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S.No. Item Page No.
1 Brief Outline 2

2 Broad Mode of Execution 2

3 Specific Mode of Execution 2

4 Objective of the Programme and Employment opportunities 2

5 Program Execution Details 3

5.1 Number of Seats and Eligibility 3

5.2 Resource Material Cost 3

5.3 Course Administration 3

5.4 Semester-cum-Continuous Evaluation System 5

5.5 Backward Linkage 7

6 Detailed unit wise Syllabus 8

1. Brief Outline

The Certificate Programme in Dress Designing and Tailoring is to be offered under the umbrella of
the Distance Education Cell (DEC) of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute. The programme is
presently run by the Women’s Polytechnic. The mode and sequence of presentation of the course
material for the certificate programme presently offered on-campus and the one offered in
distance mode will be the same.

2. Broad Mode of Execution

Keeping in view the objectives of Distance Education, the Certificate programme in Dress
Designing and Tailoring will be offered at several locations within the country.

In the planned mode of execution, DEI provides academic guidelines, supervision and vetting of all
course material, and maintains academic and administrative control over the course. All course
material will be developed, reviewed and vetted by a team headed by the Course Coordinator of
the Certificate programme presently running at DEI Women’s Polytechnic. It would be desirable
that the Mentor for the programme spends 7-10 days on the DEI Campus to observe the day to
day running of the programme before the commencement of the programme.

3. Specific Mode of Execution

The primary content of the Certificate programme in Dress Designing and Tailoring in video
DVD/CD (VCD) format has been prepared at DEI. Other course material including Reading
Material, Question Banks, have also been prepared by the DEI team. This course will initially run in
asynchronous mode as specified below.

œ VCD’s of lessons along with the requisite course material will be provided to the study centre,
to be viewed on a large screen television.
œ Theory and practical work will go together (pl. see the proposed schedule on p.3).
œ The course will run at the study centers under the supervision of one to two qualified, trained
and competent Mentors.
œ The Mentors will be responsible for:
o Course administration, conduct of examinations, and continuous evaluation.
o Conduct of daily practicals, and clearing of all doubts of the students.
o Operating the electronic systems necessary to display the audio-visual material for
o Arranging and supervising project work and reading assignments.
o Setting of quiz and class tests.
o Performing the role of a facilitator/liaison between the students and the Course
Coordinator at D.E.I.

4. Objectives of the programme and Employment Opportunities

The Certificate holder will acquire the required skills over a period of two semesters. The teaching
will be divided into a 80% practical component and 20% theory lecture component. Mentors
should note that the Certificate programme is to lay full stress on practical aspects as reflected in
the ratio mentioned above. The primary purpose of the programme is to enable the students to
focus on a particular set of working skills which should lead to a vocation or employment. The
evaluation will be done by external as well as internal experts.

In particular, students successfully completing the programme should be able to:

œ Select suitable techniques for different styles and types of Dress designs according to the
latest trends.
œ Illustrate and understand various types of garment sketches and techniques in making them.
œ Stitch various types of garments.
œ Prepare patterns of garments as per design requirement
œ Manage the production of different types of garments on the shop floor
œ Set up an entrepreneurial unit
œ Acquire knowledge of interpersonal relations and skills in communication and development of
presentation skills
œ Acquire skill in Computer Aided Designing skills for garment industry

The following employment opportunities are visualized for Certificate holders in Dress Designing
and Tailoring.

œ As a self-employed person starting a small-scale industry

œ As a fashion coordinator in export/domestic industry/buying houses
œ As a consultant for garment manufacturing
œ As a Designer for garment styles
œ As an Embroidery Designer
œ As a freelancer in different activities associated with Dress Design
œ As a Teacher
œ As a pattern designer
œ As a Merchandiser

5. Programme Execution Details

5.1 Number of Seats and Eligibility

The maximum number of students to be admitted will be 10. Students who have passed Class 10
will be eligible for the course, irrespective of age.

5.2 Resource Material Cost

A student admitted to the course will have to pay Rs.1500/- per semester for the course material
which includes lesson handouts.

5.3 Course Administration

Students must register for the courses given in the table below.

1st Semester *

* The courses of first semester will be offered during July- December,2008

S. No Course Course Titles Status No. of

Number Credits #
1 CDT 101 Introduction to textiles and Theory 03
2 CDT 102 Business Skills And Ethics Theory 03
3 CDT 103 Garment Making Techniques Practica 03
4 CDT 104 Sketching and Embroidery Practica 03
5 CDT 105 Children’s Clothing Practica 03
6 CEC 141** Cultural Education Theory 01
7 RDC 141** Social Service Practica 01

2nd Semester *

S. No Course Course Titles Status No. of

Number Credits #
1 CDT 201 Garment Making Theory 03
2 CDT 202 Advanced Clothing Construction Practica 03
3 CDT 203 Adults’ Clothing Practica 03
4 CDT 204 Women’s Clothing Practica 03
5 CDT 205 Men’s Clothing Practica 03
6 CRC 241** Comp. Study of Religion Theory 01
7 CCA241** Co-Curricular Activities Practica 01

*The courses of second semester will be offered during Jan- May, 2008
**Institute Core courses

# One credit is equivalent to 30 hrs. of study and/or doing practical work per semester which includes attending the academic
counseling sessions, studying the lesson notes with comprehension, going through other course related documents, listening
to/ viewing the audio- visual programmes, working on class and home assignments, self learning etc. Thus, a 3 credit
course will mean a minimum of 90 hrs. study / practical work time per semester.

Weightage for attendance in each theory course will be as per D.E.I. system ( >95% 10 marks, 90-95% 8 marks, 85-89% 6
marks, 75-84% 4 marks, 65-74% 2 marks, < 65% 0 mark.)

Weightage for attendance in each practical course will be as per D.E.I. system ( >95% 20 marks, 90-95% 16 marks, 85-89%
12 marks, 75-84% 8 marks, 65-74% 4 marks, < 65% 0 mark.)

P.T./Games will be compulsory in both the semesters, regularity & performance of the student shall be evaluated under Co-
curricular activities.

Specific Administrative Points

œ There are five proffesionsl courses and two institute core courses per semester.
œ Each theory course is divided into five units.
œ Each unit of each course will be taught through:
o three video sessions (30 mts each)
o three theory / practical sessions (2 hours each)
œ The practical sessions are based on a set of exercises to be carried out by the students in
the class, or at home if they are unable to complete the work, or on Saturdays during
extra optional working hours.
œ For each course, in each week, there will, therefore, be one contact session of 2.5 hours
duration which will have two parts: a 30 minute video session covering salient aspects of
the exercises planned for the day, followed by a practical session of two hours.
œ Every unit of a paper thus gets covered in 3 weeks, and every course in 15 weeks.
œ The video module will be screened and explained, and doubts cleared by the Mentor. Video
re-screening in parts may be done during the practical session if felt necessary by the
œ The lesson content of each module will be provided on a separate VCD along with
o A detailed script of the lecture
o Quiz with key (for the Instructor)
œ Assuming a Semester of 18 weeks, 15 x 2.5 hours contact sessions per course are planned
as outlined above. Three additional contact weeks are for two Series tests and one End
Semester Examinations. Continuous evaluation quizzes as per the DEI pattern will be
scheduled only on Saturdays.
œ In addition, any optional videos not part of the syllabus may be screened on Saturdays.

