Chapter 1 Study Guide

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Pathology for Massage Therapists

Chapter 1: Study Guide

Matching. Match the correct term with the definition.

1. ____Prion A. live on or in a host

2. ____Viruses B. proteins with no DNA or RNA
3. ____Bacteria C. group of organisms that include yeast or mold
4. ____Fungi D. single-celled microorganisms that can survive outside a host
5. ____Animal parasites E. packets of DNA or RNA wrapped in a capsid

6. A prion will spread via contaminated _______________ or _______________ tissue.

7. True or False. All prion diseases affect the nervous system and all are eventually fatal.

8. Viruses release copies of the virus or viral particles called _______________ which eventually invade
other nearby cells.

9. True or False. Outside a host viruses are extremely strong and can last for long periods of time.

10. True or False. All bacteria are bad for the body.

11. Bacteria with a high replication rate respond better to _______________therapy.

12. Spores are coated_______________ which can survive for extended periods outside a host.

13. _______________ bacteria clump together in groups and resemble bunches of grapes.

14. _______________bacteria cling together in chains.

15. MRSA is an example of a _______________ bacteria.

16. Strep throat is an example of a _______________ bacteria.

17. Fungi are a group of organisms that include both _______________ and _______________.

18. Internal fungal infections are indications of _______________ in the body and allow normal yeasts
to replicate _______________.

19. Fungal infections (such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, and jock itch) are usually found on the

20. _______________ are pathogens that live on or in a host.

21. Single-celled organisms that cause diseases such as giardiasis, malaria, and cryptosporidiosis are
22. An _______________ is a pathogen such as head lice, crab lice, or mites.

23. Explain each of the following processes--

The transmission process for pathogens includes:
a. A reservoir

b. A susceptible host

c. Mode of transport

24. _______________ is a tissue response to damage or the threat of invasion by antigens.

25. List reasons why inflammation is typically caused.

26. Describe the difference between acute, subacute, and post acute inflammation.

27. The symptoms of inflammation are pain, _______________, redness, _______________, and loss of
28. Typical treatments for inflammation include:

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