Marketing Management Assignment

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PGDM BATCH:- 2021-23

Date:- 28/11/2021

Submitted to:- Dr. Sandeep Makwana

Submitted By:- Hetvi Turakhiya

Product:- Laptop

Section:- ‘B’

Roll no:- (B-17)

 Bases of Market Segmentation:-

Market segmentation is the practice of dividing your target

market into approachable groups. Market segmentation creates subsets
of a market based on demographics, needs, priorities, common interests,
and other psychographic or behavioral criteria used to better understand
the target audience.
 Market segmentation is a marketing concept that divides the
complete market set up into smaller subsets comprising of
consumers with a similar taste, demand, and preference.
 A market segment is a small unit within a large market comprising
 One market segment is distinct from the other segment.
 A market segment comprises individuals who think on the same
lines and have similar interests.
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a
market of potential customers into groups, or segments, based
on different characteristics. The segments created are
composed of consumers who will respond similarly to
marketing strategies and who share traits such as similar
interests, needs, or locations.
 Types of Market Segmentation:-



A Consumer market is a The business market is the

market when individuals process of selling your
purchase products or product and services to other
services for their businesses, where those
products and services will
personal use, as
either be used as a raw
opposed to buying them material for the
to see themselves. The manufacturing of other
consumer market products. We can also say
comprises those people that the business market is
who are end-users and where one business sells
products or services to the
they don’t resell the
other businesses , it is either
product or service any to resell or reuse those
further. products or services.
 These markets are further segmented into four segmentation that is as



According to the market & their segmentation of my product,

‘’The laptop’’ is the consumer market as well as the business market.
Therefore, I have taken the consumer market as the most appropriate
segment for my product.


My Company Laptop company market is segmented
based on type, connectivity, software, generations, storage capacity,
distribution channel, and region. The laptop market is segmented into
music and entertainment, gaming and virtual reality, different
graphics, software use. My product Laptop is useful for everyone and
targets the students, working people and as well as non-working
Bases of segmentation in the consumer market:-
(1) Geographic variable –
 Region
Yes, this variable is applicable in my product and my
major focus is on Country. We will focus on all over the world because
my products are based on the requirement of customers, doesn’t
matter from which region the customer belongs. My only focus is that
customer gets the product and that customer should be satisfied.

 Population

We will focus on youngsters, Gamers, students, and

also, I can focus on the people who believe in the quality of being
noble. Yes, the variable applies to my product, and we can't take any of
the variables separately, we have a large market.

 City Size
Here city size will not be considered. As I am not targeting
a particular place my target is the whole region.

 Climate
Climate will not be considered as this is not any climatic

(2) Demographic variable –

 Age

Yes, this variable applies to my product, and my main focus is

on the grown segment. Other peoples are of all the ages younger, elder
and professionals, teachers and the old.
 Gender
No, gender will not be considered in my product. Because
every other people can use my laptop no gender biases.

 Social Class
Our company’s Laptop is for all upper class as well as middle
class. For every segment either students or employees. For example,
youngsters will use different, Gamers will use different, Professionals
will use different. The choices will differ from each other.

 Lifestyle

Lifestyle is suitable for people who use attractive and more

features and software or working people who have to do the work
easily and with them for the meeting purpose to look as professionals
or decent. And according to their lifestyle, they can choose their choice
of laptop.

(3) Psychographic variable:-

 Personality
Yes, this applies to my product and my main focus is on
introvert personalities because they are the people who hesitate to ask
more questions and can be convinced easily, so I will focus more on
them. The personality of the people will affect the demand of my
product and that will make the sale of the product as of their choices.
My product also targets customers with easygoing, determined, and
ambitious people.
 Self- image
The name of the brand presents the self-image itself. If the
brand name is good then it will be a sign of self-image. And the good
image comes from the good product and good quality.

 Attitude
Yes, this variable applies to my product, my main focus is on
a Positive attitude person because the negative attitude won't be easily
convinced which may cause a waste of time, that’s why we will attract a
more positive attitude towards our product.

 Lifestyle
Yes, the only activity is applicable, this is because my
product is it is applicable in activities such as gaming, graphic designing,
typing, making presentations, music and entertainment, studying, etc.
where the chances of selling increased.

 Values and lifestyles

Yes, Values and lifestyle directly affect the customer’s
demand and will impact the changes in choices of laptops according to

(4) Behavioral variable:-

 User Rate
Yes, it applies to my product and we will focus on light and
rare users so that we increase their usage & purchasing because high
users and active users are already using according to their requirements
and non-users are difficult to convert.
 Product Benefit
Yes, this applies to my product and my main focus is on
economics because the laptop is affordable for all and it can be
preferred by anyone and status, by any personality customers.

 Brand Loyalty
I will provide good quality of product with new styles so
they will prefer high brand loyalty, the good product and service bring
the good loyalty of the customer. Yes, it applies to my product and we
will have to focus on moderate and low loyal customers to increase
customer loyalty towards my product.

 Price consciousness

Yes, this applies to my product as we have to focus on our

price, and have to make sure that we should keep our priceless/equal to
the competitors for survival.

 User status
Yes, first-time and potential users apply to my product. No
one is going to purchase a laptop on regular basis so, it is not applicable
in the regular variable.

Thank You.

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