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What is the location of First Mass in the Philippines according to the claim of the National
Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP)?
Select one:
a. Mactan
b. Cebu
c. Butuan
d. Limasawa
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Question 2

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10. Pigafetta’s eyewitness account is the most detailed and only surviving account of the first
Mass in the Philippines. 
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Question 3

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11. When Magellan did order the first Mass to be celebrated?

Select one:
a. March 12,1521
b. March 31, 1521
c. March 30, 1521
d. March 13, 1521
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Question 4

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12. The one who considered as the eyewitness of the first mass. Who is the said person?
Select one:
a. Francisco Combes
b. Francisco Colin
c. Antonio Pigafetta
d. Francisco Albo
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Question 5

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13. Which of these islands that were landed by the Magellan troupe that is uninhabited and
known as “Watering place of good signs”?
Select one:
a. Molucca Island
b. Mariana Island
c. Zamal
d. Humunu
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Question 6

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14. He is famous Italian traveler who studied navigation and known by the name of Antonio
Select one:
a. Francisco Albo
b. Francisco Combes
c. Antonio Pigafetta
d. Francisco Colin
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Question 7

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15. How many days did Magellan’s troupe stayed on Humunu?

Select one:
a. 6
b. 9
c. 7
d. 8
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Question 8

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16. When Magellan’s troupe left the island of Mazaua and bound to Cebu they’ve past 5 islands.
These are?
Select one:
a. Ceylon, leyte, Baibai, bohol and Gatighan 
b. Canighan, Bohol, Albarien, Baibai and Ceylon
c. Canighan, Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson, and Albarien
d. Ceylon, Bohol, Canighan, Baibai, and Gatighan
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Question 9

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17. It is the method how Magellan befriended by the Rajah of Cebu. What is the said method?
Select one:
a. Shake hands
b. Fistbump
c. Hug
d. Blood compact
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Question 10

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18. What is the main purpose of the Magellan’s Voyage?

Select one:
a. To colonized Philippines
b. To meet the Rajah of Cebu
c. To spread Christianity
d. To find the Moluccas Island
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19. It is an ancient ritual in the Philippines intended to seal a friendship or treaty. What is this
ancient ritual?
Select one:
a. Pag aayuno
b. Shake hands
c. Blood compact
d. Signing of contracts
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Question 12

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2. Why some proponents insisted Butuan City in Agusan del Norte as the real site of the first
Catholic mass in the country?
Select one:
a. widely accepted version of the site of the first mass story
b. The People of Butuan with their Parish Priest and the Spaniards resident therein, to
commemorate his arrival and the celebration of the First Mass
c. monument erected in 1872 in Magallanes town
d. evident primary sources
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Question 13

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20. Which of the following Spanish officials implicated the native clergy and active in the
secularization movement among parishes?
Select one:
a. Governor- General Rafael Izquierdo
b. Governor- General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
c. Governor- General Carlos Dela Torre
d. Governor- General Pardo de Tavera
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Question 14

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21. Aside from the GOMBURZA, there are Filipinos who have been implicated caused by the
uprising against Spanish government, except one;
Select one:
a. Jose Basa
b. Antonio Ma. Regidor
c. Jose Rizal
d. Joaquin Pardo de Tavera
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Question 15

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22. He assumed the post as a Governor- General and replaced Carlos Dela Torre.
Select one:
a. Governor- General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
b. Governor- General Rafael Izquierdo
c. Governor- General Carlos Dela Torre
d. Governor- General Pardo de Tavera
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Question 16

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23. This event ignited the Philippine nationalism and the start of uprising against Spanish
Select one:
a. KKK
b. Propaganda Movement
c. Death of the GOMBURZA
d. Cavite Mutiny
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Question 17

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24. What happened on February 17, 1872?

Select one:
a. Arrival of Jose Rizal
b. Cavite Mutiny
c. Start of Uprising of the Filipinos
d. Death of the GOMBURZA
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Question 18

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25. Which of the following best describes Carlos Maria Dela Torre?
Select one:
a. He put up a program that benefited most of the Filipino natives
b. A conservative member that favors much of the Spanish government
c. A liberal minded official of Royal Audiencia
d. He established different schools focusing on Arts and agriculture
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Question 19

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26. Which of the following are reason of the rise of Cavite Mutiny?
Select one:
a. Because of the harsh rules of Rafael Izquierdo that caused the native to uprise
b. All the options are correct
c. Because of the removal of the soldier’s privilege in Polo y servicio
d. Because of the high imposing of tax of the encomiendero or the Spanish officials
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Question 20

