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Senior High School, Lahug Campus

SY 2021- 2022

Academic Opportunities and challenges during the online class of USPF

College of Engineering Architecture

Beduya, Mike Francis

Marata, Michael
Ocañ a, Michael Johann
Salinas, Mark
Salondaga, Khent
Tabale, Kenneth Rashid

STEM 12 A - Medallion

Submitted to:
Research Adviser: Mr. Lebumfacil, Keir

Back Ground of the Study

Online Education has now become an essential part in the education system as an
option for the students to establish why online classes become an alternative. (Li & Lalani, 2020). It
becomes more prevalent
ever since the outbreak COVID-19 in our country. Now, DepEd implemented online learning as a
solution to the education in this pandemic to maintain providing quality education on the 8th of
June of the year 2020 (DepED, 2020). In this pandemic, students opt to online learning than
modules because of limited resources that brings in with modular learning. Online learning has
been transforming the education system for a considerable time (Li & Lalani, 2020).

Online learning enables the student to interact with their teachers without meeting
physically and limiting their educational growth (Stern, 2020). Currently, it's an integral aspect,
and a favored tool, within the broader landscape of upper education. Online courses involve a
greater amount of motivation and self-discipline than a classroom-based course. A classroom has
one or more instructors and at least a peer, who can hold a student in charge of their course-work
In contrast, online courses involve students setting their own goals, tracking progress they have
made and meeting deadlines.

Distinctly, online education cannot provide many of the casual and

relaxed interactions between students, individuals, and groups have at an educational
institute (Simon, 2012). But how will students face this new environment and what will they gain
from it? This research will give some clues and also points as to what could be done to support
students who are presumably having struggle within the online setting of education but also not to
give them a trouble-free learning as people adapt in a struggle.

Online learning has its strengths and weaknesses. In this research study, the researchers
would seek to find the advantages and disadvantages of online learning to provide a clear
description on its effects on students. The focus of this study is to gain awareness of what are the
advantages and drawbacks of online education to the engineering students of university of
Southern Philippines Foundation. This study aims at identifying the benefits and complications of
the online classes. This study begins with analyzing the online class composition of motivation of
the students in online learning and how it is different from face-to-face classes.
This study focuses on using online education on the experience in online classes of the
engineering students in the University of Southern Philippines Foundation. The research study
assesses academic performance as such it won't include physical activities such as physical
education. The research group will also include other factors to provide more in-depth and
empirical results such as performance tasks and exams.

Jefferson, F. and Paul, J. (2019, November 12). A Comparative Analysis of Student Performance in an
Online vs. Face-to-Face Environmental Science Course from 2009-2016. Digital Education.
Lalani, F. and Li, C. (2020, April 29). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. World
Economic Forum.
Official Statement. (2020, June 8). Republic of the Philippines Department of Education.
Stern, J. (2020). Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning. West Los Angeles College.
Simon, E. (2012). The Impact of Online Teaching on Higher Education Faculty’s Professional
Identity and the Role of Technology: The Coming of Age of The Virtual Teacher. ProQuest LLC.

Statement of the Problem

- The purpose for this research is to identify the opportunities and challenges during the
online class of USPF’s College of Engineering and Architecture including in finding ways how to
cope up with such challenges and how to use such opportunities to their advantage.
The research seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What are the opportunities during online classes at USPF’s College of Engineering and

A. Written works
B. Quizzes
C. Performance tasks
D. Monthly Examinations
2. What are the challenges during online class of USPF’s College of Engineering and
A. Written works
B. Quizzes
C. Performance tasks
. Monthly Examinations
3. What are the ways to cope up with identified challenges?
4. How can the identified opportunities be used to their advantage?
Scope of the study:
In this study the researchers will be looking for the hindrances and opportunities that the
college of engineering architecture students experienced during the online class in USPF.

Operational Definition:

Detrimental - causing damage or injury (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Presumably - used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.
(Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Prevalent- accepted, done, or happening often or over a large area at a particular time: common or
- generally, or widely accepted, practiced, or favored (source: Merriam-Webster
Implemented- to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure. (Source:
Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
opt- to make a choice especially: to decide in favor of something opted for a tax increase. (Source:
Merriam- Dictionary)
Drawbacks- feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem
- an amount of excise or import duty remitted on imported goods that the importer re-
exports rather than sells domestically (source: dictionary)
Peer - one that is of equal standing with another (source: Merriam- Dictionary)
Distinctly - in a way that is readily distinguishable by the senses; clearly.
- (used for emphasis) in a way that is very noticeable or apparent; decidedly. (Source:
Merriam- Dictionary)
Deviation- the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard
Cautious- prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risk. (Source: Merriam-
Significance of the study:

This study is beneficial to the academic performance of the civil engineering students
in USPF to their academic performance, they may gain understanding about
civil engineering, and how their utilization of contents affects their participation and decision in
many activities in them academic performance.

This helps the parents to make their children more cautious about their behavior and it can
help them understand their children’s passion for being a civil engineer.

This helps the teachers visualize the civil engineering students in USPF on
different knowledge through the help of the new learning. It also helps the teachers enhance them
skills when it comes to media even if the new mode of learning is new to the students.

This helps the future researchers to have information about how this new mode of learning
will affect the students that will make them continue to do investigations about how academic
performance affects the civil engineering students in USPF.


The COVID19 pandemic has forced many educational institutions around the world to

suddenly switch from traditional face-to-face education to online formats (Asgari, et. al,

2021). Urgent and careful planning is required to mitigate the negative impact of

pandemics on traditional content-centric, hands-on, design-driven engineering education

(Sciortino, A., et. al, 2021). The change of communication channels and methods

subsequently change the requirements for instructional skills, learning skills,

administrative services, and educational facilities. Traditional schools, instructors, and

students must prepare themselves with new tools and skills to meet the new challenges

(Huang, A. H. 2018).

Some barriers to the traditional education system in engineering were identified

and the need to redefine the education system based on a new framework for sustainable

design education was emphasized (Asadpour, et. al 2021). Other studies resulted in a

variety of issues that have negatively impacted online engineering education, including

logistics, technical issues, learning education challenges, privacy and security concerns, and

lack of proper hands-on training. For example, more than half of students reported zoom

fatigue after attending multiple online sessions, not attending classes, and having difficulty

staying focused (Zhang, W., 2021). Teaching and evaluation strategies are explained and

some ideas are given by comparing student grades with previous courses. The switch to
online learning had to be done daily with no time to prepare, but experience has shown

that online learning can and is likely to be beneficial in several aspects (García, et. al, 2021).

Online Class

Online learning has been showing to be very useful for a large number of applications in

which data arrive continuously and a timely response is required (Wang, et. al 2013).

Online Class is a form of distance education in which a course or program is intentionally

designed in advance to be delivered fully online. Faculty use pedagogical strategies for

instruction, student engagement, and assessment that are specific to learning in a virtual

environment (Bates (2016).

The Program for Online Teaching Certificate Class created a possible model for better

preparation with a free, open, year-long online class focused on pedagogy and tool choice,

with participants engaged in active reflection as part of a community (Lane, et. al 2021).


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