Tidal Dynamics and Residual Circulation in A Well-Mixed Inverse Estuary

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JULY 2003 W I N A N T A N D G U T I É R R E Z D E V E L A S C O 1365

Tidal Dynamics and Residual Circulation in a Well-Mixed Inverse Estuary

Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California


CICESE, La Paz, Mexico

(Manuscript received 30 May 2002, in final form 13 January 2003)

The tidal and residual circulations in Laguna San Ignacio (LSI), a well-mixed evaporative lagoon located on
the Pacific coast of the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, is described based on surveys and moored obser-
vations. At tidal periods pressure and axial current fluctuations are about one-quarter of a period out of phase,
and so the tidal wave is close to standing. Pressure fluctuations increase and axial currents decrease with distance
from the ocean. The fluctuating axial momentum balance is nonlinear and involves local acceleration, advection,
barotropic pressure gradients, and friction. The structure of the residual circulation depends on the internal
Froude number Fr i , a measure of the relative strength of tidal and buoyancy forcing. Most of the time, Fr i is
large and the residual flow is laterally variable, driven by the tidally averaged nonlinear advective terms. The
sense of this residual circulation is shown to depend on the lateral structure of the tidal stress and is away from
the ocean in the deep channels when the tidal wave is standing, as in LSI, and in the opposite direction for a
progressive wave. During neap tides, when Fr i is small, the residual circulation is vertically stratified, with a
dense near-bottom flow toward the ocean and relatively fresh inflow at the surface.

1. Introduction duce salinities and densities that are lower than those
of the ocean. The salt surplus is so important that the
Laguna San Ignacio (LSI) is one of several large largest sea salt production facility in the world is located
coastal lagoons on the Pacific coast of Baja California,
in Laguna Ojo de Liebre. For this reason, the Baja Cal-
Mexico (Fig. 1). LSI is of the bar-built type (Dyer 1997),
ifornia lagoons are described as hypersaline lagoons, or
as are the other neighboring lagoons, Laguna Ojo de
as inverse estuaries. The Mediterranean, the Red Sea,
Liebre being the largest. They are at the seaward edge
of an alluvial plain located over a sedimentary basin the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of California, and the Adri-
presumed to be Cretaceous and Tertiary and capped by atic Sea are large-scale examples of hypersaline bodies
Pleistocene alluvium (Phleger and Ewing 1962). Sedi- of water. On a smaller scale, Nunes-Vaz et al. (1990)
ments supplied from the land are modified by marine describe the circulation in Spencer Gulf, South Austra-
processes to form sandy barriers (Phleger 1965). Once lia. On an even smaller scale, closer to the scale of LSI,
the barrier is formed, the lagoon acts as an effective Postma (1965) describes the water circulation in Laguna
trap for sediment. These lagoons are the mating and Ojo de Liebre, and Largier et al. (1997) quantify the
calving grounds for the California gray whale, and as residence time in hypersaline estuaries based on salinity
such are important and widely known habitats. observations. Chadwick and Largier (1999) describe tid-
The area has an arid climate, with persistent north- al exchanges in San Diego Bay, and Valle-Levinson et
westerly winds from March through November. As a al. (2001) show how the residual circulation in the Bay
result there is a considerable excess of evaporation over of Guaymas reverses during the year, driven by wind
precipitation. The lack of significant freshwater sources stress in the winter and by buoyancy in the spring and
causes the salinity and density in the lagoon to be higher summer.
than in the open ocean, the reverse of the situation in Since salinity reaches a seasonally varying steady
an estuary where freshwater and seawater mix to pro- state while evaporation persists, there must exist a flux
of salt toward the ocean, comparable to the flux of salt
into the lagoon due to evaporation. Residual (periods
Corresponding author address: Dr. Clinton D. Winant, Integrative
Oceanography Division, 0209, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
longer than one day) circulation patterns acting on sa-
9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0209. linity gradients are responsible for the return flux. Two
E-mail: cdw@coast.ucsd.edu distinct patterns of residual circulation are observed in

q 2003 American Meteorological Society

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The James River (Friedrichs and Hamrick 1996) and

the Hudson River (Geyer et al. 2000) are good examples
of a progressive tidal wave system. In short closed es-
tuaries, or lagoons such as LSI, the tidal wave reflects
from the closed end before friction has significantly re-
duced the amplitude. The tidal wave is standing, and h
and u are out of phase. This kind of system is observed
in tidal lagoons such as Laguna Ojo de Liebre (Postma
1965) and LSI, as we show here. Nonlinear accelerations
are often ignored in analyses of the momentum balance
at tidal periods, although there is evidence (Postma
1965; Speer et al. 1991) that nonlinear terms can affect
the balance and distort the tidal fluctuations. Here we
show that in LSI nonlinear advective terms have to be
included to close the momentum balance at tidal periods,
and a method is proposed to estimate the local amplitude
of the axial velocity gradient.
The residual circulation in estuaries has often been
modeled as a vertically stratified process (Pritchard
1954, 1956; Hansen and Rattray 1965; Godfrey 1980;
Geyer et al. 2000) where freshwater flows toward the
ocean near the surface and relatively dense water flows
into the estuary from the ocean. Observations in two
large estuaries (Wong 1994; Friedrichs and Hamrick
1996) describe the flow as strongly dependent on lateral
position as well, supporting the models of Fischer (1972,
1976) and Hamrick (1979) that feature lateral variabil-
ity. The structure of the residual flow in LSI is organized
FIG. 1. Location map. Moored stations are located by solid circles either vertically or laterally depending on the internal
and identified by numerals. Heavy lines mark the position of tidal Froude number (Fr i ). When Fr i is small (corresponding
transects, identified by letters.
to neap tides), the residual flow is vertically stratified,
and it is laterally variable otherwise.
LSI. In the north, where the wind is strongest and im- Published reports give a conflicting view of the sense
poses a stress on the surface of about 0.1 Pa, the residual of the laterally variable residual circulation: Friedrichs
circulation is highly correlated with the wind stress. In and Hamrick (1996) analyze current measurements doc-
the south, where the current fluctuations induced by the umenting the vertical and lateral structure of the flow
tide are of order 1 m s 21 and the fluctuating bottom in the James River for several weeks and consider two
stress can exceed 1 Pa, the residual circulation is highly distinct mechanisms by which the tides contribute to
correlated with the spring–neap cycle in the tides. The residual flow. One mechanism, due to the correlation
dynamics of the tidal circulation and associated residual between h and u, is seaward in the James, and strongest
currents in the southern half of the lagoon, and their in the channel. The second mechanism, called tidal rec-
contribution to the return flux of salt is the central issue tification, results from all the nonlinear terms in the
discussed here. momentum equation, accounts for a residual velocity
The response of estuaries or lagoons to tidal forcing that is also seaward over the channel and in the opposite
is primarily governed by continuity and the axial mo- direction over the shoals. Valle-Levinson and O’Donnell
mentum balance since lateral velocities are often smaller (1996) propose that the residual circulation driven by
than axial velocities. Many published analyses of ob- the tides is away from the ocean over the channel and
servations of the axial momentum balance (Grace 1936, toward the ocean over the shoals. Li and O’Donnell
1937; Bowden and Fairbairn 1952; Friedrichs and Ham- (1997) conclude the opposite, based on an analytical
rick 1996; Geyer et al. 2000) suggest that acceleration, model, with a net landward flow over the shoals bal-
pressure gradients, and bottom friction are the dominant anced by a return flow in the channel. Li (1996) shows
terms. The relative phase between fluctuations in sea that the residual circulation in a sufficiently long closed
level and axial velocity depends on the length of the estuary can reverse sense. In that calculation, near the
estuary, and the importance of friction. In a long estuary, mouth the residual velocity is into the estuary over the
or one where shallow depth results in relatively large shoals and toward the ocean in the channel, as in the
friction, the tidal wave progresses from the ocean into Li and O’Donnell (1997) model, but in the opposite
the estuary and decays with distance. In this case, sea direction near the closed end. For LSI we show that the
level (h) and axial velocity (u) fluctuations are in phase. residual circulation is the same as proposed by Valle-

