones: From place and at the right time."

New app launches to strengthen seafaring community

www.seav.io sailed and how the pandemic has affected amounts of rich, interesting content to
them. share with their colleagues, friends and
A new social networking and community The platform has been created by two family.”
platform called seaV has been launched to British entrepreneurs, naval architect Will The app allows users to automatically
help millions of seafarers record their Ellison and technology expert Ed Brunyee. build digital logs, track every sea journey
experiences and tell their stories of life and They previously worked together on a pro- and build their professional and personal
work at sea. ject using AIS ship tracking data to analyse networks all in a single place.
seaV invites seafarers to connect with the flow of commodities, providing a It uses ship tracking technology to auto-
each other to share their knowledge and unique perspective on the global economy. matically record voyage details, miles
expertise with those who follow them to Their experience of the shipping indus- sailed and port call information. As well as
help build a stronger and more supported try and time spent developing innovative tracking live activity, historical AIS data
global maritime community. uses for ship tracking was the inspiration archives allow users to generate this infor-
Shore-based colleagues and the wider for seaV. mation for their past experience within
community can use seaV to follow and Ellison said: “The pandemic has made it minutes of downloading the app.
more easily engage and remain in closer an incredibly challenging 18 months for Brunyee said: “It’s encouraging to see
contact with friends and family who are seafarers. It’s very important that we hear an increasing number of initiatives and
working at sea and the ships they work on. their stories and acknowledge their programmes aimed at helping seafarers
The community operates via a free achievements. seaV can help. and we hope seaV will become a focal
smart phone app which uses AIS ship “Seafarers play a critical role in the point for these efforts. The majority of new
tracking data to automatically enrich global supply chain but all too often this technology and innovation within ship-
users’ experience records, both live and goes unnoticed by us, the end consumer, ping usually focuses on the bottom line
historically. and to some extent by parts of the shipping rather than benefiting the men and women seaV enables seafarers to connect with
seaV launches at a time when many sea- industry itself. who make shipping happen. each other to share their knowledge
farers have been stranded on ships or “What makes seaV different from other “seaV is important because it puts the and expertise with others
struggled to return home during the pan- platforms is that it goes well beyond just maritime community first. It is free to
demic. seaV allows users to evidence in job hunting and recruitment. Autonomous access and is dedicated to providing an and information with the utmost of ease.”
words and pictures what is happening, data capture requires minimum input important network for seafarers to tell their The app is available now from iTunes
where they have been, how far they have from the user, but gives them large stories, as well as providing essential data and Google Play Store.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 33

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p30-40 Software_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 07:35 Page 6