A suggested weekly screening schedule is given below. The actual schedule may be adjusted
according to local holidays. Quiz and test weeks can be planned, as is done in DEI. A schedule for
these will be worked out on a Semester-wise basis and notified in advance to the students.

VS: Video and discussion session; PS: Practical Session

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
30 mts VS Course 1 VS Course 2 VS Course 3 VS Course 4 VS Course 5 Scheduled Quiz

120 mts PS Course 1 PS Course 2 PS Course 3 PS Course 4 PS Course 5 Counseling

Core courses


5.4.1 Semester System:

This programme is of one year duration consisting of two semesters.The first semester is the odd
semester while the second semester is the even semester. An academic session means both the
semesters of the session taken together.

5.4.2 Course:
Each course is identified by a course number which contains three letters and three integers. The
syllabus of each subject is divided into a convenient number of courses spread over the various

5.4.3 Continuous Evaluation:

This is the soul of our innovative programme and radically alters the learning process to the
benefit of the students. The result of a single examination does not determine the fate of the
students. Examination and evaluation is a continuous and an unburdensome exercise. Seventy five
per cent weightage is assigned to continuous evaluation while 25% weightage is assigned to
external end semester examination in each course.

(1) The syllabus is distributed over two semesters. Grasp and knowledge of the subject is
evaluated in bits continuously and periodically thereby putting lesser burden on the student as
compared to evaluation by one examination at the end of the session. The End Semester
examination papers will be set by D.E.I. & evaluated by the examiners appointed by D.E.I.

(2) The courses allotted for a particular semester are completed by the end of the semester and
also examined and evaluated simultaneously, thereby reducing the amount of material to be
studied at one time.

(3) The mode of evaluation is also varied, depending upon the nature of the subjects and topics.
In general, the following components of evaluation are adopted:

Theory Course Practical Course

(i) Class Tests (i) Records
(ii) Quiz Tests (ii) Experiments
(iii) Assignments (iii) Viva-voce
(iv) Seminars & Group Discussions (iv) Attendance
(v) Attendance (v) End-semester Examination
(vi) End-semester Examination
Quiz and Class Test will be set, administrated and evaluated by the Mentor / facilitator.

(4) The student's performance is assessed throughout the semester by continuous evaluation
followed by an end-semester examination which covers the entire syllabus.

(5) The number of credits allotted to each course depends on the relative time a student is
expected to devote for the respective course,

(6) Each component of evaluation is assigned a certain weightage towards the computation of
over-all performance in each course.

(7) A Progress Report is issued after each odd semester (first semester of an academic session)
and the declaration of the result of each academic session is based on student's performance over
both the semesters of the session.

(8) The student's performance for a session is indicated through a result card issued to the student
after each even end-semester examination of a session which shows his achievements in each of
the courses registered for.

(9) The Institute follows the credit-system of education and as such the marks obtained by the
students and the maximum marks assigned for the different courses, in a semester or in all the
semesters of a programme of study, are not mentioned in the result cards of the students in
absolute terms. Instead, the students in all the courses are evaluated out of a uniform value of
200 and credits are assigned to all the courses in accordance with their relative weightages, and
based thereon weighted percentage (%) in the progress (result) card of the odd (even) semester
is mentioned.
Thus, the obtained marks and the maximum marks for the different courses of a semester or all
the semesters of a programme of the institute are not mentioned in absolute terms in the result
cards of students as these do not serve any purpose, as the students are graded in absolute
percentage terms which are mentioned in their result cards. However, the person desirous to know
the absolute value of the obtained marks and the maximum marks in the different courses of a
student can calculate these from his result cards by simple arithmetic process.

(10) In evaluating performance, weightage will be given to: (a) the marks obtained in a course,
and (b) course credits. The percent marks obtained overall at the end of the second semesters will
be taken to be equivalent to:
Σ (course credits x percent marks)
Σ (course credits)

Where the marks are obtained out of 200 in the nth course and are the credits assigned to the nth
In the final semester result card, the cumulative %, showing the overall performance of a student
in a programme is also shown. The cumulative % is calculated by simple averaging of the
weighted % of all the semesters.

(11) The final result card issued to a student on completion of all the semesters is computed from
the progress/result cards of the two semesters and his/her overall performance is indicated as
Percentage of Marks obtained Division
75% & above First with distinction
60% & above but below 75% First
45% & above but below 60% Second
35% & above but below 45% Pass
Below 35% Unsatisfactory

(12) Minimum percentage of marks for a- pass is 35% in each individual course. Securing less
than 35% marks in any course will be treated as having failed in that course. If a candidate fails in
three or less than three courses in one academic session, he may opt for Summer Remedial

(13) Failure in a course due to non-appearance in studies and/or examination(s) on medical or any
other ground, whatsoever, will he treated as failure in that course.

(14) If a candidate fails in more than three courses in one academic session or if he fails to pass
all the courses after the summer remedial courses or if he misses one/both the semesters of an
academic session in part or whole, he will get only one more chance to repeat all the courses of
the said session in the next succeeding session as per rules framed on the subject, but he shall not
be enrolled as a regular student.

(15) During the repeat session also, if a candidate:

(i) Fails in three or less than three courses, he may opt for summer remedial course(s); and/or

(ii) Fails in more than three courses or fails to pass all the courses after the summer remedial
courses or if he misses one/both semesters, he will be required to leave the Institute and he will
not be re-admitted.

(16) A student will be allowed to remain on the rolls of the Institute for Certificate course for a
period up to Two years only.

5.4.4 Summer Remedial Courses

If a candidate fails in three or less than three courses in one academic session, then alone
he shall be given another opportunity to clear these courses by opting for summer remedial
courses. Candidates opting for summer remedial courses shall prepare for the course content
during the summer vacation and take remedial training in each course ir the following July before
being examined. Students obtaining any percentage of marks above 35°lo be deemed to have
secured 35% marks and those securing below 35% marks shall be treated as having failed in that

5.5 Backward Linkage

The following Table shows various courses that support the competence profile outlined in Section.4.


