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ee s reapine your WAY ‘School is one of the places of friends that you may Nave S12" gs such as food, ‘g.0up offends may ike the tor toys y Hr eager poor heaUMe our in tke to ploy with But hat if yoususceDN A ‘2. group where you do not know rothers so well ged the} folowing stow ene tcl out ow ins@rour cFs007-rDe friends worked together in school: Our Group Project by ApillS. Campefia his close friends aie aor other sect They ore Lan ds O80 elena fo the some secs ost Of all lle, Charo, andl asa Section os a 1d Kush he is Jose and his fiends lke Mis, Rivera's Reading class. She ciways reads to them good stories and she always makes earning fun. Today, she has a special activity for the class. Once, she folled out a cartolina and posted it on the blackboard. “Gan everybody rd what | have posted on the board?” she asked, GROUPS,” the class replied. “Today, you will be working in groups. But before you gO to your group mates, | would lke everyone to observe our GROUPS ule,” Mrs. Rivera sald. ;G in the word GROUPS stands for Give thoughtful answer, Rstands for Respect others. © stands for On-task all fhe time, U stands for Use soft voices, P stands for Participate ‘etivaly and $ stands for Stay with your group,“ she further explained “Who willbe our group mates, Mis. Rivera?” Charlie asked. ‘Can we have our friends as our group mates?” Kushi asked as well Mis, Rivera smiled and sald, “| willbe asking you to count from 110 5. All those who will be counting 1 will Be GrOuP. T those who counted 2 willbe group 2.6nd so on. Are YOu ready? “Jose was a ile bit wortled on how the groupings would be. He was used fo having his fends as group mates. Now, he did not know who his group mates would be. The class started counting and when they finished, they allwen' fo their respective areas in the classroom. Jose found out that he and his friends belonged to different (groups, Everyone was excited and chattered with their Sroup motes. Mis. Rivera rang the bell three times fo call Sieireitention and everybody settled down and got ready folisten to her directions, —————— : mates YOU task fo, Now at your win ON et tne, YOU: Group today isto make a plan fora wil present to should create a giant storybook ae bee nd ee loss. Make sure that each of YOUMN OTF nojact = ‘make this planning and stoning 054° Mrs. Rivera explained “Jose only knows termes offs group mates Out Ne’ ‘ot close to them and it seems that others te obit timic about one another So Jose asked them, “What try would you Ike our FOU to fel" Kyle suggested, "How about a fairy tale? A story about fighting a scary dragon to rescue the princess?” Then another sod, “How about astory about our fomiy?® 40Se ted to remember ther su jggestions ond they Vets on te stonybeok hey woud make. Afterward, they sneered en ne fx that bey coun ith in making there we 7 Sl, "Lot's take tums inc o inckawing he pict rovhcoeme magneton "Everyone agreed to Kyle cnet alge, Seagate c or would be the one fo r wo } 10 120d aloud the story to the class, The following day, all the groups were given a few minutes to finish their project: They were reminded by Mrs. Rivera to observe the GROUPS rule while working on theit projects The groups presented a variety of stories. There were stories about their favorite pets. fairy toles friendship, and fomiy. Mrs. Rvera was very happy on how well alle {groups have shown great effort in making thet storybooks ‘and how they followed the GROUPS rue. ‘As for Jose, his group mates were no longer just his ‘classmates, but have become his friend os well THINKING TIME. ———————= @ Checking Your Understanding ‘Answer the following questions based on the story 1, Who were Jose's close fiends in schoo!? 2, What was the project that Ms. Rivera asked the class to do? 6 9 3, How did Jose feel about grouped? 16 way the clos was 52 fet ri wore (Ca ___ 4, ifyouwere Nis. Rivera, how would you divide the class into smaber groups? \ ents IN your 0 500" 8. What wil you do there “group? Lt Wy. acaie'i & Learning New Wo oa xd the bes! NING of nd Read the sentences BED O, Corect answer the underined wore Box(L et crecs a) 1. Mrs. Rivera pointed us in Ou ese our group work. @. respect: 2. Some of my group mates: ist st nor elk cham ng oway-nsteaaney Mts at others are Eomee . takative E 1 storybook. Som » ae aa wee coOKo. ©. ignored ib. party 4. My classmates chattered excitedly when they found _Out what the project was al about La. talked) . played . shouted 5. My group mates used o vary of coloing materials to ‘make our project beautiful They used colored markers, crayons. and colored pens. a. different) b thesame —_¢, expensive name 4 jet and timid. They cy ABN, car 7 a SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS Doing projects with others can be a fun learning ‘experience. There may be times when there will be some disagreements among members but with communication and teamwork, a successful project can be achieved and new friendships will be gained. Let us see how well you can work ‘with your group just ike what happened in Mrs. Rivera's class. ‘A. Form five groups by counting from 1 to 5. Allthose who soid number 1 wil be group 1, those who said 2 will be {group 2, and s0 on. The goal of the group is fo make Giant storybook that will be presented in class through