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Name: Clark Elford

Subject: Music Theory
Grade Level: 11-12
Lesson Title: Major Key Signatures
Approximate Time Length of Lesson: 15 minutes

KCCR Standard Music: Standard 2, Performing Pr.2: Analyze – Analyze the structure and context
of varied musical works and their implications for performance.
Lesson Objective (Blooms Students will be able to identify major key signatures, what notes have sharps or
Level) flats within them, and why. (Analysis)

Essential Question(s) How does knowing the major key signatures help in everyday practice or
How does knowing the key of a piece assist in musical interpretation?
New & Familiar Vocabulary Familiar: Note Relationships (second, third, fourth, etc.,) sharp, flat, key
signature, half step, whole step
Assessment/Criteria- (What At the end of the lesson, students will be given several short excerpts without
evidence show that students met the
the key signature written and will be asked to identify what it is and why they
think so.
Materials Materials
Technology  Circle of Fifths (CoF)
Resources (include any links)  Key Signature Sheet
Setting (Classroom, grouping, Technology
 Computer with access to internet and Zoom
 MuseScore
 Zoom Call

Est. Lesson Activities

Time Write out detailed lesson procedures. Be sure to include 4-5 important questions you will ask during the lesson and the expected student
of responses. Your plan should be detailed enough for another teacher to teach it without having to ask you any questions. Numbering and/or
Task bullets are encouraged.

What will you say? Name the strategies you What will students do? Must have a variety of
will use. What questions will you ask? engagement strategies.
Engage Beginning

2:00 Start off by playing a major scale on the piano Call out major keys for instructor to play.
and saying the half-step and whole-step Identify what the commonalities are between
intervals as they come up. Do this for a few all of the scales played.
more major scales that the class will come up Listen and watch the keyboard to identify
with. Ask what they all had in common (the patterns both aurally and visually.
pattern of WWHWWWH, intervals, etc.) Tell
them this after they do or do not get it and
segue into the CoF.
Explain/Explore Middle
8:00 Share screen to the circle of fifths on one half Name the next note in a scale one at a time
of the screen and the major keys on the other (calling on individuals if they are comfortable
side of the screen. Explain how the keys are with it, if not an individual can only give one or
related (by an interval of a fifth, adding a two notes per scale.)
sharp/removing a flat for every slot around the Identify commonalities between the CoF and
circle) and how they are constructed (with the the written out key signatures.
pattern of WWHWWWH.) Demonstrate a few Associate the step pattern with the key
times with the piano and drawing the signatures through the piano.
connection between the circle and the written Visualize the key signature on the keyboard.
out key signatures. Begin to play a tougher
major scale on the piano and have students
name the next note that comes in the scale
using the step pattern, the circle of fifths, or
the written-out signatures. Do this for a few
scales and answer any questions that arise.
When using the CoF tool, have them ignore
the outermost ring with the colored
identification of major, minor, and diminished.
Also have them ignore the Roman Numerals,
which are chord symbols that will be
elaborated on in future lessons. Ask them why
practicing scales is important, and how
identifying them in a piece can help in
practicing them.
Extend/Evaluate/Closure End

5:00 Finish out by giving the class a few excerpts Analyze written music to find the key
written on MuseScore and separating them in signature.
to 2-3 breakout rooms to figure out what keys Discuss with their peers what they see and
they are in. Each should have 4-5 short 4-8 hear through the MIDI playback.
measure excerpts to identify in the time given. Identify intervals and step relationships to
They should be the same for each group. Go determine what the likely key is.
back and forth between the rooms answering Listen to the excerpt to logically determine
questions before reuniting for the last minute what the key center (and therefore the key of
or so of class to go over the answers and take the excerpt) is.
any final questions. Ask each group how they
are identifying them (looking for sharped or
flatted notes, what note it begins or ends on,
etc.) Identification will become easier as
chords are learned, likely in a few lessons from
this one.

Adaptations: What could ELL Thankfully, music is a language all on its own, and the inclusion of so
YOU DO to adapt to help much graphical information should help any student who may struggle
students with attention with a lot of English reading. The keyboard, circle of fifths, and key
needs, learning signatures all do not require any ability in the English language, so
listening and observing is all that is required to succeed.
learning exceptionalities,
Attention The lesson involves a lot of different listening and observational
&/or ELL students with
this lesson? issues activities that should help keep the attention of any who are struggling.
The constant engagement, watching, and listening will provide several
avenues for attention to be focused on while all revolving around a
centralized point.
Below Since this lesson deals with key signatures that they will most likely
and/or have not learned in ensemble, at home, or through their own practice,
Above the class will probably be on a relatively level playing field regardless of
grade their musical skill. However, during discussion and questions, students
level are encouraged to collaboratively tutor each other and share their
insight. I can arrange the breakout rooms to have a good balance of
those who have had success in the class so far and who have struggled.
Modalities: What Visual: Keyboard inclusion, circle of fifths, key signatures on a staff, excerpts written
modalities did you utilize out on a staff.
in this lesson? How? Auditory: Scales being played out loud for students at multiple occasions, MIDI
playback for excerpts.
Tactile/Kinesthetic: Availability for students to be at a physical keyboard or use the
online keyboard provided, interactive circle of fifths.
Strategies: List what Modeling, cooperative learning, discussion, graphic organizer, technology
instructional strategies integration, aural integration, active participation.
you utilize in this lesson?
(Ex: graphic organizer,
modeling, cooperative
learning, discussion,
technology integration,

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