Waves 2021

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Vivien Fathuroya, ST., MT

Types of waves
Transverse and Longitudinal waves
Wavelength and Frequency
Wave Equation
Superposition and Interference

Physics : Waves 2
One of the primary subjects of physics
is waves. In Food processing, waves is
a fundamental principle for non
thermal food processing such as
microwave heating, Radiofrequency
heating, Ultrasonics, Irradiation.
Physics : Waves

Physics : Waves

Physics : Waves
a disturbance in a medium that carries energy
without a net movement of particles. It may take
the form of elastic deformation, a variation of What is waves?
pressure, electric or magnetic intensity, electric
potential, or temperature.

Physics : Waves
These waves are most familiar because we
encounter them almost constantly; common
examples include water waves, sound waves,
and seismic waves. All these waves have two
central features: They are governed by
Newton’s laws, and they can exist only within
a material medium, such as water, air, and Physics : Waves 7
Electromagnetic Waves

These waves are less familiar, but you

use them constantly; common
examples include visible and ultraviolet
light, radio and television waves,
microwaves, x-rays, and radar waves.
These waves require no material
medium to exist. Light waves from stars,
for example, travel through the vacuum
of space to reach us. All
electromagnetic waves travel through a
vacuum at the same speed c = 299 792
458 m/s.

Physics Waves 8
Matter Waves

Although these waves are

commonly used in modern
technology, they are probably
very unfamiliar to you. These
waves are associated with
electrons, protons, and other
fundamental particles, and even
atoms and molecules. Because
we commonly think of these
particles as constituting matter,
such waves are called matter

Physics Waves 9
Transverse Waves

• a wave whose oscillations

are perpendicular to the
direction of the wave's

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Longitudinal Waves

are waves in which the vibration of the

medium is parallel to the direction the wave
travels and displacement of the medium is in
the same (or opposite) direction of the wave
propagation. Mechanical longitudinal waves
are also called compressional or
compression waves, because they produce
compression and rarefaction when traveling
through a medium, and pressure waves,
because they produce increases and
decreases in pressure

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Properties of Waves

▪ Wavelength
The distance between identical points in the adjacent cycles of crests
of a wave is called a wavelength. It is also measured in meters

▪ Amplitude
is the magnitude of the maximum displacement of the elements from
their equilibrium positions as the wave passes through them

▪ Phase
is the argument 𝑘𝑥 − 𝜔𝑡 of the sine in wave equation.

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Properties of Waves

▪ Period
is the time for a particle on a medium to make one complete
vibrational cycle. As the period is time, hence is measured in units of
time such as seconds or minutes

▪ Frequency
is the number of waves passing a point in a certain time. The unit of
frequency is hertz (Hz) which is equal to one wave per second.
Sometimes it also define as how often the particles of the medium
vibrate when a wave passes through the medium

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Space domain

In the space domain, the distance that

one cycle of the sine wave occupies is
known as the wavelength (λ) of the
wave. The time domain equivalent of
wavelength is the period (P) of the
wave, which is the time taken for one
cycle of the wave to occur

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Time domain

In the time domain, the number of

repetitions or cycles per unit of time,
i.e. cycles per second or hertz (Hz), is
the frequency (f) of the wave. In the
space domain, the number of cycles
per unit of distance, e.g. cycles per
metre, is the spatial frequency or wave
number (σ) of the wave. It is common
for spatial frequency to be
(incorrectly) referred to as frequency.

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Space - Time
domain waves

In the time domain, the number of

repetitions or cycles per unit of time,
i.e. cycles per second or hertz (Hz), is
the frequency (f) of the wave. In the
space domain, the number of cycles
per unit of distance, e.g. cycles per
metre, is the spatial frequency or wave
number (σ) of the wave. It is common
for spatial frequency to be
(incorrectly) referred to as frequency.

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Waves Equation

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 17
Source :
Waves Equation • Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011.
Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

Source :
Waves Equation • Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011.
Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

Problem and Solve

• Solution
a) The speed of the wave is the distance
divided by the required time.
853 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡
𝑣= = 22 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠/𝑠
39 𝑠
b) The width 𝑤 is equal to the distance the
wave has moved during the average
time required by a spectator to stand
and then sit
𝑤 = 𝑣𝑡 = 22 1,8 𝑠 = 39 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠

Source : 20
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
When two or more waves cross at a point, the displacement
at that point is equal to the sum of the displacements of the
individual waves. The individual wave displacements may
be positive or negative. If the displacements are vectors,
then the sum is calculated by vector addition. Superposition
is an important idea that can explain phenomena including
interference, diffraction and standing waves. It works for
any type of wave (sound waves, water surface waves,
electromagnetic waves), but only works under certain

Superposition of Waves

Source : 21
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Interference of Waves

Source : 22
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

• The physics of sound waves is the basis of countless studies in the

research journals of many fields. Here are just a few examples. Some
physiologists are concerned with how speech is produced, how
speech impairment might be corrected, how hearing loss can be
alleviated, and even how snoring is produced. Some acoustic
engineers are concerned with improving the acoustics of cathedrals
and concert halls, with reducing noise near freeways and road
construction, and with reproducing music by speaker systems. Some
aviation engineers are concerned with the shock waves produced by
supersonic aircraft and the aircraft noise produced in communities
near an airport. Some medical researchers are concerned with how
noises produced by the heart and lungs can signal a medical
problem in a patient.
• In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of
such waves and their perception by the brain

