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Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for
Form 990-PF
Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1)
Charitable Trust Treated as a Private Foundation
(Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.)

General Information These organizations use this form to

calculate the tax on net investment
Contents Page
Specific Instructions 7
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.—We income and to report charitable
ask for the information on this form to Part I—Analysis of Revenue and
distributions and activities. The form
carry out the Internal Revenue laws of Expenses 8
also serves as a substitute for the
the United States. You are required to nonexempt section 4947(a)(1) charitable Part II—Balance Sheets 12
give us the information. We need it to trust’s income tax return, Form 1041, Part III—Analysis of Changes in
ensure that you are complying with U.S. Fiduciary Income Tax Return, when Net Assets or Fund Balances 14
these laws and to allow us to figure and the trust has no taxable income. Part IV—Capital Gains and Losses
collect the right amount of tax. for Tax on Investment Income 14
Contents Page
The time needed to complete and file Part V—Qualification Under Section
this form will vary depending on A. Who Must File Form 990-PF 1
4940(e) for Reduced Tax on
individual circumstances. The estimated B. Applicability of Parts of
Net Investment Income 15
average time is: Form 990-PF to Certain Filers 2
Part VI—Excise Tax on Investment
Recordkeeping 140 hr., 8 min. C. Definitions 2
Income 15
Learning about the D. Other Forms You May Need to
Part VII—Statements Regarding
law or the form 27 hr., 5 min. File 2
Activities 16
Preparing the form 31 hr., 29 min. E. Additional Information 3
Part VIII—Information About Officers,
Copying, assembling, and F. Use of Form 990-PF To Satisfy Directors, Trustees, etc. 17
sending the form to the IRS 16 min. State Reporting Requirements 3
Part IX-A—Summary of Direct
If you have comments concerning the G. Furnishing Copies of the Annual Charitable Activities 18
accuracy of these time estimates or Return to State Officials 4
Part IX-B—Summary of Program-
suggestions for making this form more H. Accounting Period 4 Related Investments 18
simple, we would be happy to hear from I. Accounting Methods 4
you. You can write to both the Internal Part X—Minimum Investment Return 19
J. When and Where to File 4 Part XI—Distributable Amount 20
Revenue Service, Washington, DC
20224, Attention: IRS Reports Clearance K. Extension of Time to File 4 Part XII—Qualifying Distributions 20
Officer, T:FP; and the Office of L. Amended Return 4 Part XIII—Undistributed Income 21
Management and Budget, Paperwork M. Penalty for Failure To File Timely, Part XIV—Private Operating
Reduction Project (1545-0052), Completely, or Correctly 4 Foundations 22
Washington, DC 20503. DO NOT send
N. Penalty for Not Paying Tax on Part XV—Supplementary Information 23
the tax form to either of these offices.
Time 5
Instead, see When and Where To File Part XVI-A—Analysis of Income-
on page 4. O. Figuring and Paying Estimated Producing Activities 23
Taxes on Net Investment Income 5
Part XVI-B—Relationship of Activities
Changes You Should Note P. Depositary Method of Tax to the Accomplishment of Exempt
Payment for Domestic Private Purposes 24
● For 1991, foundations owing less than Foundations 5
$500 in tax may now attach a check or Part XVII—Information Regarding
Q. Public Inspection of Form 990-PF Transfers To and Transactions and
money order to page 1, Form 990-PF
and Approved Exemption Relationships With Noncharitable
instead of using Form 8109, Federal Tax
Applications 5 Exempt Organizations 24
Deposit Coupon.
R. Disclosures Regarding Certain Part XVIII—Public Inspection 25
● The limitation on grant administrative
Information and Services
expenses expired for tax years Signature 25
Furnished 6
beginning after December 31, 1990. Exclusion Codes 26
Accordingly, two schedules which S. Organizations Organized or
appeared in the 1990 Form (Part XI, Created in a Foreign Country or
Limitation on Grant Administrative U.S. Possession 6 General Instructions
Expenses, and Part XII, Schedule of T. Liquidation, Dissolution,
Grant Administrative Expenses) were Termination, or Substantial
A. Who Must File Form 990-PF
deleted from the 1991 revision. Contraction 6 Form 990-PF, an annual information
Purpose of Form.—Form 990-PF is U. Filing Requirements During return, must be filed by:
used by private foundations and by Section 507(b)(1)(B) Termination 7 1. Exempt private foundations (section
nonexempt 4947(a)(1) charitable trusts V. Special Rules for Section 6033(a), (b), and (c)).
that are treated as private foundations. 507(b)(1)(B) Terminations 7
2. Taxable private foundations (section organizations are excluded from private make an expenditure or prevent the
6033(d)). (See instruction D, Form 1120.) foundation status by these sections. organization from making an
3. Organizations that agree to private These organizations may be required to expenditure, regardless of the method of
foundation status and whose file Form 990 (or Form 990EZ) instead of control. “Control” is determined without
applications for exempt status are Form 990-PF. regard to the conditions imposed by a
pending on the due date for filing Form A nonexempt char itable trust treated foundation on the manner in which the
990-PF. as a private foundation is a trust that is contribution must be used.
4. Organizations that made an election not exempt from tax under section Char itable and exempt are
under section 41(e)(6). 501(a) and all of the unexpired interests synonymous terms in these instructions
of which are devoted to religious, when they relate to a tax-exempt private
5. Organizations that are making a
charitable, or other purposes described foundation.
section 507 termination.
in section 170(c)(2)(B), and for which a
6. Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt deduction was allowed under a section D. Other Forms You May Need To
charitable trusts that are treated as of the Code listed in section 4947(a)(1). File
private foundations (section 6033(d)).
(See instruction D, Form 1041.) A taxable foundation is no longer Forms W-2 and W-3.—Wage and Tax
exempt under section 501(a) as an Statement, and Transmittal of Income
Note: Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt organization described in section and Tax Statements.
char itable trusts that are not treated as 501(c)(3). Though it may operate as a
pr ivate foundations, do not file Form Form 941.—Employer’s Quarterly
taxable entity, it will continue to be Federal Tax Return. Used to report
990-PF. However, they may need to file treated as a private foundation until its
Form 990, Retur n of Organization social security and income taxes
status as such is terminated under withheld by an employer and social
Exempt From Income Tax, or Form section 507.
990EZ, Short For m Return of security tax paid by an employer.
A foundation manager is an officer, Form 990-T.—Exempt Organization
Organization Exempt From Income Tax.
director, or trustee of a foundation, or an Business Income Tax Return. Every
With either of these forms, the trust
individual who has powers similar to organization exempt from income tax
must also file Schedule A (Form 990),
those of officers, directors, or trustees. under section 501(c)(3) that has total
Organization Exempt Under 501(c)(3)
In the case of any act or failure to act, gross income of $1,000 or more from all
(except Pr ivate Foundation), 501(e),
the term “foundation manager” may also trades or businesses that are unrelated
501(f), 501(k), or Section 4947(a)(1)
include employees of the foundation to the purpose on which the
Char itable Trust Supplementary
who have the authority to act. organization’s exempt status is based
Infor mation. (See For m 990 or Form
990EZ instructions. ) A disqualified person is: must file a return on Form 990-T.
1. a substantial contributor (see page Form 1041.—U.S. Fiduciary Income Tax
B. Applicability of Parts of Form 17); Return. Required of section 4947(a)(1)
990-PF to Certain Filers 2. a foundation manager; charitable trusts that also file Form
Note: The parts of the form listed below 3. a person who owns more than 20% 990-PF. However, if the trust does not
do not apply to all filers. If an entire part, of a corporation, partnership, trust, or have any taxable income under subtitle
or a major portion of a part, does not unincorporated enterprise which is itself A of the Code, it may use the filing of
apply, enter “N/A” where appropriate. a substantial contributor; Form 990-PF to satisfy its Form 1041
● Part I, column (c), applies only to filing requirement under section 6012. If
4. a member of the family of an this condition is met, check the box for
private operating foundations and to individual in the first three categories; or question 19, Part VII, of Form 990-PF
nonoperating private foundations that 5. a corporation, partnership, trust, or and do not file Form 1041, but complete
have income from charitable activities. estate in which persons described in (1), Form 990-PF in the normal manner.
● Part II, column (c), with the exception (2), (3), or (4) above own a total Form 1096.—Annual Summary and
of line 16, applies only to organizations beneficial interest of more than 35%.
having at least $5,000 in assets at some Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns.
6. For purposes of section 4941 Forms 1099-INT, MISC, OID, and R.—
time during the year. Line 16, column (c), (self-dealing), a disqualified person also
applies to all filers. Information returns for reporting certain
includes certain government officials. interest; miscellaneous income, medical
● Part IV does not apply to foreign (See section 4946(c) and the related and health care payments, and
organizations. regulations.) nonemployee compensation; original
● Parts V and VI do not apply to 7. For purposes of section 4943 issue discount; and distributions from
organizations making an election under (excess business holdings), a pensions, annuities, retirement or
section 41(e). disqualified person also includes: profit-sharing plans, IRAs, insurance
● Part XI does not apply to private a. a private foundation which is contracts, etc.
operating foundations. effectively controlled (directly or Form 1120.—U.S. Corporation Income
● Part XIV applies only to private indirectly) by the same persons who Tax Return. Filed by nonexempt taxable
operating foundations. control the private foundation in private foundations that have taxable
● Part XV applies only to organizations question, or income under subtitle A of the Code.
having assets of $5,000 or more during b. a private foundation to which The Form 990-PF annual information
the year. This Part does not apply to substantially all of the contributions were return is also filed by these taxable
certain foreign organizations. made (directly or indirectly) by one or foundations.
more of the persons described in (1), (2), Form 1120-POL.—U.S. Income Tax
C. Definitions and (3) above, or members of their Return for Certain Political
A pr ivate foundation is a domestic or families, within the meaning of section Organizations. Section 501(c)
foreign organization exempt from income 4946(d). organizations must file Form 1120-POL if
tax under section 501(a); described in An organization is controlled by a their political expenditures and their net
section 501(c)(3); and is other than an foundation or by one or more investment income both exceed $100 for
organization described in sections disqualified persons with respect to the the year.
509(a)(1) through (4). foundation if any of these persons may, Form 1128.—Application to Adopt,
In general, churches, hospitals, by combining their votes or positions of Change or Retain A Tax Year.
schools, and broadly publicly supported authority, require the organization to
Page 2
Form 2758.—Application for Extension donee or another successor donee.) For jurisdictions in which you do business to
of Time To File Certain Excise, Income, successor donees, the form must be determine their specific filing
Information, and Other Returns. filed only for any property that was requirements. “Doing business” in a
Form 2220.—Underpayment of transferred by the original donee after jurisdiction may include any of the
Estimated Tax by Corporations, is used July 5, 1988. following: (a) soliciting contributions or
by corporations and trusts filing Form Form 8300.—Report of Cash Payments grants by mail or otherwise from
990-PF to see if the foundation owes a Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or individuals, businesses, or other
penalty and to figure the amount of the Business. Used to report cash amounts charitable organizations, (b) conducting
penalty. Generally, the foundation is not in excess of $10,000 that were received programs, (c) having employees within
required to file this form because the in a single transaction (or in two or more that jurisdiction, or (d) maintaining a
IRS can figure the amount of any related transactions) in the course of a checking account or owning or renting
penalty and bill the foundation for it. trade or business (as defined in section property therein.
However, you must complete and attach 162). Monetary tests may differ.—Some or
Form 2220 even if the foundation does Form 8718.—User Fee for Exempt all of the dollar limitations applicable to
not owe the penalty if: Organization Determination Letter Form 990-PF when filed with IRS may
● the annualized income or the adjusted Request. Used by a private foundation not apply when using Form 990-PF in
seasonal installment method is used, or that has completed a section 507 place of state or local report forms. IRS
dollar limitations that may not meet
● the foundation is a “large termination and seeks a determination
letter that it is now a public charity. some state requirements are the $5,000
organization,” computing its first
total assets minimum that necessitates
required installment based on the prior Form 990-W.—Estimated Tax on
completion of Part II, column (c), and
year’s tax. Unrelated Business Taxable Income for
Part XV; and the $30,000 minimum for
If you attach Form 2220, check the Tax-Exempt Organizations.
listing the highest paid employees and
box on line 8, Part VI, on page 4 of Form 1041-ES.—Estimated Income Tax for listing professional fees in Part VIII.
Form 990-PF and enter the amount of for Fiduciaries.
Additional infor mation may be
any penalty on this line. Form 4506-A.—Request for Public required.—State and local filing
Form 4720.—Return of Certain Excise Inspection or Copy of Exempt requirements may require you to attach
Taxes on Charities and Other Persons Organization Tax Form. to Form 990-PF one or more of the
Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Form 8109.—Federal Tax Deposit following: (a) additional financial
Internal Revenue Code. Primarily used to Coupon. statements, such as a complete analysis
determine the excise taxes imposed on: of functional expenses or a statement of
Form 8822.—Change of Address.
acts of self-dealing between private changes in financial position, (b) notes
foundations and disqualified persons; E. Additional Information to financial statements, (c) additional
failure to distribute income; excess financial schedules, (d) a report on the
business holdings; investments that In addition to the publications listed
throughout these instructions, you may financial statements by an independent
jeopardize the foundation’s charitable accountant, and (e) answers to
purposes; and making political or other wish to get:
additional questions and other
noncharitable expenditures. Certain Publication 525.—Taxable and information. Each jurisdiction may
excise taxes and penalties also apply to Nontaxable Income.
require the additional material to be
foundation managers, substantial Publication 578.—Tax Information for presented on forms they provide. The
contributors, and certain related persons Private Foundations and Foundation additional information does not have to
and are reported on this form. Managers. be submitted with the Form 990-PF filed
Form 5500 or 5500-C/R.—Employers Publication 583.—Taxpayers Starting a with the IRS.
who maintain pension, profit-sharing, or Business. Even if the Form 990-PF you file with
other funded deferred compensation Publication 598.—Tax on Unrelated IRS is accepted by the IRS as complete,
plans are generally required to file one of Business Income of Exempt a copy of the same return filed with a
the 5500 series of forms specified in the Organizations. state will not fully satisfy that state’s
following paragraph. This requirement filing requirement if required information
applies whether or not the plan is Publication 910.—Guide to Free Tax
Services. is not provided, including any of the
qualified under the Internal Revenue additional information discussed above,
Code and whether or not the deduction Publication 1391.—Deductibility of
or if the state determines that the form
is claimed for the current tax year. Payments Made to Charities Conducting
was not completed according to the
The forms required to be filed are: Fund-Raising Events.
applicable Form 990-PF instructions or
Form 5500, Annual Return/Report of Publications and forms are available at supplemental state instructions. In that
no charge through IRS offices or by event, you may be asked to provide the
Employee Benefit Plan. Used for each
plan with 100 or more participants. calling 1-800-TAX-FORM missing information or to submit an
(1-800-829-3676). amended return.
Form 5500-C/R, Return/Report of
Employee Benefit Plan. Used for each F. Use of Form 990-PF To Satisfy Amended retur ns.—If you submit
plan with fewer than 100 participants. State Reporting Requirements supplemental information or file an
Form 8282.—Donee Information Return. amended Form 990-PF with the IRS,
Some states and local government units you must also furnish a copy of the
Required of the donee of “charitable will accept a copy of Form 990-PF and
deduction property” who sells, information or amended return to any
required attachments in place of all or state with which you filed a copy of
exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the part of their own financial report forms.
property within two years after the date Form 990-PF originally to meet that
it received the property. If you intend to use Form 990-PF to state’s filing requirement.
satisfy state or local filing requirements, Method of accounting.—Many states
Also required of any successor donee such as those arising under state
who disposes of charitable deduction require that all amounts be reported
charitable solicitation acts, note the based on the accrual method of
property within two years after the date following:
that the donor gave the property to the accounting.
original donee. (It does not matter who Determine state filing requirements.— Time for filing may differ.—The time for
gave the property to the successor You should consult the appropriate filing Form 990-PF with the IRS differs
donee. It may have been the original officials of all states and other
Page 3
from the time for filing reports with some 3. In the case of a change in
states. accounting period, the 1991 form may Delaware, District of
Columbia, Maryland, New
State registration numbers.—Insert the also be used as the return for a short Jersey, Pennsylvania,
period (less than 12 months) ending Philadelphia, PA 19255
applicable state or local jurisdiction Virginia, any U.S.
registration or identification number in November 30, 1992, or earlier. possession, or foreign
box B (in the heading on page 1) for In general, to change your accounting
each jurisdiction in which you file Form period you must file timely a Form
990-PF in place of the state or local 990-PF for the short period resulting K. Extension of Time To File
form. When filing in several jurisdictions, from the change. At the top of this short A foundation may file Form 2758 to
prepare as many copies as needed with period return, indicate that a change of request an extension of time to file its
the state registration number omitted. accounting period is being made by return.
Then enter the applicable registration writing, Change of Accounting Per iod.
number on the copy to be filed with If you changed your accounting period L. Amended Return
each jurisdiction. within the 10-calendar-year period that To change your return for a prior year,
includes the beginning of the short write Amended Retur n at the top of the
G. Furnishing Copies of the
period, and you had a Form 990-PF return. Generally, you must file the
Annual Return to State Officials filing requirement at any time during that amended return within three years after
The foundation managers must furnish a 10-year period, you must also attach a the date the original return was due or
copy of the annual Form 990-PF to the Form 1128 to the short period return. three years after the date the
attorney general (or his or her designate) See Rev. Proc. 85-58, 1985-2 C.B. 740. organization filed it, whichever is later.
of (a) each state which they are required Use Form 4506-A to obtain a copy of a
to list in Part VII, line 8a, (b) the state in I. Accounting Methods previously filed return. You can obtain
which the principal office of the Unless the instructions specify blank forms for prior years by calling the
foundation is located, and (c) the state in otherwise, report the financial toll-free number given in instruction E.
which the foundation was incorporated information requested on the basis of
or created. The return must be furnished the accounting method the foundation M. Penalty for Failure To File
at the same time it is sent to the IRS. regularly uses in keeping its books and Timely, Completely, or Correctly
The foundation managers must also records. Against the organization.—If an
provide a copy of the annual return to Note: Complete Part I, column (d) on the organization fails to file timely,
the attorney general or other appropriate cash receipts and disbursements completely, or to furnish the correct
state official of any other state who method of accounting. information, it must pay $10 for each
requests it. The foundation managers day during which such failure continues,
must also attach to all copies of the J. When and Where To File unless it can show that the failure was
annual return filed with an attorney due to reasonable cause. Those filing
This return must be filed by the 15th day
general a copy of any Form 4720 filed late (after the due date, including
of the 5th month following the close of
by the foundation with the IRS for the extensions) must attach an explanation
the accounting period. If the return is
year. These provisions do not apply to to the return. The maximum penalty with
filed late, see the discussion of Penalty
any foreign foundation which, from the respect to any one return shall not
for Failure To File Timely, Completely,
date of its creation, has received at least exceed the lesser of $5,000 or 5% of
or Correctly, item M, below.
