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Results from tissue digestion disrupting the hydrophobic interactions that

by intracellular enzymes that are released give many proteins their tertiary structure;
when organelle membranes rupture; ____________16. The most widely used
__________2. Bacterial decomposition or fixative for routine histology;
brought about by microorganisms which ___________17. Considered the fixative of
may already be present in the specimen; choice for many other procedures that
__________3. Act by cross-linking proteins; require paraffin embedding, including
__________4. Are protein-denaturing immunohistochemistry and interphase
agents; Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH);
__________5. Those that permit the ___________18. If there is a necessary
general microscopic study of tissue delay in fixation, the tissue should be
structures without altering the structural immersed in cold;
pattern and normal intercellular relationship ___________19. Best known mixture of
of the tissues in question; fixative;
___________6. Preserve specific parts and ___________20. Another aldehyde which
particular microscopic elements of the cell has been introduced as a mixture with
itself; glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde;
___________7. Used to remove osmic acid; ___________21. Alternatives to mercuric
formalin; chromates; chloride formulations; They are said to give
___________8. Remove excess picric acid improved results with
(Bouin’s Solution) immunohistochemistry;
___________9. Remove excess mercuric ___________22. Simple microanatomical
fixatives; fixative; Recommended for fixation of
___________10. A well-known artifact that central nervous tissues and general post-
may be produced under acid conditions; mortem tissues for histochemical
___________11. It is an artifact that may be examination;
found in surgical specimens particularly in ____________23. Prevents precipitation of
liver biopsies, associated with an intense acid formalin pigments on postmortem
eosinophilic staining at the center of the tissue;
tissue in H&E stained sections; ____________24. Best fixative for tissues
___________12. Due to partial coagulation containing iron pigments and for elastic
of partially fixed protein by ethanol or by fibers.
incomplete wax impregnation during ____________25. A polymerized form of
subsequent histological processing; formaldehyde, usually obtained as a fine
____________13. One of several so-called white powder, which depolymerizes back to
‘HIER’ (heat induced epitope retrieval) formalin when heated;
methods; ____________26. Suitable for use when
____________14. Act by creating covalent preparing samples for light microscopy in
chemical bonds between proteins in tissue. resin embedding, sectioning, and electron
This anchors soluble proteins to the microscopy;
cytoskeleton, and lends additional rigidity to _____________27. Made up of two
the tissue; formaldehyde residues, linked by a three
____________15. Act by reducing the carbon chain;
solubility of protein molecules and (often) by _____________28. Excellent for fixing dry
and wet smears, blood smears and bone tissues;
marrow tissues; For fixing and drying; _______________45. Most common
_____________29. Used for fixing touch metallic fixative, used as a secondary
preparations or for methods that Wright fixative which can cause black precipitates;
stain is involved; _______________46. Remedy for no.45
_____________30. Buffered glutaraldehyde _______________47. Used as an
followed by osmium tetroxide as secondary alternative to formaldehyde-based fixatives
fixation is used for; to overcome poor cytological preservation;
______________31. 2.5% Glutaraldehyde; _______________48. Mercuric deposits
______________32. 4% Glutaraldehyde may be removed by immersing tissues in
_______________33. Used at alcoholic iodine solution prior to staining,
concentrations of 70-100%; Simple fixative; through a process known as;
_______________34. The most rapid a. Autolysis b. Dezenkerization
fixative and may be used for urgent biopsy _______________49. Done by oxidation
specimens; with iodine to form mercuric iodide, which
______________35. Has been used on can be subsequently removed by treatment
frozen sections and smears; It can produce with sodium thiosulfate;
fair results after conventional processing; ________________50. Excellent fixative for
______________36. Preserves nucleic bone marrow, extramedullary
acids but extracts lipids; hematopoiesis and intercalated discs of
_______________37. Combines a cardiac muscle;
denaturing fixative with the additive and ________________51. For pituitary gland,