Digital Ship
Collaboration is the backbone of the modern shipping workplace,
says VIKAND tech consultant
www.frontm.com the success of a business. individual, just like a doctor does onshore. deliver the highest quality solutions at
www.vikand.com “To enable individual team members to The service can be as basic as a ‘hi how are competitive pricing. “It forces the
be their most productive within an organi- you feeling’ to assisting with a full physical providers to cooperate and provide ‘an
Collaboration at the workplace or sation, they must first have to be content and/or mental wellness programme cus- end-to-end’ seamless solution. Satellite
workspace today is one of the most vital with themselves. A significant portion tomised to the individual crew member’s connectivity in the maritime market will
aspects as it can determine efficiency and includes basic physical and mental well- needs. The solution has been championed not only have to look after the usual pas-
productivity. However, collaboration is ness. This can be a challenge on land and by the collaboration of both Peter Hult and sengers and crew bandwidth demands
often misinterpreted as teamwork, but obviously, it can further deteriorate at sea Kiran Venkatesh. that are both entertainment and welfare-
both are very different. Teamwork is when with the added challenges of remoteness, a “The overall goal is to leverage technol- related, but the increasing use of smart
a group of individuals works towards a lack of direct family contact, possibly no ogy to provide medical support at the ear- apps for just about everything in our lives
common goal, but collaboration is when access to professional counsellors, and a liest possible opportunity to ensure any – including VIKAND Direct will also be a
the output is enhanced as a result of all the lack of privacy. This could then compound medical or wellness improvements are baseline expectation.
different sets of skills and mindsets coming what would normally be considered a recognised and addressed, thus preventing “Today, seafarers almost have an accep-
together. Collaboration is a much broader minor issue into a much more complex sit- any further complications. tance of latency and ‘gaps’ in coverage.
aspect of not just achieving success, but uation,” explained Bull. “When an individual’s personal wellness This will not be acceptable in the next few
enhancing it. Software company FrontM has part- is on track then the focus can be around years and the minimal expectations for a
According to Dave Bull, senior technol- nered with VIKAND to provide a solution goals, team cohesion, minimal downtime service will be for it to be at par with what
ogy consultant at VIKAND, the general that helps seafarers improve their mental which will recognise an organisation’s full we would get on land/home offices.
goal of workplace collaboration is to max- health while working at sea. The solution potential and productivity,” says Bull. “LOE (Low Earth Orbit) satellites have
imise the chances of success by administer- is called VIKAND Direct and acts as an ‘in He believes that in the next 10 years, the captured the imagination of the world
ing an open, communicative, and collabo- your pocket’ medical professional or coun- demands and expectations from end-users with widely televised launches by compa-
rative experience among all members of an sellor. The tool is staffed 24/7, 365 days a for communications onboard ships will nies like SpaceX – if we just look at their
organisation which, in turn, will maximise year and is able to grow to understand the change, driving technology providers to success and future proposals, they have
filed documents with telecommunications
authorities that show it has plans to launch
40,000 small satellites – that is triple the
number put into orbit by humans in histo-
ry thus far. SpaceX already has permission
to place 12,000 satellites with a wireless
internet service called Starlink. Other key
satellite companies include Inmarsat (UK),
Iridium Communications (US), Thurava
(UAE), Hughes Network Services (US),
and KVH Industries (US) who are also
pushing forward in partnerships and tech-
nology advancements.
“The traditional leaders in satellite com-
panies have recognised these needs and
are addressing them. One of the major
players is Inmarsat who has announced
new services in new places for Global
mobility customers in maritime, aviation,
government, and enterprise. The commu-
nications network is called ORCHESTRA
that will bring together existing GEO satel-
Dave Bull says that the general goal of workplace collaboration is to maximise the chances of success lites with LOE and terrestrial 5G into one
by administering an open, communicative, and collaborative experience
harmonious single solution.”

Weilbach secures IMO approval for digital logbook

www.weilbach.com straight away while staying compliant ship and sending logbooks to vessels with about e.g. fuel consumption, the route and
with regulations. a courier. Also, they can report back to who is on board because this is part of the
Danish maritime software solutions and The details of the vessel do not need to their customers and visualise information data in the log books.”
products supplier, Weilbach, has achieved be entered in every logbook in OneLog.
certification for its new digital logbook Vessel details are only added once.
platform. OneLog will then share the details with the
The digital logbook platform is called logbooks in the system. For audit purpos-
WENDIS OneLog and was launched last es, all data put into OneLog is saved in the
year. By digitalising logbooks, shipowners history, even if the data is deleted.
can save time spent on administrative According to Weilbach, secure role-based
tasks and communication between seafar- access maintains procedures on board.
ers on board and the office ashore. “The market is looking for digital solu-
The software has been developed and tions that can support shipowners and sea-
tested with shipowners to approve it as an farers in simplifying communication
accurate and realistic replacement for between the ships and the office ashore. By
paper logbooks. With this, the platform is digitalising logbooks, all information and
now approved according to the IMO regu- communication are available and visible
lation MEPC.312(74) to be used solely on online immediately,” said Martin
board in place of paper logbooks. Mikkelsen, director of business develop-
The OneLog software solution closely ment, Weilbach.
replicates paper logbooks. This makes it “This means that shipowners can cut
easy to use for seafarers and enables them costs by not spending time and money Weilbach’s digital logbook has secured IMO approval
to get the platform up and running waiting for the right information from the

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 35

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Wärtsilä cloud simulation added to OTG’s Ocean Learning Platform

