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According to Thompson and Miller (2014), “No matter what job you are

looking for or already have, having a diverse set of skills is essential.” Most
employers seek employees with various and excellent qualities in order to provide
their company a competitive edge. Usually, their primary requirement is having a
solid educational background or a diploma because it gives them an insight of
what their prospective workers know and are capable of. However, acquiring
social skills is crucial than obtaining good qualifications over time since it enables
workers to be more productive, have a better career, and have a happier

Social skills boost the workers’ productivity. Most of the time, workers who
work alone are in a hurry to finish their jobs because they are running out of time.
They think they are given too much work or too little time to finish them.
However, Wick (2010) stated that employees who have a better relationship with
their colleagues are seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs and
produce higher quality work. Their work will be easier and more convenient for
them when they collaborated or so gave ideas. They will accomplish more tasks
and collaborate a shared goal. Working in teams will improve workers’
effectiveness and competitiveness in their work which goes a long way in raising
their motivation levels.
Social skills allow the workers to have a better career. Every day at work,
employees will interact with a variety of people, including supervisors, co-
workers, and customers. They are able to communicate clearly and effectively
because they have strong communication skills. Thus, workers gain ideas,
information, techniques and perspectives from people with different areas of
expertise. They will adopt numerous learning opportunities to every person they
are talking with and working with. The work they are performing will become
simpler because of the abilities or information they have acquired from others in
areas where they are experts. Building strong relationships with the people they
work with will help them succeed in the workplace and advance their career.
Workers' social skills enable them to make the workplace more enjoyable.
Social contact will build a healthy working relationship over time. It is impossible
that the workers would not interact with one another. There will undoubtedly be
an interaction because the workers will need each other's assistance when the
time comes. This will be their first move toward reconciliation and making each
other feel better. Later on, friendships will emerge, making the task more
pleasurable. Employees must be compassionate in order to create a pleasant
work environment.
In conclusion, having excellent communication skills is more important for
workers than having a strong educational achievement in the long term.
Companies should make it one of their top priorities, and employees should think
about how they can enhance it.

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