Exercise One: What's The Question?: Directions: Fill in The Blanks With The Correct Verb

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Exercise one: What's the question?

Fill in the gaps with the correct questions for the answers.Pay attention on
the underlined words.
    I work every day.
    I worked yesterday?
3)   she   the piano?
    No, she doesn't. She plays the guitar.
4)   they   there?
    They got there by plane.
    We are waiting for the bus.
    She lost her wallet.
      Yesterday... uhm... I think I studied for 3 hours.
      We ate a lot of grapes.
    I play tennis twice a week.
10)   she like chocolate?
     Yes, she does. She like it a lot.
11)   he work last saturday?
     No, he didn't. He got a day off.
     I'm playing the guitar.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb.

1. We always __________ (walk) home from school.

2. She never __________ (drink) diet sodas.

3. Do you __________ (like) to watch T.V.?

4. I __________ (play) tennis every Saturday.

5. He doesn’t __________ (dance) very well.

6. My neighbor __________ (work) at the hospital.

7. When do you __________ (eat) dinner?

8. The students always _________ (study) for their tests.

9. Does he __________ (live) in California?

10. The store usually __________ (close) at 10 p.m.

11. She __________ (know) the story by heart.

12. He _________ (call) his mother every Sunday.

13. Do you __________ (talk) to your brother every day?

14. When does she __________ (leave) for work?

15. My friend __________ (speak) five languages.

16. I __________ (cook) dinner every night.

17. He __________ (take) vitamins every day.

18. Do they __________ (travel) together?

19. They __________ (go) to the park often.

20. What does this word _______ (mean)?

Fill in who, why, what, how, how much, how many,how old,when, where, whose.

1.   are you so happy? because I have a birthday party. 

2.   is is sitting behind you? Rita. 

3.   do you go to school? by bus. 

4.   does the first lesson begin? at 8.00 o'clock. 

5.    is the police-station? in front of the park. 

6.    is the weather like in Israel? It's hot. 

7.    do the tickets cost? I don't know. Maybe 15 $. 

8.    does your mom go to work in the morning? by taxi. 

9.    does he usually have for lunch? rice and fish. 

10.    wants to sing this  song? Tamara . 

11.    book is that? It's Maria's. 

12.    do you have the longest holidays? in summer. 

13.    can translate this word in English? I can. 

14.   is your address? Main Street 16.

15.   are you crying? because I lost my keys.

Match the questions to the answers.

1. Where is your house?  a. because I'm sick. 

2. How are you?  b. spaghetti. 

3. When is the school party?  c. on Herzl Street. 

4. Why are you home today?  d. I'm great,thank you. 

5. Who is your best friend?  e.  Anna 

6. What is your favorite food?  f. on July 15th 

 Tick  the correct Wh-word  .(What/how/where/why/who/how many/how

old/ when/how much).

1. Who  / Why  / Where  They are outside now.

are the kids?

2.How  / Who  / Why  Because he is very tired.

is the baby in bed ?

3.What  / When  / How old  on Friday

is the test?

4. How much  / When  / How  two dollars a kilo

 are the oranges?

5. How much  / How old  / When She is 17 years old today.

is your sister?

6.What  / Where  / Who color is the dress? It is green.


7.How  / How many  / Why I go to work by car.

do you go to work every morning?

8.Where  / What  / When They are under the chair.

 are my shoes?

9. Why  / What  / When  at about 17:00 p.m.

are you home every day?

10.How  / Where  / What the radio
 is on the shelf?

 Complete the sentences with the correct Wh-word .

    1.    are you excited?                 because I have birthday today.
2.  are you today ?                 I’m fine ,thank you.

3.  is  your coat ?                   in the bedroom

  4.  is she at the moment?       at home

 5.  is your birthday ?              in September
   6. is Mr. Bean ?                     55 years old
 7.  is that woman?                  She is our sport teacher.
8.  are they  working?            in the book shop   

9.  apples do you have ?         three apples

10.  are the children?             in the swimming pool

11. _________ is Rita doing ?                    She is watching TV now.

12. ____________does your car cost ?         2.000 $ dollars

13.___________time is it ?                         It’s nine o’clock.

14. __________are the kids sad?           because they don’t go to the cinema.

15. _____________ is the party?                     at 5 o’clock

16. ____________ friends do you have?        I have two good friends.

17. ____________do they go to school?       by bus

18. ______________do you eat lunch?              in the afternoon

19. ______________ is on the desk?                  a new notebook

   20. ___________is in the kitchen?           my little brother   


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