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MSU-TCTO Vision and Mission

A research university renowned for Fisheries, Marine and Environmental Science,
and allied disciplines.

Under its Charter of 1969 (RA 6060), MSU-TCTO is mandated to extend to the
Muslims and other cultural minority groups the opportunities of college education and develop
such other programs as will promote Muslim welfare and hasten the economic development of
the southernmost region of the Philippines.

The college shall also develop academic programs for exploration and conservation
of the fisheries resources in the Sulu Seas and nearby waters, undertake researches in fish
processing and culture, and in oceanography for increased understanding of the country's
territorial waters, and adopt other programs and projects as may be necessary to promote the
social and economic development of the people.

CIAS-BSTA AND ABIS Department Goals and Objectives.

 To develop the academic  To provide academic programs through interactive
institution for excellence in education on Islamic values and jurisprudence for
Islamic education of peace moral and socio-economic development of Muslims
and justice and in moral towards attaining peace and prosperity of the
transformation of people for community.
the general welfare and  To cater and develop special community outreach
prosperity of the community programs in enhancing leadership capacity of
(Ummah). Muslims for good governance and promoting Halal
industry in the Region.

 To attain excellence in  To increase the number of faculty with

Instruction on Islamic Masters/Doctorates in Shar’iah or Islamic Studies or
Studies and Shari’ah. PhDs.
 To enhance institutional structures and framework
that will promote teaching, research and extension of
 To expand and develop academic facilities
 To promote the academic institution as center for
peace education, Islamic leadership and management

development program and halal industry
 To provide opportunities for more peaceful dialogues
and engagements for conflict resolution.
 To provide opportunities for faculty and students of
CIAS as global citizens for universal peace and

 To have excellence in  To develop and enhance research study, academic

research, initiatives and scholarship and technical creativity.
extension services

Course Guide

Course Number and Title: BAH00 – INTRODUCTION TO MALAY

Course Description

Course Overview
A. Introduction

This course aims to train students to communicate in Malay Language used in daily life
situations. Students are introduced to speaking and writing in Malay at the basic level.
Teaching and learning are conducted through modules, activities, audio records, videos
and student learning experiences within and outside the classroom. At completion of
this course, students are expected to communicate and writing essays effectively using
simple sentences in Malay.

B. Learning tips
 Give yourself time for what you have studied to become part of your repertoire.
A language is not a series of facts; it is a skill and habit that needs to be learnt.
Practice makes it habit.
 Master one lesson in its entirety before moving on, and still keep revising it to
keep the language fresh in your mind. For each new lesson you progress onto,
it is a good idea to back two to three lessons and revise them fully too.
 If something does not make immediate sense come back on it a day later.
Remember that, when you are learning a language, you are exposing your mind
to a new way to relate to concepts and ideas. It can take a little time for your
brain to begin to accept this, but you can be sure that it will if you persevere.
 Study or practice the language every day. If you cannot find time for active
learning of new language try to spend time playing the Malay movies or going
over the language you have already studied.
 Goo over what you have learnt during the day just before sleeping.


 Do not try to learn too much at once, especially in the early stages, language
learning, and learning in general, becomes a habit that you can develop. The
more you learn, the more you are capable of learning, so allow yourself to
develop the art of acquiring a language over time.
 Do not underestimate the value of revision. Learning a language is a cumulative
task. You will find that, at later stage, when you return to lesson that you
completed earlier, you will have a deeper sense of knowing and understanding
as more parts of the language already learned fall into place.
 Above all, do not cram learn! Cram learning the night before an exam in which
you have to produce factual information may result in you being able to retain
facts in your short-term memory long enough to pass, but if you have tried it,
you will know that in a matter of days most of days the information is lost.
Language are skills that need to be developed over time. Do try to rush through
the course, for the same reason.

Course Study Guide

This module is a self-directed flexible leaning approach. Due to Covid-19 pandemic,

we are to use face-to-face combined with this module for this 2nd semester 2020-2021. I
encourage you to work diligently and independently to complete this course. Take note of the

1. First things first. Always make time for your studies. Schedule everything you do.
2. Be Resourceful. Always research things you don’t understand. Google and
Youtube are there to help you.
3. Practice makes perfect. After learning something, practice it immediately so you
don’t forget.
4. Be Inquisitive. Don’t hesitate to ask help for things you don’t understand. Ask me,
your classmate or anyone to help you with the problem.
5. First Blood. A taste of a perfect score could lead to another perfect score that helps
you accomplish this course neatly.
6. Do your best. One failure could not stop you from being the best. Always do your
7. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating in any requirement will result in a
minimum penalty of having a grade of 0 for that requirement. Duplicated activity
or evaluation exercises will merit penalties for both the student who copied and the
student from whom the work was copied.
8. Contact me. If you need something about the course, just chat/text/call me.

Evaluation/Assessment and Grading System

Please be guided of the following to pass this course:

1. There will be three major exams with respective total scores and schedules to be
determined and agree in the class.
2. There are activities given on each unit and evaluation at the end of it.
3. Quizzes will be given any time.

Grading System

Below is the percentage distribution for grade computation:

For Prelim, Midterm and Final Grade:

 Examination 35%
 Activities 20%
 Quizzes 15%
 Evaluations 20%
 Participations 10%
 Total 100%

For Evaluation

As evidence of attaining the learning outcomes, students are required to do

and submit the following.

Score Criteria
- Translate into English
xxx - Translate into Malay
- Record the following conversation and
convert it into video
- Translate into English.
- Make up some Malay sentences of your own
using what you have learned so far in this
0 - No submission

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