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The correct answer number and rationale for why St. John’s wort is a pill or can be taken in tea
it is the correct answer are given in boldface blue form.
type. Rationales for why the other possible answer 3. St. John’s wort can cause photosensiti-
options are not correct are also given, but they are zation dermatitis; therefore, the client
not in boldface type. should use sunscreen when outside.
4. Many herbal supplements are hepatotoxic,
but St. John’s wort is not one that causes
A Client Taking Herbs liver damage.

1. 1. Dong quai increases the risk of bleed- 4. 1. Milk thistle simulates the effects of
ing postoperatively, but the nurse would estrogen, which can cause the growth of
not need to assess for abnormal bleeding endometriosis. The nurse should ques-
preoperatively. tion this supplement.
2. The American Society of Anesthesi- 2. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have been
ologists recommends that all herbal found to reduce the inflammation associated
products be stopped at least 2 to 3 with endometriosis. The nurse would not
weeks before surgery to avoid potential question this supplement.
complications of herbal use. The client 3. Soy can increase estrogen levels, which
should have been NPO since midnight; can cause the growth of endometriosis;
therefore, determining when the client therefore, the nurse should question this
last took the herb is the nurse’s first supplement.
intervention. 4. Folic acid deficiency has been linked to
3. The client’s allergies, not the medication the exacerbations of endometriosis. The nurse
client is currently taking, should be docu- would not question this supplement.
mented on the front of the chart. 5. Raspberry leaves have been shown to
4. The nurse should first determine when the decrease the pain of endometriosis. The
client last took the herb before notifying the nurse would not question this supplement.
surgeon. 5. 1. There is no reason to quit taking the medi-
2. 1. Aloe vera juice is used externally for cation because of the odor.
treatment of minor burns, insect bites, 2. There have been no reports of habituation
and sunburn. It is a safe herb to use or addiction with valerian root.
externally and will not hurt the client. 3. The “dirty socks” odor is related to the
2. Aloe taken internally is a powerful laxative, dried plant. Valerian root is known as the
but the client is asking about burns, not “herbal Valium,” and it has no hangover
about using aloe as a laxative. Additionally, effect.
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 4. The pungent odor and drowsiness are
(FDA) does not approve herbal supple- expected with this medication, and there is
ments; however, they are regulated as no reason to discuss this with the HCP.
dietary supplements. 6. 1. This is a guideline for prudent use of
3. This is a true statement about many herbal herbs.
supplements, but topical aloe does not have 2. According to guidelines for prudent use of
any known complications that would pre- herbs, babies and young children should not
vent it from being used for minor burns. be given any types of herbs.
4. This is a false statement. Aloe can be used 3. Herbs exposed to sunlight and heat may
externally for treating minor burns. Many lose potency.
lotions have aloe as an ingredient. 4. This is a guideline for prudent use of
3. 1. Users of St. John’s wort do not need to herbs.
avoid tyramine-rich foods. These types of 5. This is a guideline that both consumers
foods should be avoided in clients tak- and HCPs must be aware of when using
ing monoamine oxidase inhibitors for herbal therapy.
depression. 7. 1. The nurse should not be judgmental when
2. This would be appropriate when applying clients request information about herbal
capsicum or cayenne pepper lotion. therapy.


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2. Garlic is one of the best-studied herbs. It A Client Taking Vitamins/Minerals