cross-linking effects of formalin; bone marrow and blood containing organs
_______________38. Used for fixation or such as spleen and liver;
post-fixation of large fatty specimens ________________52. Contain mercuric
(particularly breast); chloride as stock solution. Glacial acetic
_______________39. Faster acting agent acid is added to prevent turbidity; formation
than alcoholic formalin due to the presence of dark precipitates;
of acetic acid that can also produce formalin ________________53. Excellent to use at
pigment; all forms of tissues; for fixing small pieces of
_______________40. Recommended for liver, spleen, connective tissue; nuclei;
fixing mucopolysaccharides and nuclear _________________54. For identifying
proteins; normal and abnormal cell types in bone
_______________41. Produces better marrow (hematopoietic tissue) specimens;
reaction in Feulgen stain than Carnoy's
fluid; ___________55. Recommended mainly for
_______________42. Acts both as a tumor biopsies especially of the skin; it is an
nuclear and histochemical fixative; excellent cytologic fixative;
_______________43. Fix tissues through ___________56. Pale yellow powder that is
an unknown mechanism that increases expensive;
staining brightness and gives excellent ___________57. Traditionally used in
nuclear detail; electron microscopy both as a fixative and a
_______________44. For fixation of heavy metal stain;
hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial ___________58. A good fixative and
excellent stain for lipids in membranous
structures and vesicles; fixation of endocrine tissues. It produces
___________59. The most common less lysis than Bouin’s Solution. It has some
chrome-osmium acetic acid fixative used, decalcifying properties;
recommended for nuclear preparation of ____________73. An alcoholic Bouin’s
such sections; solution that appears to improve upon
___________60. Made up only of chromic ageing; It is highly recommended for the
and osmic acid, recommended for preservation of glycogen and other
cytoplasmic structures; carbohydrates;
___________61. Used in 1-2% aqueous ___________74. Less "messy" than Bouin's
solution, usually as a constituent of a solution; It is an excellent fixative for
compound fixative; glycogen;
___________62. It precipitates all proteins ___________75. A colorless liquid that
and adequately preserves carbohydrates; when undiluted is also called “Glacial”;
___________63. A strong oxidizing agent; ___________76. For the preservation of
hence, a strong reducing agent must be nuclei/nucleoproteins;
added to prevent counteracting effects; ___________77. Used in 4% aqueous
___________64. Used in a 3% aqueous solution; Recommended for acid
solution; do not precipitated cytoplasmic mucopolysaccharides; It fixes connective
and preserves lipids; tissue mucin;
___________65. More rapidly than Orth's __________78. Used as a weak
fluid. For the demonstration of chromatin, decalcifying agent;
mitochondria, mitotic figures, Golgi bodies, __________79. Always used alone and
RBC and colloid-containing tissues; without dilution;
___________66. For study of early __________80. For diagnostic of rabies;
degenerative processes; necrotic tissue; For Brain; For lipases and phosphatases;
ricketssie or other bacteria and preserves __________81. Provides a stable medium
Myelin than buffered formalin; for transport of fresh unfixed tissues, such
___________67. Penetrate tissue well to as renal, skin and oral mucosa biopsies;
react with histones and basic proteins; _____________82. Removal of calcium
___________68. Good fixative for ions from a bone or calcified tissue through
connective tissue, preserves glycogen well, a histological process that makes them
and extracts lipids to give superior results in flexible and easier to cut;
immunostaining of biogenic and polypeptide _____________83. Most common and the
hormones; fastest decalcifying agent;
___________69. Picric acid can cause _____________84. A decalcifying agent
yellow pigment; Remedy for this are; used for urgent biopsies;
____________70. Recommended for _____________85. Slower action and
fixation of embryos, pituitary biopsies, greater distortion of tissue produced on the
gastro-intestinal tract; animal embryos, decalcified section;
endocrine glands; _____________86. Weak acid in decalcifying
____________71. It preserves glycogen agents;
well but usually lyses erythrocytes; _____________87. Very weak decalcifying
____________72. It is recommended for solution suitable only for minute pieces of bone;
gastro-intestinal tract specimens and

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