85% of its support (excluding gross the gross receipts of the organization for
investment income) from sources In case of a complete liquidation,
dissolution, or termination, file the return the year.
outside the United States. (See
by the 15th day of the 5th month Against the responsible person.—The
“Exceptions” in General Instruction Q.)
following complete liquidation, IRS will make written demand that the
If the foundation managers submit a delinquent return be filed or the
dissolution, or termination.
copy of Form 990-PF (and Form 4720, if information furnished within a
any) to a state attorney general to Where To File
reasonable time after notice of mailing of
satisfy a state reporting requirement, Use the following the demand. The person failing to
they do not have to furnish a second If the principal office Internal Revenue
comply with the demand on or before
copy to that attorney general to comply of the organization Service Center
is located in address the date specified in the demand will
with the Internal Revenue Code have to pay $10 for each day the failure
requirements covered by this instruction. continues, unless there is reasonable
If there is a state reporting requirement Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
cause. The maximum penalty imposed
that the copy of Form 990-PF be filed Georgia, Louisiana,
Atlanta, GA 39901 on all persons for failures with respect to
Mississippi, North Carolina,
with a state official other than the South Carolina, Tennessee any one return shall not exceed $5,000.
attorney general (such as a secretary of If more than one person is liable for any
state), then the foundation managers Arizona, Colorado, Kansas,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Austin, TX 73301 failures, all such persons are jointly and
must also furnish a copy of the Form severally liable with respect to such
Texas, Utah, Wyoming
990-PF to the attorney general of that failures (see section 6652(c)).
state. Indiana, Kentucky,
Michigan, Ohio, West Cincinnati, OH 45999 To avoid filing an incomplete return or
H. Accounting Period Virginia having to respond to requests for
Alaska, California, Hawaii,
missing information, please be sure to
1. File the 1991 return for the calendar complete all applicable line items; to
Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Fresno, CA 93888
year 1991 and fiscal years beginning in Washington answer “Yes,” “No,” or “N/A” (not
1991. If the return is for a fiscal year, fill applicable) to each question on the
in the tax year space at the top of the Connecticut, Maine,
Massachusetts, New return; to make an entry (including a
return. Holtsville, NY 00501 “-0-” when appropriate) on all total lines;
Hampshire, New York,
2. The return must be filed on the Rhode Island, Vermont and to enter “None” or “N/A” if an entire
basis of the established annual part does not apply.
Illinios, Iowa, Minnesota,
accounting period of the organization. If Missouri, Montana, Since this return also satisfies the
the organization has no established Kansas City, MO 64999
Nebraska, North Dakota, filing requirements of a tax return under
accounting period, the return should be South Dakota, Wisconsin
section 6011 for the tax on investment
on the calendar-year basis. income imposed by section 4940 (or
Page 4
4948 if an exempt foreign organization), immediately preceding the tax year Q. Public Inspection of Form
the penalties imposed by section 6651 involved. 990-PF and Approved Exemption
for not filing a return (without reasonable A foundation that fails to pay the Applications
cause) also apply. proper estimated tax when due may be
Through the organization
There are also penalties for willful subject to an underpayment penalty for
failure to file and for filing fraudulent the period of the underpayment. Information reported on or with Form
returns and statements. See sections Generally, a foundation is subject to the 990-PF, including all attachments, will be
7203, 7206, and 7207. penalty if its tax liability is $500 or more made available for public inspection
and it did not make the required under section 6104(b). This applies both
N. Penalty for Not Paying Tax on payments on time. See the 1992 Form to information required by the form and
Time 990-W or 1041-ES for information on to information furnished voluntarily.
determining the amounts of required Therefore, the return and any
There is a penalty for not paying tax
payments. attachments should be of such quality
when due (section 6651).The penalty
that they can be reproduced
generally is 1⁄2 of 1% of the unpaid tax Compute separately any required
for each month or part of a month the deposits of section 4940 tax and
tax remains unpaid, not to exceed 25% unrelated business income tax. (See (1) Annual retur ns.—Foundation
of the unpaid tax. If there was sections 6655(b) and (d) and Form 2220 managers must make the annual return
reasonable cause for not paying the tax instructions.) available for inspection during regular
on time, the penalty can be waived. business hours at the principal office of
Note: Section 4947(a)(1) char itable trusts
However, interest is charged on any tax the foundation, or may furnish a free
and taxable foundations that have
not paid on time, at the rate provided by copy to any person requesting
income subject to tax under section 1 or
section 6621. inspection, provided the request is made
section 11 should see For m 1120 for the
estimated tax rules. However, for paying at the time and in the manner prescribed
The section 6655 penalties for failure
in section 6104(d) and the related
to pay estimated taxes apply to the any estimated tax on that income,
taxes on net investment income of section 4947(a)(1) char itable trusts
domestic private foundations and should use For m 1041-ES. Taxable Notice requirements.—A notice that
section 4947(a)(1) charitable trusts. The foundations should use For m 8109, and the private foundation’s annual return is
penalties also apply to any tax on darken the 1120 box on that for m. available for inspection must be
unrelated business income of these published by the due date for filing the
organizations. For more information, see P. Depositary Method of Tax annual return, including any extensions
the discussion of Form 2220 in “Other Payment for Domestic Private of time for filing. The notice must be
Forms You May Need To File” in these Foundations published in a newspaper with general
instructions. circulation in the county in which the
The foundation must pay the tax due in principal office of the private foundation
O. Figuring and Paying Estimated full when the return is filed, but no later is located. (A newspaper or journal that
than 41⁄ 2 months after the end of the tax publishes real estate title transfers or
Taxes on Net Investment Income year. other similar legal notices to satisfy state
A private foundation must make If the balance of foundation net statutory requirements is also
estimated tax payments of the excise investment tax due, as shown on line 9, considered to have general circulation.)
tax on investment income if it can Part VI, is less than $500, attach a The notice must state that the annual
expect its estimated tax (section 4940 check or money order to page 1 of Form return of the private foundation is
tax minus allowable credits) to be $500 990-PF. Otherwise, deposit foundation available for inspection at its principal
or more. The number of installment net investment income tax payments office during regular business hours by
payments you must make under the (estimated tax payments and balance of any citizen who requests inspection
depositary method is determined at the tax due as shown on line 9, Part VI) with within 180 days after the date the notice
time during the year that you first meet a Federal Tax Deposit Coupon (Form is published. It must also show the
this requirement. For calendar-year 8109). Be sure to darken the 990-PF box address and telephone number of the
taxpayers, the first deposit of estimated on Form 8109. Make these tax deposits private foundation’s principal office and
taxes for a year should generally be with either a financial institution qualified the name of its principal manager. A
made by April 15 of the year. as a depositary for Federal taxes or the private foundation may designate, in
Although Form 990-W is used Federal Reserve bank or branch addition to its principal office, any other
primarily to compute the installment servicing the geographic area where the location at which its annual return will be
payments of unrelated business income foundation is located. Do not submit made available. Another location may
tax, it may also be used to determine deposits directly to an IRS office; also be designated if the foundation has
the timing and amounts of installment otherwise, the foundation may be no principal office or none other than the
payments of the section 4940 tax on net subject to a failure-to-deposit penalty. residence of a substantial contributor or
investment income. Records of deposits will be sent to IRS foundation manager.
To begin your calculation of the for crediting to the foundation’s account. To ensure that the return is available
estimated tax, multiply the estimated See the instructions contained in the for public inspection for the full 180-day
investment income by the tax rate (1% coupon book (Form 8109) for more period as required by law, do not publish
or 2%, whichever is applicable) and information. the notice until the return has been
enter that amount on line 11 of Form To ensure more accurate processing completed and, in fact, is readily
990-W. of your deposits, please write your available for inspection upon request.
The Form 990-W line items and employer identification number, type of Attach a copy of the notice to the
instructions pertaining to large tax paid, and the tax period to which the Form 990-PF filed annually with the
organizations also apply to private deposit applies on your check. Internal Revenue Service.
foundations. For purposes of paying the For more information concerning Penalties.—If a foundation does not
estimated tax on net investment income, deposits, see Pub. 583. publish the notice and attach a copy of
a “large organization” is one that had net Note: Foreign organizations should refer it to a timely filed return, there is a
investment income of $1 million or more to instructions for Part VI, line 9. penalty of $10 a day, up to a maximum
for any of the three tax years of $5,000 for any one return (section
6652(c)). The penalty is imposed on the
Page 5
person under a duty to act, but who fails Through the IRS the section 4940 tax on the net
to do so without reasonable cause. The Both exempt organization returns and investment income of a domestic private
penalty is also imposed on any person approved exemption applications may foundation. To pay any tax due, see
who fails to make the return (including be inspected by the public at IRS district instructions for Part VI, line 9.
all required attachments) available for offices and at the IRS National Office in Taxable foreign private foundations
public inspection according to the Washington, DC. and foreign section 4947(a)(1) charitable
section 6104(d) provisions discussed trusts are not subject to the excise taxes
A request for inspection must be in
above. If more than one person is under sections 4948(a) and 4940, but
writing and must include the name and
responsible for either failure to act, each are taxed under subtitle A of the Code.
address (city and state) of the
person is jointly and severally liable for
organization that filed the return or Certain foreign foundations are not
the full amount of the penalty. Any
application. A request to inspect a return required to furnish copies of annual
person who willfully fails to comply shall
should indicate the type (number) of the returns to state officials, nor must they
be subject to an additional penalty of
return and the year(s) involved. The comply with the public inspection and
$1,000 (section 6685).
request should be sent to the District notice requirements of annual returns.
Exceptions.—A private foundation that Director (Attention: Disclosure Officer) of (See General Instructions G and Q.)
has terminated its status as such under the district in which the requester
section 507(b)(1)(A), by distributing all its desires to inspect the return or T. Liquidation, Dissolution,
net assets to one or more public application. If inspection at the IRS Termination, or Substantial
charities without retaining any right, title, National Office is desired, the request Contraction
or interest in those assets, does not should be sent to the Commissioner of
have to publish notice of availability of Organizations liquidating, etc., must
Internal Revenue, Attention: Freedom of attach a statement to the return
its annual return or furnish the return to Information Reading Room, 1111
the public for the tax year in which it explaining the nature of any liquidation,
Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, dissolution, termination, or substantial
terminates (Regulations section DC 20224.
1.507-2(a)(6)). contraction. See General Instruction J
Form 4506-A can be used to request for filing dates and locations.
The notice and public inspection a copy or to inspect an exempt
provisions discussed above do not apply The term substantial contraction
organization return at an IRS office. includes any partial liquidation or any
to any foreign foundation which, from There is a charge for photocopying.
the date of its creation, has received at other significant disposition of assets
least 85% of its support (excluding R. Disclosures Regarding Certain (other than transfers for full and
gross investment income) from sources Information and Services adequate consideration or distributions
outside the United States. The of current income).
requirement to furnish copies of annual A significant disposition of assets does
returns to state officials also does not A section 501(c) organization that offers not include any disposition for a tax year
apply to such foreign foundations (see to sell or solicits money for specific if the total of the:
General Instruction G). information or a routine service for any
1. dispositions for the tax year, and
individual that could be obtained by
(2) Exemption applications.—Any 2. related dispositions made during
such individual from a Federal
section 501(c) organization that Government agency free or for a prior tax years (if a disposition is part of
submitted an application for recognition a series of related dispositions made
nominal charge must disclose that fact
of exemption to the Internal Revenue during these prior tax years)
conspicuously when making such offer
Service after July 15, 1987, must make or solicitation. is less than 25% of the fair market value
available for public inspection a copy of of the net assets of the organization at
its application (together with a copy of Any organization that intentionally
disregards this requirement will be the beginning of the tax year (in the
any papers submitted in support of its case of (1) above) or at the beginning of
application) and any letter or other subject to a penalty for each day on
which the offers or solicitations are the tax year in which any of the series of
document issued by the IRS in response related dispositions was made (in the
to the application. An organization that made. The penalty imposed for a
particular day is the greater of $1,000 or case of (2) above).
submitted its exemption application on
or before July 15, 1987, must also 50% of the total cost of the offers and Whether a significant disposition has
comply with this requirement if it had a solicitations made on that day which occurred through a series of related
copy of its application on July 15, 1987. lacked the required disclosure. dispositions will be determined from all
The copy of the application and related the facts and circumstances of the
S. Organizations Organized or particular case. Ordinarily, a distribution
documents must be made available for
inspection during regular business hours
Created in a Foreign Country or described in section 170(b)(1)(E)(ii)
at the organization’s principal office and U.S. Possession (relating to private foundations making
at each of its regional or district offices qualifying distributions out of corpus
Regulations section 53.4948-1(b)
having at least three employees. equal to 100% of contributions received
provides that sections 507, 508, and
during the foundation’s tax year) will not
Any person who does not comply with Chapter 42 (other than section 4948) do
be taken into account as a significant
the public inspection of application not apply to a foreign private foundation
disposition of assets. See Regulations
requirement shall be assessed a penalty which from the date of its creation has
section 1.170A-9(g)(2).
of $10 for each day that inspection was received at least 85% of its support (as
not permitted. There is no limitation. No defined in section 509(d), other than In the case of a complete liquidation
penalty will be imposed if the failure is section 509(d)(4)) from sources outside of a corporation or termination of a trust,
due to reasonable cause. If more than the United States. state whether a final distribution of
one person is responsible for failure to assets was made and the date made.
Section 4948(a) imposes a 4% tax on
comply with this requirement, each Also attach a certified copy of the
the gross investment income (i.e.,
person is jointly and severally liable for resolution or plan, if any, of liquidation,
income from dividends, interest, rents,
the full amount of the penalty. Any etc., and all amendments or
payments received on securities loans
person who willfully fails to comply shall supplements not previously filed, as well
(as defined in section 512(a)(5)), and
be subject to an additional penalty of as a schedule listing the names and
royalties not reported on Form 990-T, of
$1,000. addresses of all recipients of assets
an exempt foreign private foundation
distributed in liquidation, dissolution, or
from U.S. sources. This tax is in lieu of
substantial contraction, and an
Page 6
explanation of the nature and fair market provisions of section 507(b)(1)(B), special 60-Month Termination Under Section
value of assets distributed to each rules apply. (See General Instructions T 507(b)(1)(B).—Check the box in F on
recipient. and U.) Under these rules you may file page 1 of Form 990-PF if you are
Organizations that have terminated Form 990-PF without paying the tax on terminating your private foundation
their private foundation status under net investment income if the foundation status under the 60-month provisions of
section 507(b)(1)(A) are excepted from filed a consent under section 6501(c)(4) section 507(b)(1)(B) during the period
the notice and public inspection with its notification to the District covered by this return. To begin such a
requirements of their annual return for Director of its intention to begin a termination, a private foundation must
the year of termination (see “Exceptions” section 507(b)(1)(B) termination. The have given advance notice to its key
in General Instruction Q). consent states that the period of District Director and provided the
limitation on the assessment of excise information outlined in Regulations
If the organization has ceased to exist,
tax under section 4940 or 4948 on section 1.507-2(b)(3).
write Final Retur n at the top of page 1
investment income for any tax year in See General Instruction V for
of the return.
the 60-month period will not expire until information regarding payment of the tax
If the organization is terminating its at least one year after the period for on investment income (computed in Part
private foundation status under section assessing a deficiency for the last tax VI) during a section 507(b)(1)(B)
507(b)(1)(B), see General Instructions U year in the 60-month period would termination.
and V below. normally expire. Any foundation not
See General Instruction U for
paying the tax with the filing of Form
U. Filing Requirements During information regarding filing requirements
990-PF must attach a copy of the
Section 507 (b)(1)(B) Termination during a section 507(b)(1)(B) termination.
signed consent.