has been shown to decrease the aggrega-
tion of platelets, thus producing an anti- 10. 1. Signs and symptoms of vitamin A
coagulant effect that is useful in treating overdose include nausea, vomiting,
atherosclerosis. anorexia, dry skin and lips, headache,
3. Horehound has been used as an herbal and loss of hair. The nurse should
remedy for the treatment of respiratory instruct the client to quit taking
disorders, including asthma, bronchitis, vitamin A immediately.
whooping cough, and tuberculosis, but not 2. Paresthesia is not a sign of vitamin A toxic-
atherosclerosis. ity. It may be a sign of thiamine deficiency,
4. This is a true statement, but aspirin is a along with neuralgia and progressive loss
medical treatment and is not considered an of feeling and reflexes.
herb. 3. Dermatitis, fatigue, and dementia are
8. 1. Lactobacillus acidophilus, not E. purpurea, symptoms of advanced niacin deficiency.
is used to restore or to maintain the nor- 4. Bleeding gums and gingivitis are signs of
mal flora of the intestine during antibiotic vitamin C deficiency.
therapy. 11. 1. This is appropriate information for the
2. Ginger is one of the best-studied herbs and client who is taking vitamin A. Mineral oil
is used for treating nausea caused by motion inhibits the absorption of vitamin A.
sickness, pregnancy morning sickness, and 2. The client should avoid drinking
postoperative procedures. alcohol because it increases folic acid
3. Goldenseal is an herb that when used topi- requirements.
cally is purported to be of value in treating 3. This is appropriate information for the
bacterial and fungal skin infections, and oral client who is taking vitamin A. Vitamin
conditions such as gingivitis and thrush. A may cause miosis, papilledema, and
4. Some substances in Echinacea appear nystagmus.
to have antiviral activity; thus, the herb 4. Milk and milk products are a good source
is sometimes taken to treat or prevent of vitamin D, not folic acid.
the common cold, a use for which it has MEDICATION MEMORY JOGGER: Alcohol
received official approval in Germany. consumption is always discouraged when
MEDICATION MEMORY JOGGER: The nurse taking any prescribed or OTC medication
determines the effectiveness of a medi- because of adverse interactions. The nurse
cation by assessing for the symptoms, or should encourage the client not to drink
lack thereof, for which the medication was alcoholic beverages.
12. 1. Iron turns the stool a harmless black or
9. 1. Clients taking cardiac glycosides should dark green. This statement indicates the
avoid hawthorn because it has the abil- client does not understand the medication
ity to decrease cardiac output. The client teaching.
diagnosed with CHF would be taking car- 2. The iron tablet should be taken between
diac glycosides. meals and with 8 ounces of water to pro-
2. Hawthorn has been purported to lower mote absorption. The iron tablet should
blood pressure after 4 weeks or longer not be taken within 1 hour of ingesting
of therapy; therefore, the nurse would antacid, milk, ice cream, or other milk
not question the client diagnosed with products such as pudding. This statement
hypertension taking this medication. indicates the client does not understand
3. Hawthorn is not recommended for a client the medication teaching.
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Ginkgo 3. Sitting upright will prevent esophageal
biloba is the herb that is recommended for corrosion from reflux. This statement
clients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. indicates the client understands the
4. Hawthorn is not recommended for a client medication teaching.
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Stevia, an 4. The drug treatment for anemia is gener-
herb indigenous to Paraguay, may be helpful ally less than 6 months. This statement
to people diagnosed with diabetes because it indicates the client does not understand
is used as a sweetener. the medication teaching.

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13. 1. Intramuscular iron, not vitamin B12, must 2. Iron is vital for Hgb regeneration. More
be administered Z-track to prevent stain- than 60% of the iron in the body is found
ing of the skin. in Hgb.
2. Cyanocobalamin does not stain the teeth 3. The use of zinc has greatly increased
and therefore does not need to be adminis- in the past few years. It is thought by
tered through a straw. Liquid iron must be some that zinc can alleviate the symp-
administered through a straw. toms of the common cold.
3. This is required when administering insu- 4. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron
lin or digoxin IVP, but it is not required and in the conversion of folic acid.
when administering this medication.
17. 1. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that
4. Because conversion to normal red
is essential for the maintenance of epi-
blood cell (RBC) production—the
thelial tissues, skin, eyes, hair, and bone
purpose of giving cyanocobalamin
(Cyanabin), vitamin B12—increases the
2. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that
need for potassium, hypokalemia is a
has a major role in regulating calcium
possible side effect of this medication,
and phosphorus metabolism, and is
especially during the first 48 hours
needed for calcium absorption from the
medication is administered.
14. 1. Vitamins are usually OTC medications. If 3. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that
the client does not have money for OTC has antioxidant properties that protect
medications, she would not have money cellular components from being oxi-
for a prescription. dized and RBCs from hemolysis.
2. A balanced diet can provide all of the 4. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that
vitamins a client needs daily, but if the aids in the absorption of iron and conver-
client was taking a daily vitamin, the nurse sion of folic acid.
should not discourage her from taking the 5. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that
vitamins. is essential for body growth. It is needed
3. Vitamin supplements are not necessary if for DNA synthesis, and without folic acid
the person is healthy and receives proper there is a disruption in cellular division.
nutrition on a regular basis.
18. 1. Most authorities believe that vitamin C
4. Signs or symptoms of vitamin deficien-
does not cure or prevent the common cold.
cies will not occur if the client has not
Rather, it is believed that vitamin C has a
taken the vitamins in more than a week.
placebo effect. This would not be appro-
Vitamin deficiencies may take months
priate information to share with the client.
to occur, and if the client is eating a
2. Megadoses of vitamin C taken with
well-balanced diet, vitamin deficiencies
aspirin or sulfonamides may cause crys-
will not occur.
talluria, crystal formation in the urine.
15. 1. Vitamin E is a primary antioxidant that 3. Megadoses of vitamins can cause toxicity
prevents the formation of free radicals and might result in a minimal desired
that damage cell membranes and cellu- effect.
lar structure. 4. The use of megavitamin therapy, massive
2. This is the role of vitamin A in the body. doses of vitamins, is questionable at best.
It is essential for general growth and The nurse should not recommend this
development. action.
3. This statement includes medical jargon
that the client probably would not under-
stand. The nurse needs to explain informa- A Client Self-Prescribing Medications
tion in layman’s terms.
4. Vitamin K, not the antioxidant vitamin E, 19. 1. Most adult clients self-medicate for minor
is required by the body to help the blood problems, such as a headache or indiges-
clot. tion, and only seek medical attention if the
symptoms are unrelieved. This is not the
16. 1. Copper is needed for the formation of best response for the nurse to make.
RBCs and connective tissue. 2. Up to 90% of adult-onset asthma is
caused by gastroesophageal reflux