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27. The Cavite Mutiny became a successful movement to defeat Spanish government and freed
the Filipino native.
Select one:
a. False
b. Partly True
c. True
d. Pious fraud
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28. The execution of the GOMBURZA in Bagumbayan had inspired the Cavite Mutiny in 1872
Select one:
a. True
b. False
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Question 22

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29. Which event paved the way of the influx of liberal ideas from Europe which also influenced
the emergence of Filipino consciousness.
Select one:
a. Opening of Suez Canal
b. 1872 Cavite Mutiny
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Question 23

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3. Who is the Italian chronicler showed the coordinates of the 1521 Easter Sunday Mass are
closer to Limasawa?
Select one:
a. Francisco Colins
b. Jose Rizal
c. Magellan
d. Antonio Pigafetta
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Question 24

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30. He was the leader of the uprising against Spanish government and later on killed in the
suppression in the revolt.
Select one:
a. Fernando La Madrid
b. Pio Basa
c. Carlos Dela Torres
d. Rafael Izquierdo
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Question 25

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31. The GOMBURZA was executed through __________

Select one:
a. Hanging
b. Guillotine
c. Firing Squad
d. Garrote
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Question 26

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32. Their death signaled the beginning of the Propaganda Movement.

Select one:
a. Basa Brothers
b. Aguinaldo and Jacinto’s death
c. Rizal brothers
d. Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
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Question 27

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33. This is the highland sighted by Magellan when they were in Ladrones or what we call now as
Marianas Island.
Select one:
a. Zamal
b. Limasawa
c. Mazaua
d. Leyte
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Question 28

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34. According to Francisco Combes S.J as annotated by Pastells S.J. and cited by Miguel Bernad
1891,on what strait in Western part of Mindanao did Magellanes went through to reach the
Island of Limasawa?
Select one:
a. Siargao
b. Leyte
c. Cebu
d. Zamal
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Question 29

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35. Pigafetta, the Italian chronicler of the Magellan expedition, tells us that first mass was held at
Easter Sunday, the 31st of March 1521, on an island which is called?
Select one:
a. Mazava
b. Masao
c. Mazaua
d. Butuan
Clear my choice

36. The most liberal minded governor- general of the Philippines for allowing programs that
benefited most of the natives.
Select one:
a. La Madrid
b. Rafael de Izquierdo
c. Carlos Maria dela Torre
d. Pardo de Tavera
Clear my choice

37. During much of the Spanish occupation, how were the native of the Philippines called?
Select one:
a. Creoles
b. Insulares
c. Indios
d. Peninsulares
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Question 32

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38. What ignited the development of the Philippine nationalism in a way that the most Filipinos
didn’t realize?
Select one:
a. The death of Dr.Jose P. Rizal
b. The death of Ninoy Aquino
c. The death of GOMBURZA
d. The death of the native soldiers during the Cavite Mutiny
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Question 33

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4. All of the following historians emphasized that Limasawa, not Butuan, as the site of the first
Catholic mass in the country EXCEPT-
Select one:
a. Renato Humoc
b. Francisco Albo
c. Antonio Pigafetta
d. Francisco Colins
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Question 34

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5. The country’s first Catholic mass was officiated by ___________ on March 31, 1521, upon
orders of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.
Select one:
a. Father Valenzuela
b. Father Pio Pie
c. Father Burgos
d. Fr. Pedro Valderrama
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Question 35

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55. Which among the following is the greatest aim of the speech of the late President Corazon
Select one:
a. Thank America for their Democracy
b. Seeks to deport Marcos from Hawaii
c. Seek financial help from America
d. Thank America for their support in upholding Democracy
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Question 36

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56. One of the remarkable events in our Philippine History that ended the Marcos dictatorship
and open the Philippine democracy for the Filipinos.
Select one:
a. World War II
b. Rizal’s Writing
c. People Power revolution
d. Cory Administration
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Question 37
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57. Corazon Aquino won her presidency through snap election, along with his/her Vice-
Select one:
a. Fidel V. Ramos
b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Salvador Laurel
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Question 38

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58. Where and when Corazon Aquino did deliver her speech?
Select one:
a. Washington, D.C. on September 21, 1986
b. Malacañang Palace, on September 21, 1986
c. Washington, D.C. on September 18, 1986
d. Malacañang Palace, on September 18, 1986
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Question 39
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59. On the Speech of Corazon Aquino, whom she referred as the dictator and shut down the
Congress and also suspended the Constitution.
Select one:
a. Joseph Estrada
b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
c. Fidel V. Marcos
d. Ferdinand Marcos
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Question 40