Although an organization terminating its Type of Organization.—Check the block
If the foundation did not file the
private foundation status under section for “Exempt private foundation” if the
consent, the tax must be paid in the
507(b)(1)(B) may be regarded as a public foundation has a ruling or determination
normal manner as explained in General
charity for certain purposes, it is still letter from the IRS in effect that
Instructions O and P. You may file a
considered a private foundation for recognizes its exemption from Federal
claim for refund after completing
purposes of the filing requirements and income tax as an organization described
termination or during the termination
must file an annual return on Form in section 501(c)(3) or if the
period. The claim for refund must be
990-PF. The return must be filed for organization’s exemption application is
filed timely and the organization must
each year in the 60-month termination pending with IRS. Check the “4947(a)(1)
furnish information establishing that it
period, if that period has not expired trust” block if the trust is a nonexempt
qualified as a public charity for the
before the due date of the return. charitable trust treated as a private
period for which it paid the tax.
foundation. All other filers should check
The regulations under section 507(b)(1)
the “Other taxable private foundation”
(B)(iii) specify that within 90 days after
the end of the termination period the Specific Instructions block.
organization must furnish information to Name and Address.—If you received a Fair Market Value of Assets.—In block
its key District Director establishing that Form 990-PF Package from the IRS with I on page 1 of Form 990-PF, enter the
it has terminated its private foundation a preaddressed label, please attach the fair market value of all assets the
status and, therefore, qualifies as a label to the name and address area of foundation held at the end of the tax
public charity. If information is furnished the return you file. If the name or year. Note: This amount should be the
establishing a successful termination, address on the label is wrong, make same as the figure reported in Part II,
then for the final year of the termination corrections on the label. The address column (c), line 16.
period the organization should comply used must be that of the principal office Rounding Off to Whole-Dollar
with the filing requirements for the type of the foundation. Amounts.—You may show the money
of public charity it has become. See the Include the suite, room, or other unit items on the return and accompanying
instructions for Form 990 and Schedule number after the street address. If the schedules as whole-dollar amounts. To
A (Form 990) for specific information on Post Office does not deliver mail to the do so, drop any amount less than 50
filing requirements. This applies even if street address and the organization has cents and increase any amount from 50
the key district has not affirmed that the a P.O. box, show the P.O. box number cents through 99 cents to the next
organization has terminated its private instead of the street address. higher dollar.
foundation status by the time the return Currency and Language
Employer Identification Number.—You
for the final year of the termination is should have only one employer Requirements.—Report all amounts in
due (or would be due if a return were U.S. dollars (state conversion rate used).
identification number. If you have more
required). Report all items in total, including
than one number, notify the Internal
The organization will be allowed a Revenue Service Center, at the amounts from both U.S. and non-U.S.
reasonable period of time to file any appropriate address shown under sources. Furnish all information in
private foundation returns required (for General Instruction J above. Inform them English.
the last year of the termination period) what numbers you have, the name and Attachments.—Use the schedules on
but not previously filed if it is later address to which each number was the official form unless you need more
determined that the organization did not assigned, and the address of your space. If you use attachments, they
terminate its private foundation status. principal office. The IRS will then advise must:
Interest on any tax due will be charged you which number to use. 1. State “Form 990-PF” and the tax
from the original due date of the Form year,
Section 507(b)(1)(A) Terminations.—A
990-PF, but penalties under sections
private foundation that has terminated 2. Show the organization’s name and
6651 and 6652 will not be assessed if
its status as such under section employer identification number,
the Form 990-PF is filed within the
507(b)(1)(A), by distributing all its net 3. Include the information required by
period allowed by the key district.
assets to one or more public charities the form,
V. Special Rules for Section without retaining any right, title, or
interest in those assets, should check 4. Follow the format and line
507(b)(1)(B) Terminations sequence of the form, and
the box in E on page 1 of Form 990-PF
If you are terminating your private to indicate termination. See General 5. Be on the same size paper as the
foundation status under the 60-month Instructions T and Q. form.

Page 7
Part I—Analysis of Revenue in section 512(a)(5). Do not include any rents from low-income tenants), imputed
capital gain dividends reportable on line interest on certain deferred payments
and Expenses 6. See the instructions for line 11 for figured under section 483, and any
Note: The amounts in column (a) are the reporting income from program-related investment income not reportable on
revenue and expenses as shown in the investments. For debt instruments with lines 3 through 5. However, do not
books and records of the foundation. an original issue discount, report the include unrealized gains and losses on
The total of amounts in columns (b), original issue discount ratably over the investments carried at market value.
(c), and (d) may not necessarily equal life of the bond on line 4. See section Report those as fund balance or net
the amounts in column (a). In Part 1272 for more information. asset adjustments in Part III. Attach a
XVI-A, you are to analyze amounts you Line 5a—Gross rents.—Enter the gross schedule showing the description and
entered in column (a) and on line 5b. rental income for the year from amount of the income.
investment property reportable on line Operating and Administrative
Column (a)—Revenue and 11 of Part II. Expenses.—Enter in column (a) all items
Expenses per Books of expense, shown in the books and
Line 5b—Net rental income or (loss).—
Revenue Figure the net rental income or (loss) for records, that decreased the net assets
Enter in column (a) all items of the year and enter that amount on line of the organization. However, do not
revenue shown in the books and records 5b. Do not carry this amount into include on lines 13 through 26 any
that increased the net assets of the columns (a) through (d). expenses used to compute capital gains
organization. Do not include, however, and losses on lines 6, 7, and 8 or
Report rents from other sources on
the value of services donated to the expenses included in cost of goods sold
line 11, Other income. Enter, on lines 13
foundation, or items such as the free on line 10b.
through 23, any expenses, such as
use of equipment or facilities, in the interest and depreciation, attributable to Line 13—Compensation of officers,
contributions received. the rental income reported on line 5. directors, trustees, etc.—Enter the total
Line 1—Contributions, gifts, grants, compensation for the year of all officers,
Line 6—Net gain or (loss) from sale of
etc., received.—Enter the total of gross directors, and trustees. If none was paid,
assets.—Enter the net gain or (loss) per
contributions, gifts, grants, and similar enter “-0-.” Complete subpart 1 of Part
books from the sale of all assets not
amounts received. If money, securities, VIII to show the compensation of
included on line 10. Since any gain is
or other property valued at $5,000 or officers, directors, foundation managers,
per the books and may include gain on
more was received directly or indirectly and trustees.
the sale of assets used for charitable
from any one person during the year, purposes, the gain entered here will not Line 14—Other employee salaries and
attach a schedule showing the name necessarily agree with that shown in the wages.—Enter the total salaries and
and address of each such person and other columns. wages of all employees other than those
the amount and date of each gift made For assets sold and not included in included on line 13.
during the year by each such person. Part IV, attach a schedule showing: (a) Line 15—Contributions to employee
In determining whether a person has date acquired, manner of acquisition, pension plans and other benefits.—
contributed $5,000 or more, total only date sold, and to whom sold, (b) gross Enter the total of the employer’s share of
gifts of $1,000 or more from each sales price, (c) cost, other basis or value the contributions the organization paid
person. Separate and independent gifts at time of acquisition if donated (state to qualified and nonqualified pension
need not be totaled if less than $1,000. which basis), (d) expense of sale and plans and the employer’s share of
If a contribution is in the form of cost of improvements made subsequent contributions to employee benefit
property, furnish a description and the to acquisition, and (e) depreciation since programs (such as insurance, health,
fair market value of the property. acquisition, if depreciable property. and welfare programs) that are not an
The term person includes individuals, incidental part of a pension plan.
Lines 10a, b, c—Gross profit on sales
fiduciaries, partnerships, corporations, Complete the return/report of the Form
of inventory.—Enter the gross sales
associations, trusts, and exempt 5500 series that is appropriate for your
(minus returns and allowances), cost of
organizations. plan. (See the instructions for Form 5500
goods sold, and gross profit or (loss)
for information about employee welfare
Contributions from split-interest trusts from the sale of all inventory items,
benefit plans required to file that form.)
should be entered on both line 1 of including those sold in the course of
column (a) and line 2 of column (b). They special fundraising events and activities. Also include in the total the amount of
are a part of the amount on line 1. These inventory items are the ones the Federal, state, and local payroll taxes for
Report contributions on lines 1 and 2 organization either makes to sell to the year, but only those that are
only. others or buys for resale. imposed on the organization as an
employer. This would include the
Line 3—Interest on savings and Do not report any sales or exchanges
employer’s share of Social Security and
temporary cash investments.—Enter of investments on line 10.
Medicare tax, FUTA tax, state
the total amount of interest income from Do not include the profit or (loss) from unemployment compensation tax, and
investments of the type reportable in the sale of items of a capital nature such other state and local payroll taxes. Do
Balance Sheets, Part II, line 2. These as securities, land, buildings, or not include taxes withheld from
include savings or other interest-bearing equipment. Include such amounts on employees’ salaries and paid over to the
accounts and temporary cash line 6. various governmental units (such as
investments, such as money market Do not include any expenses incurred Federal and state income taxes and the
funds, commercial paper, certificates of in the business activities such as employee’s share of FICA taxes).
deposit, and U.S. Treasury bills or other salaries, taxes, rent, etc. Include them
government obligations that mature in Lines 16a, b, and c—Legal,
instead on lines 13 through 23. accounting, and other professional
less than one year.
Line 11—Other income.—Enter the fees.—On the appropriate line(s), enter
Line 4—Dividends and interest from total of all other income of the the total amount of legal, accounting,
securities.—Enter the amount of foundation for the year. Include royalty auditing, and other professional fees
dividend and interest income from income, income from program-related (such as fees for fundraising or
securities (stocks and bonds) of the type investments (defined in the instructions investment services) charged by outside
reportable in Balance Sheets, Part II, line for Part IX-B), and from other assets firms and individuals who are not
10. Include amounts received from used for charitable purposes (such as employees of the foundation.
payments on securities loans, as defined interest earned on scholarship loans and
Page 8
Attach a schedule for lines 16a, b, and a separate line is provided for an difference. Generally, the amount shown
c. Show the type of service and amount expense, use that line. Attach a in column (a) on this line would also be
of expense for each. If the same person schedule showing the type and amount the amount by which net assets (or fund
provided more than one of these of each expense. balances) have increased or decreased
services, provide an allocation of those If a deduction is claimed for for the year. See the instructions for Part
expenses. (See the instructions for Part amortization, attach a schedule showing: III, Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or
VIII, line 3.) Report any fines, penalties, Fund Balances.
● Description of the amortized
or judgments imposed against the
expenses; Column (b)—Net Investment
foundation as a result of legal
proceedings on line 23, Other expenses. ● Date acquired, completed, or Income
Line 18—Taxes.—Enter the total taxes Revenue
paid (or accrued) during the year. The ● Amount amortized;
All domestic private foundations
total should include all types of taxes ● Deduction for prior years; (including section 4947(a)(1) charitable
recorded on the books, including real ● Amortization period (number of trusts) are required to pay an excise tax
estate tax not reported on line 20; the months); each tax year on their net investment
tax on investment income; and any ● Current-year amortization; and income.
income tax. Do not enter any taxes
included on line 15. Attach a schedule ● Total amount of amortization. Exempt foreign foundations are
Line 25—Contributions, gifts, grants subject to an excise tax on their gross
listing the type and amount of each tax
paid.—Enter the total of all investment income from U.S. sources.
reported on line 18.
contributions, gifts, grants, and similar These foreign organizations should
Line 19—Depreciation and complete lines 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, and 27b
depletion.—Enter the total expense amounts paid (or accrued) for the year.
List each contribution, gift, grant, etc., in of column (b) and report ONLY income
recorded in the books for the year. derived from U.S. sources. No other
Part XV, or attach a schedule of the
For depreciation, attach a schedule items included on line 25 and list: (a) income is to be included. No expenses
showing: (a) description of the property, each class of activity, (b) separate total are allowed as deductions.
(b) date acquired, (c) cost or other basis for each activity, (c) name and address Gross investment income means the
(exclude any land), (d) depreciation of donee, (d) relationship of donee, if total amount of investment income that
allowed or allowable in prior years, (e) related by blood, marriage, adoption, or was received by a private foundation
method of computation, (f) rate (%) or employment (including children of from all sources. However, it does not
life (years), and (g) depreciation this year. employees) to any disqualified person include any income included in figuring
On a separate line in the schedule, show (see definitions), and (e) the the tax on unrelated business income. It
the amount of depreciation included in organizational status of donee (for includes interest, dividends, rents,
cost of goods sold and not included on example, public charity—an organization payments with respect to securities
line 19. described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3)). loans (as defined in section 512(a)(5)),
Line 20—Occupancy.—Enter the total You do not have to give the name of any and royalties received from assets
amount paid or incurred for the use of indigent person who received one or devoted to charitable activities.
office space or other facilities. If the more gifts or grants from the foundation Therefore, interest received on a student
space is rented or leased, enter the unless that person is a disqualified loan would be includible in the gross
amount of rent. If space is owned, enter person or one who received a total of investment income of a private
the amount of mortgage interest, real more than $1,000 from the foundation foundation making the loan.
estate taxes, and similar expenses, but during the year. Net investment income is the amount
not depreciation (reportable on line 19). Activities should be classified by which the sum of gross investment
In either case, include the amount for according to purpose and in greater income and the capital gain net income
utilities and related expenses, e.g., heat, detail than by merely classifying them as exceeds the allowable deductions
lights, water, power, telephone, sewer, charitable, educational, religious, or discussed later. Tax-exempt interest on
trash removal, outside janitorial services, scientific activities. For example, use governmental obligations and related
and similar services. Do not include any such identification as: payments for expenses are excluded.
salaries of your own employees which nursing service, for fellowships, or for Include in column (b) all or part of any
are reportable on line 14. assistance to indigent families. amount from column (a) that applies to
Line 21—Travel, conferences, and Foundations may include, as a single investment income. However, see the
meetings.—Enter the total expenses for entry on the schedule, the total of exception given below, and the
officers, employees or others during the amounts paid as grants for which the additional rules for specific line items.
year for travel, attending conferences, foundation exercised expenditure Do not include in column (b) any
meetings, etc. The amount should responsibility. Attach a separate report interest, dividends, rents or royalties
include transportation (including fares, for each grant. (and related expenses) that were
mileage allowance, or automobile
When the fair market value of the reported on Form 990-T because you
expenses), meals and lodging, and
property at the time of disbursement is had gross income of $1,000 or more
related costs whether paid on the basis
the measure of a contribution, the from a trade or business unrelated to
of a per diem allowance or actual
schedule must also show: (a) description your charitable purpose.
expenses incurred. Do not include any
compensation paid to those who of the contributed property, (b) book For example, investment income
participate. value of the contributed property, (c) the derived from debt-financed property
method used to determine the book unrelated to your charitable purpose and
Line 22—Printing and publications.— value, (d) the method used to determine certain rents (and related expenses)
Enter the total amount of expenses for the fair market value, and (e) the date of treated as unrelated trade or business
printing or publishing and distributing the gift. The difference between fair income should be reported on Form
any newsletters, magazines, etc. Also market value and book value should be 990-T. Income from debt-financed
include the cost of subscriptions to, or shown in the books of account. property that is not taxed under section
purchases of, magazines, newspapers,
Net Amounts 511 is taxed under section 4940. Thus, if
Line 27a—Excess of revenue over the debt/basis percentage of a
Line 23—Other expenses.—Enter the debt-financed property is 80%, only
total of all other expenses for the year. If expenses.—Subtract line 26, column (a),
from line 12, column (a). Enter the 80% of the gross income (and
Page 9
expenses) for that property is used to be more than the amount of income exempt foreign organizations—4%
figure the section 511 tax on Form earned from the function which is (4948)) as computed in Part VI. However,
990-T. The remaining 20% of the gross includible as gross investment income if you are a domestic organization and
income (and expenses) of that property for the year. line 26 is more than line 12 (i.e.,
is used to figure the section 4940 tax on For example, if rental income is expenses exceed income), enter -0-,
net investment income on Form 990-PF. incidentally realized in 1991 from historic and not a negative amount.
(See Form 990-T and instructions for buildings held open to the public,
more information.) deductions for amounts paid or incurred
Column (c)—Adjusted Net Income
Line 2—Certain contributions from in 1991 for the production of such Note: Nonoperating Private
“split-interest” trusts described in income may not be more than the Foundations—Refer to Special Rule 1,
section 4947(a)(2).—The income portion amount of rental income includible as below to deter mine whether you are
of distributions from split-interest trusts gross investment income in column (b) required to make any entr ies in
is treated as investment income to the for 1991. column (c).
extent that it was earned on amounts Do not include on lines 13 through 23 Revenue
placed in trust after May 26, 1969. of column (b) any expenses paid or In general, adjusted net income is the
Include only that income portion of such incurred that are allocable to tax-exempt amount by which a private foundation’s
distributions on line 2. That same figure interest that is excluded from lines 3 and gross income is more than the expenses
is a part of line 1. 4. of earning the income. The modifications
Line 3—Interest on savings and Line 18—Taxes.—Enter only those taxes and exclusions explained below are
temporary cash investments.—Enter included in column (a) that are related to applied to gross income and expenses
the amount of interest income shown in investment income taxable under in figuring adjusted net income.
column (a). Do not include interest on section 4940. DO NOT, however, include For column (c), include income from
tax-exempt government obligations. the section 4940 tax paid or incurred on charitable functions, investment
Line 4—Dividends and interest from net investment income or the section activities, short-term capital gains from
securities.—Enter the amount of 511 tax on unrelated business income. investments, amounts set aside, and
dividend and interest income, and Sales taxes may not be deducted unrelated trade or business activities. Do
payments on securities loans from separately, but must be treated as a part not include gifts, grants or contributions,
column (a). Do not include interest on of the cost of acquired property, or as a or long-term capital gains or losses.
tax-exempt government obligations. reduction of the amount realized on Nonoperating private foundations should
Line 5—Gross rents.—Enter the gross disposition of the property. follow the special rules that apply to
rental income from column (a). Line 19—Depreciation and them.
Line 7—Capital gain net income.— depletion.—For column (b), a deduction Note: In completing column (c) include
Enter the capital gain net income from for depreciation is allowed only for in each line only that portion of the
Part IV, line 2. See Part IV instructions. property used in connection with the amount from column (a) that is
production of investment income, and applicable to the adjusted net income
Line 11—Other income.—Enter the
ONLY on the straight-line method of computation.
amount of investment income included
computing depreciation. Private Operating Foundations.—All
in line 11, column (a). Include dividends,
interest, rents, and royalties derived from A deduction for depletion is allowed, organizations that claim status as private
assets devoted to charitable activities, but must be computed ONLY on the operating foundations under section
such as interest on student loans. cost depletion method. 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) must complete all
Line 12—Total.—Domestic organizations The basis used in computing lines of column (c) that apply, according
enter the total of lines 1 through 11. depreciation and depletion is the basis to the general rules for income and
Exempt foreign organizations enter the determined under normal basis rules, expenses that apply to this column, the
total of lines 3, 4, 5, and 11 only. without regard to the fair market value specific line instructions in lines 3
on December 31, 1969, that may be through 27c and Special Rule 3 and
Operating and Administrative
used in determining gain or loss when Examples (i) and (ii) given below.
the asset is sold. Nonoperating Private Foundations.—
Include in column (b), all ordinary and
Line 21.—Only 80% of the expense for The following special rules and
necessary expenses paid or incurred to
business meals, etc., paid or incurred in examples apply to nonoperating private
produce or collect investment income
connection with travel, meetings, etc., foundations.
from: interest, dividends, rents, amounts
relating to the production of investment 1. If a nonoperating private foundation
received from payments on securities
income, may be deducted in computing has no income from charitable activities
loans (as defined in section 512(a)(5)),
net investment income (section 274 (n)). that would be reportable on line 10 or
and royalties, or for the management,
conservation, or maintenance of Line 23—Other expenses.—Enter the line 11 of Part I, it does not have to
property held for the production of part of other expenses included in make any entries in column (c).
income that is taxable under section column (a) that applies to investment 2. If a nonoperating private foundation
4940. income. has income from charitable activities, it
If any of the expenses listed in column A deduction for amortization is must report that income only on lines 10
(a) are paid or incurred for both allowed, but only for an asset used for and/or 11 in column (c). These
investment and charitable purposes, the production of investment income. foundations do not need to report other
they must be allocated on a reasonable Net Amounts.— kinds of income and expenses (such as
basis between the investment activities investment income and expenses) in
Line 27b—Net investment income.—
and the charitable activities so that only column (c).
