The Story of Medusa

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The story of Medusa

In Greek mythology, it is told of a beautiful woman guarding the temple of

the Goddess Athena. Once upon a time in the afternoon a beautiful woman
named Medusa was walking around and sitting on the beach not far from the
temple, which we know that the ocean is the territory of Poseidon who is the
God of the Sea. Seeing a beautiful woman on the seashore poseidon the sea god
seduced by the beauty of Medusa who was sitting alone
Poseidon transformed himself to approach Medusa and raped her in the
Temple of the Goddess Athena. Medusa, who at that time experienced the act of
rape by the sea god who was known to the goddess Athena Then, the goddess
punished her on the grounds that she had tarnished her sacred space and cursed
Medusa to be a terrifying monster woman with snake hair and eyes of fire. Her
gaze was able to turn humans to stone.
The heroic Perseus received orders to cut off Medusa's snake-haired head,
turning it into a trophy. But that attempt failed. One time Medusa was sleeping.
Perseus, who had been lurking about to continue his unsuccessful attempt,
finally succeeded in cutting off Medusa's head and turning him into a trophy.
In a story this Medusa is not a bad woman. However, Medusa was a victim
of abuse from the crimes of the Sea God and did not get justice. The snake's hair
and eyes of fire depict the anger of a woman who experiences injustice from an
incident she experienced sexual harassment.
Perseus who managed to cut off Medusa's head while sleeping was
considered a hero. All we know is that Perseus is nothing more than a coward
who cuts off Medusa's head while sleeping. The story of Medusa as we know it
today is considered a very evil woman. A true story that has been buried under
the patriarchal values of heroism and male rivalry? A woman silenced and
demonized after experiencing sexual harassment who sounds too familiar.

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