www.oceantg.com ing pathways. virtual classrooms for remote collaboration available under one roof.
www.wartsila.com It is immediately available to a com- in mission brief and debrief, rapid e- Closing the skill gaps
bined customer pool of over 3,000 shipping Learning allowing users to quickly create, With online access to both instructor-led
Wärtsilä Voyage’s Cloud Simulation companies and training centres, plus over publish and distribute e-Learning content simulator training and self-directed simu-
Solution is now available on Ocean a million seafarers, making training, from within the Ocean Learning Platform lated scenarios, Wärtsilä Voyage’s Cloud
Technologies Group’s (OTG) Ocean assessment, and certification possible any (OLP), and the industry’s broadest library Simulation reduces the cost and time, cre-
Learning Platform. time, and from anywhere in the world. of maritime training content found in the ating immediate and tangible benefits for
This includes instructor-led interactive Wärtsilä Voyage simulation users will Ocean Learning Library. all stakeholders alike.
simulation training, automated assessment gain access to the Ocean Learning The two companies had announced “It represents another important incre-
solutions, and a growing library of self- Platform’s online user experience and a their strategic partnership in February this mental step towards creating a more con-
directed simulation exercises suitable for a wide range of tools to plan, deliver, and year to share their expertise and resources nected maritime learning ecosystem,
wide range of deck and engineering learn- report on seafarer training. These include and provide all maritime learning stake- bringing stakeholders closer together and
holders – shipping companies, maritime consolidating more seafarers learning data
training providers, manning agencies and all in one place for performance analysis
seafarers – with a unique end-to-end learn- and insights,” added Bennett.
ing platform by bringing all stakeholders Transitioning into the digital future
together in one ecosystem that enables As the industry rapidly moves towards
seamless collaboration and growth. digitalisation and decarbonisation, the
“In just six months since our collabora- platform also aims to support mariners to
tion was announced, we have been able to continually and conveniently upgrade
bring our innovative teams together to their competence in a commercially viable
design, plan and deliver a truly unique way. Smart solutions and green technolo-
solution that combines our complemen- gy will fall flat if mariners are not trained
tary technologies to provide tangible bene- properly to handle the new systems and
fits to maritime training – accessibility, processes. And providing high-quality
flexibility, cost efficiencies, and important- training and assessment using only tradi-
ly, new possibilities such as bringing tional techniques will pose a significant
advanced simulation-based training closer commercial challenge.
to the flow of work,” said Neil Bennett, “This is just the beginning of a very
business development director, global sim- exciting and potentially game-changing
ulation, Wärtsilä Voyage. collaboration that can help to support
The experiential learning platform aims developing more competent, efficient,
Wärtsilä Voyage’s Cloud Simulation Solution is now available on Ocean Technologies to provide the industry with the broadest safer, and environmentally aware mariners
Group’s Ocean Learning Platform. Source: Wärtsilä and most comprehensive range of mar- able to succeed in our rapidly changing,
itime specific digital learning solutions digitised maritime industry,” said Bennett.

Island Offshore to digitalise entire fleet with Vessel Insight

www.islandoffshore.com that can give them a competitive advan- starting point to analyse our operations safely as possible, while at the same time
www.kongsberg.com tage in the market, as well as helping them and compare all the vessels in the fleet,” making our fleet even more sustainable by
to achieve their goals for safety, efficiency stated Trond Hauge, technical manager, reducing fuel consumption. With increas-
Island Offshore has signed up its entire and sustainability.” Island Offshore. “In this way we can share ing demands for reporting, moving from a
fleet of 26 advanced offshore service ves- “By collecting all data on one common experiences between the vessels and manual to an automated reporting process
sels to Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight. platform, we gain a correct and efficient ensure that we operate as efficiently and will save us a lot of work.”
This is one of the largest contracts for
Vessel Insight since the software solution
was launched in 2019.
By installing the Vessel Insight infras-
tructure, Island Offshore will collect all the
data from its fleet using a common plat-
form. The data collected will enable the
company to use advanced decision support
tools and benchmark its vessels, comparing
operational data from all vessels to reduce
fuel consumption and emissions. It will also
facilitate automation of reporting processes.
Four vessels in the Island Offshore fleet
are already connected to the Vessel Insight
platform, using the Kongsberg Maritime
Vessel Performance application and
MARESS, a partner application from
Yxney Maritime, available via Vessel
Insight's Maritime Ecosystem. This has led
to the four vessels moving from manual to
automated reporting in a very short time.
Kongsberg Digital is now installing the
Vessel Insight platform on the remaining
vessels in the fleet.
“We are very pleased to contribute to
further strengthening KONGSBERG’s col-
laboration with Island Offshore,” said
Andreas Jagtøyen, executive vice president
of digital ocean at Kongsberg Digital. “We
look forward to working closely with them
to deliver and further develop solutions Island Offshore will deploy Kongsberg Digital’s Vessel Insight cloud data infrastructure solution across its 26-vessel fleet