Domestic organizations subtract line 26
expenses from investment activities will from line 12. Enter the difference. 3. The expenses attributable to each
appear in column (b). Examples of Exempt foreign organizations enter the specific charitable activity, limited by the
allocation methods are given in the amount shown on line 12. amount of income derived from the
instructions to Part IX-A. activity, must be reported in column (c)
The amount entered is subject to the
Note: The deduction for expenses paid on lines 13 through 26. If the expenses
excise tax imposed on private
or incurred in any tax year for producing of any charitable activity exceed the
foundations (domestic organizations—
gross investment income earned income generated by that activity, the
1% (4940(e)), 2% (4940(a) or (b)),
incident to a char itable function cannot excess of these expenses over the
Page 10
income, and only that excess, should property was considered a qualifying production of income reported in column
be reported in column (d). Note the distribution for any tax year. (c) and ONLY using the straight-line
examples given below. 3. Any amount set aside for a specific method of computing depreciation.
Examples: (i) A char itable activity project (see explanation in the A deduction for depletion is allowed,
generated $5,000 of income and $4,000 instructions for Part XII) that was not but must be figured ONLY using the cost
of expenses. Report all of the income necessary for the purposes for which it depletion method.
and expenses in column (c) and none in was set aside. In figuring depreciation and depletion,
column (d). 4. Income received from an estate but determine the basis under normal basis
(ii) A char itable activity generated only if the estate was considered rules, without regard to the special rules
$5,000 of income and $6,000 of terminated for income tax purposes due for using the fair market value on
expenses. Report $5,000 of income and to a prolonged administration period. December 31, 1969, that relate only to
$5,000 of expenses in column (c) and 5. Amounts treated in a preceding tax gain or loss on dispositions for purposes
the excess expenses of $1,000 in year as qualifying distributions to: of the tax on net investment income.
column (d). Line 21—Travel, conferences, and
a. a private foundation, which is not a
Line 3—Interest on savings and private operating foundation, if the meetings.—Enter the total amount of
temporary cash investments.—Enter amounts were not redistributed by the expenses paid or incurred by officers,
the amount of interest income shown in grantee organization by the close of its employees, or others for travel,
column (a). Include interest on tax year following the year in which it conferences, meetings, etc., related to
tax-exempt government obligations. received the funds, or income included in column (c).
Line 4—Dividends and interest from b. an organization controlled by the Line 22—Printing and publications.—
securities.—Enter the amount of distributing foundation or a disqualified Enter the total amount paid or incurred
dividends and interest income, and person if the amounts were not for printing and distributing newsletters,
payments on securities loans from redistributed by the grantee organization magazines, directories, etc., published
column (a). Include interest on by the close of its tax year following the by the organization, and subscription
tax-exempt government obligations. year in which it received the funds. costs for magazines or newspapers that
Line 5—Gross rents.—Enter the gross relate to income included in column (c).
Line 10—Gross profit on sales of
rental income from column (a). inventory.—Enter the gross profit from Line 23—Other expenses.—In addition
Line 8—Net short-term capital gain.— sales of inventory as shown in column to the applicable portion of expenses
(a), line 10c. from column (a), also include any net
Note: Only pr ivate operating foundations
loss from the sale or exchange of land
should compute their short-term capital Line 11—Other income.—Include all
or depreciable property that was held for
gains and report them on line 8. other items includible in adjusted net
more than one year and used in a trade
(Nonoperating Pr ivate Foundations income not covered elsewhere in column
or business.
should see the above instructions. ) (c).
A deduction for amortization is
Include only net short-term capital Operating and Administrative
allowed, but only for assets used for the
gain for the year (assets sold or Expenses
production of income reported in column
exchanged that were held not more than Deductible expenses include that part (c).
one year). Do not include a net of a private foundation’s operating
long-term capital gain and loss or a net Net Amounts
expenses that is paid or incurred to
short-term capital loss in column (c). produce or collect gross income Line 27c—Adjusted net income.—
The net gain from the sale or reported on lines 3–11 of column (c). If Subtract line 26, column (c) from line 12,
exchange of depreciable property, or only a part of the property produces column (c) and enter the difference.
land used in a trade or business (section income includible in column (c),
Column (d)—Disbursements for
1231) and held for more than one year is deductions such as interest, taxes, and
not included in the computation of rent must be divided between the Charitable Purposes
adjusted net income. The net loss from charitable and noncharitable uses of the Operating and Administrative Expenses
such property, however, should be property. If the deductions for property Note: For amounts entered in column
included on line 23, Other expenses. used for a charitable, educational, or (d), use the cash receipts and
In general, organizations may use the other similar purpose are more than the disbursements method of accounting,
net short-term capital gain reported in income derived from the property, the regardless of the method of accounting
Part IV, line 3. However, since Part IV excess will not be allowed as a used in keeping the books of the
does not take into account capital gains deduction, but may be treated as a foundation.
and losses related to debt-financed qualifying distribution in Part I, column
Expenses entered in column (d) relate
property, any short-term capital gain on (d). (See Examples (i) and (ii) given on
to activities that constitute the charitable
debt-financed property would have to be this page.)
purpose of the foundation. Include on
taken into account in figuring the net Line 13—Compensation of officers, lines 13 through 25 all expenses,
short-term capital gain reported on line etc.—Enter the portion of the including necessary and reasonable
8. See the instructions for Form 990-T compensation included in column (a) administrative expenses, paid by the
for definition of “debt-financed property.” that was paid or incurred to produce or foundation for religious, charitable,
Line 9—Income modifications.— collect income included in column (c). scientific, literary, educational, or other
Include on this line: Line 18—Taxes.—Enter only those taxes public purposes, or for the prevention of
1. Amounts received or accrued as included in column (a) that relate to cruelty to children or animals.
repayments of amounts taken into income included in column (c). DO NOT Do not include in column (d) any
account as qualifying distributions (see include any excise tax paid or incurred amount or part of an amount that is
the instructions for Part XII for an on the net investment income (as shown included in column (b) or (c).
explanation of qualifying distributions) for in Part VI), or any income tax paid or
For any expense amount entered in
any year. incurred on income reported on Form
column (a), enter only the part allocable
2. Amounts received or accrued from to the char itable purposes of the
the sale or other disposition of property Line 19—Depreciation and foundation in column (d).
to the extent that the acquisition of the depletion.—A deduction for depreciation
Example: An educational seminar
is allowed only for property used in the
produced $1,000 in income which was
Page 11
reportable in columns (a) and (c). Part II—Balance Sheets directors, trustees, foundation managers,
Expenses attr ibutable to this charitable and other disqualified persons and all
activity were $1,900. Only $1,000 of For column (b), show the book value at secured and unsecured loans (including
expense would be reported in column (c) the end of the year. For column (c) show advances) to such persons.
and the remaining $900 in expense the fair market value at the end of the
year. Attached schedules must show the Attached schedules.—(a) In the
would be reported in column (d). required schedule, report each loan
end-of-year value for each asset listed in
The total of the expenses and columns (b) and (c). separately, even if more than one loan
disbursements on line 26 is used in Part was made to the same person, or the
XII to figure total qualifying distributions. When space is provided to the left of same terms apply to all loans made.
column (a) for reporting receivables and
Generally, gifts and grants to Salary advances and other advances
the related allowance for doubtful
organizations described in section accounts or depreciable assets and for the personal use and benefit of the
501(c)(3), that have been determined to recipient and receivables subject to
accumulated depreciation, enter the
be publicly supported charities (i.e., end-of-year figures. special terms or arising from
organizations that are not private transactions not functionally related to
foundations as defined in section ● Foundations that had assets of $5,000 the foundation’s charitable purposes
509(a)), are qualifying distributions, or more at any time during the year must be reported as separate loans for
provided that the granting foundation must complete all of columns (a), (b), each officer, director, etc.
does not control the public charity. and (c).
(b) Receivables that are subject to the
For purposes of column (d), include a ● Foundations with less than $5,000 of same terms and conditions (including
distribution of property at the fair market total assets at all times during the year credit limits and rate of interest) as
value on the date the distribution was must complete all of columns (a) and (b), receivables due from the general public
made. and only line 16 of column (c). and that arose in connection with an
If you want to provide an analysis of Line 1—Cash—non-interest- activity functionally related to the
disbursements that is more detailed than bearing.—Enter the amount of cash on foundation’s charitable purposes may be
column (d), you may attach a schedule deposit in checking accounts, deposits reported as a single total for all the
instead of completing lines 13 through in transit, change funds, petty cash officers, directors, etc. Travel advances
25. The schedule must include all the funds, or any other non-interest-bearing made in connection with official
specific items of lines 13 through 25, account. Do not include advances to business of the organization may also be
and the total from the schedule must be employees or officers or refundable reported as a single total.
entered in column (d), line 26. deposits paid to suppliers or others. For each outstanding loan or other
Line 18—Taxes.—Do not include any Line 2—Savings and temporary cash receivable that must be reported
excise tax paid on investment income investments.—Enter the total of cash in separately, the attached schedule should
(as reported in Part VI of this return or savings or other interest-bearing show the following information
the equivalent part of a return for prior accounts and temporary cash (preferably in columnar form):
years) unless the organization is claiming investments, such as money market ● Borrower’s name and title.
funds, commercial paper, certificates of
status as a private operating foundation ● Original amount.
and completes Part XIV. deposit, and U.S. Treasury bills or other
governmental obligations that mature in ● Balance due.
Line 25—Contributions, gifts, grants less than one year. ● Date of note.
paid.—Enter on line 25 all contributions,
gifts, and grants the foundation paid Line 3—Accounts receivable.—Enter ● Maturity date.
during the year. the total accounts receivable (reduced ● Repayment terms.
by the corresponding allowance for
● Do not include contributions to ● Interest rate.
doubtful accounts) that arose from the
organizations controlled by the sale of goods and/or the performance of ● Security provided by the borrower.
foundation or by a disqualified person services. Claims against vendors or ● Purpose of the loan; and
(see General Instruction C for
definitions). Do not include contributions
refundable deposits with suppliers or ● Description and fair market value of
others may be reported here if not the consideration furnished by the
to nonoperating foundations, unless the
significant in amount. (Otherwise, report lender (for example, cash—$1,000; or
donees are exempt from tax under them on line 15, Other assets.) Any
section 501(c)(3); they redistribute the 100 shares of XYZ, Inc., common
receivables due from officers, directors, stock— $9,000).
contributions; and they maintain trustees, foundation managers, or other
sufficient evidence of redistributions The above detail is not required for
disqualified persons must be reported receivables or travel advances that may
according to the regulations under
on line 6. Receivables (including loans be reported as a single total (see
section 4942(g). and advances) due from other
● Do not reduce the amount of grants instruction (b) above); however, report
employees should be reported on line and identify those totals separately in
paid in the current year by the amount 15.
of grants paid in a prior year that was the attachment.
Line 4—Pledges receivable.—Enter the Line 7—Other notes and loans
returned or recovered in the current year. total pledges receivable recorded as of
Report those repayments in column (c), receivable.—Enter the combined total of
the beginning and end of the year, notes receivable and net loans
line 9, and in Part XI, line 4a. reduced by the amount of pledges
● Do not include any payments of receivable.
estimated to be uncollectible.
set-asides (see instructions for Part XII, Notes receivable.—Enter the amount
Line 5—Grants receivable.—Enter the
line 3) taken into account as qualifying of all notes receivable not listed on line
total grants receivable from 6 and not acquired as investments.
distributions in the current year or any governmental agencies, foundations,
prior year. All set-asides are included in Attach a schedule similar to that called
and other organizations as of the for in the instructions for line 6. The
qualifying distributions (Part XII, line 3) in beginning and end of the year.
the year of the set-aside regardless of schedule should also identify the
when paid. Line 6—Receivables due from officers, relationship of the borrower to any
directors, trustees, and other officer, director, trustee, foundation
● Do not include any payments that are disqualified persons.—Enter here (and
not qualifying distributions as defined in manager, or other disqualified person.
in an attached schedule described For a note receivable from any section
section 4942(g)(1).
below) all receivables due from officers, 501(c)(3) organization, list only the name
Page 12
of the borrower and the balance due on holdings not reported on lines 10 or more future periods and indicates the
the required schedule. through 12. Attach a schedule listing total amount of each item and the
Loans receivable.—Enter the gross and describing each of these amount applicable to each future period.
amount of loans receivable, less the investments held at the end of the year. Line 20—Loans from officers,
allowance for doubtful accounts, arising Show the book value for each and directors, trustees, and other
from the normal activities of the filing indicate whether the investment is listed disqualified persons.—Enter the unpaid
organization (such as scholarship loans). at cost or end-of-year market value. Do balance of loans received from officers,
An itemized list of these loans is not not include program-related investments directors, trustees, and other disqualified
required, but attach a schedule (see instructions for line 15). persons. For loans outstanding at the
indicating the total amount of each type Line 14—Land, buildings, and end of the year, attach a schedule that
of loan outstanding. Report loans to equipment.—Enter the book value (cost provides (for each loan) the name and
officers, directors, trustees, foundation or other basis less accumulated title of the lender and the information
managers, or other disqualified persons depreciation) of all land, buildings, and listed in items (b) through (j) of the
on line 6 and loans to other employees equipment owned by the organization instructions for line 6.
on line 15. and not held for investment. This would Line 21—Mortgages and other notes
Line 8—Inventories for sale or use.— include any property, plant, and payable.—Enter the amount of
Enter the amount of materials, goods, equipment owned and used by the mortgages and other notes payable at
and supplies purchased or manufactured organization in conducting its charitable the beginning and end of the year.
by the organization and held for sale or activities. Attach a schedule listing these Attach a schedule showing, as of the
use in some future period. fixed assets held at the end of the year end of the year, the total amount of all
and showing, for each item or category mortgages payable and, for each
Line 9—Prepaid expenses and
listed, the cost or other basis, nonmortgage note payable, the name of
deferred charges.—Enter the amount of
accumulated depreciation, and book the lender and the other information
short-term and long-term prepayments
value. specified in items (b) through (j) of the
of expenses attributable to one or more
future accounting periods. Examples Line 15—Other assets.—List and show instructions for line 6. The schedule
include prepayments of rent, insurance, the book value of each category of should also identify the relationship of
and pension costs, and expenses assets not reportable on lines 1 through the lender to any officer, director,
incurred in connection with a solicitation 14. Attach a separate schedule if more trustee, foundation manager, or other
campaign to be conducted in a future space is needed. disqualified person.
accounting period. One type of asset reportable on line Line 22—Other liabilities.—List and
Lines 10a, b, and c—Investments— 15 is program-related investments, show the amount of each liability not
government obligations, corporate which are investments made primarily to reportable on lines 17 through 21.
stocks and bonds.—Enter the book accomplish a charitable purpose of the Attach a separate schedule if more
value (which may be market value) of filing organization rather than to produce space is needed.
these investments. income.
Line 16—Total assets.—All filers are to
Lines 24 through 31—Fund
Attach a schedule that lists each balances or net assets
security held at the end of the year and complete line 16 of columns (a), (b), and
shows whether the security is listed at (c). These entries represent the totals of Organizations using fund
cost (including the value recorded at the lines 1 through 15 of each column. accounting.—If the organization uses
time of receipt in the case of donated However, organizations that have assets fund accounting, check the box above
securities) or end-of-year market value. of less than $5,000 at all times during line 24 and complete lines 24 through 27
Do not include amounts shown on line the year need not complete lines 1 to report the various fund balances.
2. Governmental obligations reported on through 15 of column (c). Report on line 31 the sum of the fund
line 10a are those that mature in one Line 17—Accounts payable and balances and report on line 32 the sum
year or more. Debt securities of the U.S. accrued expenses.—Enter the total of of the total liabilities and fund balances.
Government may be reported as a single accounts payable to suppliers and Organizations not using fund accounting,
total rather than itemized. Obligations of others and accrued expenses, such as should see the instructions under that
state and municipal governments may salaries payable, accrued payroll taxes, heading (given below) for completing
also be reported as a lump-sum total. and interest payable. lines 28 through 31.
Do not combine U.S. Government Line 18—Grants payable.—Enter the Under fund accounting, an
obligations with state and municipal unpaid portion of grants and awards that organization segregates its assets,
obligations on this schedule. the organization has made a liabilities, and net assets into separate
Line 11—Investments—land, buildings, commitment to pay other organizations funds according to externally imposed
and equipment.—Enter the book value or individuals, whether or not the restrictions on the use of certain assets,
(cost or other basis less accumulated commitments have been communicated similar designations by the organization’s
depreciation) of all land, buildings, and to the grantees. governing board, and other amounts
equipment held for investment purposes, Line 19—Support and revenue that are unrestricted as to use. Each
such as rental properties. Attach a designated for future periods.—Enter fund is like a separate entity in that it
schedule listing these investment fixed the amount of contributions, has a self-balancing set of accounts
assets held at the end of the year and governmental fees or grants, grants from showing assets, liabilities, equity (fund
showing, for each item or category foundations or other organizations, and balance), income, and expenses. Since
listed, the cost or other basis, other fees and support that contributors these funds are actually part of a single
accumulated depreciation, and book or grantors have designated as payable entity, they are all included in that
value. for or applicable to one or more future organization’s own financial statements.
