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GROUP: 900003A-289







Part One

Complete the sentence

The answers to the questions are entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong – only

ideas. Once an idea appeals to you, follow it through. You will be pleasantly surprised at

how quickly a story will emerge from the answers you give.

 Martha slammed the door in Jairo’s face because it took a long time.

 The train crashed because rising to the stars.

 Raul read his wife’s diary and discovered his wife slapping or squealing.

 The small boy ran away from his house.

 Silvana had never seen a bear look so scared before.

 Ben climbed the mountain and he fell.

According with the information above, write a story, use at least 4 of the 6


In a very sunny and lonely day, in a neighborhood suddenly a hubbub neighbors came

to see what happened, and some of the neighbors this named Jairo’s asked what

happened was heard? What happened? Why all the hubbub? And another neighbor

answered him the small boy ran away from his house, Jairo was surprised by the

problem, then returned home because his wife Martha was calling; when I get home

Martha slammed the door in Jairo’s face because it took a long time.

Other neighbors calling Raul, taking advantage of the twirling with the problem of child

who ran away from home, went to the room to rest a little, when I came saw on the night

table the diary of his wife, then went into curiosity, Raul read his wife’s diary and

discovered his wife slapping or squealing, suddenly a call from his son Ben came in,

said Raul , and the son telling him what had happened to him in his adventure to the

mountains, and the wife of Raul wonder Raul says Ben ? And he answered told me Ben

climbed the mountain and he fell, Alarmed mother on the news , I took the phone and

asking Raul distressed his son , son 're okay ? How are you? You need something?

And Ben said if quiet mother just broke my leg and plastered me and I need to rest,

quiet mother, and wife of Raul calmed suddenly heard a cry apparently happy, went

outside and saw that the child had appeared, it was a moment of happiness for

everyone in the neighborhood.


Part two

Story without a middle

There are three main parts to a story:

The BEGINNING says where and when a story happens and who the people or

characters are.

The MIDDLE tells what happens to these people.

The CONCLUSION tells how the story ends.

Read the story below. It has a beginning and a conclusion but no middle.


Sally sat at the back of the classroom, looking out of the window. She didn't hear what

the teacher said because she was thinking about her big problem.........

Sally jumped up and ran to the phone. She just knew everything was going to be alright


Now write two ideas what Sally's problem could be:

Choose the idea you like best, and write about it. Write the story again putting your

middle between the beginning and the end of the story of Sally's problem.

Sally sat at the back of the classroom, looking out of the window. She didn't hear

what the teacher said because she was thinking about her big problem; she

couldn’t believe her boyfriend for 5 years has dumped her. She was really sad

and thought for a minute that she was never going to be happy again but she had

a hope inside of her and suddenly someone called.


Sally jumped up and ran to the phone. She just knew everything was going to be

alright again.

Part Three

Book review

A book report gives the author's name, the book title, and says what the book is about.

Read this book report by one of last year's students.


AUTHOR: Robert Benchley

TYPE OF BOOK: Adventure

CONTENT: It's about a big shark which eats people when they are swimming.

OPINION: I liked the story. It was exciting and a bit frightening. I've seen the film - that

was good too.

Answer these questions about the book report.

1. What is the book about?


2. Who wrote it?

Robert Benchley.

3. What did the student think about the book?

He liked the story, it seemed exciting, was a little scary, and has seen the movie which

was also good.


4. Was it a love story?

It was not a love story, it was a thriller.

Now read this book review by another student.

"I didn't like the story about the ship; it was boring and the pictures in it weren't

very good. J.R Smith wrote "The Sinking of the Titanic" because his father was

killed when the ship hit an iceberg. More than 1,000 people died when the ship

sank. I don't like True Life stories - I prefer adventures."

The book review is a bit mixed up. Rewrite the information under the headings below.

TITLE: "The Sinking of the Titanic"

AUTHOR: J.R Smith.


CONTENT: J.R Smith wrote "The Sinking of the Titanic" because his father was killed

when the ship hit an iceberg. More than 1,000 people died when the ship sank.

OPINION: “I didn't like the story about the ship; it was boring and the pictures in it

weren't very good. I don't like True Life stories - I prefer adventures."

Part Four

Making sentences:

Some of the words in these sentences have been put in the wrong place. Can you fix

them? Write the words in the right order. The first sentence has been done for you.

(Hint: remember that sentences start with capital letters and end with full stops!)

Example: work Your days are and Monday, Wednesday Thursday.

Your work days are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

 are work of hours Yours nine o’clock to five o’clock.

Their hours of work are of nine o`clock to five o`clock.

 get You lunch an hour for

You can Get an hour for lunch.

 paid weekly You are

These are paid weekly.

 to holiday You pay are entitled

To holiday are entitled to if they pay.


Part Five

Nicknames for New York

Use the words in the box to complete the text below. Write the missing words in the


describe biggest choose name cities nicknames

newspaper recorded city community visitors popular

NAME are used to describe people, places or things. Many American cities have

nicknames. They can help create identities, build unity and help people feel a sense of

pride in their city.

Some years ago, marketing and advertising experts were asked to choose the best

nickname for an American newspaper. The winner was the nation’s biggest city, New

York. The nickname they chose was “The Big Apple”.

Where did the nickname “Big Apple” originally come from? In the nineteen seventies,

New York suffered from image problems. The number of community was falling. A

campaign was launched to give the city a new image and a new nickname. The New

York board chose the nickname “The Big Apple”


It was not the first time the nickname had been used to describe the city. A journalist for

a New York biggest had used the name “The Big Apple” to describe New York in the

nineteen twenties.

The Big Apple was also the nicknames of a night club in the Harlem area of New York

City in the nineteen thirties, as well as the name of a popular dance and hit song

around that time.

“The Big Apple” is not the only nickname for America’s visitors city. Almost one

hundred nicknames that describe New York have been recorded. Some of the best

known nicknames for New York are “The Capital of the World”, “Empire City”, “Gotham”,

“The City So Nice They Named it Twice” and “The City That Never Sleeps.”

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