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Crisis Communication Plan

Tractor Supply Company’s Response to Unrest

Surrounding “Chick Days”

Prepared by Karlibeth Leitheiser

March 30, 2021

Proposed Test Date:

April 30, 2021
Table of Contents



Message from the CEO…………………………………………………………..5

Mission and Values……………………………………………………………….6

Purpose and Objectives…………………………………………………………..7

Internal Key Publics………………………………………………………………8

External Key Publics ……………………………………………………………..9

Crisis Team……………………………………………………………………….10

Media Spokesperson……………………………………………………………..11

Public Relations Protocol………………………………………………………..12


Emergency Personnel……………………………………………………………14

Crisis Headquarters – Equipment and Supplies………………………………15

Crisis Headquarters – Room Mapping…………………………………………16

Key Messages and Dissemination……………………………………………….17



Closing Statements………………………………………………………………20


Tractor Supply Company is the largest rural lifestyle retailer in the United States. As a company,
we are passionate about serving our unique niche, targeting the needs of recreational farmers,
ranchers, and all those who enjoy living the rural lifestyle. We have upheld this standard for
more than 80 years.

Tractor Supply offers a wide variety of products necessary to care for home, land, pets, and
animals with a focus on product localization, brand exclusivity, and our signature legendary
customer service for the Out Here lifestyle. Our team is comprised of 24,000 Team Members
nationwide, in addition to our company’s physical assets and digital capabilities. With our
resources, we are able to offer our customers the convenience of purchasing their products
anytime, anywhere, and any way they choose at an everyday low price.

As of December 2020, the Tractor Supply Company is operating 1,923 stores in 49 states, as
well as an e-commerce platform In the 2020-year, Tractor Supply CO. saw
$10.62 billion in sales, a record-breaking number compared to previous years.

Our commitment to customer service and providing a positive experience to our customers has
led to potential crisis research and planning. Our goal is to plan for a crisis before it occurs,
ensuring an appropriate response to secure our customer base.

Crisis research uncovered multiple potential crises, the most probable centering on the annual
Chick Days event. Chick Days is a seasonal sales period when Tractor Supply stores sell a
variety of chicks and ducks to the public. The sale of live animals has always had a risk factor, it
is important to understand the risks and prevent a crisis. We must address this issue now so that
the company can prevent future damage.

Specifically, crisis analysts have uncovered a potential scenario where the public meets Chick
Days with social unrest, meaning boycotts, social media attacks, and negative news reporting.
Animal rights groups and individuals who may not understand young poultry sales have the
potential to create unrest in our stores and affect public image, leading to a decline in sales.

Recent social media posts have been a warning sign for an impending crisis. Customers are
noticing sick chicks and not understanding how the company cares for its animals.

We are tackling this potential crisis head on with a crisis communication plan. This document
highlights the steps that must be taken in order to maintain public image and solve an issue if it
were to arise.


By signing this statement, I verify that I have read this plan and am prepared to put it into effect.

___________________________________________ ______

Signature, President and CEO Date

____________________________________________ ______

Signature, Executive Vice President Date

Message from the CEO

At Tractor Supply Company, we have a culture anchored in initiative. Our company is booming
with growth and it is imperative that we continue to improve ourselves as a company and a
community. That is why our team has developed this Crisis Communication plan in response to a
potential backlash involving Chick Days.

Our company values service above all else. In order to deliver the legendary service our
customers know and love, we must be prepared to face difficult situations and work through
them together.

This plan describes exactly how, as a team, we can make it through anything. I look forward to
hearing from our stores on how they plan to enact this plan.

Thanks Team,

Hal Lawton, President and CEO

Mission and Values

Purpose and Objectives
In the event of public unrest surrounding the annual Chick Days event, specifically false claims
of animal cruelty or neglect, we must be prepared to take appropriate and timely action to
communicate the issue to the public as well as our stakeholders. Our relationship with the media
will be vital in enacting this plan, appropriate preparation is needed in order to have the timely
media response we need in this situation. While upholding our mission and values, we must meet
the objectives of this crisis communication plan.

1. Identify a target audience in which the message is delivered.
2. Organize a team of specialists equip to handle the crisis.
3. Develop media messages to release to the public via news and public announcement.
4. Notify stakeholders about the crisis.
5. Plan a crisis headquarters to be the base of the crisis communication team.
6. Analyze key messages created meant to address the crisis.
7. Evaluate products of crisis communication plan and distribute information.
8. Prevent future public unrest using data collected.

Internal Key Publics
In the event of public unrest surrounding Chick Days, the following individuals must be
informed immediately. The Public Relations committee must be notified of the situation and
advised not to post any replies or respond to media until consulting with the crisis team and
reviewing the crisis communication plan. The committee will then debrief the CEO and Vice
Presidents of the situation. The executive board will then branch out into their individual
jurisdictions and inform their specialty groups. At this point, all individuals in the corporate
branch will be aware of the issue. Regional Managers will be responsible for informing District
Managers, who will then distribute the information to individual stores. The employee portal,
The Barn, will also be vital in the distribution of information to team members.

