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MK Kesehatan Mental Keluarga
Pengertian perkawinan
◦ Marriage is the emotional and legal commitment of two people to share
emotional and physical intimacy, various tasks, economic resources, and
values (Olson, DeFrain, Skogrand, 2019)
◦ Perkawinan ialah ikatan lahir bathin antara seorang pria dengan seorang
wanita sebagai suami isteri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga (rumah
tangga) yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa
(Pasal 1 Undang-Undang 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan)
Dimensi perkawinan (1/2)
◦ Marriage is a demographic event. Each marriage creates a social unit in
◦ Marriage is the joining of two families and social networks. When individuals
marry, they marry not only each other but their partner’s family and friends.
Their social network may comprise friends of both partners, but only those
friends liked by both partners tend to remain friends of the couple.
◦ Marriage is a legal contract between the couple and the state. Each state
specifies the rights and responsibilities of the partners.
◦ Marriage is an economic union. A married couple usually becomes a single
financial unit for most purposes. As a group, married couples are probably
society’s most important financial decision makers—buying, selling, borrowing,
and sharing resources as one.
Dimensi perkawinan (2/2)
◦ Marriage is the most common living arrangement for adults. Few people
choose to live alone. Marriage is also the most popular living arrangement for
◦ Marriage is the context of most human sexual activity. Most married couples
rate sexual activity positively, especially in the early years.
◦ Marriage is a reproductive unit. Most married couples become parents and
see parenting as an important goal and a valued purpose in their lives.
◦ Marriage is a unit that socializes children (although children can also be raised
by single parents, extended families, grandparents, and other caregivers).
◦ Marriage is an opportunity to develop an intimate, sharing relationship.
Although many marriages fail, many others provide a supportive context in
which people develop and maintain intimacy.
Pengertian keluarga
◦ A family consists of two or more people (one of whom is the householder) related by
birth, marriage, or adoption residing in the same housing unit (U.S. Census Bureau,
◦ The term family is an inclusive term for people who “care, support and protect each
other” (Australian Government, 2008).
◦ A family is a group of two or more people who are related by blood, marriage (regis-
tered or de facto), adoption, step or fostering, and who usually live together in the
same household. This includes all families such as newlyweds without children, same-sex
partners, couples with dependent, single mothers or fathers with children, and sib- lings
living together. At least one person in the family has to be 15 years or older. A
household may contain more than one family (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013).
◦ A family is defined as two or more persons who share resources, share responsibility for
decisions, share values and goals, and have a commitment to one another over time
(American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2015).
Dimensi keluarga
• Kohesi à kelekatan emosional Kohesi
dengan anggota keluarga yang
• Fleksibilitas à perubahan pada
kepemimpinan, peran, dan
aturan. Fleksibilitas

• Komunikasi à kemampuan
mendengarkan, berbicara,
mengungkapkan diri, kejelasan, Komunikasi
bertahan pada topik,
menghormati dan menghargai.
Tingkatan kohesi
Tingkatan fleksibilitas
Tingkatan komunikasi
Kerangka Konseptual Perkawinan
dan Keluarga
1. Family systems theory à everything that happens to any family member has an impact
on everyone else in the family (Goldenberg, Stanton, & Goldenberg, 2016).
2. International family strengths framework à focuses on how couples and families
succeed rather than on why they fail, from a global perspective (DeFrain & Asay, 2007;
DeFrain et al., 2012).
3. Symbolic interaction framework à primarily interested in how partners and family
members deal with various roles and developmental tasks within the marriage and family
as they move through various stages of the life cycle.
4. Social construction framework à focuses on symbols, which are based on shared
meanings, and interactions, which are based on verbal and nonverbal communication
(White, Klein, & Martin, 2015).
5. Feminist framework à women are exploited, devalued, and oppressed and that
society should commit to empowering women and changing their oppressed condition
(Tong, 2014).
Aktivitas kelompok
◦ Jelaskan bagaimana masing-masing kerangka konseptual dalam
memandang perkawinan dan keluarga;
◦ Identifikasi kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing kerangka konseptual
perkawinan dan keluarga.
◦ Olson, DH., DeFrain, J., Skogrand, L. (2019). Marriages & Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and
Strengths. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

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