Line 12—Investments—mortgage years, either by the terms of the gift or Similar accounts in the various funds
loans.—Enter the amount of mortgage by the terms of the contract or other may or may not be consolidated in
loans receivable held as investments but arrangement. Do not include any those statements according to the
do not include program-related amounts restricted for future use by the organization’s preference and practice.
investments (see instructions for line 15). filing organization’s own governing body. Form 990-PF, however, requires such
Attach a schedule that describes each consolidation. Separate funds, and the
Line 13—Investments—other.—Enter net changes within the various funds
the amount of all other investment contribution or grant designated for one
during the year, are shown in the fund
Page 13
balances section (lines 24 through 27) of accounting, enter the total of lines 24 Do not include any gain or loss from
the balance sheet. through 27. For all other organizations, disposing of property used for the
Some states that accept Form 990-PF enter the total of lines 28 through 30. foundation’s charitable purposes in the
as their basic report form may require a The beginning-of-year figure in column computation of tax on net investment
separate statement of changes in fund (a) should be carried over to Part III, line income. If the foundation uses property
balances. 1. The end-of-year figure in column (b) for its charitable purposes, but also
should agree with the figure in Part III, incidentally derives income from the
Lines 24a and 24b—Current funds.—
line 6. property that is subject to the net
Enter the sum of the fund balances per
Line 32—Total liabilities and fund investment income tax, any gain or loss
books of the current unrestricted fund
balances/net assets.—Enter the total of from the sale or other disposition of the
and the current restricted fund.
lines 23 and 31. That figure must equal property is not subject to the tax.
Line 25—Land, buildings, and
the figure for total assets reported on However, if the foundation uses
equipment fund.—Enter the fund
line 16 for both the beginning and end property both for charitable purposes
balance per books for the land,
of the year. and (other than incidentally) for
buildings, and equipment fund (plant
investment purposes, include in the
Part III—Analysis of computation of tax on net investment
Line 26—Endowment fund.—Enter the income the part of the gain or loss from
total of the fund balances for the Changes in Net Assets or the sale or disposition of the property
permanent endowment fund and any Fund Balances that is allocable to the investment use of
term endowment funds. Annuity and life the property.
income fund balances may be reported Generally, the excess of revenue over
expenses accounts for the difference Do not include gains or losses from
here, if not significant in amount, or on
between the net assets at the beginning the sale or exchange of program-related
line 27. Do not include the fund
and end of the year. On line 2, Part III, investments as defined in the
balances of any quasi-endowment funds
re-enter the figure from Part I, line 27(a), instructions for Part IX-B.
(funds functioning as endowment) or
other internally designated funds. column (a). On lines 3 and 5, list any All of the capital gains reported on line
changes in net assets that were not 2, both short-term and long-term, are
Line 27—Other funds.—Enter the total caused by the receipts or expenses taxed at the same rate.
of the fund balances for all funds not shown in Part I, column (a). For
reported on lines 24 through 26. Indicate For further information, see section
example, if an asset is shown in the 4940(c)(4).
the type of fund in the space provided ending balance sheet at a higher value
or on an attachment if more than one Losses.—If the disposition of investment
than in the beginning balance sheet
fund is involved. On the attachment, because of an increased market value, property results in a loss, that loss may
show the beginning and end-of-year be subtracted from capital gains realized
include the increase in Part III, line 3.
fund balance for each fund listed. from the disposition of property during
Also, if you use a stepped-up basis to
Organizations not using fund determine gains on sales of assets the same tax year, but only to the extent
accounting.—If the organization does of the gains. If losses are more than
included in Part I, column (a), then
not use fund accounting, check the box include the amount of step-up in basis gains, the excess may not be subtracted
above line 28 and report account from gross investment income, nor may
in Part III.
balances on lines 28 through 30. Report the losses be carried back or forward to
the total of net assets on line 31. Report other tax years.
the sum of the total liabilities and net
Part IV—Capital Gains and Basis.—The basis for determining gain
assets on line 32. Losses for Tax on from the sale or other disposition of
Line 28—Capital stock or trust Investment Income property is the larger of:
principal.—For corporations, enter the Use Part IV to figure the amount of net 1. The fair market value of the
balance per books for capital stock capital gain to report on lines 7 and 8 of property on December 31, 1969, plus or
accounts. Show par or stated value (or Part I. minus all adjustments after December
for stock with no par or stated value, 31, 1969, and before the date of
total amount received upon issuance) of ● Part IV does not apply to foreign disposition, provided the foundation held
all classes of stock issued and, as yet, the property on that date and
uncancelled. For trusts, enter the ● Nonoperating private foundations may continuously after that date until
amount in the trust principal or corpus not have to figure their short-term disposition; or
account. capital gain or loss on line 3. See the 2. The basis of the property on the
special rules for “Nonoperating Private
Line 29—Paid-in capital or capital date of disposition under normal basis
surplus.—Enter the balance per books Foundations” under Part I, column (c). rules (actual basis). The normal (actual)
for all paid-in capital in excess of par or Private foundations must report gains basis rules are contained in Code
stated value for all stock issued and, as and losses from the sale or other sections 1011–1021.
yet, uncancelled. If stockholders or disposition of property used to produce The rules that usually apply to
others made donations that the interest, dividends, rents, royalties, or property dispositions reported in this
organization records as paid-in capital, unrelated income. If the foundation
part are:
include them here. Any current-year disposes of property that is used to
produce income subject to the unrelated ● Section 1011, Adjusted basis for
donations you include on line 29 must
business income tax, include any gain or determining gain or loss.
also be reported in Part I, line 1.
loss from the sale of that property in net ● Section 1012, Basis of property-cost.
Line 30—Retained earnings or
accumulated income.—For a investment income, but only the part ● Section 1014, Basis of property
corporation, enter the balance in the that is not included in the computation acquired from a decedent.
of unrelated business taxable income. ● Section 1015, Basis of property
retained earnings or similar account,
minus the cost of any corporate treasury Property is treated as held for acquired by gifts and transfers in trust.
stock. For trusts, enter the balance per investment purposes, even if the ● Section 1016, Adjustments to basis.
books in the accumulated income or foundation disposes of the property as
soon as it receives it, if the property is of For determining a loss, basis is
similar account. determined on the date of disposition
Line 31—Total fund balances or net a type that generally produces interest,
dividends, rents or royalties. under normal basis rules.
assets.—For organizations that use fund
Page 14
See Chapter IV of Pub. 578 for 4. It has no officer who is a reported on Form 1041 or Form 1120.
examples on how to determine gain or disqualified individual at any time during All other filers enter -0-.
loss. the tax year. Line 5—Tax on investment income.—
A domestic exempt private foundation Subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter the
Part V—Qualification Under that qualifies as an exempt operating difference (but not less than -0-) on line
Section 4940(e) for Reduced foundation under section 4940(d)(2) is 5. Unless you are a domestic section
not liable for any tax on net investment 4947(a)(1) charitable trust or taxable
Tax on Net Investment income on this return. private foundation, the amount is the
Income Domestic section 4947(a)(1) charitable same as for line 1. The tax shown on
trusts and taxable private foundations line 5 may not be less than zero. Any
This part is used by exempt domestic
are subject to a modified 2% tax on the overpayment entered on line 10 that is
private foundations to determine
net investment income under section the result of a negative amount shown
whether they qualify for the reduced 1%
4940(b). However, they must first on line 5 will not be refunded.
tax under section 4940(e) on net
investment income rather than the 2% compute the tax under section 4940(a) Line 6—Credits/Payments.—
tax on net investment income under as if that tax applied to them. Note: Line 6a applies only to domestic
section 4940(a). The section 4940 tax does not apply organizations.
● A private foundation cannot qualify to an organization making an election Line 6a.—Enter the amount of 1991
under section 4940(e) for its first year of under section 41(e)(6). Enter “N/A” in estimated tax payments, and any 1990
existence, nor can a former public Part VI. overpayment of taxes that you specified
charity qualify for the first year it is Exempt foreign private foundations are on your 1990 return to be credited
treated as a private foundation. Do not subject, under section 4948, to a 4% tax toward payment of your estimated taxes
complete Part V if this is the on their gross investment income for 1991.
organization’s first year. derived from U.S. sources. Note: A trust may treat any part of
● A separate computation must be Other foreign organizations that filed estimated taxes it paid as taxes paid by
made for each year in which the Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien the beneficiary. If you received the
foundation wants to qualify for the Income Tax Return, or Form 1120F, U.S. benefit of such a payment from a trust,
reduced tax. Income Tax Return of a Foreign include the amount on line 6a of Part VI,
Line 1, column (b).—Enter the amount Corporation, enter “N/A” in Part VI. and wr ite on that line, “includes section
of adjusted qualifying distributions made Note: A pr ivate foundation must pay 643(g) payment.” See section 643(g) for
for each year shown. The amounts in estimated taxes on its net investment more infor mation about estimated tax
column (b) for tax years 1986–90 are income. See General Instruction O for payments treated as paid by a
taken from Part XIII, line 8, of the more infor mation. beneficiary.
1986–90 Forms 990-PF. Line 6b.—Exempt foreign foundations
Tax Computation must enter the amount of tax withheld at
Line 1, column (c).—Enter the net value
of noncharitable-use assets for each Line 1a.—Domestic exempt operating source.
year. The amounts in column (c) for tax foundations defined in section 4940(d)(2) Line 6d.—Enter the amount of any
years 1986–90 are taken from Part IX, (see above) should check the box, enter backup withholding erroneously
line 5, of the 1986–90 Forms 990-PF. “N/A” on line 1, give the date of their withheld. Recipients of dividend or
ruling letter on line 1a (see below), and interest payments must generally certify
Part VI—Excise Tax on leave the rest of Part VI blank. For the their correct tax identification number to
first year, you must attach a copy of the the bank or other payer on Form W-9,
Investment Income (Section ruling letter establishing exempt Request for Taxpayer Identification
4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e) or operating foundation status. As long as Number and Certification. If the payer
4948) you retain this status, write the date of does not get this information, it must
the ruling letter in the space on line 1a. withhold part of the payments as
General rules for tax on investment If you cease to qualify under section “backup withholding.” If your
income.—Domestic exempt private 4940(d)(2), do not enter anything on the organization files Form 990-PF and was
foundations generally are subject to a date line and compute your section subject to erroneous backup withholding
2% tax on net investment income under 4940 tax in the normal manner. because the payer did not realize you
section 4940(a). However, certain were an exempt organization and not
Line 2—Section 511 tax.—Under
domestic exempt private foundations subject to this withholding, you can
section 4940(b), a domestic section
may not owe any tax under section claim credit for the amount withheld.
4947(a)(1) charitable trust or taxable
4940(d)(2) or may qualify for a reduced
private foundation must add to the tax Line 8—Penalty.—Enter any penalty for
tax of 1% under section 4940(e) (see
figured under section 4940(a) (on line 1) underpayment of estimated tax shown
Part V instructions).
the tax which would have been imposed on Form 2220. Form 2220 is used by
To qualify as an exempt operating under section 511 for the tax year if it both corporations and trusts.
foundation for a tax year, an organization had been exempt from tax under section Line 9—Tax due.—Domestic
must meet the following requirements of 501(a). If the domestic section 4947(a)(1) foundations should see General
section 4940(d)(2): charitable trust or taxable private Instruction P for depositary method of
1. It is a private foundation. foundation has unrelated business payment. Domestic foundations owing
2. It has been publicly supported for taxable income that would have been less than $500 and all foreign
at least 10 tax years or was a private subject to the tax imposed by section organizations should attach a check or
operating foundation on January 1, 511, the computation of tax must be money order (in U.S. funds) at the place
1983, or for its last tax year ending shown in an attachment. Form 990-T indicated at the side of page 1 of the
before January 1, 1983. may be used as the attachment. All return.
3. Its governing body, at all times other filers enter -0-.
during the tax year, consists of Line 4—Subtitle A tax.—Domestic
individuals less than 25% of whom are section 4947(a)(1) charitable trusts and
disqualified individuals, and is broadly taxable private foundations enter the
representative of the general public, and amount of subtitle A tax for the year

Page 15
Part VII—Statements then the organization has not satisfied the foundation during the grace period.
the requirements of section 508(e) by The 15-year initial grace period expired
Regarding Activities the passing of that legislation. on May 25, 1984. This period applied
In General Line 8.—In the space provided list all when a private foundation and all
states: disqualified persons together held more
Every question in this section must be than 75% interest, but not more than
answered “Yes,” “No,” or “N/A” (not 1. To which the organization reports in
95% interest in a business enterprise.
applicable). any way about its organization, assets,
The 20-year initial grace period, which
or activities; and
The purpose of most of the questions expired May 25, 1989, applied if the
in Part VII is to determine whether there 2. With which the organization has combined holdings were more than
is any initial excise tax due under registered (or which it has otherwise 95%. The 10-year initial grace period,
sections 4941 through 4945, and section notified in any manner) that it intends to which expired on May 26, 1979, applied
4955. If you answer “No” to question be, or is, a charitable organization or if the combined holdings were at least
10b, 11b, or 14b; OR “Yes” to question that it is, or intends to be, a holder of 20% but not more than 75%.
10c, 12b, 13a, 13b, or 14a(2), complete property devoted to a charitable
During the second phase, which is the
and attach Form 4720, unless an purpose.
15-year period immediately following the
exception applies. Attach a separate list if you need more 10, 15, or 20-year initial grace period,
Line 1.—Political purposes include, but space. the foundation’s ownership of business
are not limited to: directly or indirectly Line 9.—If you claim status as an interests that it held on May 26, 1969,
accepting contributions or making operating foundation for 1991 and, in must be reduced so that by the end of
payments to influence the selection, fact, meet the operating foundation the phase the combined holdings of the
nomination, election, or appointment of requirements for that year (as reflected foundation and its disqualified persons
any individual to any Federal, state, or in Part XIV), any excess distributions are not greater than 35% of the voting
local public office or office in a political carryover from 1990 or prior years may stock of a corporation (or 35% of the
organization, or the election of not be carried over to any year after value of all outstanding shares of all
presidential or vice presidential electors, 1991 in which you do not meet the classes of stock, or 35% of comparable
whether or not the individual or electors operating foundation requirements. See interests in an unincorporated
are actually selected, nominated, the instructions for Part XIII. enterprise).
elected, or appointed. Line 10—Self-dealing.—The activities If, at any time during the second
Line 3.—A confor med copy of an listed in 10a(1) through (6) are phase, the holdings of all disqualified
organizational document is one that considered self-dealing under section persons together are greater than 2% of
agrees with the original document and 4941 unless one of the exceptions the voting stock, the holdings of the
all its amendments. If copies are not applies. See Chapter VIII of Pub. 578. foundation itself may not be more than
signed, attach a written declaration The terms disqualified person and 25% of the voting stock or 25% of the
signed by an officer authorized to sign foundation manager are defined in value of all outstanding shares of all
for the organization, certifying that they General Instruction C. classes of stock.
are complete and accurate copies of the Line 11—Taxes on failure to distribute The third phase is the entire period
original documents. following the second phase. If a
income.—If you answer “Yes” to
Line 6.—For a private foundation to be question 11b, attach a statement foundation enters the third phase with
exempt from income tax, its governing explaining: not more than 2% of the voting stock
instrument must include provisions that 1. All the facts regarding the incorrect held by all disqualified parties, and any
require it to act or refrain from acting so valuation of assets, and time after the beginning of the third
as not to engage in an act of phase these holdings exceed 2%, then
self-dealing (section 4941), or subject 2. The actions taken (or planned) to the 25% rule in the preceding paragraph
the foundation to the taxes imposed by comply with section 4942(a)(2)(B), (C), applies.
sections 4942 (failure to distribute and (D) and the related regulations.
The term business enterprise, in
income), 4943 (excess business Line 12—Taxes on excess business general, includes the active conduct of a
holdings), 4944 (investments which holdings.—In general, the excess trade or business. It includes any activity
jeopardize charitable purpose), and 4945 business holdings are the amount of that is carried on to produce income
(taxable expenditures). A private stock or other interest in a business from the sale of goods or the
foundation may satisfy these section enterprise which the foundation must performance of services and that is
508(e) requirements either by express dispose of to a person, other than a considered an unrelated trade or
language in its governing instrument or disqualified person, in order for the business under section 513.
by application of state law which foundation’s remaining holdings in the
enterprise to be permitted holdings. The term business enterprise does not
imposes the above requirements on the
Business holdings do not include include:
foundation or treats these requirements
as being contained in the governing program-related investments as defined 1. A functionally related business,
instrument. If an organization claims it in section 4944(c) and related which is defined in section 4942(j)(4); or
satisfies the requirements of section regulations. 2. A trade or business if at least 95%
508(e) by operation of state law, the In general, the combined permitted of its gross income is derived from
provisions of state law must effectively holdings of a private foundation and all passive sources. See section
impose the section 508(e) requirements disqualified persons are limited to 20% 4943(d)(3)(B) for additional items that are
on the organization. See Rev. Rul. 75-38, of the voting power (or beneficial or included in gross income from passive
1975-1 C.B. 161, for a list of states with profits interest, in the case of a trust or sources.
legislation that satisfies the requirements a partnership) in any business Line 12a.—A private foundation is not
of section 508(e). enterprise. treated as having excess business
If, however, the state law does not There were initial grace periods of 10, holdings in any enterprise if, together
apply to a governing instrument which 15 or 20 years (first phase) for certain with related foundations, it owns 2% or
contains mandatory directions conflicting excess business holdings of the less of the voting stock and 2% or less
with any of its requirements and the foundation that were held on May 26, in value of all outstanding shares of all
organization has such mandatory 1969. These holdings were considered classes of stock. (See General
directions in its governing instrument, held by disqualified persons rather than Instructions C, item (7), under definition
Page 16
of a “disqualified person.”) A similar For purposes of the section 4955 tax, relationship with the substantial
exception applies to a beneficial or when an organization promotes a contributor (section 4946). When the
profits interest in any business candidate for public office (or is used or substantial contributor is a corporation,
enterprise that is a trust or partnership. controlled by a candidate or prospective the term also includes any officer or
For more information about excess candidate), amounts paid or incurred for director of a corporation.
business holdings, see Pub. 578 and the the following purposes are political For purposes of the preceding
instructions for Form 4720. expenditures: paragraphs, the term “substantial
Line 13—Taxes on investments that 1. Remuneration to the individual (or contributor” does not include public
jeopardize charitable purposes.—In candidate or prospective candidate) for charities (organizations described in
general, an investment that jeopardizes speeches or other services. section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3)).
any of the charitable purposes of a 2. Travel expenses of the individual. Line 19—Section 4947(a)(1) trusts.—
private foundation is one for which a 3. Expenses of conducting polls, Section 4947(a)(1) charitable trusts that
foundation manager did not exercise surveys, or other studies, or preparing file Form 990-PF instead of Form 1041
ordinary business care to provide for the papers or other material for use by the must complete this line. The trust should
long- and short-term financial needs of individual. include exempt-interest dividends
the foundation in carrying out its received from a mutual fund or other
4. Expenses of advertising, publicity,
charitable purposes. regulated investment company as well
and fundraising for such individual.
