CHILD ABUSE 2 (AutoRecovered)

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Name: Athena Rowe

Centre Number:
School: York Castle High School
Teacher: Mrs Coombs- Robinson
Territory: Jamaica
Table of Content
              The subtopic I have chosen under the theme Child Abuse is ‘The impact of child
abuse on relationships’ is a very overlooked issue of society which sparked my interest in
researching on the topic to shed light on the situation. Child Abuse happens in everyday life
without people even knowing about it or aware, parents who punish their child or children
with harmful objects to inflict physical harm or the shaming  and humiliating of a child in
public or privately are forms of child abuse. 

            Collecting information about my topic for this SBA I would be reading articles that
are posted on the internet, read through the local newspaper or magazines and read poems
written by victims it will be use in the aid of writing my reflections and written report. Being
a student of English, this would increase my comprehension skill, my critical thinking skills
and even my writing skills. 
Reflection 1
Many people go around believing that child abuse does not affect victim’s relationship with
family members, friends or even their future relationships with other people.

My first source was an article with the title “How the Trauma of a Childhood Abuse Affects
Interpersonal Relationships, And They Begin Healing” the main focus of the article is to
highlighting the effects and trauma that child abuse left on the victim both emotionally and
mentally, it also took stories or experiences from victims on how their relationship with
people in there surrounds where very disconnected and distraught. 

The second material is a poem entitled ‘I Trusted You’. This heart moving poem have left me
feeling sympathy for the poet as it highlighted not only the short term but also the long-term
effects that the abuser had left on her, as the title stated the victim trusted the person and the
person went and exploited her trust. I have grown a to be more empathic and understanding
with these individuals because I now aware of the state of mind that they now developed.

The last material is a newspaper article ‘Child Abuse can Impact Victim’s Adult
Relationship’s’. This article highlights that due to the abuse, when the children are to
transition into adult relationships they find it very difficult to do so due to possibility of the
new person reminding them of their abusive parents or even if only implicitly, this article
have sadden me how a moment in child past can affect them forever, I have become more
aware of how a victims of child abuse have to analyse even the simplest of decision due to
them not wanting to make the same mistake in putting their trust in the wrong person again.
Reflection 2
With my collected sources, it was easier to understand what each writer or illustrator or the
poet wanted to across to the audience with the use of the language.

The first material was an article entitled “How the Trauma of a Childhood Abuse Affects
Interpersonal Relationships, And They Begin Healing” by Elsiabet Kvarnstrom on February
8, 2018. The author wrote the article in the third person because of the use of words such as
‘her’. Word such as carefree and aimlessly was use within the article showing that the author
also use emotive language and these words reflect the writers feelings toward them within the
article and the readers to be able to imagine how much pain and suffering this little girl is
being put through. The article was quite descriptive and this can be said due to the author
vividly describing the young girl thoughts and how she was being treated by her abuser.

In the second material the poem ‘I Trusted You’ written by Jessica in July 2009. The poem
was written in first person point of view. The poem was very sympatric, descriptive and
informative and it is safe to make these claims because author did not flatter in giving each
detail of the little girl actions and thoughts that race through head and the abuser actions were
also mentioned in detail. The poet also incorporates the use of all five senses so the audience
can share the same vision as the poet.

The last material which is a newspaper article called ‘Child Abuse can Impact Victim’s Adult
Relationship’s’ which is published on October 26, 2006 by SAGE Publications. Throughout
the article the author spoke in the first person. The author was quite informative because
within the article it gave a lot of facts about what studies have proven.
Reflection 3
My English SBA helped me to improve on several aspect of my life such as, I have become
more assertive and confident, I can work with others more effectively and I am more time

While doing this SBA I have developed confidence and became more assertive with the help
of the Oral Presentation section of the SBA which involve public speaking. This section of
the SBA strengthened my communication skills to express myself confidently verbally. Also
presenting and doing such topic have made me very assertive about the points I have

Due to the SBA being a group project my team work skills have been sharpened, because I
have to be working with my group for almost a year. Various meetings were held which we
would discuss how each section of the SBA to ensure each objective was met and it was
complete in sequential manner. Different roles have been assigned to me within the group to
ensure an acceptable grade is granted to me for participation. Outside of class or our group
meets we would often check on each other to see how the individual portfolios were going
and if anyone needed help.

While doing this SBA it was hard to complete each section with the given deadlines and also
completing other SBAs and doing school work different and all this had to be done on the
internet made it even harder. My time management skills have surely sharpen to ensure no
time have gone unutilised to produce a draft for each section on time. With given deadline I
had to best orientate my time to ensure I have spent sufficient time on each section.

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