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JULY 2003 W I N A N T A N D G U T I É R R E Z D E V E L A S C O 1367

Levinson and O’Donnell (1996) and suggest that the

sense of the tidal circulation depends on the relative
phase of currents and surface elevation near the entrance
of the estuary or lagoon. This phase difference depends
on the length of the estuary and on the relative impor-
tance of friction.

2. The observations
a. Laguna San Ignacio
LSI extends about 30 km inland (Fig. 1). The width
varies between 2 and 6 km. Because of extensive shal-
low areas in the north, the average depth is only about
3 m. The maximum depth, in the entrance channel, is
24 m. The sectional geometry varies considerably de- FIG. 2. Monthly evaporation in LSI averaged from observations
near the north and south ends. Salinity near the closed end of the
pending on location. South of Punta Piedras a main deep lagoon as measured during seasonal surveys (open circles). Each pair
channel covers about half the total width, and a shallow of points represents values during a spring and a neap period.
secondary channel runs along the western edge. North
of Punta Piedras, the lagoon axis bends by nearly 50
degrees, then curves back toward the north. In this area, proposed by Large and Pond (1981). Maximum values
three channels are separated by shallow flats, and the of surface stress are about 0.1 Pa.
cross-sectional area changes rapidly as a function of Evaporation is monitored at two sites: San Angel and
axial position. The three channels merge into a single near the southern entrance. The average of monthly
one just south of the islands. That channel extends all evaporation rates measured at these two sites is illus-
the way up to the closed end, known as El Remate, with trated in Fig. 2. On average, the evaporation is equiv-
a depth of about 5 m. Tides in the neighboring Pacific alent to a net flux of water into the lagoon Q of 10
are mixed, with an amplitude of order 1 m. With a total m 3 s 21 . Evaporation has a clear seasonal cycle, with
surface area of 150 km 2 and a sectional area of about minimum values (in excess of 0.1 m month 21 ) in mid-
25 000 m 2 near the entrance, maximum tidal currents winter and maximum values (in excess of 0.35 m
are of order 1 m s 21 . month 21 ) in July when the air is very dry and the wind
The observational program extended from December speeds are highest.
1997 through December 1998 and consisted of two main
components: surveys to determine the distribution of
water mass properties and moored observations. Five c. Surveys
two-week-long field trips were conducted during the Seasonal hydrographic surveys were conducted dur-
period, when the moored array was serviced and water ing each field trip, both during spring and neap tides.
mass properties were surveyed on both seasonal and A Seabird SBE-19 conductivity, temperature, and depth
tidal periods. (CTD) sensor was cast from the small boat at about 50
stations on a regular grid extending over the entire la-
b. Atmospheric forcing goon. These surveys took about ten hours and were not
synoptic relative to the tides. Highest salinities are ob-
The weather in the area surrounding LSI varies be- served near the closed end and vary seasonally (Fig. 2).
tween the two patterns that characterize the eastern Pa- Minimum values, near 38 psu, occur in late winter and
cific boundary at midlatitudes. During late fall and win- maximum values, in excess of 40 psu are observed in
ter it is modulated by upper level synoptic activity, con- late August and September. For reference the salinity
sisting mostly of eastward propagating cyclones and an- in the adjacent ocean is 34 psu and varies little through-
ticyclones. In spring and summer, the stationary North out the year (Lynn et al. 1982). Near the closed end,
Pacific anticyclone and the thermal low pressure area the water density exceeds that of the ocean by about 3
over the Sonora Desert combine to produce an extended kg m 23 , with little seasonal change as the effect of sea-
period of energetic winds directed toward the southeast. sonally varying salinity is almost exactly compensated
Wind observations are available from La Laguna, on by seasonal changes in temperature.
the eastern shore and another site, San Angel, located Density sections along the deepest axis (Fig. 3) show
10 km north of El Remate. Winds are largest in the that the vertical stratification is smaller than the hori-
northern portion of the lagoon, where they are directed zontal density difference, a consequence of the mixing
along the axis, toward the south with maximum ampli- induced by large tidal currents. During neap tides ver-
tudes of 10 m s 21 . The surface stress t s is estimated tical density differences are only a fraction of the hor-
from wind speed and direction following the method izontal density difference, and during spring tides con-

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TABLE 1. Semidiurnal M 2 amplitudes and lags for pressure and

vertically averaged axial currents. Positive axial currents are toward
the closed end of the lagoon. Lags are relative to high water in the
adjacent Pacific Ocean. One-quarter M 2 period is 3.11 h.

