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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Genevieve Veneziale Date of Activity: 10/24/21 & 10/29/21 Faculty name:

Sarah Hoogasian

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

On October 24th I attended a two-hour /BLS certification class which was provided by the

American Red Cross. Prior to attending the live class, I had to complete the online training. I

decided to take the CPR/BLS class through the American Red Cross as I have previously

completed this training through them. Along with the presentation that was given by the

instructor, the students were also tasked with practicing adult and infant CPR on the manikins as

a solo CPR provider as well as working as a team with the other students. Once I completed this

class, I officially became certified as a CPR/BLS provider. One other professional activity I

participated in was a COVID 19 vaccination event located in Nogales, Arizona ate the Mariposa

Port of Entry. The goal of this vaccination clinic was to vaccinate over 1000 Mexican Nationals

between the ages of 12-18. Not only was I able to work with citizens of Mexico, but I also

worked alongside the University of Arizona College of Public Health which helps to organize

these types of events.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

The American Red Cross BLS course included a two-hour online portion that was

completed prior to attending the two-hour live course. In total, the training course was four hours

long. The in person live course was hosted on 10/24/21 at the American Red Cross Training site

located on 3037 W Ina Rd. The COVID 19 vaccination clinic on 10/29/21 was in Nogales,
Arizona at the Mariposa Port of Entry. The clinic lasted from 0700 to 1430, therefore it was a

total of seven and a half hours spent at the clinic.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The CPR class was very valuable because I will need to have it on my resume as I am

applying for jobs and all nursing jobs require that nurses have it. It is very important to refresh

my knowledge on CPR because there will be times in the future where I will have to provide

basic life support. I want to make sure that I am confident in my abilities. Volunteering at the

Port of Entry Vaccination clinic helped me to practice communicating with patients when there

is a communication barrier. I was also able to practice giving IM injections on a wide range of


How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

I will continue to need to refresh my CPR certification every two years as it is required as

a registered nurse. I will continue to volunteer my time helping others outside of my job. My

goal in the future is to travel to underserved countries to provide healthcare and education.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future;

why or why not? (Describe)

I would recommend that everyone volunteer at these types of events. I really enjoyed my

time giving vaccines to members of another country.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Signature on validation of clinical

hours form obtained.

Signature in Preceptor packet for COVID vaccination clinic

Ce rtificate o f Co mple tio n

Genevieve Veneziale
has successfully completed requirements for
Bas ic Life S uppo rt

Date Completed: 10/24/2021

Validity Period: 2 - Years

Conducted by: JLM Services AZ, LLC.

To verify certificate, scan code or visit and enter ID.

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