For more information on investments as tax-exempt interest received directly.
5. Any other expense which has the
that jeopardize charitable purposes, see
primary effect of promoting public
to Pub. 578 and the regulations under
recognition or otherwise primarily Part VIII—Information About
section 4944. accruing to the benefit of the individual. Officers, Directors, Trustees,
Line 14—Taxes on taxable
expenditures and political
Line 15—Substantial contributors.—If Foundation Managers,
you answered “Yes,” attach a schedule Highly Paid Employees, and
expenditures.—See the regulations
listing the names and addresses of all
under section 4945 for more information.
persons who became substantial Contractors
In general, payments made for the contributors during the year. Line 1—List of officers, directors,
activities described on lines 14a(1) trustees, etc.—List the names,
The term substantial contr ibutor to a
through 14a(5) are taxable expenditures. addresses, and other information
private foundation means any person
See Chapter VI of Pub. 578 for requested for the officers, directors, and
whose contributions or bequests during
exceptions to taxable expenditures. trustees (or any person who has
the current tax year and prior tax years
A grant by a private foundation to a total more than $5,000 and are more responsibilities or powers similar to
public charity is not a taxable than 2% of the total contributions and those of officers, directors, or trustees)
expenditure if the private foundation bequests received by the foundation of the foundation. All such persons must
does not earmark the grant for any of from its creation through the close of its be listed whether or not they receive any
the activities described in lines 14a(1) tax year. In the case of a trust, the term compensation from the foundation. Enter
through 14a(5), and there is no oral or “substantial contributor” also means the -0- in columns (c), (d), and (e) if none
written agreement by which the grantor creator of the trust (section 501(d)(2)). was paid. Attach a schedule if more
foundation may cause the grantee to space is needed.
The term person includes individuals,
engage in any such prohibited activity or Show all forms of compensation
trusts, estates, partnerships,
to select the recipient to which the grant received by each listed officer, etc. In
associations, corporations, and other
is given. addition to completing Part VIII, you may
exempt organizations.
Grants made to exempt operating provide an attachment describing the
Each contribution or bequest must be
foundations (as defined in section entire 1991 compensation package of
valued at fair market value on the date it
4940(d)(2) and the instructions to Part VI) one or more officers, directors, and
was received.
are not subject to the expenditure trustees.
responsibility provisions of section 4945. Any person who is a substantial
contributor on any date will remain a Column (c).—Include all forms of
Under section 4955, a section deferred compensation (whether or not
substantial contributor for all later
501(c)(3) organization must pay an funded; whether or not vested; and
excise tax for any amount paid or whether or not the deferred
incurred on behalf of, or in opposition to, However, a person will cease to be a compensation plan is a qualified plan
any candidate for public office. The substantial contributor with respect to under section 401(a)) and payments to
organization must pay an additional any private foundation if: welfare benefit plans on behalf of the
excise tax if it fails to correct the 1. Such person, and all related officers, etc. Reasonable estimates may
expenditure timely. persons, made no contributions to such be used if precise cost figures are not
A manager of a section 501(c)(3) foundation during the 10-year period readily available.
organization, who knowingly agrees to a ending with the close of the taxable Column (d).—Enter amounts that the
political expenditure, must pay an excise year; recipients must report as income on
tax unless the agreement is not willful 2. Such person, or any related person, their separate income tax returns.
and there is reasonable cause. A was never the foundation’s manager Examples include amounts for which the
manager who does not agree to a during this 10-year period; and recipient did not account to the
correction of the political expenditure 3. The aggregate contributions made organization or allowances that were
may have to pay an additional excise by such person, and related persons, more than the payee spent on serving
tax. are determined by the IRS to be the organization. Include payments
A section 501(c)(3) organization will insignificant when compared to the made in connection with indemnification
lose its exempt status if it engages in aggregate amount of contributions to the arrangements, the value of the personal
political activity. foundation by any other person and the use of housing, automobiles, or other
A political expenditure that is treated appreciated value of contributions held assets owned or leased by the
as an expenditure under section 4955 is by the foundation. organization (or provided for the
not treated as a taxable expenditure The term related person includes any organization’s use without charge), as
under section 4945. other person who would be a well as any other taxable and
disqualified person because of a
Page 17
nontaxable fringe benefits. Refer to Pub. Regulations sections 53.4942(b)-1(b)(2) specifically identified as connected with
525 for more information. and 53.4942(b)-1(d). a particular activity. These include,
Column (e).—Enter salary, fees, DO NOT include any program-related among others, compensation and travel
bonuses, and severance payments investments (reportable in Part IX-B) in expenses of employees and officers
received by each person listed. the description and expense totals, but directly engaged in an activity; the cost
DO include qualified set-asides for direct of materials and supplies utilized in
Line 2—Compensation of five highest
charitable activities, reported on line 3 of conducting the activity; and fees paid to
paid employees.—Fill in the information
Part XII. Also, include in Part IX-A, outside firms and individuals in
requested for the five employees (if any)
amounts paid or set aside to acquire connection with a specific activity.
who received the greatest amount of
annual compensation over $30,000. Do assets used in the direct active conduct Indirect (overhead) expenses are those
not include employees listed under line of charitable activities. that are not specifically identifiable as
1. Also enter the total number of other Expenditures for direct charitable connected with a particular activity but
employees who received more than activities include, among others, that relate to the direct costs incurred in
$30,000 in annual compensation. amounts paid or set aside to: conducting the activity. Examples of
indirect expenses include: occupancy
Show each listed employee’s entire ● Acquire or maintain the operating
expenses; supervisory and clerical
compensation package for the period assets of a museum, library, or historic
compensation; repair, rental and
covered by the return. Include all forms site or to operate any such facility.
maintenance of equipment; expenses of
of compensation that each listed ● Provide goods, shelter, or clothing to other departments or cost centers (such
employee received in return for his or indigents or disaster victims if the as accounting, personnel, and payroll
her services. See the instructions for line foundation maintains some significant departments or units) that service the
1 for additional information on includible involvement in the activity rather than department or function that incurs the
compensation. merely making grants to the recipients. direct expenses of conducting an
Line 3—Five highest paid persons for ● Conduct educational conferences and activity; and other applicable general
professional services.—Fill in the seminars. and administrative expenses, including
information requested for the five
● Operate a home for the aged or the compensation of top management,
highest paid independent contractors (if to the extent reasonably allocable to a
any) whom you paid more than $30,000 particular activity.
for the year to perform personal services ● Conduct scientific, historic, public
policy, or other research with No specific method of allocation is
of a professional nature for the
significance beyond the foundation’s required. The method used, however,
organization (such as attorneys,
grant program that does not constitute a must be reasonable and must be used
accountants, and doctors, whether they
prohibited attempt to influence consistently.
performed the services in their individual
capacity or as employees of a legislation. Examples of acceptable allocation
professional service corporation). Also ● Publish and disseminate the results of methods include:
show the total number of all other such research, reports of educational 1. Compensation that is allocated on a
independent contractors who received conferences, or similar educational time basis.
more than $30,000 for the year for material. 2. Employee benefits that are
performing professional services. ● Support the service of foundation staff allocated on the basis of direct salary
on boards or advisory committees of expenses.
Part IX-A—Summary of other charitable organizations or on 3. Travel, conference, and meeting
public commissions or task forces.
Direct Charitable Activities expenses that are charged directly to the
● Provide technical advice or assistance activity which incurred the expense.
List the foundation’s four largest to a governmental body, a governmental
programs, as measured by the direct 4. Occupancy expenses that are
committee, or subdivision of either, in allocated on a space-utilized basis.
and indirect expenses attributable to response to a written request by the
each, that consist of the direct active 5. Other indirect expenses that are
governmental body, committee, or
conduct of charitable activities. Whether allocated on the basis of direct salary
any expenditure is for the direct active expenses or total direct expenses.
conduct of a charitable activity is ● Conduct performing arts
determined, generally, by the definitions Part IX-B—Summary of
and special rules of section 4942(j)(3) ● Provide technical assistance to
and the related regulations, which define grantees and other charitable Program-Related
a private operating foundation. organizations. Such assistance must Investments
Except for significant involvement have significance beyond the purposes Section 4944(c) and corresponding
grant programs, described below, you of the grants made to the grantees and
regulations define a program-related
should not include in Part IX-A any must not consist merely of monitoring or investment as one that is made primarily
grants or expenses attributable to advising the grantees in their use of the
to accomplish a charitable purpose of
administering grant programs, such as grant funds. Technical assistance the foundation and no substantial
reviewing grant applications, interviewing involves the furnishing of expert advice purpose of which is to produce
or testing applicants, selecting grantees, and related assistance regarding, for
investment income or a capital gain from
and reviewing reports relating to the use example: the sale of the investment. Examples of
of the grant funds. a. compliance with governmental program-related investments include
You should include scholarships, regulations; educational loans to individuals and
grants, or other payments to individuals b. reducing operating costs or low-interest loans to other section
as part of an active program in which increasing program accomplishments; 501(c)(3) organizations.
the foundation maintains some c. fundraising methods; and On lines 1 and 2, list the two largest
significant involvement. Related d. maintaining complete and accurate program-related investments made by
administrative expenses should also be financial records. the foundation in 1991, whether or not
included. Examples of active programs the investments were still held by the
Report both direct and indirect
and definitions of the term “significant foundation at the end of the year.
expenses in the expense totals. Direct
involvement” are contained in Combine all other program-related
expenses are those that can be
investments on line 3 and attach a
Page 18
schedule that lists the individual However, when property is used both for Also see Regulations sections
investments or groups of investments in charitable and other purposes, the 53.4942(a)-2(c)(4)(i)(b),
a manner similar to that described here. property is considered to be used 53.4942(a)-2(c)(4)(iv)(a), and
Include only those investments that were entirely for charitable purposes if 95% or 53.4942(a)-2(c)(4)(i)(c).
reported in Part XII, line 1b for the more of its total use is for that purpose. Line 1b—Average of monthly cash
current year. Do not include any If less than 95% of its total use is for balances.—Compute cash balances on
investments made in any prior year, even charitable purposes, a reasonable a monthly basis by averaging the
if they were still held by the foundation allocation must be made between amount of cash on hand on the first and
at the end of 1991. charitable and noncharitable use. last days of each month. Include all
Investments consisting of loans to Certain assets are considered to be cash balances and amounts that may be
individuals (such as educational loans) held neither for the production of income used for charitable purposes (see line 4
are not required to be listed separately nor for investment. See Chapter VII of below) or set aside and taken as a
but may be grouped with other Pub. 578 for a listing of such assets. qualifying distribution (see Part XII).
program-related investments of the Line 1a—Average monthly fair market Line 1c—Fair market value of all other
same type. Loans to other section value of securities.—If market assets.—The fair market value of assets
501(c)(3) organizations and all other quotations are readily available, a other than securities is determined
types of program-related investments foundation may use any reasonable annually except as described below. The
must be listed separately on lines 1 method to determine the average valuation may be made by private
through 3 or on an attachment. The total monthly fair market value of securities foundation employees or by any other
of lines 1 through 3 in the Amount such as common and preferred stock, person, whether or not that person is a
column must equal the amount reported bonds, and mutual fund shares, as long disqualified person in relation to the
on line 1b of Part XII. as that method is consistently used. For foundation. If the IRS accepts the
example, a value for a particular month valuation, it is valid only for the tax year
Part X—Minimum might be determined by the closing for which it is made. A new valuation is
Investment Return price on the first or last trading days of required for the next tax year.
the month or an average of the closing A written, certified, and independent
All organizations must complete Part X. prices on the first and last trading days appraisal of the fair market value of any
Operating foundations, described in of the month. Market quotations are real estate, including any improvements,
sections 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5) must considered readily available if a security may be determined, on a five-year basis,
complete Part X in order to complete is any of the following: by a qualified person.
Part XIV. ● Listed on the New York or American The person may not be a disqualified
A private foundation that is not a stock exchange or any city or regional person with respect to the private
private operating foundation must pay exchange in which quotations appear on foundation or an employee of the
out, as qualifying distributions, its a daily basis, including foreign securities foundation.
minimum investment return, generally listed on a recognized foreign national or
Commonly accepted valuation
5% of the total fair market value of its regional exchange.
methods must be used in making the
noncharitable assets, subject to further ● Regularly traded in the national or appraisal. A valuation based on
adjustments as explained in the regional over-the-counter market for acceptable methods of valuing property
instructions for Part XI. The amount of which published quotations are for Federal estate tax purposes will be
this minimum investment return is available. considered acceptable. An appraisal
figured in Part X and is used in Part XI
● Locally traded, for which quotations means a determination of fair market
to figure the amount that is required to can readily be obtained from established value and should not be construed in a
be paid out (the distributable amount).
brokerage firms. technical sense peculiar to particular
In figuring the minimum investment property or interests in property, such as
If securities are held in trust for, or on
return, include only those assets that are behalf of, a foundation by a bank or mineral interests in real property.
not used or held for use for charitable other financial institution which values The appraisal must contain a closing
purposes. These assets are not actually
those securities periodically using a statement that, in the appraiser’s
used or held for use by the organization computer pricing system, a foundation opinion, the appraised assets were
for a charitable, educational, or other
may use that system to determine the valued according to valuation principles
similar function that contributed to the value of the securities. The system must regularly employed in making appraisals
charitable status of the foundation. Cash
be acceptable to the IRS for Federal of such property, using all reasonable
on hand and on deposit is considered
estate tax purposes. valuation methods. The foundation must
used or held for use for charitable keep a copy of the independent
purposes ONLY to the extent of the You may reduce the fair market value
of securities only to the extent that you appraisal for its records. If a valuation is
reasonable cash balances reported in reasonable, the foundation may use it
Part X, line 4. See the instructions for can establish that the securities could
only be liquidated in a reasonable period for the tax year for which the valuation is
lines 1b and 4 below. Assets that are made and for each of the four following
held for the production of income or for of time at a price less than the fair
market value because of: tax years.
investment are not considered to be
used directly for charitable functions ● The size of the block of the securities; Any valuation of real estate by a
certified independent appraisal may be
even though the income from the assets ● The fact that the securities held are
is used for the charitable functions. replaced during the five-year period by a
securities in a closely held corporation;
subsequent five-year valuation by a
It is a factual question as to whether or
certified independent appraisal or by an
an asset is held for the production of ● The fact that the sale of the securities annual valuation as described above.
income or for investment rather than would result in a forced or distress sale. The most recent valuation should be
used or held for use directly by the Any reduction in value allowed under used to compute the foundation’s
foundation for charitable purposes. For these provisions may not be more than minimum investment return.
example, an office building, that is used 10% of the fair market value
to provide offices for employees If the valuation is made according to
(determined without regard to any the above rules, the IRS will continue to
engaged in managing endowment funds reduction in value).
for the foundation, is not considered an accept it during the five-year period for
asset used for charitable purposes. which it applies even if the actual fair
Page 19
market value of the property changes line 3. However, if the facts and If the foundation receives distributions
during the period. circumstances indicate that an amount which include amounts placed in trust
Valuation date.—An asset required to larger than the deemed amount is before May 27, 1969, and amounts
be valued annually may be valued as of necessary to pay expenses and placed in trust after May 26, 1969, these
any day in the private foundation’s tax disbursements, then you may enter the distributions must be allocated between
year, provided the foundation values the larger amount instead of 11⁄ 2% of the fair those amounts to determine the extent
asset as of that date in all tax years. market value on line 4. If you use a to which the distributions are included in
However, a valuation of real estate larger amount, attach an explanation. the foundation’s distributable amount.
determined on a five-year basis by a Line 6—Short tax periods.—If the Line 6—Deduction from distributable
certified, independent appraisal may be foundation’s tax period is less than 12 amount.—If the foundation was
made as of any day in the first tax year months, determine the applicable organized before May 27, 1969, and its
of the foundation to which the valuation percentage by dividing the number of governing instrument or any other
applies. days in the short tax period by 365 (or instrument continues to require the
Assets held for less than a tax year.— 366 in a leap year). Multiply the result accumulation of income after a judicial
To determine the value of an asset held times 5%. Then multiply the modified proceeding to reform the instrument has
for less than one tax year, divide the percentage by the amount on line 5 and terminated, then the amount of the
number of days the foundation held the enter the result on line 6. income required to be accumulated
asset by the number of days in the tax must be SUBTRACTED from the
year. Multiply the result by the fair Part XI—Distributable distributable amount beginning with the
market value of the asset. first tax year after the tax year in which
Amount the judicial proceeding was terminated.
