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Jy in your . ments in y' 5. What will you do if there are disagree group? ) Ni, u WA q { ®& Learning New Words Read the sentences below and find the underlined word. Box ( [_]) the correct fe work areas for 1. Mrs. Rivera pointed us in our respective Our group work, the best meaning of nswer. c. rest 2. Some of my group mates were quiet and pmlc yey cid not talk with others right away: instead they just smiled at others. a. shy? b. selfish 3. Everybody participated in making the storybook. Some were drawing pictures while others were coloring. a. respect |b. assigned | c. talkative a. ignored b. party | c. joined | 4, My classmates chattered excitedly when they found out what the project was all about. acl talked b. played c. shouted 5. My group mates used a variety of coloring materials to make our project beautiful. They used colored markers, crayons, and colored pens. a. different b. the same c. expensive 96 eS Learning New Words Read each word in the word bank and place each under the column of the correct community helper that uses it. hammer oven hard hat mixer stethoscope injection Carpenter &y SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS no atl po ese ot ay ing is and who Ate » was practice 2h your oe a Exercise 1 what the te invol Look at the pictures community W' t below and identify the main idea for each, Encircle the letter of the correct answer. A. The doctor examines the ; yo ures hey When you read stor aries Se ehout the ste patient. pictures along nen B. The doctor gives vitamins to readers to know the : 4 the patient. a : that you rea vg seo ityou OW what they are aay Look at the pices 3 about. wnat is mother doing? A. Mis, Loyzaga teaches Math. B. Mrs, Loyzaga teaches music. A. The plumbers are fixing the sink. B, The plumbers are playing. Where are the children going? The children are @) going to church. A. The mailman delivers pizza. B, The mailman delivers letters. @) The children are going to school. A. The baker bakes bread, B. The baker is cooking chicken. m

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