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6. Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan is looking for the land of spices year 1521.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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60. According to Corazon Aquino, he became the pleasing sacrifice that answered the Filipino
prayer in seeking freedom.
Select one:
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Salvador Laurel
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Ninoy Aquino
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Question 42

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61. It is one of the works of Fernando Amorsolo that became his representative in the Word War
II that reflect how the Filipino men defends a woman, who is either his wife or daughter, from
being raped by an unseen Japanese soldier.
Select one:
a. Defense of A Filipina Woman’s Honor
b. Parisian Life
c. Women Empowerment
d. Spoliarium
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Question 43

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62. All of the following are the experiences of Ninoy while he is being detained as stated on the
Speech of Cory Aquino, except;
Select one:
a. He was stripped him naked and held the threat of sudden midnight execution over his head
b. He was exiled in Boston and assassinated by a group of people
c. He was on trial for subversion, murder and a host of other crimes before a military
d. He was locked up in a tiny, nearly airless cell in a military camp in the north
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Question 44

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63. How much the Americans did give to the Administration of Cory Aquino as an emergency
aid for the Philippines?
Select one:
a. 20 million dollars
b. 2000 million dollars
c. 2 million dollars
d. 200 million dollars
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Question 45

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7. Antonio Pigafetta, the chronicler of the expedition led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Magellan, who wrote that the first Mass happened on March 31, 1521, in a place identified as
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Question 46

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8. The NHCP adopted the recommendation of a panel of experts reaffirming earlier findings that
the 1521 Easter Sunday Mass was celebrated in Limasawa and not in Butuan, which was
supported by the Church.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Question 47

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9. The panel and the NHCP endorsed Borrinaga’s claim that the historic Mass was held in
Barangay Triana, and not in Barangay Magallanes.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
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Question 48

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Statement A: Colin and Combes supported the declaration of the National Historical
Commission of the Philippines.

Statement B: Colins and Combes declared that the First Mass happened at Butuan and was held
on March 31, 1521.
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is False
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 49

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Statement A. Rafael Izquierdo was a well-loved Governor General by the natives

Statement B. Carlos Ma. Dela Torre was a well-loved Governor General by the natives
Select one:
a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
b. Both statements are false
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 50

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Statement A. Izquierdo was a liberal minded individual

Statement B. dela Torre was a conservative minded individual

Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement B is true and statement A is false
c. Statement A is true and statement B is false
d. Both statements are true
Clear my choice

Statement A. Friars are very dominant in the Spanish court

Statement B. Friars are not dominant in the Spanish court

Select one:
a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
b. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are false
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Question 52

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Statement A. Historical paintings only depicts social issues

Statement B. Historical paintings are based on real events of history

Select one:
a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Both statements are False
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Question 53

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Statement A. Historical paintings uses obvious messages to its viewers

Statement B. Historical paintings uses realism as its philosophical underpinnings

Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 54

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Statement A. Juan Luna commissioned prostitutes as model for their cheaper price

Statement B. Juan Luna commissioned prostitutes as models for he views women negatively
Select one:
a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
b. Statement B is True and Statement A is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 55

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Statement A. Spolarium was a depiction of Byzantine Empire

Statement B. Spolarium was a depiction of Roman Empire

Select one:
a. Statement A is true and statement B is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement B is true and statement A is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 56

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Statement A. The account of Montero Y Vidal is not an objective narration of events on the
Cavite Mutiny

Statement B. The account of Montero Y Vidal proved the saying History is written by the
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement A is true and statement B is false
c. Statement B is true and statement A is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 57

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Statement A. The accounts were all pointing out that Limasawa is the site of the first mass

Statement B. the accounts indirectly tell its readers that the site of the first mass was in
Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. Statement A is true and statement B is false
d. Statement B is true and statement A is false
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Question 58

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Statement A. The assumption that the first mass was in Butuan was due to the erected brick to
commemorate the said event

Statement B. The assumption that the first mass was in Limasawa was backed by the narratives
of different authors
Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement B is true and statement A is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Statement A is true and statement B is false
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Question 59

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Statement A. The assumption that the site of the first mass happened in Butuan is baseless

Statement B. The assumption that the site of the first mass happened in Butuan is backed by
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and statement A is true
b. Statement A is true and statement B is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are true
Clear my choice

Question 60

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Statement A. The bolo as a weapon symbolizes the lack of innovativeness among the Filipinos