1. Develop garment making skills as per latest trends and Dart manipulation techniques
fashion forecast Men’s clothing
Women’s clothing
Children’s clothing
Fashion study
2. Generate various garment designs and styles required Fashion drawing
by individual. Embroidery
Men’s clothing
Women’s clothing
Children’s clothing
Fabric manipulation
3 Knowledge of appropriate fabric processing and textile Fiber testing, yarn testing
testing skills Garment testing
Preparation process of fabrics.
4. Understanding a garment style and developing it. Style interpretation
Patterns for skirts
Patterns for collars
Patterns for bodice
Patterns for sleeves
5. Setting-up of an entrepreneurial unit Business Skills & Ethics,
Exhibitions, boutique
management, advance pattern
making, types of layouts
6. Knowledge of interpersonal relations and skills in Exhibitions
communication and development of presentation skills. Illustrative sketching
Design Collection

6. Detailed Unit-Wise Syllabus of certificate programme in Dress designing and Tailoring
1 Semester

Semester 1Course CDT 101

Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: To familiarise students with
ƒ the classification of Textile fibres and their properties.
ƒ the production of different types of yarns including fancy yarns.
ƒ the manufacture of fabrics by weaving, knitting etc.
ƒ the Chemical Processing of textiles and tests to determine colour
ƒ The basics of garment manufacture.
ƒ the Testing of textile fibres, yarns and fabrics and garments.

UNIT–1: Introduction To Textile Fibres

Sub- Title Details

1 Types of Fibers Natural Fibers e.g. cotton/ jute/ Animal fibers e.g. Wool, silk, and Man
made fibers e.g. nylon, polyester, acrylic etc.
2 Properties of Properties of Fibers:
Fibers Appearance-colour, luster, shape, surface contours, length, diameter.
Performance- Strength, specific gravity, flexibility, elasticity, absorbency,
electrical conductivity, dimensional stability, flammability, effect of heat.
Maintenance- Effects of biological organisms, chemical conditions,
environmental conditions.
3 Tests for Identification of man made and natural fibers: burning test, microscopic
Identification test, and chemical test.
of Fibers

Ex.1 Try to distinguish between natural and manmade fibers, and make a list of the two. List
ten different articles of apparel in your home, note from their labels the kind(s) of fiber
from which each are made, and indicate the fiber trademarks, if any.
Ex.2 Obtain as many samples of fabrics as you can, and cut them into small square pieces.
Mount them on small cards. Determine the fiber content of each sample, and record your
data on the card. Give all possible uses for each fabric. Give the reasons for your answers
in terms of the basic qualities of the fibers.
Ex.3 Do the burning test for Cotton, Wool, silk and nylon fibers, and prepare a chart of the
burning characteristics of the fibers. Examine a wool, cotton and silk fiber under the
microscope. Draw the fiber as you see it. Do a chemical test and write the observations for
identification of wool, cotton and silk fiber.

UNIT–2: Yarn and fabric Manufacture

Sub- Title Details

1 Yarn Manufacture from Spinning Process: Opening, Picking, Carding, Combing,
Staple and filament fibres Drawing, Roving and Spinning. Production of staple and
filament yarn from pure fiber or from blend of cotton with
Polyester or wool with Polyester.
2 Weaving and different Weaving technique, Plain Weave, Twill Weave, Satin/Sateen
Weaves Weave and other decorative weaves
3 Knitting and Non-wovens Weft and warp Knitting, Basic Knits: Plain Knit, Rib Knit, Purl
Knit and Interlock Knit , . Non-woven and their properties

Ex.1 Explain the basics of spinning and describe the various processes through which cotton
fibre has to pass during spinning.
Ex 2: Discuss the different methods of manufacturing of Fancy Yarns.
Ex 3: Collect samples of different weaves and classify them.

UNIT–3: Chemical Processing

Sub- Title Details

1 Preparatory Scouring and bleaching.
2 Adding colour to Techniques of dyeing the fabrics. Tie and Dye technique. Methods used
fabric surface for printing; block, stencil, machine roller printing and screen
printing methods.
3 Finishing Mechanical and Chemical processes.

Ex.1 Take grey cotton and subject it to scouring and bleaching processes.
Ex.2 Take the bleached cotton fabric and dye it using the tie and dye technique. Practice block
printing on cotton fabric.
Ex.3 What is the difference between mechanical and chemical finishes? Enlist them and collect
five samples each of both these categories.

UNIT-4:Garment Manufacture

Sub- Title Details

1 Introduction to Introduction to basic principles of dress designing and stitching, Technical
garment terms in cutting and tailoring.
2 Methods of Drafting, draping and pattern making techniques . Advantages and
garment limitations of these techniques. Preparing the fabrics, Layouts and their
making types. Marking and cutting of fabrics
3 Appropriate Selection of appropriate fabric and accessories for garments, Judging the
selection and garment quality. Designing functional garments for special purposes.


Ex.1 Enumerate the steps involved in garment designing .

Ex.2 Visit the market and try judging fabric appropriate for curtains and for garments.
Ex.3 Collect some knitted and no woven fabrics and briefly describe them.

UNIT–5: Textile Testing

Sub- Title Details

1 Textile Testing: Dimensions of Quality (Over- dimension quality, under-dimensioned
An overview quality), Factors affecting quality are raw material, process, personnel
technical knowledge, specification etc.
2 Testing of Tests on Fibres(length distribution of cotton fibres, Fineness of fibres,
Textile Fibres Longitudinal sections and cross sections of fibres, moisture regain of
and yarns fibres), Testing of Yarns(Measurement of linear density and count, Twist
measurement, yarn evenness test, measurement of yarn tenacity)
3 Testing of Fabric thickness, weight of the fabric, thread density of a woven fabric,
Textile Fabrics Crease recovery of a fabric, Bending Stiffness, pilling of fabric, Fabric
Drape. Identifying color fastness, light fastness, rubbing fastness(dry
rubbing and wet rubbing fastness test)


Ex.1 Give the importance of quality and trace how it moved from Quality Control to TQM ?
Ex.2 Enumerate the different tests on Fibres, Yarns and fabrics.
Ex.3 Name the different tests performed on textile fabrics to check their colour fastness.

Course Code: CDT-102

Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: A certificate holder has to learn-
ƒ how to manage a small scale unit and communicate with the buyers. This
topic will introduce the skills necessary for effective written and verbal
ƒ Some relevant, selected fundamentals of Office Management and Time
ƒ Computer fundamentals.
ƒ Business Skills and Ethics.
ƒ the Preparation of a Project Report.

UNIT-1: Business Communication

Sub- Title Details

1 Fundamentals Fundamentals of Written and verbal business communication.
of Business
2 Overcoming Types of official, business and semi-official communication.
Barriers to
3 Types of Effective verbal communication.


Ex.1 What are various forms or types of communication?

Ex.2 Enumerate the barriers to effective communication.
Ex.3 Distinguish between conscious and sub-conscious communication.

UNIT-2: Basics of Office Management

Sub- Title Details

1 Basics Of Organization(characteristics, levels), Management(efficiency, effectiveness,
Management activities), management skills(general, specific), management competency,
2 Office Front desk and stationery management(reception manning, EPABX skills,
Management office stationery and supplies), Office communication
management(external, internal, outgoing mail/courier, Email, Records
management(filing systems), Office automation management(EPABX, fax
machine, photocopiers, computers, scanners, projectors, printers,
equipment repairs and maintenance, basic administration
3 Time The concept of time, need for time management, time audit, time-use
Management chart, principles, goal setting
Ex.1 What are the different levels of an organization?
Ex.2 What do you understand by front desk and stationery management?
Ex.3 How will you set your goals?