Pressure Axial currents

Depth Amplitude Lag Amplitude Lag
Station (m) (m) (8) (m s21 ) (8)
1 5 0.60 32 0.12 244
2 6 0.58 25 0.16 254
3 11.5 0.53 21 0.37 267
4 16 — — 0.56 280
Ocean 0.40 0

of the rich lagoon waters limited the useful deployment

of the salt sensors to little more than a week in each
season. Extensive (but not contemporaneous) measure-
ments of sea level are available for the ocean just outside
FIG. 3. Density sections along the deepest axial channel of the the lagoon, and a time series of bottom pressure was
lagoon during neap and spring tides for the Nov 1997 survey.
synthesized for the observational period from estab-
lished harmonic constants and used to estimate tidal
stant density lines are practically vertical. This is the fluctuations in the pressure gradient in the lower portion
standard definition of a well-mixed estuary (Dyer 1997). of LSI.
Tidal transects were designed to describe the tidal An upward looking, 300-kHz broadband ADCP was
cycle of water mass properties and currents across the maintained at station 4 from June through December
axis of the lagoon. A small craft was equipped with a 1998. This instrument measured velocity at 1-m inter-
1.2-MHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) be- vals starting 2.5 m above the bottom. Observations were
tween fixed deployments. The ADCP was operated in returned for 11 bins up to a depth of 3.5 m beneath the
a downward looking, bottom track mode. The boat ran surface. Higher bins were contaminated by acoustic re-
along transects perpendicular to the axis of the lagoon, turns from the free surface. An upward looking 1.2-
continuously in one direction and stopping to make be- MHz ADCP was rotated for 3-month increments be-
tween 6 and 10 CTD casts on the return. Each transect tween stations 1, 2, and 3 with two deployments at
took about one hour. Transects were run for a semidi- station 3. That instrument measured currents at 0.5-m
urnal period. intervals, beginning 0.8 m above the bottom and ex-
tending to within 2.5 m beneath the mean surface. Both
current profilers returned observations every 10 min-
d. Moorings
utes. Currents in LSI are highly polarized. They are
Moorings were installed at four stations (Fig. 1). Sta- described here in terms of axial and lateral components
tion 1 is located near the closed end, in the central as defined by the principal axes of the vertically aver-
channel at a depth of 5 m. Station 2 is located just south aged currents.
of the islands at a depth of 6 m. Station 3 is located in The amplitude and phase of the lunar semidiurnal
the topographically complex area north of Punta Pie- (M 2 ) component of pressure and axial currents at the
dras, near the bottom of the easternmost channel at a different stations, given in Table 1, provides an over-
depth of 11.5 m. Station 4 is located in the broad channel view of the observations. The ratio of the S 2 to the M 2
south of Punta Piedras in water depth of 16 m. The amplitudes is 0.5 so that during spring tides the semi-
basic moorings consisted of low profile frames that were diurnal amplitudes are 1.5 times the M 2 amplitudes and
pinned to the bottom by long sections of pipe jetted in at neap tides amplitudes are half the M 2 amplitudes. The
by divers. Pressure, temperature, and salinity sensors pressure fluctuations increase with distance from the
and two ADCPs were installed at each station for dif- ocean. At the closed end, they are 1.5 times larger than
ferent deployment periods. outside the lagoon. Fluctuations at station 1 lag fluc-
Bottom pressure and temperature were monitored tuations in the adjacent ocean by just over 1 h. Current
continuously at stations 1, 2, and 3 between December amplitudes decrease with distance from the ocean and
1997 and December 1998. The pressure was measured lead the local pressure by about one-quarter period. If
with a Paroscientific 45 psia absolute pressure gauge, the tidal wave were standing in LSI, axial currents
and the temperature was measured with a YSI Model would be expected to lead pressure by one-quarter pe-
44008 thermistor. These instruments were sampled on riod, and the analysis summarized in Table 1 shows that
a 4-min interval. An attempt was made to monitor sa- the tidal wave acts as a standing wave even though
linity continuously, but the very high organic content friction retards the pressure signal. This is an important

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JULY 2003 W I N A N T A N D G U T I É R R E Z D E V E L A S C O 1369

TABLE 2. Semidiurnal M 2 amplitudes and lags for axial and lateral where H is the total depth, square brackets denote depth
currents at station 3. Positive lateral currents are toward the west. averages, and overbars denote time averages. The time-
Lags are relative to high water in the adjacent Pacific Ocean. One-
quarter M 2 period is 3.11 h. independent baroclinic component is estimated from hy-
drographic data. Density time series are not available,
Axial currents Lateral currents but the hydrographic surveys suggest that the density
Depth Amplitude Lag Amplitude Lag difference across the length of the lagoon changes little
(m) (m s21) (8) (m s21 ) (8) with season, and we take g]r/]x to be 10 23 Pa m 22 . We
2.7 0.42 269 0.01 24 adopt the procedure suggested by Geyer et al. (2000),
4.7 0.42 267 0 — who estimate the mean offset [p x ] by requiring that the
6.7 0.41 264 0.01 201 bottom stress and bottom velocity go to zero at the same
8.7 0.39 264 0.02 204
10.7 0.33 264 0.02 206 time. This requirement gives values of [p x ] between 0.01
and 0.03 Pa m 21 . On tidal timescales, the magnitude of
the time varying component of ]p/]x is 0.05 Pa m 21 .
In depths of 10 m the baroclinic component is ten times
result because it implies that the correlation between smaller, a further justification for neglecting fluctuations
elevation and axial current in the lagoon, one of the in baroclinic pressure.
mechanisms responsible for driving a residual current
(Li and O’Donnell 1997), is small and it also implies
that the axial velocity and the axial gradient of the axial 3. Dynamics
velocity are in phase.
a. Governing equations
The vertical structure of the M 2 amplitude and phase
of axial and lateral currents at station 3 is summarized In a coordinate system where x runs along the axis
in Table 2. The vertical structure at other stations is of the lagoon from the ocean toward the closed end, y
similar. The amplitude and phase of the axial current runs laterally to the west, and z is measured from the
varies little with depth except very near the bottom, surface, the equations of motion can be written as
consistent with high vertical mixing rates. The ampli-
ux 1 y y 1 wz 5 0
tude of the lateral currents is less than ten times smaller
than that of the axial currents. The lateral currents r(u t 1 uu x 1 y u y 1 wu z 2 f y ) 5 2p x 1 t zx
change phase by 1808 at midwater. Surface lateral cur-
rents are nearly in phase with pressure. r(y t 1 uy x 1 yy y 1 wy z 1 fu) 5 2p y 1 t zy , (3)
where t x and t y are the axial and lateral components of
e. Estimating pressure gradients stress and f is the Coriolis parameter.
The vertical velocity is 908 out of phase with the
On the evidence of density surveys (Fig. 3), we con- elevation and thus in phase with the axial velocity (Table
clude that axial density gradients change little in space 1). The lateral velocity is much smaller than and out of
and time. The hydrostatic equation can then be differ- phase from the axial velocity (Table 2), so u x is expected
entiated to give to be much larger than y y . The continuity equation then
p x 5 rgh x 2 gr x z, (1) reduces to a balance between u x and w z , and provides
an estimate for the axial velocity U ø veL, where v is
where h is the elevation of the free surface relative to the tidal frequency, e 5 h/H, H is the height, and L is
a geopotential surface and z is measured up from the the length.
free surface. The first term on the right includes a fluc- In the axial momentum equation, the lateral advection
tuating and a time average part. The fluctuating com- (y u y ) can be neglected because u and y are out of phase
ponent is estimated from the difference in fluctuations and because the ratio y /u is much smaller than the ratio
of bottom pressure measurements between adjacent sen- of the width to the length of the lagoon. The relative
sors divided by the distance between stations. The pres- importance of the vertical and axial advective terms
sure sensors respond to both changes in surface ele- depends on the vertical gradient of axial velocity: if u z
vation and to baroclinic changes. However, the as- is estimated as U/H, the axial and vertical advective
sumption of an unchanging axial density gradient im- terms are of the same order. Usually, the vertical gra-
plies that the fluctuations in horizontal pressure dients in axial velocity are confined to a layer of thick-
differences are due to fluctuations in sea level, and are ness less than H, and most analyses end up ignoring the
therefore barotropic. The depth-dependent pressure gra- vertical advection of momentum. The same approach is
dient can then be written as the sum of a depth-inde- taken here.
pendent fluctuating part, a time-independent baroclinic Many models of the tidal component of circulation
part, and a time-averaged offset: assume that the local acceleration, friction, and baro-
tropic pressure gradients dominate over the advective

