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The t3 protocol is basically a protocol that sits on top of http (or can switch

with http seemlessly, not sure of the diff). And BTW, https equivalent is the t3
s protocol.
For example, if you configure weblogic to use port 80 for the http protocol, so
that you can connect to html/servlets/jsp etc. This same port 80 is also used fo
r JNDI via the t3 protocol. This means that this port can also be used for EJBs,
JMX connectors, JMS, and anything else that uses JNDI.
Anyway, to connect from an external program, you need to put the weblogic client
library in the classpath, and use JNDI. There should be tons of code examples o
f it on the weblogic website.
A digital transmission service from a common carrier. Although developed in the
1960s and used internally, AT&T introduced it as a communications product to the
public in 1983. Initially used for voice, its use for data grew steadily, and T
1 and T3 lines were and still are widely used to create point-to-point private d
ata networks. T-carrier lines use four wire cables. One pair is used to transmit
; the other to receive.
The cost of the lines is generally based on the length of the circuit. Thus, it
is the customer's responsibility to utilize the lines efficiently. Multiple lowe
r-speed channels can be multiplexed onto a T-carrier line and demultiplexed (spl
it back out) at the other end. Some multiplexors can analyze the traffic load an
d vary channel speeds for optimum transmission. See T1, T2, T3, DS, DSU/CSU and
inverse multiplexor.

A 44.736 Mbps point-to-point, digital dedicated line provided by the telephone c
ompanies. A T3 line provides 672 64-Kbps voice or data channels. T3 channels are
widely used on the Internet, although major backbones typically use optical net
T3 line [ te'thre lin]
High-speed digital connection that transmits data at 45 million bits per second
through the telephone-switching network.

RMI communications in WebLogic Server use the T3 protocol to transport data betw
een WebLogic Server and other Java programs, including clients and other WebLogi
c Server instances. A server instance keeps track of each Java Virtual Machine (
JVM) with which it connects, and creates a single T3 connection to carry all tra
ffic for a JVM.

EJB QL: EJB Query Language:

Simplified Syntax:
This section briefly describes the syntax of EJB QL so that you can quickly
move on to the next section, Example Queries. When you are ready to learn about
the syntax in more detail, see the section Full Syntax.
An EJB QL query has three clauses: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE. The SELECT and F
ROM clauses are required, but the WHERE clause is optional. Here is the high-lev
el BNF syntax of an EJB QL query:
EJB QL ::= select_clause from_clause [where_clause]

The SELECT clause defines the types of the objects or values returned by the
query. A return type is either a local interface, a remote interface, or a pers
istent field.
The FROM clause defines the scope of the query by declaring one or more iden
tification variables, which may be referenced in the SELECT and WHERE clauses. A
n identification variable represents one of the following elements:
* The abstract schema name of an entity bean
* A member of a collection that is the multiple side of a one-to-many re
The WHERE clause is a conditional expression that restricts the objects or v
alues retrieved by the query. Although optional, most queries have a WHERE claus

link for EJB Query Language:

IBM website for EJB QL:

RMI implementation and IIOP somewhat good link:
RMI tutorial for starters:
Programming weblogic rmi over IIOP: one of good link:
Book link:
Samples link:
References link:

A digital transmission service from a common carrier. Although developed in the
1960s and used internally, AT&T introduced it as a communications product to the
public in 1983. Initially used for voice, its use for data grew steadily, and T
1 and T3 lines were and still are widely used to create point-to-point private d
ata networks. T-carrier lines use four wire cables. One pair is used to transmit
; the other to receive.
The cost of the lines is generally based on the length of the circuit. Thus, it
is the customer's responsibility to utilize the lines efficiently. Multiple lowe
r-speed channels can be multiplexed onto a T-carrier line and demultiplexed (spl
it back out) at the other end. Some multiplexors can analyze the traffic load an
d vary channel speeds for optimum transmission. See T1, T2, T3, DS, DSU/CSU and
inverse multiplexor.

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