Public Relations Department

Hal Lawton - (222)-222-2222

CEO and President

Kurt Barton - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

Noni Ellison - (222)-222-2222

Senior Vice President, General Counsel/Corporate Secretary

Seth Estep - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Merchandising Officer

Melissa Kersey - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer

Christi Korzekwa - (222)-222-2222

Senior Vice President, Marketing

Robert Mills - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Technology/Digital Commerce

John Ordus - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Stores Officer

Colin Yankee - (222)-222-2222

Executive Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer

External Key Publics
The external key publics will be the media responsible for getting the information out to the
general public. In this particular crisis, it is likely the news will already be reporting on claims
made by the animal activists. It is possible the external publics listed may already have a story on
the company, this makes it all the more important to set the record straight after the damage has
been done. The public relations team will contact the external key publics using only the key
messages highlighted in the crisis communication plan.

National Television News

Station Contact Phone Email
MSNBC Marc Nigel (222)-222-2222
CNN Carey Nixon (222)-222-2222
FOX Felix Oswald (222)-222-2222
ABC Abigail Carson (222)-222-2222

National Print News

Publication Contact Phone Email
The New York Times Nancy Yoder (222)-222-2222

USA Today Uma Thompson (222)-222-2222

The Washington Post William Prince (222)-222-2222

Crisis Team

Title Name Phone Email

Crisis Kacey Martin (222)-222-2222
Backup Crisis Phoebe Brooker (222)-222-2222
Assistant Crisis John Malley (222)-222-2222
Crisis Control Room Ruston Kramer (222)-222-2222
Spokesperson 1 Tyler Criss (222)-222-2222
Spokesperson 2 Megan Stevens (222)-222-2222
Poultry Expert Dr. John Sanders (222)-222-2222
Print Media Contact George Michaels (222)-222-2222
Television Media Frank Waterson (222)-222-2222
Social Media Kyle Jennings (222)-222-2222
Multimedia Joseph Burns (222)-222-2222
Legal Advisor Kimberly East (222)-222-2222

Media Spokesperson

Interview Protocol for Media Spokesperson

1. Emphasize Tractor Supply Company’s mission and values.

2. Use words and phrases without dual meaning.
3. Use clear and concise language.
4. Utilize the key messages within crisis communication plan.
5. Be honest and transparent.
6. Do not admit to any fault unless instructed to do so by the Public Relations Department.
7. Reassure public that Tractor Supply Company will resolve the issue and keep their
consumers informed.

Public Relations Protocol

The following passage includes practice questions for the Media Spokesperson that follows
Public Relations protocol in the context of this issue. The answers are suggestions of how to
incorporate interview protocol with the Chick Days issue.

1. Is it true chicks are dying at a higher rate this year?

a. Unfortunately, at this time I do not have the statistics on the chick mortality rate,
but I can assure you that the chicks we sell in our stores are treated with top-of-
the-line care and are monitored by team members for their health.

2. A customer posted a video on social media of a chick in your store lying dead in the
brooder, would you like to explain this video?
a. While I cannot determine the cause of death or explain why that animal was left
on the sales floor, I can tell you that this is not in our policy. Chicks are naturally
very fragile animals; our poultry specialist Dr. Sanders has conducted studies and
research in order to create a safe and healthy environment for them. However,
even with the most care, some chicks may display signs of weakness and succumb
to their preexisting conditions.

3. What does the company have to say about these allegations of animal cruelty?
a. As a company, we deny these claims and would like to ensure our consumers and
stakeholders that we will continue to uphold our mission and values. We will
continue to serve communities and provide legendary service and products,
including our annual Chick Days event.

4. Why do your employees not care about the chicks’ welfare?

a. Our employees participate in several training sessions before Chick Days begins
and one Chick Captain is established during each shift. Our employees have
always cared about the welfare of the chicks.
5. Is it true you throw dead chicks away?
a. Our chicks receive the highest degree of care in our stores. Despite this, some
animals have preexisting conditions and succumb to illness. Tractor Supply
Company has never illegally disposed of hazardous waste. Agencies are in place
to safely remove deceased poultry from our stores. No, we do not throw dead
chicks away, they are handled by a separate agency.


Before making statements, consult the listed experts when planning on relaying facts or statistics.

John Ordus
Executive Vice President, Chief Stores Officer

Kyle Jennings
Social Media Director

Dr. John Sanders
Poultry Specialist

Dr. Chloe Eckermann

Chick Expert

Hank Hutchins
Hatchery Operator

Emergency Personnel

To handle biowaste caused by deceased poultry in the store, contacts are listed

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)


Regional Biowaste Collection Site


Crisis Headquarters – Equipment and Supplies
Bulletin Boards
Dry Erase Boards
Landline Phones
Wifi Router
Extension Cords
Phone Chargers
Power Strips
Coffee Maker

Thumb Tacks
Post it Notes
Flip Charts
Flash drives
Paper plates
Styrofoam cups

Crisis Headquarters – Room Mapping

In the event of social unrest surrounding Chick Days, the crisis room has been planned in order
to provide a comfortable work environment for the crisis team. Structured in a horse-shoe shape
for optimal communication, this room is equipped with everything the team will need to work
through the plan.