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 23
- Hielscher

• Sound can propagate through a medium such as air, water and solids as longitudinal waves
and also as a transverse wave in solids. The sound waves are generated by a sound source,
such as the vibrating diaphragm of a stereo speaker. The sound source creates vibrations in
the surrounding medium. As the source continues to vibrate the medium, the vibrations
propagate away from the source at the speed of sound, thus forming the sound wave.
• The behavior of sound propagation is generally affected by three things:
1) A complex relationship between the density and pressure of the medium. This relationship,
affected by temperature, determines the speed of sound within the medium
2) Motion of the medium itself. If the medium is moving, this movement may increase or
decrease the absolute speed of the sound wave depending on the direction of the
3) The viscosity of the medium
Source : 24
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Properties of Sound

Sound waves are often simplified to a description in terms of

sinusoidal plane waves, which are characterized by these generic
a) Frequency, or its inverse, wavelength
b) Amplitude, sound pressure or Intensity
c) Speed of sound
d) Direction

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 25
Properties of Sound

• The speed of sound

Source : 26
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Properties of Sound

• Decibel Scale
The decibel is the unit used to measure the intensity of a sound. In other word, it is used to show
the proportion of one estimation of intensity or field amount to another on a logarithmic scale,
the logarithmic amount being known as the force level or field level, individually

Source : 27
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
The Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect is the motion-

related frequency changes. In other
words, it is the change in frequency of
a wave in relation to an observer who is
moving relative to the wave source. The
Doppler effect holds not only for sound
waves but also for electromagnetic
waves, including microwaves, radio
waves, and visible light.

Source : 28
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
The Doppler Effect Equation

Source : 29
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Problem and Solution

What is the bulk modulus of oxygen if 32 gram of oxygen occupies 22,4 litre and the speed of sound
in the oxygen is 317 m/s?


The density of oxygen is

0,0320 kg 3
𝜌= = 1,43 kg/𝑚
0,0224 𝑚3

Based on the equation 𝑣 = 𝐵/𝜌, we can find :

𝑚 2 kg
𝐵 = 𝑣 𝜌 = (317 ) 1,43 3 = 1,44 × 105 Pa
𝑠 𝑚
Source : 30
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

Optics is the branch of physics that studies the behaviour and

properties of light, including its interactions with matter and
the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics
usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and
infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other
forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves,
and radio waves exhibit similar properties.

To study optics, we have to understand more about

electromagnetic wave, which come in so many different types
that they are poetically said to form Maxwell’s rainbow

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 31
- Wikipedia
Maxwell’s rainbow

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 32
- Wikipedia
Generating a travelling electromagnetic waves

Source : 33
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Reflection and Refraction

▪ Reflection is the change in direction of

a wavefront at an interface between
two different media so that the
wavefront returns into the medium
from which it originated.
▪ The travel of light through a surface (or
interface) that separates two media is
called refraction, and the light is said
to be refracted.

Source : 34
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Reflection and Refraction

Law of Reflection
A reflected ray lies in the
plane of incidence and has
an angle of reflection equal
to the angle of incidence
(both relative to the normal)

Law of Refraction
A refracted ray lies in the Snell’s law
plane of incidence and has
angle of refraction 𝜃2 that
is related to the angle of
incidence 𝜃1

Source : 35
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Reflection and Refraction

Source : 36
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Chromatic Dispersion

Dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase

velocity of a wave depends on its frequency. Media
having this common property may be termed dispersive
media. Sometimes the term chromatic dispersion is used
for specificity. Although the term is used in the field of
optics to describe light and other electromagnetic
waves, dispersion in the same sense can apply to any
sort of wave motion such as acoustic dispersion in the
case of sound and seismic waves, in gravity waves
(ocean waves), and for telecommunication signals along
transmission lines (such as coaxial cable) or optical fiber.
Physically, dispersion translates in a loss of kinetic
energy through absorption

Source :
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA 37
- Wikipedia
Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

Figure 33-23a shows rays of monochromatic light

from a point source 𝑆 in glass incident on the
interface between the glass and air. For ray a, which
is perpendicular to the interface, part of the light
reflects at the interface and the rest travels through it
with no change in direction. For rays b through e,
which have progressively larger angles of incidence
at the interface, there are also both reflection and
refraction at the interface. As the angle of incidence
increases, the angle of refraction increases; for ray e
it is 90°, which means that the refracted ray points
directly along the interface. The angle of incidence
giving this situation is called the critical angle 𝜃𝑐 . For
angles of incidence larger than 𝜃𝑐 , such as for rays 𝑓
and 𝑔 , there is no refracted ray and all the
light is reflected; this effect is called total internal
Source : 38
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

Diffraction refers to various phenomena

that occur when a wave encounters an
obstacle or opening. It is defined as the
bending of waves around the corners of
an obstacle or through an aperture into
the region of geometrical shadow of the
obstacle/aperture. The diffracting object
or aperture effectively becomes a
secondary source of the propagating
wave. In classical physics, the diffraction
phenomenon is described by the
Huygens–Fresnel principle that treats
each point in a propagating wavefront
as a collection of individual spherical
Source : 39
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA
Young’s Interference Experiment

Light from a distant monochromatic source

illuminates slit 𝑆0 in screen A. The emerging
light then spreads via diffraction to illuminate
two slits 𝑆1 and 𝑆2 in screen B. Diffraction of
the light by these two slits sends overlapping
circular waves into the region beyond screen
B, where the waves from one slit interfere
with the waves from the other slit.

Source : 40
- Halliday, -D., Resnick, -R., Walker, -J., 2011. Fundamental of Physics. John Wiley & Sons, USA

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