1 2
]p ]p9 ]r H terms. However, in areas where the axial topography
5 b2g z1 1 [p x ], (2)
]x ]x ]x 2 changes rapidly, as in the central portion of LSI, axial

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velocity gradients in velocity can be large and advection and u x are of opposite sign. Then, since [y ] is small,
is significant. It is also important to note that the average the bottom stress is
of the advective terms over a tidal cycle is not zero:

1 2
during flood the velocity decreases with x, so uu x is [u 2 ]
negative, and during ebb u is negative, u x is positive. t b 5 t s 2 rH(1 1 e) [u] t 2 1 gh x
Thus uu x is always negative or zero, and we show later
that advection can provide the dominant forcing for the 5 rC d |[u]|[u]. (7)
residual circulation.
The terms including y in the lateral momentum equa- The method outlined in the appendix can be used to
tion are much smaller than comparable terms in the axial estimate both C d and l from the best fit slopes for pos-
component and, as long as the lateral component of the itive and negative flow. The importance of the advective
surface stress is negligible, the lateral momentum bal- terms stands in contrast to published reports of the fluc-
ance is geostrophic. tuating axial tidal momentum balance (Grace 1936,
1937; Bowden and Fairbairn 1952; Geyer et al. 2000),
and is one of the salient features of this analysis.
b. Vertical averages The average tidal cycle (ATC), defined as the average
of any property as a function of tidal phase, is computed
Based on the simplifications described above, the ver-
by dividing time series into sections of length equal to
tically integrated equations of motion can be written
the M 2 period and averaging the sections. The ATCs of
h t 1 {H(1 1 e)[u]} x 5 0 different terms in Eq. (7) are illustrated in the lower
panels of Fig. 4 with time starting at high water. At
rH(1 1 e)([u] t 1 [uu x ] 1 gh x 2 f [y ]) 5 t s 2 t b station 4, the pressure gradient and deceleration are in
f [u] 5 2gh y . (4) balance at the beginning of the ebb phase; then, as the
current speed increases, advection and bottom friction
Proudman (1923) first suggested that, if advective both resist the flow and combine to reverse [u] t about
terms can be neglected, t b can be estimated from the four hours after high water. When the flood phase be-
linearized form of Eq. (4): gins, acceleration and pressure gradient are once again
in balance. As the axial current increases, advection and
t b 5 t s 2 rH([u] t 2 f [y ] 1 gh x ). (5)
friction act in opposite directions. At station 3, the pro-
This method is commonly used (Grace 1936, 1937; gression is different. During the ebb phase the pressure
Bowden and Fairbairn 1952; Geyer et al. 2000) to es- gradient mostly balances the acceleration, and advection
timate t b , given estimates of pressure gradient and local and bottom stress are relatively weak as a consequence
acceleration. The bottom drag coefficient can then be of weak ebb currents, but both act to retard the flow.
determined by comparing t b with r | [u] | [u]. An attempt During flood, the main balance is between advection
to do the same with the observations gathered in the and bottom friction: advection of higher velocity water
course of this program is only partly successful. from areas closer to the ocean produce a positive ac-
In Fig. 4 estimates of r | [u] | [u] are compared to the celeration, and the bottom friction acts in the opposite
terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (5). At station 4, sense. The resulting cycle is asymmetric, and flood ve-
closest to the ocean, the correlation between the vari- locities are larger than ebb velocities. Because flood and
ables is obvious, even if the slope of the regression is neap periods are about equal, this leads to a net residual
different for positive and negative values. At station 3, flow directed away from the ocean.
the correlation changes dramatically depending on the
sign of the current: for ebb flow the pattern corresponds
to what is expected for a linear balance, but for flood, c. Vertical structure
the right hand side of Eq. (5) is small, even when flood Vertical profiles of the ATC of the axial velocity at
velocities (and therefore bottom stresses) are large. The stations 3 and 4 are illustrated in Fig. 5. The current
dominant advective term, [uu x ], acts in only one direc- cycle at station 4 is approximately symmetric although
tion, and could therefore explain the observed asym- the ebb current speeds are slightly less than the flood
metry. Furthermore, the continuity equation shows that currents. The current increases monotonically from the
h and u x are out of phase, just as h and u (Table 1), so bottom toward the surface for flood and ebb conditions.
u and u x are in phase. To explore this further, we assume At station 3, the flood current increases with distance
that the vertically integrated advective term can be es- over the bottom, but during ebb flow, the largest speeds
timated as occur in the lower half of the water column. The be-
[u 2 ] havior at station 3 is consistent with the observations
[uu x ] ø 2 , (6) reported by Geyer et al. (2000) where the ebb velocities
are monotonic, but flood velocities exhibit a subsurface
where l is a length that characterizes the local spatial maximum, because the sense of the baroclinic forcing
gradient in u and the minus sign is chosen because u in LSI is in the opposite direction from the Hudson.