Key Messages

In the event of public unrest surrounding Chick Days, Tractor Supply is committed to upholding
its mission and values while delivering news to this public. This particular crisis is about public
image and perception, making it all the more important to utilize structured key messages to
achieve effective communication.

Listed are key messages that should be used when speaking to the press, posting on social media,
or replying to consumer comments. Straying from these messages could result in
miscommunication and further damage.

1. Our primary concern is the welfare of the chicks in our stores.

2. We apologize to our customers; we vow to continue to improve our stores.
3. The video posted on social media is being investigated and the employees involved will
be addressed.
4. Tractor Supply Company will continue to sell happy, healthy chicks for years to come.

Message Dissemination

The distribution of the key messages is vital to the crisis communication plan. The following lists
ways of providing the key messages to the public.

Public Communication
Internal Public – Corporate Personnel Phone call, confirming e-mail
Television and Print News Media Press conference
Store Employees Through store managers and the BARN portal
General Public Social media, store signage

In addition to the initial reporting of the key messages, the company plans to set up live updates
on and on social media pages @tractorsupply. Messages will take the
following forms:

 Tweets, Instagram, and Facebook Posts

 Website updates on how we are addressing the issue
 Press conference footage posted on social media and


Listed below is information gather prior to the crisis that will be important to the crisis team. In
the event of public unrest surrounding Chick Days, Tractor Supply Company will be prepared
with pre-existing procedures, protocol, and information.

1. Team Member Training

 Prior to the start of the annual Chick Days event, team members are required to complete
training on all aspects.
 Members will receive instructions on how to care for the chicks, maintain their
environment, and handle chicks in front of customers.
 At the end of the training, team members must pass an assessment that gauges their
understanding of Chick Days
2. Brooder Operation
 Team members have been trained on how to operate brooders and ensure chicks are kept
at the correct temperature
 The brooders are kept locked, only team members can handle chicks while they are
within the store.
 Employees clean brooders at least twice daily and wear PPE such as gloves and a mask
while handling waste.
3. Chick Deliveries
 Chicks are delivered via the postal service through overnight shipping.
 Chicks are held in a separate brooder in the back for 24 hours after arrival to better
acclimate them to the store.
 Chicks showing signs of weakness are given special care in order to recover.
 If a chick succumbs to a preexisting ailment, their remains are placed in a biohazard
freezer after appearing deceased for 12 hours.
 Local biohazard waste management agencies are responsible for the disposal of poultry
4. Chick Care
 Chicks have 24/7 access to organic starter/grower feed and electrolyte water.
 They are monitored by staff for signs of distress or health issues, such as limps or vent
 Chicks in distress are given the care they need in order to recover.
5. Chick Sales
 Chicks can only be handled by team members while in the store.
 A customer is required to purchase a minimum of 4 chicks.
 Upon check out, customers receive a chick days fact sheet that describes how to care for
young chicks.
 Team members advise customers to purchase heat lamps, electrolytes, and probiotics to
ensure the health of the chicks.


Following this social crisis, an evaluation will take place in order to address the crisis
communication plan’s effectivity and the crisis team’s impact. This evaluation will occur after
the crisis has been resolved and the public has lost interest. Company analysts will look at
specific criteria when evaluating the plan and crisis team. The purpose of this evaluation is to
improve the plan for future events, learn from mistakes made, and better understand what is
needed during a crisis.

Crisis Team
 Each member of the team evaluates each other on performance and contribution
 How well did each member work under pressure? Were they calm and professional or did
they crack under the pressure?
 Uncover what positions could be altered or added to the team
 Was the crisis headquarters suitable for the job? Does it need to be changed?
 Uncover how each member felt about the crisis communication plan and what they think
should be changed.

Public Perception
 Survey a wide variety of customers to uncover their perception of the company following
the event.
 Conduct polls with inactive customers to uncover why their perceptions have changed
and how the company could improve to gain loyalty.
 How did the public feel about Tractor Supply’s press releases, social media posts, and
key messages?
 Was the crisis communication plan effective in the eyes of the customer?

Following this evaluation’s completion, company analysts will create a presentation based on the
data found. Tractor Supply’s Executive branch will discuss the data and determine how the plan
can be altered and what action they must take to improve or maintain public perception.
Emphasizing the value of change, our company pledges to make a positive from a negative
situation. In this case, the existence of a crisis will improve the company as a whole in the future.

Closing Statements

Tractor Supply Company is committed to our mission of working hard, having fun, and making
money by providing legendary service and great products and an everyday low price. We uphold
ten special values that encompass who we are – ethics, respect, balance, winning attitude,
communication, development, teamwork, change, initiative, and accountability. As a company,
we are stronger together. It is imperative that we work as a team to overcome any crisis we may
face. This crisis communication plan is a product of cooperation and teamwork within the public
relations department. We know that every team member involved in this process will do their
best to enact this plan and meet the customer’s needs, that is just who we are. Thank you in
advance for your cooperation and hard work involved in enacting this plan.


Tractor Supply Company Public Relations Department


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