Line 1e—Reduction claimed for
If you are claiming status as a private (See the instructions for Part VII, line 6.)
blockage or other factors.—If the fair
market value of any securities, real operating foundation described in Enter the amount from Part XI, line 7,
section 4942(j)(3) or (j)(5), check the box in Part XIII, line 1.
estate holdings, or other assets reported
on lines 1a and 1c reflects a blockage in the heading for Part XI. You do not
need to complete this part. See the Part
discount, marketability discount, or other
XIV instructions for definitions of these
Part XII—Qualifying
reduction from full fair market value Distributions
because of the size of the asset holding two types of private operating
foundations. Qualifying distr ibutions are amounts
or because of any other factor, enter on
line 1e the aggregate amount of the Section 4942(j)(5) organizations are spent or set aside for religious,
discounts claimed. Attach an classified as private operating educational, or similar charitable
explanation that provides the following foundations for purposes of section purposes. The total amount of qualifying
information for each asset or group of 4942 only, provided they meet the distributions for any year is used to
assets involved: requirements of Regulations section reduce the distributable amount for
53.4942(b)-1(a)(2). specified years to arrive at the
1. A description of the asset or asset
group (for example, 20,000 shares of The distributable amount for 1991 is undistributed income (if any) for those
the amount that the foundation must years.
XYZ, Inc., common stock);
distribute by the end of 1992 as Line 1a—Borrowed funds.—If the
2. In the case of securities, the
percentage of the total issued and qualifying distributions to avoid the 15% foundation borrowed money in a tax
outstanding securities of the same class tax on the undistributed portion. year beginning before January 1, 1970,
Line 4a.—Enter the total of recoveries of or later borrows money under a written
that is represented by the foundation’s
holding; amounts treated as qualifying commitment binding on December 31,
distributions for any year under the 1969, the foundation may elect to treat
3. The fair market value of the asset any repayments of the loan principal
provisions of sections 4942(d)(1) and
or asset group before any claimed after December 31, 1969, as qualifying
blockage discount or other reduction; 4942(f)(2)(C). Include recoveries of part
or all (as applicable) of grants previously distributions at the time of repayment,
4. The amount of the discount made; proceeds from the sale or other rather than at the earlier time that the
claimed; and disposition of property whose cost was borrowed funds were actually
5. A statement that explains why the treated as a qualifying distribution when distributed, provided that:
claimed discount is appropriate in the property was acquired; and any 1. The money is used to make
valuing the asset or group of assets for amount set aside under section 4942(g) expenditures for a charitable or similar
section 4942 purposes. to the extent it is determined that such purpose; and
Line 2—Acquisition indebtedness.— amount is not necessary for the 2. Repayment on the loan did not start
Enter the total acquisition indebtedness purposes of the set-aside. until a year beginning after 1969.
that applies to assets included on line 1 Line 4b—Income distributions from On these loans, deduct any interest
above. For details, see section 514(c) section 4947(a)(2) trusts.—The income payment from gross income to compute
and Regulations section portion of distributions from split-interest adjusted net income in the year paid.
53.4942(a)-2(c)(1). trusts on amounts placed in trust after
To make this election, attach a
Line 4—Cash deemed held for May 26, 1969, must be ADDED to the
statement to Form 990-PF for the first
charitable activities.—Foundations may distributable amount, subject to the
tax year beginning after 1969 in which a
exclude from the assets used in the limitation of Regulations section
repayment of loan principal is made and
minimum investment return computation 53.4942(a)-2(b)(2)(iii).
for each tax year after that in which any
the reasonable cash balances necessary A split-interest trust is defined in repayment of loan principal is made. The
to cover current administrative expenses section 4947(a)(2) as a trust that is not statement should show:
and other normal and current exempt from tax under section 501(a),
disbursements directly connected with 1. The lender’s name and address.
not all of the unexpired interests of
the charitable, educational, or other which are devoted to charitable, 2. The amount borrowed.
similar activities. The amount of cash religious, educational, and like purposes, 3. The specific use of the borrowed
that may be excluded is generally and that has amounts in trust for which funds.
deemed to be 11⁄2% of the fair market a charitable contributions deduction has 4. The private foundation’s election to
value of all assets (minus any acquisition been allowed. treat repayments of loan principal as
indebtedness) as computed in Part X, qualifying distributions.
Page 20
If this provision applies, add the total For any set-aside under alternative 2, Line 2—Undistributed income.—Enter
of the repayments during the year to the you must attach a schedule to your the distributable amount for 1990 and
amount from Part I, column (d), line 26. annual information return showing how amounts for earlier years that remained
Enter this total in Part XII, line 1a. If it the requirements are met. A schedule is undistributed at the beginning of the
does not apply, enter the total from Part required for the year of the set-aside 1991 tax year.
I, column (d), line 26. and for each subsequent year until the Line 2b.—Enter the amount of
Line 1b—Program-related set-aside amount has been distributed. undistributed income for years before
investments.—Enter the total from the See Regulations section 1990.
Amount column in Part IX-B. See the 53.4942(a)-3(b)(7)(ii) for specific
Line 3—Excess distributions carryover
Part IX-B instructions for the definition of requirements.
to 1991.—If the foundation has made
program-related investments. Line 5—Reduced tax on investment excess distributions out of corpus in
Line 3—Amounts set aside.—Amounts income under section 4940(e).—If you prior years, which have not been applied
set aside may be treated as qualifying do not qualify for the 1% tax under in any year, enter the amount for each
distributions only if the private section 4940(e), enter -0-. See Parts V year. Do not enter an amount for a
foundation establishes to the satisfaction and VI instructions. particular year if the organization was a
of the IRS that the amount will be paid private operating foundation for any later
for the specific project within 60 months Part XIII—Undistributed year.
from the date of the first set-aside and Income Lines 3a through 3e.—Enter the
meets 1 or 2 below. amount of any excess distribution made
1. The project can better be If the organization is a private operating on the line for each year listed. Do not
foundation for any of the years shown in
accomplished by a set-aside than by the include any amount that was applied
Part XIII, do not complete the portions of
immediate payment of funds (suitability against the distributable amount of an
test), or Part XIII that apply to those years. If earlier year or that was already used to
there are excess qualifying distributions
2. The foundation meets the meet pass-through distribution
for any tax year, do not carry them over requirements. (See the instructions for
requirements of section 4942(g)(2)(B)(ii) to a year in which the organization is a
(cash distribution test). line 7.)
private operating foundation or to any
For a set-aside under alternative 1, later year. For example, if a foundation Line 3f.—This amount can be applied in
you must apply for IRS approval by the made excess qualifying distributions in 1991.
end of the tax year in which the amount 1989 and became a private operating Line 4—Qualifying distributions.—
is set aside. Write to Internal Revenue foundation in 1991, the excess qualifying Enter the total amount of qualifying
Service, Assistant Commissioner distributions from 1989 could be applied distributions made in 1991 from Part XII,
(Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations), against the distributable amount for line 4. The total of the amounts applied
E:EO, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, 1990 but not to any year after 1990. on lines 4a through 4e is equal to the
Washington, DC 20224. The purpose of this part is to enable qualifying distributions made in 1991.
The application for approval must give the foundation to comply with the rules Line 4a.—The qualifying distributions for
all of the following information. for applying its qualifying distributions 1991 are first used to reduce any
1. The nature and purposes of the for the year 1991. In applying the undistributed income remaining from
specific project and the amount of the qualifying distributions, there are three 1990. Enter only enough of the 1991
set-aside for which approval is basic steps. qualifying distributions to reduce the
requested; 1. First, reduce any undistributed 1990 undistributed income to zero.
2. The amounts and approximate income for 1990 (but not to an amount Lines 4b and 4c.—If there are any 1991
dates of any planned additions to the less than zero). qualifying distributions remaining after
set-aside after its initial establishment; 2. You may use any part or all reducing the 1990 undistributed income
remaining qualifying distributions for to zero, one or more elections can be
3. The reasons why the project can be
1991 to satisfy elections. For example, if made under Regulations section
better accomplished by the set-aside
undistributed income remained for any 53.4942(a)-3(d)(2) to apply all or part of
than by the immediate payment of
year before 1990, it could be reduced to the remaining qualifying distributions to
zero or, if the foundation wished, the any undistributed income remaining from
4. A detailed description of the years before 1990 or to apply to corpus.
project, including estimated costs, distributions could be treated as
distributions out of corpus. To make these elections you must file a
sources of any future funds expected to statement with the IRS or attach a
be used for completion of the project, 3. If no elections are involved, apply statement, as described in the above
and the location or locations (general or remaining qualifying distributions to the
regulations section, to Form 990-PF. An
specific) of any physical facilities to be 1991 distributable amount on line 4d. If election made by filing a statement with
acquired or constructed as part of the the remaining qualifying distributions are
the IRS must be made within the year
project; and greater than the 1991 distributable for which the election is made. An
5. A statement of an appropriate amount, the excess is treated as a
election made by attaching a statement
foundation manager that the amounts distribution out of corpus on line 4e.
to the Form 990-PF must be made by
set aside will actually be paid for the If for any reason the 1991 qualifying attaching the statement to the return
specific project within a specified period distributions do not reduce any 1990 filed for the year the election was made.
of time ending within 60 months after undistributed income to zero, the If you elected to apply all or part of the
the date of the first set-aside; or a amount not distributed is subject to a remaining amount to the undistributed
statement explaining why the period for 15% tax. If the 1990 income remains income remaining from years before
paying the amount set aside should be undistributed at the end of 1992, it could 1990, enter the amount on line 4b. If you
extended and indicating the extension of be subject again to the 15% tax. See elected to treat those qualifying
time requested. (Include in this section 4942(b) for the circumstances distributions as a distribution out of
statement the reason why the proposed under which the second-tier tax could corpus, enter the amount on line 4c.
project could not be divided into two or be imposed. Entering an amount on line 4b or 4c
more projects covering periods of no Line 1—Distributable amount.—Enter without submitting the required
more than 60 months each.) the distributable amount for 1991 from statement does not constitute a valid
Part XI, line 7. election.

Page 21
Line 4d.—Treat as a distribution of the contributions, distribute an amount equal Part XIV—Private Operating
distributable amount for 1991 any in value to the contributions received in
qualifying distributions for 1991 that the prior tax year and have no remaining
remain after reducing the 1990 undistributed income for the prior year. All organizations that claim status as
undistributed income to zero and after For example, if private foundation X private operating foundations under
electing to treat any part of the received $1,000 in tax year 1990 from section 4942(j)(3) or (5) for 1991 must
remaining distributions as a distribution foundation Y, foundation X would have complete Part XIV.
out of corpus or as a distribution of a to distribute the $1,000 as a qualifying For purposes of section 4942 only,
prior year’s undistributed income. Enter distribution out of corpus by the end of certain elderly care facilities may be
only enough of the remaining 1991 1991 and have no remaining classified as “private operating
qualifying distributions to reduce the undistributed income for 1990. foundations.” To be so classified, they
1991 distributable amount to zero. 2. If a private foundation receives a must be operated and maintained for
Line 4e.—Any 1991 qualifying contribution from an individual or a the principal purpose set out in section
distributions remaining after reducing the corporation and the individual is seeking 4942(j)(5) and, in addition, meet the
1991 distributable amount to zero the 50% contribution base limit on endowment test described below. If you
should be treated as an excess deductions for the tax year (or the are a section 4942(j)(5) organization,
distribution out of corpus. This amount individual or corporation is not applying complete only lines 1a, 1b, 2c, 2d, 2e,
may be carried over and applied to later the limit imposed on deductions for and 3b. Enter “N/A” on all other lines in
years. contributions to the foundation of capital Part XIV.
Line 5—Excess qualifying distributions gain property), the foundation must The term pr ivate operating foundation
carryover applied in 1991.—Enter any comply with certain distribution means any private foundation that
excess qualifying distributions from line requirements. spends at least 85% of the smaller of its
3, which were applied to 1991, in both By the 15th day of the third month adjusted net income or its minimum
the Corpus column and the 1991 after the end of the tax year in which the investment return directly for the active
column. Apply the oldest excess foundation received the contributions, conduct of the exempt purpose or
qualifying distributions first. Thus, you the donee foundation must distribute as functions for which the foundation is
will apply any excess qualifying qualifying distributions out of corpus: organized and operated (the “Income
distributions carried forward from 1986 a. An amount equal to 100% of ALL Test”) and that also meets one of the
before those from later years. contributions received during the year in three tests below.
Line 6a.—Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e. order for the individual contributor to 1. Assets test.—65% or more of the
Subtract line 5 from the total. Enter the receive the benefit of the 50% limit on foundation’s assets are devoted directly
net total in the Corpus column. deductions, and to those activities or to functionally
Line 6c.—Enter only the undistributed b. Distribute ALL contributions of related businesses, or to both. Or 65%
income from 1989 and prior years for property only so that the individual or or more of the foundation’s assets are
which either a notice of deficiency under corporation making the contribution is stock of a corporation that is controlled
section 6212(a) has been mailed for the not subject to the section 170(e)(1)(B)(ii) by the foundation, and substantially all
section 4942(a) first-tier tax, or on which limitations. of the assets of the corporation are
the first-tier tax has been assessed devoted to those activities or to
If you are applying excess
because you filed a Form 4720 for 1990 functionally related businesses.
distributions from prior years (i.e., any
or an earlier year. part of the amount in Part XIII, line 3f) to 2. Endowment test.—The foundation
Lines 6d and 6e.—These amounts are satisfy the distribution requirements of normally makes qualifying distributions
taxable under the provisions of section section 170(b)(1)(E) or 4942(g)(3), you directly for the active conduct of the
4942(a), except for any part that is due must make the election under exempt purpose or functions for which it
solely to misvaluation of assets to which Regulations section 53.4942(a)-3(e). Also is organized and operated in an amount
the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are see Regulations section 1.170A-9(g)(2). that is two-thirds or more of its minimum
being applied (see Part VII, line 11). investment return.
Enter on line 7 the total distributions
Report the taxable amount on Form out of corpus you made to satisfy the 3. Support test.—The foundation
4720. If the exception applies, attach an restrictions on amounts received from normally receives 85% or more of its
explanation. donors described above. support (other than gross investment
Line 6f.—In the 1991 column, enter the income under section 509(e)) from the
Line 8—Outdated excess distributions
amount by which line 1 is more than the public and from five or more exempt
carryover.—Because of the five-year
total of lines 4d and 5. This is the organizations that are not described in
carryover limitation under section
undistributed income for 1991. You must section 4946(a)(1)(H) with respect to
4942(i)(2), you must reduce any excess
distribute the amount shown by the end each other or the recipient foundation.
distributions carryover by any amounts
of your 1992 tax year so that the Not more than 25% of the support
from 1986 that were not applied in 1991.
foundation will not be liable for the tax (other than gross investment income)
Line 9—Excess distributions carryover normally may be received from any one
on undistributed income.
to 1992.—Enter on this line the amount of the exempt organizations and not
Line 7—Distributions out of corpus for by which line 6a is more than the total of more than one-half of the support
1991 pass-through distributions.— lines 7 and 8. This is the amount you normally may be received from gross
1. If the foundation, as a donee, may apply to 1992 and following years. investment income.
receives a contribution from another Line 10—Analysis of line 9.—In the See the regulations under section
private foundation, the donor foundation space provided for each year, enter the 4942 for the meaning of “directly for the
may treat the contribution as a qualifying amount of excess distributions carryover active conduct” of exempt activities for
distribution only if the donee foundation from that year that has not been applied purposes of these tests.
makes a distribution equal to the full as of the end of the 1991 tax year. If
amount of the contribution and the A foundation may meet the income
there is an amount on the line for 1987,
distribution is a qualifying distribution test and either the assets, endowment,
it must be applied by the end of the
that is treated as a distribution of or support test by satisfying the tests for
1992 tax year since the five-year
corpus. The donee foundation must, not any three years during a four-year period
carryover period for 1987 ends in 1992.
later than the close of the first tax year consisting of the tax year in question
after the tax year in which it receives the and the three immediately preceding tax

Page 22
years. It may also meet the tests based Line 3a—Paid during year.—List all Compar ing Part XVI-A with Part I.—
on the total of all related amounts of contributions, grants, etc., actually paid The sum of the amounts entered on
income or assets held, received, or during the year, including grants or each line of lines 1–11 of columns (b),
distributed during that four-year period. contributions that are not qualifying (d) and (e) of Part XVI-A should equal
A foundation may not use one method distributions under section 4942(g). corresponding amounts entered on lines
for satisfying the income test and Include current year payments of 3–11 of Part I, column (a) and on line 5b
another for satisfying one of the three set-asides treated as qualifying as shown below:
alternative tests. Thus, if a foundation distributions in the current tax year or Correspond to
meets the income test on the any prior year. Amounts in Amounts in
three-out-of-four-year basis for a Line 3b—Approved for future Part XVI-A Part I, (column (a))
particular tax year, it may not use the on Line on Line
payment.—List all contributions, grants,
four-year aggregation method for etc., approved during the year but not 1(a)-(g) 11
meeting one of the three alternative paid by the end of the year, including 2 11
tests for that same year. the unpaid portion of any current year 3 3
4 4
In completing line 3c(3) of Part XIV set-aside. 5 and 6 5b (description column)
under the aggregation method, the 7 11
largest amount of support from an Part XVI-A—Analysis of 8 6
exempt organization will be based on 9 11 minus any fund-
the total amount received for the Income-Producing Activities raising event expenses
included on lines 13
four-year period from any one exempt In Part XVI-A, analyze revenue items that through 23 of Part I,
organization. are also entered in Part I, on lines 3–11. column (a).