UNIT–3: Fundamentals of Computers

Sub- Title Details

1 Computer Computer fundamentals (hardware, software etc.).
2 Office Automation Office automation (telephone, EPABX, intercom, FASCIMILE or fax)
3 Possible Business Information technology(uses and role)
uses of Computer in
office automation
Ex.1 Explain how a computer works? What is hardware and software?
Ex.2 What is office automation?
Ex.3 Mention three uses of information technology in modern office management.

UNIT-4: Business Skills

Sub- Title Details
1 Preparing Preparing a Project Report for Starting a Business / Boutique Proposal.
Project report
2 Negotiating Important issues in negotiating for finance.
Finance for
3 The Basic skills Basic skills required for running a business (Knowledge, Attitude & Skills-
for Running a communication, computers, time and money management,
Business entrepreneurship, decision making). How to set up a small scale unit.
Ex.1 Prepare a project report for starting a Business.
Ex.2 What are the different types of Financing?
Ex.3 What are the various skills required in running a business?

UNIT–5: Ethics and Business

Sub- Title Details

1 Business Ethics The present state of human society, Ethics and morality
2 Ethics in Practice Some basic qualities, Ethics in practice, final word
3 Group Discussion on Ethics and Group Discussion
Ex.1 What are ethics? Mention some good ethical practices followed by organizations?
Ex.2 What ethics a business should practice and why?
Ex.3 Group discussion on “Experience and Sharing”

Course Code: CDT 103

Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: To develop basic stitching techniques in learner.
ƒ To understand the functions of different parts of the sewing machine.
ƒ To learn the different seams used on garments.
ƒ To develop skill of incorporating fullness and decoration in garments.
ƒ To make learner aware of the various finishing techniques used for
garment making.
ƒ To develop garment attachment skills among learner.

UNIT–1: Introduction to sewing machine

Sub- Title Details

1 Parts of sewing An introduction to various parts of sewing machine and exploration
machine of different functions of these parts. Handling of the parts
2 Care and Practice on threading, oiling, handling and care of sewing machine
maintenance of and over lock machine,
sewing machine
3 Defects, remedies of Machine control exercises on speed control, Paper exercises, Fabric
a sewing machine exercises for different shapes


Ex.1 Take a sewing machine and open its shaft , face plate, needle and pressure foot . Try
putting them back into their place.
Ex.2 Select a sewing machine and an over lock machine. Thread it and run it on fabrics.
Observe the stitch and try to change the length of stitches.
Ex.3 Select any rough paper and remove the thread from the machine. Mark straight lines,
curved lines and on zig zak lines on the paper. Now put the paper under the pressure foot
and stitch on the various drawn lines. Repeat the same on fabrics.

UNIT-2: Introduction to Stitching

Sub- Title Details

1 Working with Learning the Various operations of sewing machine. stitching on Straight
the sewing
line, square, concentric square, curved lines , circle
2 Equipment and Equipment and its use: Scales, squares and French curve, L scale etc.
tools for Scissors, tracing wheel, Seam ripper, Machine needles and their relation
garment to thread and fabric.
3 Seam Types Permanent seams- practice on various samples of machine seam – plain,
run and fell, french, lapped seam. Temporary seams (Tacking, hemming,
basting) Different decorative seams- Counter seam, counter hem, top
seam, slot seam

Ex.1 Select any rough fabric and mark Straight line curved lines, square, concentric square, ,
circle. Now put the fabric under the pressure foot and stitch on the various drawn lines.
Repeat the same for any other shapes you can imagine to draw on the fabrics. Prepare
such 8 samples.
Ex.2 Prepare sample of Plain, run and fell, French lapped seam Prepare sample of Counter
seam, counter hem, top seam and slot seam.
Ex.3 Collect all equipments and prepare your sewing kit desired for stitching.

UNIT-3: Garment Stitching Techniques

Sub- Title Details
1 Taking Direct and indirect methods, Sequence of taking measurements,
measurements readymade garments and from a human figure for different garments.
from body

2 Fullness Preparation of pleats (knife and box), Gathering. Darts and tucks. Frills
techniques and ruffles.
3 Accessories on Fasteners-Hook and eye, Button and button hole, Velcro,
garments zipper(concealed, covered, invisible) Other techniques of decoration like
adding embroidery, appliqué work and other accessories
(belts and buckles, bows or strings ), Cuffs on sleeves.


Ex.1 Take measurements of any friend or member of your family in order to stitch an upper
Ex.2 Stitch a 20cm long string of fabric. Prepare a 30 cm long belt and a cuff of 2.5 cm width
and 15 cm length.
Ex.3 Prepare sample of Box pleat Knife pleat Gathers Darts and tucks. Prepare sample of
Hook and eye, Button and button hole, Velcro, Zipper.

UNIT–4: Decorating and Finishing Techniques

Sub- Title Details

1 Necklines and Piping at neck, facing, at neck and shaped facings (round, square, V
Edge finishing shape, ruffle, sweet heart, boat neck).

2 Quilting Learning the technique of quilting with foam and cotton or any other
filling into it.
3 Pockets Patch pocket, welt pocket, side pocket, flap pocket and tuck in


Ex.1 Prepare samples of 15 cm inches by 15 cm for different shapes of necklines using piping and
facing or shaped facing as desired. Prepare 8 such different neck lines.

Ex.2 Prepare 5 different fabric samples (15 cm by 15cm squares) using quilting technique. Use
various lines in to fill the squares.
ƒ Straight / horizontal lines and their combination.
ƒ Thick / thin lines
ƒ Wavy lines/ curves
ƒ Zig-zag lines
ƒ Diagonal lines
ƒ Lines making a floral or geometrical motive.
Ex.3 Prepare 2 samples of patch pockets. Also stitch samples of welt pocket, side pocket, flap
pocket and tuck in pocket.

UNIT–5: Garments Attachments

Sub- Title Details

1 Plackets Continuous bound, Bound and Faced, Tailored, Bound neck
And Zipper Placket
2 Sleeves –I plain, puff, flared, very flared and leg-o-mutton sleeves

3 Sleeves -II Cap sleeves, Magyar, Raglan, kimono and Bell sleeves.


Ex.1 Prepare the draft of plain, puff, flared, very flared and leg-o-mutton sleeve.
Ex.2 Prepare the draft of cap, Magyar, raglan and bell sleeve, cut them on the fabric and stitch
the sleeves.
Ex.3 Make sample of different type of placket.

