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Domalandan Center, Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2021-2022
Junior High School
Q1 Summative Test 1
CLE Grade 10 St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Name: ______________________________ Score:____________
Teacher: Mrs. Rowena M. Uligan Parents Signature:______

I. Write the word true if the statement is true and the word False if the statement is false. 
_________1. Discernment is a process.
_________2. Listening and trusting in the Lord are needed in spiritual discernment.
_________3. Discernment is the process of discovering what we want to do in life.
_________4. Honesty of motive is important in discerning God’s will for us.
_________5. Once we follow Jesus, we free ourselves of earthly trials and challenges.
_________6. One way to discover our calling is to look into ourselves.
_________7. Spiritual discernment is best in discovering the best profession for us.
_________8. The presence of option does not help rather than confuse.
_________9. We will know the right choice by its fruits.
_________10. Pride and selfishness are hindrances to spiritual discernment.
_________11. The way to Jesus is a way to freedom.
_________12. Sin makes us unfree.
_________13. There is evil because there is freedom.
_________14. We are truly free when we can do whatever we want.  
_________15. God gives freedom for one to choose between evil and good. 
II. Choose the correct words below to complete the Bible verses.
Holy Spirit, Purpose, righteous, Children, Slavery, instruction, mind, father, helper, People,
Christ, Jesus, heart, God, perfect, Goal,

1.  “Your body is the temple of the ________________________”. – 1 Corinthian 6:19

2. “Be _________________, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect”. – Matthew 5:48
3. “For through faith, you are all ___________ of God in Christ, Jesus”. – Galatians 3:26
4. “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a ___________ suited to him”. – Genesis
5. “For whatever written previously was written for our____________”. – Romans 15:14
6. “Do not conform yourself this age but be transformed by the renewal of your______”. –
Romans 12:2
7. “Be set from __________ to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children
of God”. – Romans 8:21
8. “For God is the one who, for his good _________, works in you both to desire and to
work”. – Philippians 2:13
9. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male
and female; for you are all one in______________...” – Galatians 3:28.
10. “The __________ will set you free”. – John 8:32.

III. Answer the questions below. Write your answer

below in the space given. 5 points 

Domalandan Center, Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2021-2022
Junior High School
Q1 Summative Test 1
CLE Grade 10 St. Pedro Calungsod
Name: ______________________________ Score:____________
Teacher: Mrs. Marlina M. Munda Parents Signature:______

I. Write the word true if the statement is true and the word False if the statement is false. 
_________1. Discernment is a process.
_________2. Listening and trusting in the Lord are needed in spiritual discernment.
_________3. Discernment is the process of discovering what we want to do in life.
_________4. Honesty of motive is important in discerning God’s will for us.
_________5. Once we follow Jesus, we free ourselves of earthly trials and challenges.
_________6. One way to discover our calling is to look into ourselves.
_________7. Spiritual discernment is best in discovering the best profession for us.
_________8. The presence of option does not help rather than confuse.
_________9. We will know the right choice by its fruits.
_________10. Pride and selfishness are hindrances to spiritual discernment.
_________11. The way to Jesus is a way to freedom.
_________12. Sin makes us unfree.
_________13. There is evil because there is freedom.
_________14. We are truly free when we can do whatever we want.  
_________15. God gives freedom for one to choose between evil and good. 
II. Choose the correct words below to complete the Bible verses.
Holy Spirit, Purpose, righteous, Children, Slavery, instruction, mind, father, helper, People,
Christ, Jesus, heart, God, perfect, Goal,

11.  “Your body is the temple of the ________________________”. – 1 Corinthian 6:19

12. “Be _________________, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect”. – Matthew 5:48
13. “For through faith, you are all ___________ of God in Christ, Jesus”. – Galatians 3:26
14. “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a ___________ suited to him”. – Genesis
15. “For whatever written previously was written for our____________”. – Romans 15:14
16. “Do not conform yourself this age but be transformed by the renewal of your______”. –
Romans 12:2
17. “Be set from __________ to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children
of God”. – Romans 8:21
18. “For God is the one who, for his good _________, works in you both to desire and to
work”. – Philippians 2:13
19. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male
and female; for you are all one in______________...” – Galatians 3:28.
20. “The __________ will set you free”. – John 8:32.

III. Answer the questions below. Write your answer

below in the space given. 5 points 


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