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FIG. 4. (top) Regression between r | [u] | [u] and t 0 2 H(r[u] t 2 p x ). The white lines represent the best fit
for positive and negative values [u]. The regression slopes are used to estimate C d and l. For station 4, C d
5 2.77 3 10 23 and l 5 14.4 km. For station 3, C d 5 2.6 3 10 23 and l 5 4.2 km. (bottom) Average tidal
cycles of terms in the vertically averaged momentum balance: light solid: ru t , heavy solid: t b /H, dashed:
2p x , dotted: 2[u] 2 /l. The origin of time is high tide in the adjacent ocean. Left-hand column corresponds
to estimates for station 4, nearest the ocean; right-hand column corresponds to station 3.

Time series of stress at different heights in the water only reported when the correlation coefficient was sig-
column are estimated from nificantly different from zero. These values are large

and imply that the tide is an effective mixing mechanism
t (z) 5 t s 2

r ut 2
l 2
2 f y 1 p x dz.
In this calculation the offset pressure gradient [p x ] is
in the lagoon. The gradient Richardson number Ri 5
g(]r/]z)/r(]u/]z) 2 measures the stabilizing influence of
buoyancy relative to the shear. At station 4, the maxi-
mum value of g(]r/]z)/r was 5 3 10 24 s 22 . Typical
adjusted so that the bottom stress and the velocity mea- values of (]u/]z) 2 near maximum flood or ebb are 5 3
sured closest to the bottom go to zero at the same time. 10 23 s 22 , and so Ri is less than the critical value of one-
This gives [p x ] 5 0.009 Pa m 21 at station 4 and [p x ] quarter at least twice on each tidal cycle, consistent with
5 0.03 Pa m 21 at station 3. Vertical profiles of the ATC the well-mixed character of the lagoon.
of stress at stations 3 and 4 are illustrated in Fig. 5. The
stress varies almost linearly from the surface to a max-
imum value near the bottom. At station 4, the magnitude d. Tidal averages and residual circulation
of the flood stress (max 5 1.4 Pa) is larger than the ebb
(min 5 20.9 Pa), consistent with the larger flood cur- Vertical profiles of time-averaged axial currents at
rents. The stress is also larger during flood at station 3 stations 3 and 4 are illustrated in Fig. 7. One of the
(max 5 0.7 Pa) than on ebb (min 5 2.48 Pa). At both central results presented here is that the time-averaged
stations the mean bottom friction resists the mean flow axial velocity at all depths at both stations is directed
that is directed toward the closed end. toward the closed end of the lagoon at all depths. These
At stations 3 and 4, time series of stress and vertical profiles stand in marked contrast to the vertical profiles
shear are significantly correlated beneath the surface. of tidally averaged velocity presented by Geyer et al.
The vertical profile of K, estimated as the regression (2000), where the mean flow changes direction with
slope between stress and shear as suggested by Geyer depth. Many models of density-driven exchange are
et al. (2000), is illustrated in Fig. 6. Values of K are based on a vertically stratified structure (Pritchard 1954,

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FIG. 5. (top) Maps of the vertical structure of the ATC of the axial component of current (m s 21 ).
Negative (toward the ocean) currents are shaded. (bottom) Maps of the vertical structure of the ATC of
the axial shear stress (Pa) estimated from Eq. (8). Negative (toward the ocean) stresses are shaded. The
left-hand column corresponds to estimates for station 4, nearest the ocean; and the right-hand column
corresponds to station 3.

FIG. 7. Vertical profiles of time-averaged axial current (heavy line)

at station 3 (dashed) and station 4 (solid). Averages for spring and
FIG. 6. Vertical eddy viscosity estimates based on the regression neap tides are drawn as light lines. Spring averages are always larger
between t and r]u/]z for stations 3 and 4. than time averages, and neap averages are smaller.

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JULY 2003 W I N A N T A N D G U T I É R R E Z D E V E L A S C O 1373