Course Code: CDT 104
Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: ƒ A certificate student has to learn
ƒ How to do style interpretation and style reading
ƒ Different drawing equipments
ƒ Fashion figure based on eight head theory, different poses , face
drawing, hair styles
ƒ To sketching different garments on fashion figure
ƒ Different embroidery stitches –hand and machine.

UNIT-1: Style Interpretation

Sub- Title Details

1 Introduction to - What is style interpretation?
style - How it is done?
interpretation - What are its benefits?

2 Illustration of Collecting sketches for scrapbook, sketch Book

different Styles
3 Benefits of style How to learn to read different styles, how style reading is effective in
interpretations different working fields in garment industry.


Ex.1 Collect 10 pictures of Children garments and explain their styles.

Ex.2 Collect 10 pictures of Ladies garments and explain their styles.
Ex.3 Collect 05 pictures of Gents garments and explain their styles.

UNIT-2: Fashion Drawings

Sub- Video Title Details

1 Concept and Knowledge about different fashion industries and different jobs for fashion
Careers designers.
2 Equipment Paper, Markers and Pencils, Drawing Board, Ruler, Tape, Erasers, Knives,
and Tools French curve and L scale.
Different media (charcoal, ink, Water Colour etc)
3 Drawing a Drawing the eight Head figure
Ex.1 What are different career options for fresh Garment designers?
Ex.2 Draw diagram of different equipments of drawing .
Ex.3 Draw basic fashion figure based on Eight-head-theory.

UNIT–3: Fashion Figure

Sub- Title Details

1 Drawing different Difference between normal and fashion figures, Drawing Front view,
views Side view, Back pose,
2 Drawing different Structure of legs, Structure of hands, Drawing the foot
body parts Drawing of hair step by step, drawing face.

3 Sizing the figure. Enlargement and reduction of the figure. Sketch a Three-
dimensional body

Ex.1 Draw side pose of fashion figure with scale: 1 head= 1.5 cms
Ex.2 Draw five hair styles for shoulder length hair.
Ex.3 Draw any pose of fashion figure and do shading for 3-dimensional look.

UNIT-4: Clothing the figure

Sub- Title Details

1 Drawing of Skirt styles like straight , A-line , Tight , Tulip , Flounce , 4-piece , Full
different types circular , Half circular , Gathered , Layered , Tiered , etc.
of skirts, Sleeves styles like Simple , Puff , Shirt sleeve , Bush-shirt sleeve ,
sleeves Raglan , Dolman , Cap , Flare , Juliet sleeve , etc.
2 Drawing of Collar styles like Peter pan , Chinese , Shirt collar , Convertible , Bishop ,
different types Cape collar , Frilled collar , etc.
of collars, Drawing different accessories like Belts , Bags , Purses , Shoes , Gloves ,
accessories Jewellery , Hats , etc.
3 Indian party Drawing of casual and Indian party wear dresses.
and casual
Ex.1 Design a dress skirt and top suitable for school uniform.
Ex.2 Design a western office wear dress for young woman.
Ex.3 Design Indian bridal wear dress keeping in mind latest trend in fashion.

UNIT–5: Embroidery

Sub- Title Details

1 Hand Embroidery Learning basic stitches in hand embroidery (at least 10
in number)
2 Machine embroidery Learning basic stitches in machine embroidery(at least
5 in number)
3 Traditional embroidery Kantha, Chikankari, Kasuti, Phulkari, Kashmiri
kashidakari, Zardozi, Sindh and kutch work.
Ex.1 Prepare two handkerchiefs with hand embroidery incorporating at least 3-4 stitches in each
Ex.2 Prepare a bag with machine embroidery on it.
Ex.3 Prepare a table cloth with any traditional embroidery on it.

Course Code: CDT 105

Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: To familiarize student with
ƒ terms used in clothing
ƒ to make the basic drafting desired for garment making
ƒ draft preparation of various baby items
ƒ draft preparation of various skirts
ƒ to develop stitching ability of learner

UNIT–1: Introduction to Clothing Construction

Sub- Title Details

1 Sewing Grainline, on-grain, off-grain, selvedge, bias (true and false), layout,
Terminology marking and cutting.
2 Drafting of Prepare a basic bodice block and a sleeve block for a 2-3 year old
Basic block child.
3 Collar drafts Preparation of drafts of collars of 3 styles ; mandarin collar, cape
collar, rever collar from basic block.


Ex.1 Prepare a basic block for bodice and sleeve for a 4-5 year old child on brown paper.
Ex.2 Prepare a draft of peter pan collar, cape collar and sailors collar on brown paper .
Ex.3 Cut a strip of 20 cm length and 2.5 cm width ,from rough fabric on true bias and another on
false bias.

UNIT–2: Drafting and Stitching

Sub- Title Details

1 Bib and Diaper Draft preparation, layout and cutting of bib and diaper. Stitching and
finishing of bib and diaper.
2 Jhabla Draft preparation, layout and cutting of jhabla. Stitching and finishing
of jhabla.
3 A - line frock Draft preparation, layout and cutting of A-line frock. Stitching and
finishing of A-Line frock with peter pan collar.


Ex.1 Prepare a draft for a bib with scallops, cut and stitch it.
Ex.2 Draft a jhabla with strings at shoulders . Cut and stitch on the fabric.
Ex.3 Prepare a draft of an A-line frock with a round yoke . Cut it and stich it . Incorporate a frill in
between the yoke and bodice while stitching it.

UNIT–3: Gathered frock

Sub- Title Details

1 Designing and Designing of different frocks suitable for children. Yoke adaptations to
drafting shapes like U shape, round shape, square shape and V shaped yoke.
Adaptation of draft for one of the styles.
2 Cutting Layout and cutting of the frock
3 Stitching Stitching and finishing technique of the selected style for 2-3 years age.

Ex.1 Prepare the draft of a fancy frock for a 6-8 year old girl after taking measurements.
Ex.2 Design as per choice with some decorative details or yoke. Layout the draft on the fabric,
mark and cut it
Ex.3 Stitch and finish the frock.

UNIT–4: Skirts

Sub- Title Details

1 Straight skirt Drafting, cutting and stitching of straight skirt
2 Flared skirt Drafting, cutting and stitching of flared skirt
3 Pleated Skirt Drafting, cutting and stitching of pleated skirt, along with a top.
and a top


Ex.1 Prepare the draft of flared long skirt after taking measurements of a15 -18 year old girl.
Ex.2 Prepare the draft of pleated short skirt with yoke after taking measurements of a5 -8 year
old girl.
Ex.3 Draw few designs of skirts using combinations of various decorative and gathered skirts.

