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2.Why should the state provide you with a free university education?

What benefit would

the state get in return?
 As we all know Sri Lankans government provide some free services such as medicine,
education, and other essential services.  Moreover, Sri Lanka is one of the countries with a
higher literacy rate. The state offered free charge of education to all levels, that from grade one
to universities level. There many reasons for the state providing free education. The main reason,
education is a fundamental right for everyone.   While providing free education everyone gets an
equal opportunity to develop themselves irrespective of social backgrounds and gender and it
leads to developing the country as a whole. If the government do not provide free education to
universities, then only rich people will be educated then, there will be less chance for poor
people to educate and get graduation. Therefore, the number of university entrance will be
increased. Providing free education raise the number of knowledgeable people and help to
enhance their personality too. Education is a key way to reduce the poverty of a country and
which take part in the country economy improvement.
 By providing free education a lot of benefits the state gets in return. Free education makes the
whole citizen valuable which state gets skilled full graduates, talented workers, static full
managers, great leaders. When people are educated, they could solve their problem easily.
Besides, educated people could understand the history of their society and current economic
situation. That could help to improve society rapidly. As a result, they can be involved in politic
affairs, can find a proper solution for every problem, and could build up the country in the right
way. More and more people go to university, they might meet many kinds of different level
background people, which make them very strong to face many situations, more and more people
become multi-talents. This means that more people join the work level, which helps to reduce the
wealth gap between the upper, middle, lower classes. People get good analytical and creative
thinking skills. These skills are learned in university education for free, then the workforce will
expand. New levels of innovation will be available. Through the shows, their talents to the
outworld lead to getting partnership work together with international companies that could step
up the country economy standard to the next level. Free education elevates the individual
personality, which standardizes the society, through this way the whole country will be

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