Statement B. The bolo as a weapon symbolizes the lack of strength and courage among the
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are False
Clear my choice
Statement A. The Cavite Mutiny is a movement towards nationalism

Statement B. The Cavite Mutiny is a movement towards injustice and anarchism

Select one:
a. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
b. Both statements are false
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 62

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Statement A. The Cavite mutiny was a leverage of the Spanish friars to stop the secularization

Statement B. The Cavite mutiny was a leverage of the native priest to ask for equal rights and
Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 63

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Statement A. The Cavite  Mutiny was a successful trigger for the Philippine revolution

Statement B. The Cavite Mutiny  was a successful move of the Spanish authority to stop the idea
of independence and nationalism
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement B is true and statement A is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Statement A is true and statement B is false
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Question 64

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Statement A. The controversy on the site of the first mass proved that evidences are important in
writing historical events in our history

Statement B. The controversy on the site of the first mass proved that truth is not always absolute
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement A is true and statement B is false
c. Statement B is true and statement A is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 65

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Statement A. The defense of a Filipina Woman’s Honor depicts gender stereotype

Statement B. The defense of a Filipina Woman’s Honor depicts comfort woman

Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
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Question 66

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Statement A. The defense of a Filipina Woman’s Honor was made during the Japanese
colonization Statement B. The defense of a Filipina Woman’s Honor was made during the
Spanish colonization
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are false
Clear my choice

Question 67

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Statement A. The First Flag was designed by Andres Bonifacio

Statement B. The First Flag was designed by Gabriella Agoncillo

Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
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Question 68

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 Statement A. The first mass symbolizes the alliance between the natives and the Spaniards

Statement B. The first mass symbolizes the Christianism of the Philippine archipelago
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and statement A is false
b. Statement A is true and statement B is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are false
Clear my choice

Question 69

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Statement A. The Flag symbolizes unity of the Filipino People

Statement B. The flag symbolizes the independence of the country

Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 70

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Statement A. The goals of Cavite mutiny revolve ousting the Spanish Government

Statement B. The goals of Cavite mutiny revolve ousting the Christian Church
Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
Clear my choice

Statement A. The making of the Philippine Flag conveys the message of commemorating and
valuing the Independence that we have today

Statement B. The making of the Philippine Flag conveys the message that claiming
independence is not that hard as they say
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 72

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Statement A. The making of the Philippine Flag symbolizes the contribution of Filipino
Woman’s in claiming the freedom of the country

Statement B. The making of the Philippine Flag symbolizes the long struggle and bloody
beginnings of the Independence of the country
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
b. Both statements are false
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are true
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Question 73

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Statement A. The reports made by Izquierdo clearly described the intention of the Cavite Mutiny
in a twisted and subjective perspectives

Statement B. The reports made by Izquierdo symbolizes the great fear of the Spaniards towards
nationalism among the natives
Select one:
a. Statement B is true and statement A is false
b. Both statements are false
c. Both statements are true
d. Statement A is true and statement B is false
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Question 74

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Statement A. the speech of Late President Corazon Aquino was direct and does not use flattery

Statement B. the speech of Late President Corazon Aquino was indirect and used flattery
Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is False
d. Both statements are false
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Question 75

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 Statement A. the speech of Late President Corazon Aquino was biased is some ways

Statement B. the speech of Late President Corazon Aquino was not at all biased
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
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Question 76

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Statement A. The three-gentleman included on the painting symbolizes foreign countries

Statement B. The three-gentleman included on the painting symbolizes malicious intents

Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 77

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Statement A. The upward diagonal movements symbolize force such authorities

Statement B. The upward diagonal movements symbolize force such as gladiators

Select one:
a. Both statements are true
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Both statements are False
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Question 78

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Statement A. The woman depicted in the Parisian life symbolizes the Philippine Island

Statement B. The woman depicted in the Parisian Life symbolizes gender discrimination
Select one:
a. Both statements are false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement B is true and Statement A is false
d. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
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Question 79

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Statement A. typological errors was common on the account of Pigafetta

Statement B. typological errors was not a common on the account of Pigafetta

Select one:
a. Statement A is true and statement B is false
b. Both statements are true
c. Statement B is true and statement A is false
d. Both statements are false
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Question 80

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Statement A. Works of Juan Luna are considered Historical paintings

Statement B. Works of Fernando Amorsolo are not historical paintings

Select one:
a. Statement B is true and Statement A is False
b. Statement A is true and Statement B is false
c. Both statements are false
d. Both statements are true
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