storyteling. You may choose your own theme for the story. Prepare one cartolina and coloring materials. Finish the tosk within 20 minutes 8, Group Sharing: Present fo the class the giant storybook through a read aloud activity. You may assign one member or you could take tums with your group mates in storytelling. At the end of the presentation, soy what ‘part you did in making the storybook and how you fee! about the group project. & READING TO SUCCESS You have learned that a short vowel sound makes the “alphabet sound! /8! as in apple, /é/ as in egg, /8/ asin ink, Jol as in ox, and /al as in umbrella. Long vowel sound makes the “alphabet name" 8! as in ape /8/ as in eat, asin tee, (OF ” s READING YOUR WAY In one way or another, all of you belong fo a group. You make up our family, the groups of families belong toa neighborhood, and this neighborhood belongs to a bigger group we often call a barangay. In a barangay, the people have particular roles that they do to keep the ‘community peaceful and orderly. What part do you do in your community? he In is lesson you willlea to Barangay Bayanihan + sot andl classy famior words ito categories byes Cams Dee ane go eee are "ino cs i rod her et pn Konia, hey ‘ond use be vetbs. got fo take part of what happens in a community through {heir min-ciy, The students were able fo foke the roles of e LISTENING TIME pbonk tole, fight attendant, plot, and other community helpers that they see in acy. ‘went hor ‘santos announced their Usten 0s your teacher Before they went home, Mr nolo yout eocher reac dou cos Sues who homework *When you get home, ty to gat to know the TE a recearos 104 105 jghtbohood tha Trina thought ‘and et MU erunk START cpr oe oe Jan a Fe on ne afo0! 69°22 ay offen DUY POP Se oy baker of he bread to Ate Linda, od net The folowing doy Tin her to the barangay NG. orangay No -why are yougord mother. spould get know the Peo "Mr Santos soi that we Satis a.go0d Pace to who hp in our corny Stor Tin ano ect twit go win YOu ater Saye: mersagentiee AOC fining curbrecHos” To smother went TA tng tek recs Oy cc to tne barangay hal anciooet = pe rg ‘and saw aman approach Ish Good morning! We are looking for Mr. Reyes. Is he here today?" ina ose the mon. _ ‘am Mr. Reyes the! ae ‘captain. What can | do, foryou?” he osted wih ase "Oh, | would lke 40 ask you few questions about our ‘borangay and te ngs youde as aborengey captain, ope you de not mind, Tina xplaned NG; do not md fyouNme [coud a0 GWE YOU a fou hereof cur barangay haliand heath ceater” Mr. Reyes onawered ‘By the way, Captain, lam Trina Legaspi and this is my mother Ale thankyou vr much accommodating Un Tn soe You ate welcome! am glad ha here ore people who ate interested to know what happensin ou commuiy = 12° asked hey 106 inet ene vil ne pecb ey of tne ORS Cig mother 10. GCCOMp, Y Mr. Reyes showed them around the office where he Introduced some of his council members. He explained that they meet every week to discuss the problems in the barangay. He ako explained that they observe the laws and maintain peace and order with the help of the barangay tanod “Whatis a barangay tanod?” Trina asked, Most barangay fanods are volunteers that help patrol ‘and make sure that the people in our barangay are sate. They help our police officers keep the place peaceful and orderly,” explained Mr. Reyes. “We also have our heaith officer and volunteer nurses ‘and doctos in the health center. It's a place where people Who need medical care can easily get help and advice ‘about theirheatth condition for ftee,” he added. “What kind of free services can we get in the heat center? Ist like @ hospital?” asked Trina, “itis not as big as @ hospital and services are limited since itis only a heatth center. But we give seminars. free Vitamins for pregnant women, or vaccines for the babies.” Mr Reyes sited 107 i to exp tinued Nain Reyes CoE rnke the ‘Asthey finshed the tout MERE cig tom ina wos not onyrin whos WOKIERST barangay function well "Alot Of PEOE Eto lve in. That is Learning New Words keep ia better pace fo YoUna Fy gayonhne” : Read each word in the word bank and place each why the barangays eale0} under the column of the correct community helper that —_— THINKING TIME usesit: hommer oven hard hat i inderstonding @ cresting ged amaceren geen Answer the folowing questions bosea.cntne von” : 4 1. What was the csignment von to Tana ater Ne ield fpr Tine oo gwve Baker Nurse camener | 2, Who was the communtiy nepartngt Tra woule Ike to | Ostto know better? ica Wa ilar SOS | | Toh Gew! “He Bat C seston 3. What did Tring leam when she visited the barangay, Fe a ene Este yarOOS ‘SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS. 4. ifyouwere fo interview a communityhelperin your " ee ete help each other and neigh Seen pen ‘ ‘arin building harmonious relationships with others. Our eon et i oa IR OE ommurity workers also make these possble because ofthe 9 Rea ease roles that they play in our neighborhood. How will you show ne omen ihe canmenianeraacoipuccmns | 4 this kind of community to your classmates? fo) pani i agmmO aarp 2-1, ‘A. Role-play; Form a small group with four o five members, Prepare to present a scene that shows c place where you see community workers. YOu willbe 108 Given 10 to 1S minutes 10 co thi. 109,

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