UNIT–5: Boy’s garments

Sub- Title Details

1 Shirt drafting Draft preparation Shirt, sleeve and collar.

2 Stitching Shirt Layout and cutting, stitching and finishing boy’s shirt for 2-3 years age.
3 Shorts Draft preparation, layout and cutting of shorts. Stitching and finishing of


Ex.1 Prepare a draft for a 4-5 year old boy’s shirt and stitch it.
Ex.2 Take measurements of a 10 year old boy and prepare a draft for shorts. Cut it and stitch on
the fabric. Attach 2 patch pockets in front of the shorts .
Ex.3 Try to draft a shirt for an adult of about 28 years or above after taking proper

Course Number: CEC 141,

Class: All Certificate Level Courses,
Status of Course: CORE, Approved since session: 2006-07
Total Credits: 1, Periods (50 mts. each)/week:1(L-0+T-0+P/S-1), Min.pds./sem.:14

Culture and Civilization, Geographical background and Indian people, Culture and Civilization:
Meaning and Significance, Characteristic features of Indian culture, Unity in Diversity
Indian Culture, Cultural Background of the social organization, institutions, Varnashram System,
Caste System and their modern form,
Marriage and family, Education system and Institutions, Political Structure, Pre-Vedic period
Vedic–Literature: Introduction to Ved, Upnishad, Jain Darshan, Hindi and Urdu Literature, Adi kal
& Bhakti Kal, Preaching of Gita and Sant Mat.
Introduction to Vedic Darshan, Shastra

Suggested Readings-
Institute Publication – Cultural Education

Course Number: RDC 141

Class: All Certificate Level Courses
Status of course: Core, Approved from session: 2006-07
Total Credits: 1, Periods: 50 min. each (L-0+T-0+P/S-2), Min.Pds./Sem.:14

To do cleaning of campus in and around study center and work for all round development of

2 Semester

Course Code: CDT 201

Course Title: Garment Making
Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: A certificate holder has to learn -
• Flat pattern making, dart manipulations and designing techniques.
• Factors affecting fitting of garments and their remedies.
• Fashion terminology and understand movement of fashion
• Marketing and merchandising concepts.
• Role of computers in garment designing.

UNIT-1: Flat pattern making

Sub- Title Details

1 Introduction to Introduction to flat pattern making, Tools, terms and principles.
pattern making
2 Dart Techniques of pattern making.Designing by pivoting and slash & spread
manipulation method. Shifting of fullness from one place to another. Dart
technique manipulation technique.
3 Creating Manipulation of pattern to get princess line, empire line, converting dart
Variations in into pleats, gathers and pin-tucks. Creating variation in garments by
designs placement of fullness at different areas. Pattern making for various
sleeves , collar and skirts.


Ex.1 What are the principles of the flat pattern making methods?
Ex.2 How will you convert darts into princess line?
Ex.3 How will you make a yoked skirt using straight skirt block by slash and spread method?

UNIT-2: Fitting of garments:

Sub- Title Details

1 Appropriate Significance of Good fit of garment. Importance of fitting in a garment.
fitting of Judgement of appropriate fitting of garments
2 Factors Studying different factors which affect garment fit like improper drafting
affecting fitting knowledge, wrong measurements, wrong cutting, wrong stitching, wrong
of garment selection of design, improper ease.
3 Common fitting Understanding Fitting problems and their remedies like loose fit , tight
problems and fit , square or sloping shoulder, falling necklines, crease at armhole etc.


Ex.1 Mention the various factors which can effect the fitting in an ladies garment ?
Ex.2 Pick up any of your poor fitted garment, analyze the reason of poor fitting and discuss the
corrective efforts.
Ex.3 How will you remedy a sleeve which is tight at armhole.

UNIT-3: Fashion

Sub- Title Details

1 Fashion Different fashion terms like style , fashion, fashion forecast, fashion
terminology and cycle, fad , classic, taste.

elements Studying principles and elements of fashion.
2 Theories of Fashion Adoption theories - Trickle-up theory, trickle-down theory
fashion and and trickle-across theory. Different stages of fashion cycle.
fashion cycle
3 Factors affecting Different factors like social, political, environmental and economical
fashion and that affect fashion. Different sources of fashion information like
sources of media, fashion journals , fashion shows, internet. Path of fashion
fashion. from designer to consumer.


Ex.1 Give the definitions of the following fashion terms : fad , classic, boutique, fashion
designer .
Ex.2 Explain different stages of fashion cycle.
Ex.3 Explain how economical and political factors affect fashion.

UNIT-4: Marketing

Sub- Title Details

1 Market Methods and benefits of market and consumer research. Preparation of
research and questionnaire for consumer research. In-shop research and door-to door
consumer consumer research.
2 Fashion Window display, advertisements, sponsorships, packaging, free gifts,
promotions sales or discount scheme.
3 Costing and Expenditures included in costing and pricing of any garment.
pricing of Studying business skills to increase sale of garments and desired skills
garments and for good turnover.
business skills


Ex.1 Prepare a questionnaire for door-to door consumer research for designer sarees.
Ex.2 Explain : Opening discounts, window display, sponsoring a T.V. serial .
Ex.3 What expenditures are included in costing of designer’s salwar/suit?

UNIT-5: Fashion Merchandising

Sub- Title Details

1 Role of Role of computers in the field of fashion and garment designing.
computers Understanding the uses and scope of different software (corel draw and
adobe photoshop, Tuka CAD) in the world of fashion
2 Merchandising Merchandising plan and buyer’s role in fashion
3 Career options Job opportunities in production , marketing, training , pattern-making,
in fashion garment exports division.


Ex.1 Plan a visit to a garment production unit or an export house to understand the benefits of
computer in a garment industry?
Ex.2 Explain the responsibilities of merchandising organization.
Ex.3 To understand the career options in production and sampling division of garment industry

Course Code : CDT 202

Course Title: Advanced Clothing construction

Status: Major
Total Credits : 3
Objectives After going through this course you will learn
ƒ to prepare a nightwear
ƒ to stitch house coat with shawl collar
ƒ to prepare blouse with lining
ƒ to prepare jacket with lining
ƒ to stitch party wear frock for a child

Unit – 1 : Ladies’ Night Wear

Sub Title Details

1 Preparation of Draft Make the draft of adult bodies block and adult sleeve block
of bodies block and
sleeve block.
2 Adaptation of draft Adaptation of adult draft to ladies night wear as per design,
to Night wear and Do proper layout on fabric.
layout of the draft
3 Cutting and Mark and cut the fabric for nightwear. Stitch the night
stitching of wear, finish the neck line and attached the sleeves. Various
Night wear decoration techniques as per need.

Ex – 1 – Prepare the draft of nightwear after taking measurements of an adult figure.

Ex – 2 - Design as per choice with quilted yoke, Layout the draft on the fabric, mark and cut it
Ex _ 3 – Stitch and finish the night wear

Unit – 2 : Ladies’ House Coat

Sub Unit Title Details

1 Drafting of Preparation of the house coat and shawl collar draft with the
House coat help of adult body block.
2 Cutting of Proper layout of house coat and shawl collar with
House coat Lapel. Marking and cutting of house coat, shawl
Collar and lapel.

3 Stitching of Stitching of house coat, attaching shawl collar and

House coat Lapel. Attaching the sleeve to house coat.

