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C Youth meeting agenda

Opening: 25th July 2021, Sunday, 10:00am.,

The games were started with a prayer by father.

Present members: 18 youths were present

Absent members: -----

Approval of agenda: By parish priest

Approval of meeting: by parish priest

Business of meeting: Games

- the members were divided into 2 groups, which consists of 9 members in

Both the teams.

- The first game was X and 0

- Second game was Dog and the bone.

- The last game was damsharas,

- then the game session was ended by 12:00 pm with a small prayer by the


New business addition+ agenda: ----

Closing: 12:00 pm

Minutes submitted by: Chris Davis

Minutes approved by: Parish Priest and President.

Signature of parish priest: Signature of President:

-25th July 2021- games
-there were 17 members present.
- The games were started by 10:00 pm, with a small prayer.
- first, game was X and 0 ,
- second game was Dog and the bone.
- the last game was damsharas, which was ended by with a short prayer, by

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