1956; Godfrey 1980). Hogg et al. (2001) describe the

evolution of density-driven exchange flows as a function
of turbulent mixing in a channel where the width is
constant in each section. When the mixing is weak, the
circulation corresponds to the prediction of internal hy-
draulic theory. At high turbulence levels, the circulation
is established by a balance between advection and dif-
fusion. The progression with turbulence levels is con-
sistent with the experimental results of Linden and
Simpson (1986). In all these examples, the vertically
integrated transport is zero. In LSI it is not. Since the
transport over a tidal cycle across any section perpen-
dicular to the axis of the lagoon has to be small, we
conclude that the direction of the vertically integrated
transport must change across a section and that the cir-
culation takes place in the horizontal plane.
Fischer (1972) first demonstrated that estuaries where
the cross section is not rectangular can support such a FIG. 8. Contours of residual axial currents as a function of time
transverse circulation, where the amplitude and direc- and depth. Negative values (toward the ocean) are shaded. At station
3, contours are spaced 0.05 m s 21 apart; at station 4, contour incre-
tion of the flow varies laterally. Fischer (1976) illustrates ments are 0.02 m s 21 . The internal Froude number is shown in the
how the salt balance in an estuary can be maintained bottom panel for station 3 (light line) and station 4 (heavy line).
by a laterally variable circulation pattern. Murray and
Siripong (1978) show that salt fluxes due to lateral gra-
dients account for 50% more transport than fluxes as- pressure gradient [Eq. (2)] estimated for station 4 is
sociated with vertical gradients in a shallow well-mixed based on a synthetic series for pressure outside LSI that
estuary in Ecuador. Wong (1994) documents significant does not include low frequency changes, and as a result
transverse variability in Delaware Bay and develops low frequency changes in pressure gradient are not
models that show how such a structure can develop in known at station 4. The time-dependence of residual
a V-shaped channel. Li and O’Donnell (1997) develop near-bottom currents and bottom stress at station 3 are
a model of tidally driven residual circulation in a lat- compared to each other in the top frame of Fig. 9. The
erally variable closed estuary and conclude that a net excellent correlation between the two variables implies
landward transport will occur in the shallow areas, bal- that they can be related by a linear drag law. For the
anced by a return flow in the deeper areas. Hudson estuary, Geyer et al. (2000) report that the tid-
To document the behavior of residual currents in LSI, ally averaged stress varies little between springs and
we compute low frequency fluctuations by filtering the neaps. In LSI, the opposite is true: both the amplitude
observations with a 48-h cutoff low pass filter. The ver- and the sign of the stress change between springs and
tical structure of residual axial currents at stations 3 and neaps.
4 is illustrated in Fig. 8. The residual fluctuations in the An equation for the residual variables can be derived
internal Froude number, estimated as Fr i 5 from Eq. (7) by filtering out the tidal fluctuations. If the
Ïr[u 2 ]/gD rH, are illustrated in the bottom panel: Fr i residual quantities are denoted by a subscript 0, and for
varies with the spring–neap cycle. There is an obvious e K 1, we expand (1 1 e) 21 ø 1 2 e:
correspondence between vertical structure of residual (et b )0 [u 2 ]0 ][p]0 (t s )0 t
currents and Fr i . During spring tides, when Fr i is greater 1r 2 1 2 0 5 0, (9)
H l ]x H(1 1 e) H
than one half, residual currents are positive at all depths
at both stations. Maximum amplitudes exceed 0.2 m s 21 where the time rate of change of the residual vertically
at station 3 and 0.05 m s 21 at station 4. During neap averaged velocity has been neglected. Here t 0 is the
periods, when Fr i is less than one-half, currents in the residual bottom stress, often parameterized in terms of
lower half of the water column reverse, and the vertical the tidally averaged near bottom velocity as t 0 5 rRu 0 .
structure of currents is as expected for a buoyancy-driv- The residual circulation is forced by the first two terms
en flow. In LSI, the structure and amplitude of the re- that together represent the tidal stress (Nihoul and Ron-
sidual circulation depends on the spring–neap cycle but day 1975). The first is the correlation between elevation
in the opposite direction from the model proposed by and bottom stress, and the second term is the time av-
Li and O’Donnell (1997). eraged advective term.
The low-pass filtering process used to isolate the re- The low-frequency fluctuations of the five terms in
sidual axial circulation is applied to the bottom stress Eq. (9) are illustrated in the bottom panel of Fig. 9. The
estimates to determine the residual bottom stress at sta- advection term dominates over the ht correlation, as
tion 3. The stress estimates depend on the pressure gra- expected when the tidal wave is standing. The wind
dient [as in Eq. (8)]. The fluctuating component of the stress term is small, and advection is balanced by a

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FIG. 9. Residual fluctuations at station 3 during the 3-month period from Sep through Nov 1998.
The low-pass bottom stress (heavy solid) is compared with near-bottom residual current (light
solid) in the top panel. The bottom panel compares the five terms in Eq. (9): bottom stress (heavy
solid), ht correlation (solid light, difficult to distinguish from the horizontal axis), advection (solid
dots), surface stress (open symbols), and pressure gradient (light dashed). Each parameter has the
same sign as in Eq. (9), and so all five parameters add to a small residual at each time.

combination of pressure gradient and bottom stress. The smaller at station 3. The mean stress (not shown) ini-
pressure gradient is expected to vary little across any tially increases with distance above the bottom, reaches
section, but the advective forcing is expected to vary a maximum just beneath the middle of the water column,
considerably since the amplitude of the tidal current is and decreases to zero at the surface. This is why t z is
a function of depth. This explains why the residual bot- positive near the bottom and changes sign when the
tom stress can act in opposite directions at different stress reaches a maximum. The pressure gradient 2p x
lateral locations in each section. is made up of two parts: the average, or barotropic,
Neglecting the ht correlation, the time-averaged axial gradient and a depth-dependent baroclinic component.
momentum equation at any depth is The rectified effect of advection tends to accelerate the
r u2 ]p ]t residual flow at all depths, and the time-averaged pres-
rf y 1 2 1 5 0. (10) sure gradient acts in the opposite sense, with slightly
l ]x ]z larger amplitude near bottom due to the axial density
The vertical structure of the time-averaged terms in Eq. gradient. Near the top of the water column the stress
(10) can be evaluated for both stations 3 and 4 since divergence retards the residual flow and acts in the op-
the unknown residual fluctuating pressure gradient at posite sense near the bottom.
station 4 disappears when taking the mean. In the south- It is useful to contrast the low-frequency momentum
ern part of LSI, the low-frequency lateral velocity y is balance presented here with the balance in the Hudson
very small, and the corresponding Coriolis acceleration estuary implied by the results of Geyer et al. (2000). In
is neglected. The vertical distribution of the time-av- the Hudson, the tidally averaged stress is almost the
eraged advective term, the horizontal pressure gradient, same for springs and neaps, and the stress decreases
and the vertical stress divergence are illustrated in Fig. with distance over the bottom, so that t z is about 22
10. The advective part of the tidal stress always drives 3 10 22 Pa m 21 near the bottom and increases to zero
the flow toward the closed end, both during ebb and about 12 m above. The pressure gradient 2p x is given
flood. The magnitude of this term increases with height as 20.9 3 10 22 Pa m 21 at the surface and 3.1 3 10 22
over the bottom, as does the tidal velocity. The advective Pa m 21 at the bottom. In the Hudson, the time-averaged
term is larger at station 3 than at station 4 even though pressure gradient balances the stress, whereas in the
the velocity is larger at station 4 because the charac- southern LSI, pressure gradient and stress divergence
teristic distance l over which the velocity changes is combine to balance advection. This description explains

