Ahya Lisajida - 1910302087 - EFT 2 - Mid Term Exam

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Name : Ahya Lisajida

Class : EFT 2
NPM : 1910302087

1. The students must make a leaflet of one-day trip in any places of interest in Kedu areas
(Magelang, Temanggung, Purworejo, Wonosobo, and other regencies.

2. The students must arrange a schedule/itinerary of a tourist trip in 2 or 3 days including the
stay and the accommodation. Please consider the time allotment in every activities.
Family Travel Planner
Family Mr. Budi
Travelling Purpose Recreation

Personal Information
Traveller’s Names
Budi Adult
Yani Adult
Dika Kid
Dina Kid
Rina Kid
Home Address Jakarta
Home Phone -
Cellular phone 081234567890
Departure Information
Date 16/10/2021
From Jakarta
Departure Time 07.00
To Yogyakarta
Arrival Time 07.45
Car Rental
Rental company
Pickup day/time 16/10/2021/ 07.45
Drop-off day/time 17/10/2021/ 18.00
Confirmation Number 089765432101
Vehicle type Innova
Hotel Name Griya Limasan Hotel
Hotel Address Jl. Kecubung, Wonosari, Wonosari, Gunung
Kidul, Provinsi Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55851
Room Family Room
Facility 2 king bed
Free wifi
Check-in Day/Time 16/10/2021/ 09.00
Checkout Day/Time 16/10/2021/ 16.00
Confirmation number 087654321987

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