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 36

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Digital Ship
Q88 launches new platform to help unlock value from data
www.corp.q88.com pate conditions and better plan voyages.
Updated AIS positions from multiple
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology providers allow the user to keep track of its
provider Q88 has launched Q88PRO, a fleet and competitive positions in the mar-
platform that provides shipowners a ket with advanced search criteria.
faster, simpler, and more complete view of Q88’s advanced API allows integration
their fleet and the global tanker supply. with a customer’s existing software to
Providing a complete view of the mar- enable seamless collaboration with co-
ketplace from a single, central access point, workers, regardless of location.
Q88PRO allows the user to upload and “From the beginning, our focus was to
access fleet data and positions, and easily create tools to make commercially operat-
compare their data to the competitive ing vessels more efficient and profitable. I
environment. am very excited about this announcement
The system integrates data sources, as it continues that call to action that we
including global fixtures, and delivers are so focused on here at Q88”, said Fritz
insightful statistics to facilitate better deci- Heidenreich, founder and CEO of Q88.
sion-making. “Q88PRO is another step forward in our
Moreover, it uses advanced analytics to journey to create tools that help turn data
track supply trends over time by analysing into meaningful information,” said Don
data based on geographic criteria com- Black, chief commercial officer of Q88.
bined with vessel-specific data to deliver “Shipowners and commercial operators
relevant, timely market insights. have stated their interest in obtaining time-
Shipowners can capitalise on the open ly information that will make them more
position predictive modelling, last cargo’s competitive and we are confident that
Q88PRO helps shipping companies to gain better insight from their data
view, TCE calculator and more, to antici- Q88PRO achieves this”.

Harbor Lab launches instant Port Cost Estimator

www.harborlab.com Traditionally port tariffs are obtained which can be accessed via any web- Whilst estimations generated by the
directly from the port or ship’s agent, are enabled computer or mobile device, then software are instant, they are customised
Online disbursements accounting platform time consuming to get hold of and are instantly calculates an approximate cost to the specific vessel requirements taking
provider, Harbor Lab, has introduced a new often the final expense operators need to based on these details. into account all details supplied. Costs are
online tool that instantly generates estimat- complete TCE (time charter equivalent) The tool went live in July 2021 and com- calculated using real-time port data gath-
ed port costs for shipping companies. calculations to secure a shipment. plements Harbor Lab’s Disbursement ered from across the globe by Harbor Lab’s
The Port Cost Estimator provides oper- With Harbor Lab’s new tool, an opera- Accounting (DA) Tool launched in March team of data scientists and experienced
ators with estimated port expenses to sup- tor inputs the vessel’s name, port of last year. maritime professionals.
port timely voyage cost calculations and arrival, activity - for example loading/ dis- The Port Cost Estimator is powered by Users can generate unlimited port cost
decision making, to fix the best option for charging - cargo type and quantity, and the DA Tool’s data and algorithms to pro- calculations with an annual fixed fee for
the vessel. other vessel specifications. The software, vide accurate estimations. use of the tool.

Victoria terminal automates processes

with Navis N4 upgrade
www.navis.com maintain and service growth in the port.
www.vict.com.au “By continuing to optimise through
automation upgrades and continuous
Victoria International Container Terminal improvement analysis, VICT strives to
(VICT) – the first fully automated terminal deliver the best possible service to our cus-
in Australia– has completed its automa- tomers,” said Jon Wheeler, COO at VICT.
tion upgrade of Navis’ N4 TOS. “By upgrading our TOS through constant
VICT is located at Webb Dock in the collaboration between Navis and our
Port of Melbourne, the largest container internal automation team, VICT’s focus is
port in Australia. The terminal’s owner, to consistently improve operational safety
International Container Terminal Services and productivity efficiencies for all our
(ICTSI), implemented N4 at its greenfield stakeholders. Since the upgrade, we have
project to help power its planned, fully seen continuity in uptime, reduced excep-
automated container terminal. Since tion handling, berth productivity
becoming operational, the terminal has improvement, and greater efficiencies
continued to set benchmarks handling the with our industry-leading landside opera-
largest vessel in capacity, highest tion of multiple containers. We are looking
exchange in a single call and the longest forward to working with Navis and
vessel to call at the port. enhancing our waterside operations
VICT’s value of service is key to the further.”
Victorian, Tasmanian and Australian sup- The latest enhancements at VICT
ply chain in the Port of Melbourne, there- include an upgrade to N4 3.8 AutoShuttle
fore improving its ability to handle scheduler which improves the user experi-
increased capacity, safely and efficiently, ence, reducing exception handling by
is critical to its customers. Now that the automating workflows. Additional bene-
terminal is preparing for its phase three fits include an optimal AutoShuttle dis-
expansion, VICT’s relationship with criti- patch, increased system robustness and
Harbor Lab’s new instant Port Cost Estimator can be used on a mobile device. Source: cal automation suppliers, like Navis, is uptime, and shortened truck turnaround
Harbor Lab vital to constantly improve services to time for trucks with multiple transactions.