Ex – 1 – Prepare the draft of house coat with shawl collar

Ex – 2 – Do proper layout, marking and cut the house coat
Ex -3 - Stitch the house coat having shawl collar and finish it

Unit – 3 : Blouse with lining

Sub Unit Title Details

1 Cutting of From the draft of bodies block adapt to blouse. Mark
Blouse and lining and cut on fabric and lining cloth.

2 Stitching of blouse Stitch the blouse with lining, attach the sleeve

3 Finishing of blouse Finish the placket, waist band and neckline using
proper fastener on placket.

Unit -4 : Jacket With Lining

Sub Unit Title Details

1 Drafting of Make the draft of jacket
2 Cutting of Layout, mark and cut the jacket and the
Jacket and Lining lining.
3 Stitching and Finishing Stitch the jacket with lining. Finish the
Of Jacket placket, add fastners (button and button

Ex – 1 - Make draft of jacket and mandarin collar

Ex – 2 – Layout the draft , marking and cutting of draft
Ex – 3 – Stitch jacket with lining ,finish neck line with collar finish placket.

Unit – 5: Children’s Party Wear

Sub Title Details

1 Preparation of child’s Prepare the draft of child’s bodies block and sleeve block
bodies block and sleeve Adaptation of body block as per design i.e. low
block and adaptation as waist, yoke, diagonal body block, strap frock.
per design
2 Cutting of the Proper layout of design, marking and cutting
frock Of party wear with lining.
3 Stitching and Stitching of body block of lining and fabric. Preparation of
decorating the skirt section. Joining of skirt and body block. Joining of
Party frock Sleeve. Finishing of neck line and placket with
appropriate fasteners or zipper.

Ex – 1 –Prepare party frock draft as per design of your choice

Ex – 2 –Layout draft on fabric, marked it and cut on the fabric and also cut the lining.
Ex – 3 –Stitch the frock and finish the frock.

Course Code: CDT 203

Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: A certificate holder has to learn
• To develop skill of adult draft making.
• To develop creative skill in learner about value addition in
various ladies garments.
• Learning different types of blouses with dart manipulation
• To develop stitching skills for different ladies garments in

UNIT-1: Saree Blouse

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting of Prepare a basic draft of adult bodice block and sleeve block after taking
basic block and appropriate desired measurement of a female figure. Adapt the basic
adaptation to draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse with darts for proper fit,
saree blouse
2 Laying and Lay the draft on fabric and cut the blouse.
Cutting of
saree blouse
3 Stitching of a Stitch the blouse with darts, attach the sleeves and finish the neckline
saree blouse with piping or facing. Finish the placket, waist band and attach


Ex.1 Prepare a basic draft of adult bodice block and sleeve block for a female figure with R.
chest measurements of 82 cm. and other measurements as taken. Try to give square neckline on
the blouse
Ex.2 Prepare a draft of your own measurements and give a decorative neckline of your taste on
it .
Ex.3 Cut and stitch the blouse for yourself as per your taste using shaped facing at neck.

UNIT-2: Dart manipulation

Sub- Title Details

1 Techniques of Learning the basic concepts of the technique of dart manipulation in
dart order to create ladies bodice for different designs.
2 Drafting of Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse with two
various styles darts or single dart placed at different positions thus creating different
of blouse with styles of blouses on brown paper.(waist position, armhole position,
darts neckline position, shoulder single dart, French dart)
3 Drafting of Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse with dart
various styles converted to seam line ( princess line and empire line) placed at
of blouse with appropriate positions thus creating different styles of blouses.


Ex.1 Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse single dart placed at side
seam position.
Ex.2 Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse single dart placed at center
front position where placket is placed.
Ex.3 Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse having back open and an
empire line fitting at front .

UNIT-3: Different Style Blouse

Sub- Title Details

1 Designing of a Adapt the basic draft of adult bodice block for a saree blouse with darts
styles and to a single dart or a multiple dart blouse thus creating a style of
adaptation for blouses for yourself giving good fitting.
the same
2 Cutting of Cut the blouse after proper placement.
3 Stitching of Stitch and finish the blouse

Ex.1 Prepare draft for a blouse with two darts at shoulder positions.
Ex.2 Prepare draft for a blouse with a dart at side seam and a princess line from armhole
Ex.3 Design a blouse or select a design of blouse from a fashion magazine, cut and stitch the
blouse neatly.

UNIT-4: Decorative Blouse

Sub- Title Details

1 Designing and Design any three decorative blouses using lines , gathers , single dart or
adaptation to a even a combination of these. Adapt the basic block to the desired design
decorative with some variation at neckline and at sleeves.

2 Select a design, Select any one design and after appropriate measurements of a female
Layout & figure, prepare paper patterns for the selected designs. Cut the blouse
cutting as per the style.
3 Stitching and Stitch and finish the blouse neatly, use any decorative technique like
finishing embroidery, quilting or patchwork at blouse back / sleeves or design
lines to emphasize it.


Ex.1 Prepare draft for a blouse with no side seam and a princess line from armhole position.
Ex.2 Take measurements from a female figure who wants to get a blouse stitched for herself,
prepare draft, cut and stitch the blouse as per the need.
Ex. 3 Design five different styles of blouses or short kurti for female figure using darts, lines or
pintucks or a combination of these.

UNIT-5: Ladies’ Kameez

Sub- Title Details

1 Designing Design three styles of ladies kameez as per the latest fashion trends
various ladies using lines , gathers, single dart or even a combination of these. Designs
kameez with yokes and design with some variation at neckline and at sleeves
can also be created.
2 Adaptation of Select any one design and after appropriate measurements of a female
bodice block to figure, adapt draft for the selected style, cut the kameez as per the
kameez and it’s style.
3 Stitching and Stitch and finish the kameez neatly. Use any decorative technique like
finishing embroidery, quilting or patchwork at yoke/ back / sleeves or design lines
to decorate it.


Ex.1 Prepare draft for a kameez with a princess line from shoulder and another with a princess
line from armhole position.
Ex.2 Take measurements from a female figure who wants to get a kiameez stitched for herself,
prepare draft, cut and stitch it as per the need.
Ex. 3 Design five different styles of kameez or pant tops for female figure using darts, lines and
varying the sleeve and neck styles .

Course Code: CDT 204

Course Title: Women’s Clothing
Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: A certificate holder has to learn
• To draft, lay, cut, stitch different ladies garments.
• To develop creative skill in learner about value addition in various
ladies garments.
• To stitch different types of lower garments- salwar, churidaar,
• To develop stitching skills for preparing a princess line ladies kurta
with panels.
• To develop stitching skills for preparing a lehenga-blouse.

UNIT-1: Ladies’ Salwar

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting of Taking measurements fore a salwar as per fashion trend, preparation of

salwar draft of a patiala salwar or simple salwar.
2 Layout and Layout of the salwar. Putting seam allowance and cutting any one of the
cutting styles of the salwar.