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JULY 2003 W I N A N T A N D G U T I É R R E Z D E V E L A S C O 1375

sections at 30-min intervals. The resulting maps were

used to form salt transport estimates and integrated in
time to make sections of the average velocity and the
average salt flux over a tidal cycle. Since salt does not
accumulate in the lagoon but evaporation does result in
a net loss of mass, the length of integration was chosen
so that the net salt flux through the section would be
zero. In all cases this occurred at a time when the net
volume flux through the section was close to the flux
required to balance evaporation (Q ø 10 m 3 s 21 ). On
this basis, even though the period of observations was
limited to a single tidal cycle, the resulting maps are
believed to qualitatively represent the variability of the
distribution of net transport in each section.
The distribution of the axial velocity averaged over
a tidal cycle for each of the five transects is illustrated
in Fig. 11. The values range between 60.1 m s 21 for
transect A, south of the islands, to 60.15 m s 21 for
transect E, consistent with the averages shown in Fig.
7. In the north (transect A) the transport distribution
changes direction with depth and resembles the pattern
expected when baroclinic forcing is dominant, that is,
relatively fresh water flowing into the lagoon near the
surface and denser water flowing toward the ocean at
depth. The pattern of tidally averaged velocity along
transect B lies somewhere in between vertically and
horizontally distributed circulation. Near station 3, on
transect C, the principal area of positive flow (toward
the closed end) is in the western channel and the return
flow is over the flats and the eastern channel. South of
Punta Piedras, the tidally averaged flow is horizontally
distributed with positive values on the eastern side and
the reverse on the west side. The sectional distribution
of tidally averaged velocity shows a progression from
FIG. 10. Vertical structures of terms in Eq. (10). The advective a two-layer structure away from the ocean to a laterally
term ru 2 /l is represented by the solid symbols, the stress divergence
term t z is represented by the heavy solid line, and the pressure gra- variable structure closer to the ocean.
dient term 2px is represented by the dashed line. The moored observation and the surveys show that,
in LSI, the sense of the residual transport is away from
the ocean over the channels and towards the ocean in
why in southern LSI the time-averaged pressure gradient the shallower depths. This is in the opposite direction
is positive (higher mean pressure away from the ocean), from the transport driven by tidal rectification in the
whereas the reverse is true in the Hudson estuary. James River (Friedrichs and Hamrick 1996) and in the
opposite direction from the residual flow described by
4. Discussion Li and O’Donnell (1997), but in the same direction as
the model results of Valle-Levinson and O’Donnell
a. Residual transport
(1996). The different sense of circulation is related to
The results described to this point suggest that the whether the tidal wave is progressive or standing. In a
exchange is due to residual circulation that varies lat- long (compared to a frictional scale) estuary, the tidal
erally as well as vertically. A sequence of transects wave is progressive near the entrance, h, u, and t b are
across the lagoon, occupied over longer than one semi- in phase; the first term in Eq. (9) is positive and much
diurnal period, gives a complementary view of the re- larger than the second. Because it is inversely propor-
sidual transport and the variability in structure depend- tional to depth, it is largest in shoal areas, where it
ing on axial location. Sections of currents parallel and exceeds the pressure gradient (considered independent
perpendicular to the axis of the lagoon were obtained of lateral position), and smaller in deeper water. The
on repeated crossings, and water-mass properties were bottom stress associated with the residual flow [the last
surveyed on each return trip. These data were inter- term on the left-hand side in Eq. (9)] balances the dif-
polated onto a spatial grid with regular spacing as a ference between the forcing and the pressure gradient
function of y and z and then interpolated in time to give and must be positive in the shoal areas, corresponding

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to residual flow away from the ocean, and in the opposite

direction in deeper water. In a short estuary, when the
tidal wave is standing, the residual flow is forced by
the second term (the uu x correlation) in Eq. (9). At tidal
frequencies, the axial flow is larger in deeper water
(Friedrichs and Hamrick 1996), and so u 2 is greater in
deeper water than over the shoals. The lateral structure
of the forcing is the opposite from that due to the ht
correlation, largest in deep water, where it exceeds the
pressure gradient and drives residual flow away from
the ocean, and small in shoal areas, where the residual
flow is toward the ocean. This analysis is consistent with
the results of a numerical calculation described by Li
(1996), for a long closed estuary. That calculation shows
a residual flow that consists of two separate cells. In
one cell, located near the mouth, the residual flow is
toward the ocean in the deeper area and, in the cell
closest to the closed end, the residual flow is away from
the ocean in the deeper area, as in LSI. The boundary
between the two cells is at the location where the two
first terms in Eq. (9) combine to produce a forcing that
has little lateral variability. Seaward from that boundary,
the ht correlation dominates and sets the sense of the
residual flow toward the ocean in the deeper part of the
estuary. Landward, the u 2 term is largest and the residual
flow is in the opposite sense.

b. Exchange
The structure of the residual circulation depends on
the relative importance of advection and buoyancy, as
measured by Fr i . During neap tides, when Fr i is small,
the moored observations suggest that a two-layer flow
develops, driven by the baroclinic pressure gradient.
Geyer et al. (2000) propose a model for the estuarine
circulation where the estuarine exchange velocity Du y
is a function of the baroclinic pressure gradient and the
friction velocity R:
1 H 2 H l g ]r
Duy 5 2 , (11)
2R H u r ]x
where H u and H l are the depths of the upper and lower
layers. This expression gives a value of 5 3 10 22 m s 21
for neap periods, in reasonable agreement with the ob-
servations of vertical profiles of residual current during
neaps (Fig. 8).
When tidal amplitudes become larger, the observed
residual currents are in the same direction at all depths,

FIG. 11. Maps of the average axial velocity over a single tidal
cycle, defined as the time required for the tidally averaged salt flux
to go to zero. The sections are drawn as if the observer was looking
toward the closed end, with east on the right. The single contour
drawn in each frame corresponds to zero velocity. Lighter shades
correspond to positive (toward the closed end) currents. The local
Fr i , based on the maximum of vertically averaged fluctuating currents,
is shown in the lower-right-hand corner of each map.

