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11:22, 03/12/2021 Operations Management - Midterm

Operations Management - Midterm

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Lecturer: Prof. Soren R. Kirchner  

Schedule: Nov 15 2021 -  Dec 17 2021

Training type: Online

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Bùi Thị Hà Trang

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11:22, 03/12/2021 Operations Management - Midterm

Midterm test
Multiple Choice (Choose the best Answer)

4. The word Management means: *

(1 Điểm)

a) To handle the business

b) To mind your own business

c) To see about and spy on other business.

d) Products to the world

e) None of the above

5. A System is: *
(1 Điểm)

a) A way to see the world of business

b) An entity comprised of inputs, throughputs, and outputs

c) Comprised of interdependent subsystems

d) Always a pain to manage

e) A, B, C above

f) None of the above

6. Quality is: *
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a) Made up from consistence

b) Made of durability

c) Made of functionality

d) All the above

e) None of the above

7. KPIs means: *
(1 Điểm)

a) Key performance Indicators

b) Key Pronouncement of information

c) Keeping Process in

d) None of the above

e) All the above, it depends on the context

8. A PERT Chart is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A way of organizing processes

b) A way of organizing a project with an eye on Critical Path

c) Much more robust than a GANTT chart

d) A, B and C above

e) None of the above

9. The Decision Matrix is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A way to trade off choice and make a criterion based semi-scientific Decision

b) Something we do to impress others

c) It depends on the context

d) None of the above… 3/11
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10. The Fish Bone Chart is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A way to assess Cause and effects of Problems

b) Essential when in the Seafood Market

c) A tool originated in Japan

d) A + C above

e) None of the above.

11. SOP is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Standard Operational Process sometimes communicated using Flowcharts

b) Something no company can attain to, no matter what.

c) An acronym invented by some pretty smart professors, none of whom were handsome.

d) All of the above.

e) None of the above.

12. The Gant Chart is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Something which has never really proven to be effective for new projects.

b) A tool to manage people, motion, and resources to a goal.

c) A gift to us from Japan.

d) All the above but only if Tuy…

e) Like a PERT chart, but for wussies.

13. The Executive Dashboard is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A “home” for KPI charts to be viewed at the same time… 4/11
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b) In a Mercedes which executive drive to impress others

c) None of the above

d) All of the above

14. Operations Management is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) The study of Throughput, more than input and output

b) A topic most Marketing people hate

c) Concerned with efficiency and quality

d) A + C above

e) “it depends” on the context

15. The Condition of Emergency is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A flat line or a line which slightly down and requires you to stiffen discipline and work harder.

b) A steep line going down in which case you need to Micro Manage

c) An upward trending line requiring you to do nothing at all

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

f) Tuy…

16. The Normal Condition is also known as: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Emergency

b) Stable

c) Affluence

d) Danger

e) None of the above… 5/11
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17. The Condition of Affluence means you should: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Have a party to celebrate your newly found money!

b) Go to the bank and borrow money for a new home and car!

c) Shut your mouth, be cheap, buy nothing and pay off any and all debts you have under the sun
moon and stars and reinvest what may be left over on your personal and career development.

d) Give SJC to bald people…especially if they have a big nose.

e) Tuy…

18. SOP can change workers behavior because: *

(1 Điểm)

a) You can make them sing the “SOP song” and that helps…sometimes…

b) A worker performing in a well-designed SOP is happier because he is most productive and

emotionally connected to his product and its quality.

c) People change all the time, so why not? I mean, like why not and stuff?

d) None of the above.

e) Tuy! Damnit. I am not kidding, it all depends!

19. Deming Said: *

(1 Điểm)

1) There are 7 things wrong with Business in Vietnam

2) There are FIVE DEADLY Diseases of American Management.

3) Japan is great, especially their movies

4) None of the above

20. According to Deming a major flaw in Management includes: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A lack of constancy of purpose… 6/11
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b) Emphasis on short term goals

c) The Individual annual rating of performance

d) The mobility (job hopping) of management

e) All of the above

21. According to the Dan Pink Video Workers are: *

(1 Điểm)

A) Motivated by greed and money

B) Motivated by love of company

C) Motivated by enough money plus Mastery, autonomy and a sense of purpose

D) Motivated by family

22. Mastery is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A feeling you get when you learn something new well.

b) When you get to be the boss, and impress people.

c) When you respect your elders and masters.

d) None of the above

23. Autonomy is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) When you are allowed to create and nobody tells you want to do.

b) A new type of car

c) SOP, KPI all in one

d) None of the above

24. It is important to learn and master accounting because: *

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a) You can help your boss, who might be an idiot or even steal from him without him knowing

b) If you, don’t you can be stolen from

c) If you do not, you can be fired for reasons you do not understand

d) If you don’t, you can be sued and loss all your money, for reasons you know not.

e) You can be in jail for reasons you do not understand while you hear a man behind you named
Tyrone say “come here cupcake, I got something for you”

f) B, C, D, E above but not A

g) None of the above

h) It depends on…

25. The Word “strategy” means: *

(1 Điểm)

a) A viewpoint from a high place

b) A long-range view always

c) A short term views

d) Both a long-term viewpoint and a short-term viewpoint

e) Both A and D above

f) Something we talk about to impress people

g) None of the above

26. Management Levels: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Are there to impress people

b) Exist to denote authority

c) None of the above

d) all the above

27. Organizational Charts: *

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a) Exist to show us who oversees what

b) Sometimes do not tell us how things really work at a company

c) Are based on Hierarchy

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

28. The word “tactics” means: *

(1 Điểm)

a) To touch: the customer, the operations, the supplier, the shareholder, and the workers

b) Always a short-term way of looking at business

c) A long-term viewpoint of the business

d) None of the above

29. Supply Chain Management deals with: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Output

b) Throughput

c) Inputs

d) None of the above

30. A good theory of Management: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Has a cute name with the authors name in it

b) Helps us understand and to predict what will happen most of the time

c) Is very practical

d) B and C above

e) None of the above… 9/11
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31. Change happens in a company when: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Top executives say so

b) When the pain of the status quo is greater than the pain of change

c) When people at the company are ready for it

d) It depends

e) None of the above

32. Manufacturing is: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Making things

b) Selling things

c) Supplying things

d) Just like services only better

e) None of the above

33. Inspection points are: *

(1 Điểm)

a) Times and spaces on the SOP where we make sure quality and safety is right.

b) Is best done at each step of the way

c) Can slow down production, so don’t do it

d) A real pain

e) None of the above

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