Are The Chinese Sabotaging Themselves in The World of Finance

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Are The Chinese Sabotaging Themselves In The World Of Finance?

I believe they are, indeed!  I am not sure they even realize that what they are doing is blocking their ability to
do genuinely good business with non-Chinese parties.

This is a personal observation of more than a year of working with Chinese investors. With good reason, the
Chinese have put up near-insurmountable road blocks to the owners of these funds: The large families that
control China's assets. The amount of fraud and dishonesty by crooked people have forced them to create
layers upon layers before the true ownership is revealed. Their protective and natural instincts naturally
hide those assets to protect them from the liars, cheats and thieves that permeate the world of finance.

The protective layers, however, have also cost the Chinese many excellent opportunities outside in the Western
financial systems. For example, huge amounts of assets in PPP programs that could be used to
generate tremendous cash for projects that would be beneficial to China's people. These programs, however,
require that the actual owner of the asset (the Signatory on the Bank Account, to be precise), comes forward
to participate in the contract for trade. The owner of the money (i.e.- the Signatory on the Bank Account itself)
must be tied in to the contract for it to be legal, and approved by the world authorities who decide who can go
into this program, and who cannot.

In order to transact business in the West, it is essential that the real authority-- the money owner-- be present to
legally tie in the asset with the trader, so it is legal for the program to operate. In so many cases, the Chinese
have created innumerous "Front" companies that are established, but have no authority on the bank
accounts. A Board Resolution granted to some individual for the purpose of negotiating transactions does not
satisfy the legal neccessity of the owner's signature: ONLY that person who is allowed to sign is the one on the
bank account- Not the "front" corporate signatory!

This has happened over and over again, many times each week: A "front" person has "cash" showing at a
bank. The frustration and trouble comes because, once it is inevitably discovered the "front" person cannot
sign on the account whatsoever, it stops the transaction immediately, and creates hostility from the Western
bankers and trade programs- causing many to refuse further business with the Chinese.


The protective layers work both ways: On one hand they protect the asset. On the other hand, they eliminate
any possibility of using those assets to create the money needed to benefit projects.

How can the Chinese and the West work together in a real beneficial way?

First, of course, it takes tremendous trust to be built between the parties. No one is an innocent party here, but
the only way to get past the past is for both parties to be willing to set aside ego, pride and other behaviors that
interfere with a real relationship being formed. At the very core of each relationship must be the willingness
to listen and learn from the other, then work to come up with a solution to address the issues.

Until the world of finance changes at the top, and Trust is built once again, the Chinese (and other parties who
also are so protected they lose out on opportunities), will continue to fail at doing business with each other. It
is a tragedy.

Past history of people and how they have treated others is no way to move into the future with peace, security,
and ongoing relationships that benefit each other. There is no question that the way people have treated others
who are not like them has caused this world today to be so difficult. It shouldn't be this way, but unless those at
the top finally realize, admit, ask forgiveness for their mistakes and transgressions, AND make a conscious
decision to change their ways, we will continue toward increasing hostility and hate. Not only in the world of
finance, but in all other matters as well.

I admit I am an optimist, and believe within each cloud of doubt, suspicion, hatred, and other negativity that
affect our world, there is a positive way to change. Change your Thoughts, Change your Life-- (Dr Wayne
Dyer)-- is our only way to change the world each of us lives in.

Fear, Suspicion, Jealousy, Hatred, Prejudice, Greed, Dishonesty... these must be changed if the Chinese and
the West are to ever truly become working partners. As long as we all share the same globe, we MUST stop
the behaviors that got us into these problems, re-examine what we really want, and re-focus ourselves away
from greed, thievery, lying, cheating, "beating" the other guy. If we cannot do that now, we get what we
deserve. If we can, we have the power to change things for the better, if we have the will.

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