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Session de Juin 2019 Nom
EXAMEN DU Numerus Blanc des RANGERS
Epreuve d’anglais Durée : 1h 00 min

Numéro de téléphone

Numéro de Place

I- Match the correct letter(s) 2,5pts

1- The small intestine is composed of:
a. Duodenum, jejunum and ileum b. Stomach and liver
c. Transverse colon, jejunum and ileum d. Bowels
2. The chemical digestion is done by the teeth and stomach:
a- true b-false
3. The colon is:
a- Descending b. Ascending c. Transverse
d. Sigmoid e. All of the Above f. None of the above
b- Sigmoid
4. What are the bones of the forearm
a- Radius b-humerus c-femur d-ulna
5. The patella is between :
a.The humerus and the neck b.The tibia and the fibula
c. The femur and the tibia d. The tarsals and the metacarpals
6. The joints of the lower limbs are :
a-hip b-knee c-ankle d-all the above
7. The four blood types are:
8. The ……………………..separates the left and the right heart:
a-ventricles b-septum c-myocardium d-epicardium
9. Which from the following prevent blood from flowing back:
a-the valves b-the atmospheric pression c-blood d-myocardium
10. The heart is part of the:
a. Digestive system b. Endocrine system c. Circulatory system d. Nervous system
II- Write the plural of this following words 1,5pts
- Tomato _______________________
- Sheep _________________________
- Child _________________________
- School _________________________
- Day __________________________
- Photo ____________________________
I- Put the different reflexive pronouns at the right gap. 1,25pts
Himself; yourself; myself; herself; itself
1- My friend did his homework…………………………………………
2- Be careful not to cut……………………………..…..with that knife
3- She is making………………………………..beautiful for the party
4- My dog can take care of……………………………………all alone
5- I fell down and hurt…………………………………………….....
II- Give three (03) usages of the “Simple Present” and conjugate the verb to “Study”
in the same tense. 3,25pts
III- fill in the gaps with the right words below 5,5pts
1. Lungs; kidneys; liver; spleen; brain; testes; ovaries; heart; bladder; intestine
2. it plays a role in elimination of a waste product called urea…………………….
3. that organ has many functions and specialized in bile secretion………………..
4. that organ is unique and is the responsible of blood flow into the whole
5. an organ which is the body’s control center receiving and sending signals to the
6. they are responsible for bringing oxygen from the air and removing carbon dioxide
from the body……………………………………………………………..
7. it collects urine made by the kidneys…………………………………………....
8. they are part of a man reproductive system and produce sperm ……………….
9. that organ has a great role in the man Immune system and known as the
cemetery of red blood cells………………………………………….
10. they are two and produce eggs in the woman reproductive system……………
11. they help in food breaking down and their absorption into the body…………..

IV- Questions
1. What are the joins of the upper limbs? 1 pt
2. What are the chambers of the heart? 1 pt
3. Give 3 parts of the stomach 1 pt
4. Give 4 organs of the urinary system 1pt
5. Explain the Johari’s Window 2pts

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________


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