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disease (GERD). The nurse should 3. Docosanol (Abreva), an anti-infective, is a

assess what other symptoms are topical medication for cold sores, not for
occurring. fever.
3. The medication is taken for up to 2 weeks 4. Docusate sodium (Colace) is a stool soft-
per package instructions. Many clients ener, not an antipyretic.
have been prescribed omeprazole (Pri- 5. Ibuprofen (Motrin) or acetaminophen
losec) for many months to years. (Tylenol) may be administered to a
4. The histamine2 blockers, such as cimeti- child for a fever.
dine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), or
23. 1. Tylenol Cold and Sinus contains ingre-
famotidine (Pepcid), may or may not be
dients that cause vasoconstriction. The
more effective than omeprazole (Prilosec).
client diagnosed with hypertension should
It depends on the individual’s response to
not take any medication that increases
the medication. Most clients report better
symptom control with the proton-pump
2. Advil Cold and Sinus contains ingredients
that cause vasoconstriction. The client
20. 1. The ABGs would give information about diagnosed with hypertension should
the immediate situation, not long-term not take any medication that increases
problems. vasoconstriction.
2. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is toxic to the 3. Nyquil contains ingredients that cause
liver, and the liver function tests should vasoconstriction. The client diagnosed
be monitored in the hospital and in the with hypertension should not take any
HCP’s office afterward to determine if medication that increases vasoconstriction.
there is permanent liver damage. 4. Coricidin HBP has been formulated
3. BUN and creatinine tests determine to control symptoms of the cold or
kidney functioning. Tylenol does not affect flu without causing vasoconstriction.
the kidneys. This is the only medication in this list
4. Tylenol does not damage the bone marrow. that will not increase the client’s blood
It is not necessary to monitor the CBC. pressure.
21. 1. NSAIDs interfere with prostaglandin 24. 1. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is an analgesic.
production in the stomach, result- It is not formulated with ingredients that
ing in the client being susceptible to induce sleep. Tylenol PM contains diphen-
ulcer formation. To prevent erosion of hydramine. This medication can be taken
the stomach lining, the client should to aid in sleep.
not take the medication on an empty 2. Ibuprofen (Motrin) is an analgesic and
stomach. antipyretic, not a sleeping medication.
2. NSAIDs will not affect the PTT/PT/INR 3. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is an
results. antihistamine that has the side effect
3. If the NSAIDs are effective, there is of causing drowsiness. This is the main
no reason for the HCP to prescribe a ingredient in OTC sleep aids.
narcotic. 4. Zolpidem (Ambien) is not an OTC
4. The priority is to prevent complications medication.
from the medication. The client is taking 5. Melatonin is a synthetic dietary supple-
the medication because fractures of the ment that can assist with sleep.
bones are painful.
25. 1. Pseudoephedrine can cause insomnia, not
22. 1. The parent should be taught never to drowsiness. It is the ability to rev people
administer aspirin to a child because up that makes it an ingredient in “uppers.”
of the association of acetylsalicylic 2. Oral or topical contraceptive hormone
acid (Aspirin) with Reye’s syndrome. products interact with antibiotics, not
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen pseudoephedrine.
(Motrin) may be administered to a child 3. This is a class C medication. Its use during
for a fever. pregnancy is questionable, but it is not
2. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), an antihis- known to be teratogenic.
tamine, can make the child drowsy and will 4. The federal government enacted a
help nasal congestion, but it will not treat law limiting the purchase of products
a fever. containing pseudoephedrine to adults
(at least 18 years of age) and to no

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more than 9 grams per month, such MEDICATION MEMORY JOGGER: When-
as two 15-dose boxes of Claritin D ever the question asks for a “first”
or six 24-dose boxes of Sudafed. The intervention, even when discussing med-
client should be able to prove her age ications, assessing is usually the correct
when purchasing the products at the answer.
27. 1. This is true, but this is not the most
5. Pseudoephedrine is effective in cases of
important information to provide the
acute congestion. If symptoms per-
sist longer than 7 days, this indicates
2. Nutrition is an important consideration
chronic congestion, and the client
for clients diagnosed with cancer and
should be evaluated by their HCP.
undergoing treatment. Many of the
26. 1. This is an assessment question to antineoplastic medications can cause
determine the extent of the client’s stomatitis, and a combination of huge
problem. This is the first question. amounts of vitamin C and chemother-
2. The nurse should assess the problem apy could result in a serious complica-
before making this statement. tion for the client.
3. This is a true statement, especially for 3. There are many alternative treatments that
clients diagnosed with chronic illness, but should be encouraged for use by clients
it is not the first statement. diagnosed with different diseases. This is
4. Eating yogurt daily will prevent most not one of them.
yeast infections when the client is taking 4. This is true, but it is not the most impor-
prescribed antibiotics, but assessing the tant information for the nurse to teach the
extent of the problem should be the nurse’s client.
first response.

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