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and the momentum balance is represented by Eq. (9). the part of LSI closest to the ocean, where tidal current
Ignoring forcing due to the ht correlation and with a amplitudes are large. At tidal periods, the axial mo-
linearized residual bottom stress, the residual axial mo- mentum balance involves local acceleration, advection,
mentum balance is barotropic pressure gradients, and friction. Advective
terms are locally important because axial velocity gra-
t0 Ru [u 2 ]0 1 ][p]0
5 15 2 , (12) dients can be large due to changes in bathymetry. Be-
rH1 H1 l r ]x cause axial currents and their axial gradient are in phase
where u1 and H1 are representative residual velocities and of opposite sign, the advective term has a large
and depths in the high tidal current area. This is the mean value that is balanced by a comparably large mean
balance of forces illustrated in Fig. 9. Where tidal am- axial pressure gradient. Ever since the work of Proud-
plitudes are small, the tidal stress is negligible, and man (1923), studies of tidal circulation in comparable
environments suggest that the bottom friction can be
t0 Ru ][p]0
5 252 . (13) parameterized through a quadratic drag law, and the
rH2 H2 ]x same is found here, with typical drag coefficients of 3
The difference in bottom stress at different locations 3 10 23 .
along a given section is then given by the difference At low frequencies (in comparison with the tides),
between Eq. (12) and (13). When the hu correlation can the structure and dynamics of the residual circulation
be neglected, mass conservation requires that u1 A1 1 depend on the ratio of the variance in the tidal band
u2 A2 5 0, where A represents cross-sectional areas as- currents to the baroclinic forcing, as measured by the
sociated with positive and negative flows. If Du l rep- internal Froude number. When Fr i is less than one-half,
resents the advection driven exchange velocity, the residual circulation consists of a relatively salty and
dense near-bottom flow toward the ocean and a com-
u2 A2 H1 H2 pensating, relatively fresh flow near the surface. In that
Du l 5 . (14)
Rl A1 H1 1 A2 H2 case, the model of baroclinic estuarine exchange pro-
posed by Geyer et al. (2000) appears to describe the
For a given R, the exchange velocity varies as u 2 /l. This
situation in LSI well. However, for most of the time in
is consistent with the result that the residual velocity is
the southern part of LSI, Fr i is large and the residual
larger at station 3 than at station 4 (Fig. 7), even though
circulation, driven by the advective part of the tidal
the tidal currents are larger at station 4. Geometric factors
aside, Dul /Duy 5 Fri2. During spring tides when tidal stress, fluctuates with the spring–neap cycle. Residual
currents are of order 1 m s 21 , Eq. (14) gives Dul ø 0.15 currents, often larger than those associated with the bar-
m s 21 , also in reasonable agreement with Fig. 8. oclinic forcing, are quasi-barotropic and the resulting
On an annual basis, 10 m 3 s 21 of water evaporates circulation is laterally variable. In this case the ampli-
from LSI. Since the salinity of the adjacent ocean is 34 tude of the laterally varying currents is governed by the
psu, the evaporation leaves about 340 kg s 21 of salt ratio of the variance in tidal currents to the friction
behind. How does this compare with the transports due velocity. Even though the tidally driven recirculation is
either to buoyancy-driven or advection driven residual larger than the exchange driven by the axial density
circulation? For a typical vertical salinity difference Ds y gradient, the ocean bound salt flux is comparable in both
of 0.4 psu for neaps, we can estimate a salt flux toward cases because lateral salinity gradients on which the
the ocean due to the vertically sheared flow Du y as large Fr i exchange acts are smaller than the vertical
rDu y Ds y A s where A s is a typical sectional area. This gradients on which the buoyancy-driven exchange acts.
amounts to 400 kg s 21 , close to the salt flux due to Last, the high evaporation rates that characterize the
evaporation. During springs, when the residual flow is area surrounding the Baja California lagoons result in
laterally variable, lateral variations in salinity Ds l are a net loss of freshwater with an attendant increase in
about 0.1 psu, and the resulting salt flux, rDu lDs l A s is salinity. About 10 m 3 s 21 of freshwater evaporates, leav-
about 300 kg s 21 , again close to the flux due to evap- ing behind about 340 kg s 21 of salt. Salt does not ac-
oration. With regard to the overall issue considered here, cumulate in the lagoons to any significant extent and
that is by what means does the salinity in the lagoon must therefore be carried back to the Pacific Ocean by
reach a seasonally variable steady state, these estimates mixing and advection. Three processes are responsible
lead us to conclude that the flux due to residual circu- for the exchange: baroclinic forcing associated with the
lations induced by advection, during spring tides, and increased salinity and density resulting from evapora-
by buoyancy, during neaps, accounts for the return flux tion, wind-driven circulation, and the residual circula-
to the ocean. tion driven by the tides. This report has described the
relative importance of baroclinic forcing and tidal cir-
culation in the southern half of LSI and shows that the
5. Summary and conclusions
fluxes associated with residual circulation due to either
The nonlinear processes associated with advection in- mechanism are comparable to the flux into the lagoon
fluence the tidal circulation and the residual currents in due to evaporation.

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Acknowledgments. The work described here was the

1l 1 H 2
1 Cd
result of a collaboration between Centri de Investigation (1 1 e)([u] t 1 gh x ) 5 [u] 2
Cientificas y de Education Superior de Ensenada (CI-
CESE) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography to eval- 5 a2 r[u] 2 . (A3)
uate the potential environmental impact of the devel-
opment of a sea salt production facility in LSI. Funds The regression coefficients a are determined from
were provided by Exportadora de Sal, S.A de C.V, Mex- separate regression analyses for positive and negative
ico. We are particularly grateful to J. Bremer, T. Mi- values of [u]. The unknown coefficients are then com-
yauchi, and J. Brumm for their support and encourage- puted as
ment. We thank Alexandria Boehm, Bart Chadwick, H(a1 2 a2 )
Charles Coughran, Jim Lerczak, and Emily Pidgeon Cd 5 (A4)
who provided valuable suggestions on an early version
of this work. We thank Carl Friedrichs and another anon- 2
l5 . (A5)
ymous reviewer whose comments significantly im- a1 1 a2
proved the presentation. We also acknowledge Martin
Garcia Aguilar and Hernando Torres Chavez whose help This procedure yields values of the drag coefficient
in the field made this work possible. (2.8 3 10 23 at station 4 and 2.6 3 10 23 at station 3)
that are in agreement with values of C d published else-
APPENDIX where. The value of l (14.4 km) at station 4 is in rea-
sonable agreement with the overall length of the lagoon.
At station 3, the value of l is 4.2 km, comparable to the
Estimating C d and l distance over which the topography of the channels
Because h and u are out of phase, we rewrite Eq. changes in that area. Values of bottom stress for station
(7) as 3, based on the linear [Eq. (5)] and nonlinear [Eq. (7)]
formulations, are illustrated in Fig. A1.
[u 2 ] C
2 (1 1 e)([u] t 1 gh x ) 5 d |[u]|[u], (A1)
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