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Gennrick L.

Research 7
Miguel left his hammer, shovel and rake in the garden throughout the rainy
season. When the dry season came, he discovered that parts of the hammer,
shovel and rake were rusty. The hammer was not as rusty as the shovel and rake.

Specific statement of the problem

How does changing of weather and corrosion affect material that are made of
steel ot metal?

Review on related literature (RRL)

Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more
chemically stable form such as oxide, hydroxide, carbonate or sulfide. It is the
gradual destruction of materials (usually a metal) by chemical and/or
electrochemical reaction with their environment.
General corrosion occurs when most or all of the atoms on the same metal
surface are oxidized, damaging the entire surface. Most metals are easily
oxidized: they tend to lose electrons to oxygen (and other substances) in the air or
in water. As oxygen is reduced (gains electrons), it forms an oxide with the metal.

Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction that appears in several forms, such as

chemical corrosion and atmospheric corrosion, the latter of which is the most
common form. When acidic substances (including water) come in contact with
metals, such as iron and/or steel, rust begins to form. Rust is the result of
corroding steel after the iron (Fe) particles have been exposed to oxygen and
moisture (e.g., humidity, vapor, immersion). When steel is exposed to water, the
iron particles are lost to the water’s acidic electrolytes. The iron particles then
become oxidized, which results in the formation of Fe⁺⁺. When Fe⁺⁺ is formed,
two electrons are released and flow through the steel to another area of the steel
known as the cathodic area.
Oxygen causes these electrons to rise up and form hydroxyl ions (OH). The
hydroxyl ions react with the FE⁺⁺ to form hydrous iron oxide (FeOH), better
known as rust. Where the affected iron particles were, has now become a
corrosion pit, and where they are now, is called the corrosion product (rust). 
Corrosion can happen at any rate, depending on the environment that the metal is in.
However, since atmospheric corrosion is so widespread, it is recommended to take
effective precautionary measures when it comes to corrosion prevention.

According to most pundits on the topic, climate change will have a serious impact
on many aspects of our life on the planet. At the onset it is not obvious how most
of the predicted changes will take their toll on the integrity of the equipment and
systems presently in use. This paper will examine three aspects of climate
change that may alter the corrosive behaviour of the environment and increase
the risk of corrosion failures: changes in precipitation patterns, corrosivity of
coastal regions, and increased stresses on marine systems.

So that’s why Miguel’s tools became rusty because of corrosion and changing of
weather (climate change). All his stuff is made with metal and it’s been exposed
by rainy season and dry season which made his tools rusty.


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