3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the salwar



Ex.1 Make a draft of salwar for a child around you between 7-10 years after taking the desired
Ex.2 Cut and stitch the salwar from the prepared draft.
Ex.3 Draft a patiala salwar for an adult after taking measurements.

UNIT-2: Ladies’ Parallel

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Taking measurements for a parallel as per fashion trend, preparation
of draft of a parallel
2 Layout and Layout of the parallel . Putting seam allowance and cutting the
cutting parallel.

3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the parallel. Attaching side placket.
finishing Decorating it as per taste.


Ex.1 Make a draft of parallel for a child around you between 4-6 years after taking the desired
Ex.2 Cut and stitch the parallel from the prepared draft.
Ex.3 Decorate the parallel as per the fashion trends.

UNIT-3: Ladies’ Churidar

Sub- Title Details

1 Draft Taking measurements for a churidar, prepare a draft for the
prepration churidar.
2 Layout and Layout of the churidar. Putting seam allowance and cutting it.
3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the churidar. Decorating according to
finishing personal taste.


Ex.1 Make a draft of churidar for a child around you between 11-13 years after taking the desired
Ex.2 Make a bag and then cut and stitch the churidar (for the 11-13 year old girl) from the
prepared draft.
Ex.3 Draft a churidar for an adult after taking measurements.

UNIT-4: Ladies’ Princess line kurta

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Adaptation of the basic block to a princess line kurta.
2 Layout and Placing the draft on fabric, marking and cutting of princess line kurta
3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the princess line kurta.



Ex.1 Adaptation of the basic block to a princess line kurta with different amount of flare.
Ex.2 Make a draft of princess line kurta with line starting from neckline.
Ex.3 cut and stitch the princess line kurta inserting a piping in the different panels.

UNIT-5: Lehenga-Blouse

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Aadaptation from the draft of a straight skirt for a lehenga of the
latest fashion trend. Adaptation of the basic block to the blouse
(choli ) with the lehenga.
2 Layout and Layout of the lehenga and the blouse. Putting seam allowance and
cutting cutting lehenga and the blouse.

3 Stitching, Stitching and finishing of the lehenga and it’s blouse. Decorating
finishing and the item according to requirement.


Ex.1 Prepare a draft of 5 different styles of skirt after surveying the market.
Ex.2 From an old available garment (outdated sari or not in use chuni) prepare a gathered
Lehenga for a child of about 7-9 years age or as per the measurements.
Ex.3 Stitch any style of skirt with lining for a girl.

Course Code: CDT 205

Course Title: MEN’S CLOTHING
Status: Major
Total Credits: 03
Objectives: A certificate holder has to learn draftings ,layouts, cutting, stitching of Men’

UNIT-1: Menswear Pyjama

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Prepare a draft for pyjama for the given measurements for an adult.
2 Layout and Placing the draft on fabric, mark and cut the pyjama
3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the adult pyjama with a side pocket .

Ex.1 Prepare a draft of pyjama for a 5-7 year old boy after taking appropriate measurements.
Ex.2 Prepare a draft of pyjama for a 15-17 year old boy.
Ex.3 Cut any one and stitch the pyjama for the child

UNIT-2: Menswear Kurta

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Prepare a draft of the Kurta for the given measurements for an adult.
Prepare draft for Chinese band collar and side pocket.
2 Layout and Placing the draft on fabric, mark and cut the kurta.

3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the adult kurta with collar and one patch
finishing pocket at front top and a side pocket .

Ex.1 Prepare a draft of kurta for a 5-7 year old boy after taking appropriate measurements for
the same.
Ex.2 Place the draft on a striped fabric and then on a directional fabric.
Ex.3 Cut any one and stitch the kurta for the child

UNIT-3: Menswear Shirt

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting of Draft a shirt of the given measurements for an adult.
2 Layout and Placing the draft on fabric, mark and cut the shirt.
3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the boy’s shirt with collar, full sleeves and
finishing a pocket attached to it.


Ex.1 Make a draft of shirt for a 5-7 year old boy after taking appropriate measurements.
Ex.2 Place the shirt draft on striped fabric to get these effects (i) horizontal stripes (ii) vertical
stripes (iii)stripes forming V shape in front and at back. . Compare the amount of desired fabric in
these different placements.
Ex.3 Cut in any one of the manner and stitch the shirt for the adult.

UNIT-4: Menswear Trousers

Sub- Title Details

1 Drafting Prepare a draft of the trousers for the given measurements for an
2 Layout and Placing the draft on fabric, mark and cut the trousers.
3 Stitching and Stitching and finishing of the boy’s trousers with waistband having
finishing loops for belt, fly zipper at the placket and two patch pockets at
back and two front pockets attached to it.


Ex.1 Make a draft of trousers for a 5-7 year old boy after taking appropriate measurements.
Ex.2 Prepare a draft of the shorts for the given measurements for a 5-7 year old boy.
Ex.3 Cut it and stitch the short for a child.

UNIT5-: Pattern making on computer (Tuka-CAD)

Sub- Title Details

1 Introduction to Learning the features and tools of software for pattern making
CAD (Tuka-CAD).
2 Making basic Preparing Basic blocks of bodice, sleeve and skirt on computer.
blocks using
3 Adapting drafts Adaptation to basic blocks to different designs of garments using Tuka-
to garment CAD. Dart manipulation using computer package.


Ex.1 Prepare a pattern for a blouse with only one dart.
Ex.2 Prepare a pattern for a blouse with princess line or empire line.
Ex.3 Prepare a pattern for a shirt along with a pocket and collar .

Course Number: CRC 241, Course Title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RELIGION.

Class: All Certificate Level Courses
Status of Course: CORE, Approved since session: 2006-07
Total Credits: 1, Periods (50 mts. each)/week: 1(L-0+T-0+P/S-1), Min.pds./sem.:14

(a) Meaning of the word ‘Dharm’ and ‘Religion’ Importance and value of Religion in human life (b)
Primitive Religious ideas and belief (c) Religion and Science: Faith and reason.
(a) Pre-Vedic ideas of Indus Valley Civilization (b) The Vedic Religion (c) Hinduism (d) Modern
Religious Movements.
(a) Theistic and Non Theistic philosphies (b) Jainism (c) Buddhism.
(a) Zoroastrianism (b) Judaism (c) Christianity (d) Islam and Sufism.
(a) The Bhakti Renaissance (b) Teachings of Kabir and Guru Nanak Dev (c) Radha Soami Faith.

Suggested Readings:
Institute Publication - Comparative Study of Religion

Course Number: CAC 241

Class: All Certificate Level Courses
Status of course: Core course, Approved from session: 2006-07
Total Credits: 1, Periods: 50 min. each (L-0+T-0+P/S-1), Min.Pds./Sem.:14

To encourage students in cultural activities viz. Dramatics & Music Competition, Games & Sports
and literary activities viz. Hindi & English Essays, Hindi & English Debate Competition to have
overall development of the student


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