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 37

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GSBN’s blockchain platform goes live

www.gsbn.trade By using blockchain technology, GSBN
is able to enable collaboration between
Global Shipping Business Network’s disparate and often competing market
(GSBN) blockchain platform built in part- participants.
nership with Oracle, Microsoft, AntChain For the platform layer, GSBN chose
and Alibaba Cloud has officially gone live to harness Microsoft Azure Southeast
to accelerate digital transformation in the Asia Region in Singapore for its high
global trade sector. scalability, functionality and security.
The consortium was first founded by Furthermore, Azure’s Availability Zones
eight global shipping lines and terminal ensure high service reliability and
operators accounting for one in every three availability.
containers handled in the world. GSBN has For deployment in China, Ant Group's
been working with the four technology AntChain was selected. With its GSBN’s blockchain technology aims to accelerate digital
companies to build the infrastructure blockchain, secure computing, IoT and transformation in the global trade sector
needed to enable modern, efficient and other innovative technologies, AntChain
global trade. provides an enterprise-grade, efficient and
To ensure the control of data by GSBN reliable platform, and was listed by IOTICS to build digital twin of Portsmouth Port
members, data is encrypted before it is research firm IDC as the top-ranked
sent to the GSBN platform, hence, GSBN provider in the Blockchain-as-a-Service www.iotics.com part of the Clean Maritime Demonstration
cannot see the data without the members’ market of China in 2020. This is further www.portsmouth-port.co.uk Competition, funded by the Department
authorisation. supported by Alibaba Cloud, which has for Transport and delivered in partnership
To build the underlying blockchain net- been recognised as first in Asia Pacific for IOTICS is creating a digital twin of with Innovate UK.
work for its global trade operating system, Infrastructure as a Service by research firm Portsmouth International Port as part of an Portsmouth International Port has an
GSBN partnered with Oracle to harness its Gartner in the past few years. ambitious £1.5 million project to demon- ambitious plan to become the first carbon
Oracle Blockchain platform in Oracle Earlier this year, GSBN has announced strate an achievable modular green hydro- neutral UK port by 2030, and the first zero-
Cloud, which is recognised as a distributed selecting IQAX as the technology partner gen generation system within the port. emission port by 2050.
ledger platform for building an enterprise- to develop and operate the blockchain The Shipping, Hydrogen & Port IOTICS and its partners will create a dig-
grade, permissioned blockchain. platform. Ecosystems UK (SHAPE UK) project is ital twin of the port, interoperating with
existing and emerging data from the port
infrastructure and its activities as well as
gathering data from the working hydrogen
electrolyser. The IOTICS-enabled semanti-
cally defined digital twins, interoperating
with data sources uncovered by KnowNow
and deployed by Barter4Things will be an
amalgamation to virtualise both dockside
and offshore activities. Connected Places
Catapult and Portsmouth University will
leverage data from the digital twins within
the port ecosystem to enhance and optimise
operations with decision-support tools.
“As a port operating in the heart of a

FUTURE EVENTS major city, and that is owned by the people

of Portsmouth, we have an obligation to
do everything we can to minimise our
impact as we continue to grow in the com-
COMING ing years,” said Jerry Clarke, senior project
manager at Portsmouth International Port.
The digital twin approach will create a
scalable model that is translatable for
other ecosystems, use cases and locations,
offering a flexible foundation for further
Sophie Peachey, head of customer suc-
cess at IOTICS said: “This project gives us
many options to showcase the value of a
digital twin approach by reusing data
across different use cases. We will be look-
ing at the business benefits for deploying
renewable and clean fuels as well as the
logistics of refuelling onshore equipment
and sea-going vessels in a busy port. We’ll
also be setting up the foundations of ways
to look at environmental impacts of
switching to clean fuel sources."
Dr David Hutchinson, a reader in envi-
ronmental innovation and innovation and
impact development manager for the
Faculty of Technology at the University of
Portsmouth, said: “The Government has a
very ambitious environmental target within
the maritime sector. SHAPE UK represents
a milestone in the move to innovative low-
cost green hydrogen generation and storage
systems that bring significant reduction in
carbon emissions and air pollution in and
www.thedigitalship.com around Portsmouth and other UK ports.”

Digital Ship October / November 2021 page 38

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p30-40 Software_p1-14.qxd 27/09/2021 07:35 Page 11

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