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Discussion Assignment

In the discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels
of discourse.  Please post your initial response as early as possible and continue to
participate throughout the unit. You are required to post an initial response to the
question/issue presented in the Forum and then respond to at least 3 of your
classmates’ initial posts.  You should also respond to anyone who has responded to

As a Human Resource professional, it is part of your job to be able to understand,

describe and interpret complex concepts such as discrimination, harassment, and other
employment law issues.  It often falls to you to help other managers clarify and interpret
complex laws that guide employment practices.  Choose a concept from your readings,
your own experience, and/or your own research.  Discuss a concept you feel would be
the most challenging to create a manager training/professional development session
and provide some strategies for how you might meet this challenge.

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