A new private foundation must use the Contributions reported on lines 1 and 2 10 10c
of Part I are not entered in Part XVI-A. 11(a)-(e) 11
aggregation method to satisfy the tests
for its first tax year in order to be treated For information on unrelated business Line 1—Program service revenue.—On
as an operating foundation from the income, see the Instructions for Form lines 1(a)-(g), list each
beginning of that year. It must continue 990-T and Pub. 598. revenue-producing program service
to use the aggregation method for its Columns (b), (d), and (e).—For activity of the organization. For each
second and third tax years to maintain amounts reported in Part XVI-A on lines program service activity listed, enter the
its status for those years. 1–11, enter in column (b) any income gross revenue earned for each activity,
earned that is unrelated business as well as identifying business and
Part XV—Supplementary income (see section 512). In column (d), exclusion codes, in the appropriate
enter any income earned that is columns. For line 1(g), enter amounts
Information excluded from the computation of that are payments for services rendered
● Complete this part of the form only if unrelated business taxable income by to governmental units. Do not include
the foundation had assets of $5,000 or Code section 512, 513, or 514. In governmental grants that are reportable
more at any time during the year. column (e), enter any related or exempt on line 1 of Part I. Report the total of
● This part does not apply to a foreign function income; that is, any income lines 1(a)–(g) on line 11 of Part I, along
foundation which during its entire period earned that is related to the with any other income reportable on line
of existence received substantially all organization’s purpose or function which 11.
(85% or more) of its support (other than constitutes the basis for the Program services are mainly those
gross investment income) from sources organization’s exemption. activities that the reporting organization
outside the United States. Also enter in column (e) any income was created to conduct and that, along
Line 2.—In the space provided (or in an specifically excluded from gross income with any activities commenced
attachment, if necessary), furnish the other than by Code section 512, 513, or subsequently, form the basis of the
required information about your grant, 514, such as interest on state and local organization’s current exemption from
scholarship, fellowship, loan, etc., bonds that is excluded from tax by tax.
programs. In addition to restrictions or section 103. You must explain in Part Program services can also include the
limitations on awards by geographical XVI-B any amount shown in column (e). organization’s unrelated trade or
areas, charitable fields, and kinds of Columns (a) and (c).—In column (a), business activities. Program service
recipients, indicate any specific dollar enter a business code, from the list in revenue also includes income from
limitations or other restrictions applicable the Instructions for Form 990-T, to program-related investments as defined
to each type of award you make. This identify any income reported in column in the instructions to Part IX-B.
information benefits the grant seeker (b). In column (c), enter an exclusion Line 11.—On lines 11(a)-(e), list each
and the foundation. The grant seekers code, from the list on page 26, to “Other revenue” activity as described in
will be aware of the grant eligibility identify any income reported in column the instructions for line 11, Other
requirements and the foundation should (d). If more than one exclusion code is income, Part I. Report the sum of the
receive only applications that adhere to applicable to a particular revenue item, amounts entered for lines 11(a)-(e),
these grant application requirements. select the lowest numbered exclusion columns (b), (d), and (e), on line 11,
If the foundation only makes code that applies. Also, if nontaxable Part I.
contributions to preselected charitable revenues from several sources are Line 13.—On line 13, enter the total of
organizations and does not accept reportable on the same line in column columns (b), (d), and (e) of line 12.
unsolicited applications for funds, check (d), use the exclusion code that applies
the box on line 2. to the largest revenue source.
Line 3.—If necessary, attach a schedule
for 3a and 3b that lists separately
amounts given to individuals and
amounts given to organizations.

Page 23
You may use the following worksheet Part XVII—Information and indirect transfers and transactions
to verify your calculations. except for contributions and grants
Regarding Transfers to and received by the reporting organization.
Line 13, Part XVI-A
Transactions and Unrelated organizations.—All transfers
Minus:Line 5b, Part I
Note: If line 5b, Part
Relationships With from the reporting organization to an
Noncharitable Exempt unrelated noncharitable exempt
I, reflects a loss, add
organization must be reported on line
that amount here Organizations 1a. All transactions between the
instead of
subtracting. Part XVII is used to report direct and reporting organization and an unrelated
indirect transfers to (line 1a) and direct noncharitable exempt organization must
Plus: Line 1, Part I be shown on line 1b, unless they meet
and indirect transactions with (line 1b)
Plus: Line 5a, Part I and relationships with (line 2) any other the exception in the specific instructions
Plus: Expenses of special noncharitable exempt organization. A for that line.
fundraising events noncharitable exempt organization is an Line 1a—Transfers.—Answer “Yes” to
deducted in organization exempt under section lines 1a(i) and 1a(ii) if the reporting
computing line 9 of 501(c) (that is not exempt under section organization made any direct or indirect
Part XVI-A 501(c)(3)), or a political organization transfers of any value to a noncharitable
Equal: Line 12, column (a), described in section 527. exempt organization.
of Part I For purposes of these instructions, the A “transfer” is any transaction or
section 501(c)(3) organization completing arrangement whereby one organization
Part XVI-B—Relationship of Part XVII is referred to as the “reporting transfers something of value (cash, other
Activities to the organization.” assets, services, use of property, etc.) to
A noncharitable exempt organization is another organization without receiving
Accomplishment of Exempt something of more than nominal value in
related to or affiliated with the reporting
Purposes organization if either: (a) the two return. Contributions, gifts, and grants
To explain how each amount in column organizations share some element of are examples of transfers.
(e) of Part XVI-A was related or exempt common control; or (b) a historic and If the only transfers between the two
function income, show the line number continuing relationship exists between organizations were contributions and
of the amount in column (e) and give a the two organizations. A noncharitable grants made by the noncharitable
brief description of how each activity exempt organization is unrelated to the exempt organization to the reporting
reported in column (e) contributed reporting organization if the two organization, answer “No.”
importantly to the accomplishment of organizations share no element of Line 1b—Other transactions.—Answer
your exempt purposes (other than by common control AND a historic and “Yes” for any transaction described in
providing funds for such purposes). continuing relationship does not exist line 1b(i)-(vi), regardless of its amount, if
Activities that generate exempt-function between the two organizations. it is with a related or affiliated
income are activities that form the basis An element of common control is organization.
of the organization’s exemption from tax. present when one or more of the Unrelated organizations.—You must
Also explain any income you entered officers, directors, or trustees of one answer “Yes” for any transaction
in column (e) that is specifically organization are elected or appointed by between the reporting organization and
excluded from gross income other than the officers, directors, trustees, or an unrelated noncharitable exempt
by Code section 512, 513, or 514. If you members of the other. An element of organization, regardless of its amount, if
did not enter an amount in column (e), common control is also present when the reporting organization received less
do not complete Part XVI-B. more than 25% of the officers, directors, than adequate consideration. There is
Example: M, a performing arts or trustees of one organization serve as adequate consideration where the fair
association, is primarily supported by officers, directors, or trustees of the market value of the goods, and other
endowment funds. It raises revenue by other organization. assets or services furnished by the
charging admissions to its A histor ic and continuing relationship reporting organization, is not more than
performances. These performances are exists when two organizations the fair market value of the goods, and
the primary means by which the participate in a joint effort to work in other assets or services received from
organization accomplishes its cultural concert toward the attainment of one or the unrelated noncharitable exempt
and educational purposes. more common purposes on a organization. The exception described
M reported admissions income in continuous or recurring basis rather than below does not apply to transactions for
column (e) of Part XVI-A and explained on the basis of one or several isolated less than adequate consideration.
in Part XVI-B that these performances transactions or activities. Such a You must answer “Yes” for any
are the primary means by which it relationship also exists when two transaction between the reporting
accomplishes its cultural and organizations share facilities, equipment, organization and an unrelated
educational purposes. or paid personnel during the year, noncharitable exempt organization if the
regardless of the length of time the amount involved is more than $500. The
Because M also reported interest from arrangement is in effect.
state bonds in column (e) of Part XVI-A, “amount involved” is the fair market
M explained in Part XVI-B that such Line 1—Reporting of certain transfers value of the goods, services, or other
interest was excluded from gross and transactions.—Except as provided, assets furnished by the reporting
income by Code section 103. you must report on line 1 any transfer to organization.
or transaction with a noncharitable Exception: If a transaction with an
exempt organization even if the transfer unrelated noncharitable exempt
or transaction constitutes the only organization was for adequate
connection with the noncharitable consideration and the amount involved
exempt organization. was $500 or less, you need not answer
Related organizations.—If the “Yes” for that transaction.
noncharitable exempt organization is Line 1b(iii).—Answer “Yes” for
related to or affiliated with the reporting transactions in which the reporting
organization, you must report all direct

Page 24
organization was either the lessor or the transfer or transaction you are available for public inspection. All
lessee. describing. domestic private foundations (including
Line 1b(iv).—Answer “Yes” if either Line 2—Reporting of certain section 4947(a)(1) charitable trusts
organization reimbursed expenses relationships.—Enter on line 2 each treated as private foundations) are
incurred by the other. noncharitable exempt organization which subject to the public inspection and
the reporting organization is related to or notice provisions.
Line 1b(v).—Answer “Yes” if either
organization made loans to the other or affiliated with, as defined above. If the
if the reporting organization guaranteed control factor or the historic and Signature
the other’s loans. continuing relationship factor (or both) is The return must be signed either by the
present at any time during the year, you
Line 1b(vi).—Answer “Yes” if either president, vice president, treasurer,
must identify the organization on line 2
organization performed services or assistant treasurer, chief accounting
even if neither factor is present at the
membership or fundraising solicitations officer, or other corporate officer (such
end of the year.
for the other. as tax officer) who is authorized to sign.
Do not enter unrelated noncharitable A receiver, trustee, or assignee must
Line 1c.—Complete line 1c regardless of
whether the noncharitable exempt exempt organizations on line 2 even if sign any return which he or she is
you entered transfers to or transactions required to file for a corporation. If the
organization is related to or closely
with those organizations on line 1. For return is filed for a trust, it must be
affiliated with the reporting organization.
example, if you entered a one-time signed by the authorized trustee or
For the purposes of this line, “facilities”
transfer to an unrelated noncharitable trustees. Sign and fill in the date and
includes office space and any other
exempt organization on line 1a(ii), you your social security number and title.
land, building, or structure whether
should not enter the organization on
owned or leased by, or provided free of If you fill in your own return, the Paid
line 2.
charge to, the reporting organization or Preparer’s space should remain blank. If
the noncharitable exempt organization. Column (b).—Enter the exempt someone prepares your return and does
category of the organization; for not charge you, that person should not
Line 1d.—Use this schedule to describe
example, “501(c)(4).” sign your return.
the transfers and transactions for which
you entered “Yes” on lines 1a-c above. Column (c).—In most cases, a simple Generally, anyone who is paid to
You must describe each transfer or description, such as “common directors” prepare your tax return must sign your
transaction for which you answered or “auxiliary of reporting organization” return and fill in the other blanks in the
“Yes.” You may combine all of the cash will be sufficient. If you need more Paid Preparer’s Use Only area of your
transfers (line 1a(i)) to each organization space, write “see attached” in column return.
into a single entry. Otherwise, make a (c) and use an attached sheet to
If you have questions about whether a
separate entry for each transfer or describe the relationship. If you are
preparer is required to sign your return,
transaction. entering more than one organization on
please contact an IRS office.
line 2, be sure to identify which
Column (a).—For each entry, enter the The person required to sign your
organization you are describing on the
line number from line 1a-c, above. For return must complete the required
attached sheet.
example, if you answered “Yes” to line preparer information and:
1b(iii), enter “b(iii)” in column (a).
Part XVIII—Public Inspection ● Sign it, by hand, in the space provided
Column (d).—If you need more space for the preparer’s signature. (Signature
than that provided, write “see attached” See General Instruction Q for stamps and labels are not acceptable.)
in column (d) and use an attached sheet information on making the foundation’s
● Give you a copy of your return in
for your description. If you are making annual return available for public
addition to the copy to be filed with the
more than one entry on line 1d, be sure inspection and publishing a notice in a
to specify on the attached sheet which newspaper stating that the return is

Page 25
Exclusion Codes

General Exceptions 16— Real property rental income that does Debt-financed Income
not depend on the income or profits
01— Income from an activity that is not derived by the person leasing the 30— Income exempt from debt-financed
regularly carried on (section 512(a)(1)) property and is excluded by section (section 514) provisions because at
02— Income from an activity in which labor 512 (b)(3) least 85% of the use of the property is
is a material income-producing factor for the organization’s exempt
17— Rent from personal property leased purposes. (Note: This code is only for
and substantially all (at least 85%) of with real property and incidental (10%
the work is performed with unpaid income from the 15% or less
or less) in relation to the combined non-exempt purpose use.) (section
labor (section 513(a)(1)) income from the real and personal 514(b)(1)(A))
03— Section 501(c)(3) organization— property (section 512(b)(3))
Income from an activity carried on 31— Gross income from mortgaged property
18— Proceeds from the sale of investments used in research activities described in
primarily for the convenience of the and other non-inventory property
organization’s members, students, section 512(b)(7), (8), or (9) (section
(capital gains excluded by section 514(b)(1)(C))
patients, visitors, officers, or employees 512(b)(5))
(hospital parking lot or museum 32— Gross income from mortgaged property
cafeteria, for example) (section 19— Income (gains) from the lapse or used in any activity described in
513(a)(2)) termination of options to buy or sell section 513(a)(1), (2), or (3) (section
securities (section 512(b)(5)) 514(b)(1)(D))
04— Section 501(c)(4) local association of
employees organized before 5/27/69— 20— Income from research for the United 33— Income from mortgaged property
Income from the sale of work-related States; its agencies or (neighborhood land) acquired for
clothes or equipment and items instrumentalities; or any state or exempt purpose use within ten years
normally sold through vending political subdivision (section 512(b)(7)) (section 514(b)(3))
machines; food dispensing facilities; or 21— Income from research conducted by a 34— Income from mortgaged property
snack bars for the convenience of college, university, or hospital (section acquired by bequest or devise (applies
association members at their usual 512(b)(8)) to income received within ten years
places of employment (section 22— Income from research conducted by an from the date of acquisition) (section
513(a)(2)) organization whose primary activity is 514(c)(2)(B))
05— Income from the sale of merchandise, conducting fundamental research, the 35— Income from mortgaged property
substantially all of which (at least 85%) results of which are freely available to acquired by gift where the mortgage
was donated to the organization the general public (section 512(b)(9)) was placed on the property more than
(section 513(a)(3)) 23— Income from services provided under five years previously and the property
license issued by a federal regulatory was held by the donor for more than
Specific Exceptions five years (applies to income received
agency and conducted by a religious
06— Section 501(c)(3), (4), or (5) order or school operated by a religious within ten years from the date of gift
organization conducting an agricultural order, but only if the trade or business (section 514(c)(2)(B))
or educational fair or exposition— has been carried on by the 36— Income from property received in
Qualified public entertainment activity organization since before May 27, 1959 return for the obligation to pay an
income (section 513(d)(2)) (section 512 (b)(15)) annuity described in section 514(c)(5)
07— Section 501(c)(3), (4), (5), or (6) Foreign Organizations 37— Income from mortgaged property that
organization—Qualified convention and provides housing to low and moderate
trade show activity income (section 24— Foreign organizations only—Income income persons, to the extent the
513(d)(3)) from a trade or business NOT mortgage is insured by the Federal
08— Income from hospital services conducted in the United States and Housing Administration (section
described in section 513(e) NOT derived from United States 514(c)(6)). (Note: In many cases, this
sources (patrons) (section 512(a)(2)) would be exempt function income
09— Income from noncommercial bingo reportable in column (e). It would not
games that do not violate state or local Social Clubs and VEBAs be so in the case of a section 501(c)(5)
law (section 513(f)) or (6) organization, for example, that
25— Section 501(c)(7), (9), (17), or (20)
10— Income from games of chance organization—Non-exempt function acquired the housing as an investment
conducted by an organization in North income set aside for a charitable, etc., or as a charitable activity.)
Dakota (section 311 of the Deficit purpose specified in section 170(c)(4) 38— Income from mortgaged real property
Reduction Act of 1984, as amended) (section 512(a)(3)(B)(i)) owned by: a school described in
11— Section 501(c)(12) organization— 26— Section 501(c)(7), (9), (17), or (20) section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii); a section
Qualified pole rental income (section organization—Proceeds from the sale 509(a)(3) affiliated support organization
513(g)) of exempt function property that was of such a school; a section 501(c)(25)
12— Income from the distribution of or will be timely reinvested in similar organization; or by a partnership in
low-cost articles in connection with the property (section 512(a)(3)(D)) which any of the above organizations
solicitation of charitable contributions owns an interest if the requirements of
27— Section 501(c)(9), (17), or (20) section 514(c)(9)(B)(vi) are met (section
(section 513(h)) organization—Non-exempt function 514(c)(9))
13— Income from the exchange or rental of income set aside for the payment of
membership or donor list with an life, sick, accident, or other benefits Special Rules
organization eligible to receive (section 512(a)(3)(B)(ii))
charitable contributions by a section 39— Section 501(c)(5) organization—Farm
501(c)(3) organization; by a war Veterans’ Organizations income used to finance the operation
veterans’ organization; or an auxiliary and maintenance of a retirement home,
28— Section 501(c)(19) organization— hospital, or similar facility operated by
unit or society of, or trust or foundation
Payments for life, sick, accident, or the organization for its members on
for, a war veterans’ post or
organization (section 513(h)) health insurance for members or their property adjacent to the farm land
dependents that are set aside for the (section 1951(b)(8)(B) of Public Law
Modifications and Exclusions payment of such insurance benefits or 94-455)
for a charitable, etc., purpose specified
14— Dividends, interest, or payments with in section 170(c)(4) (section 512(a)(4)) Trade or Business
respect to securities loans, and 29— Section 501(c)(19) organization—
annuities excluded by section 512(b)(1) 40— Gross income from an unrelated
Income from an insurance set-aside activity that is regularly carried on but,
15— Royalty income excluded by section (see code 28 above) that is set aside in light of continuous losses sustained
512(b)(2) for payment of insurance benefits or over a number of tax periods, cannot
for a charitable, etc., purpose specified be regarded as being conducted with
in section 170(c)(4) (Regs. the motive to make a profit (not a trade
1.512(a)–4(b)(2)) or business)

Page 26

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