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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 285

72. Two months after an adolescent’s thoracic 76. When making rounds on the pediatric
spinal cord injury, he complains of a pounding neurology unit, the nurse manager notes that when
headache. The nurse notes that the client’s arms and giving I.V. medications many of the staff nurses are
face are flushed and he is diaphoretic. What should disconnecting the flush syringe first and then clamp-
the nurse do next? ing the intermittent infusion device. The nurse is
■ 1. Check the patency of the urinary catheter. concerned that the nurses do not understand the
■ 2. Lower the adolescent’s head below his benefits of positive pressure technique and turbu-
knees. lence flow flush in preventing clots. After discussing
■ 3. Place the adolescent flat on his back. the problem with the staff educator which interven-
■ 4. Prepare to administer epinephrine tion would be the most effective way to improve the
subcutaneously. nursing practice?
■ 1. Create a poster presentation on the topic with
a required post test.
Managing Care Quality ■ 2. Send a group email discussing the importance
and Safety of clamping the device first.
■ 3. Ask each nurse if they are aware that their
practice is not current.
73. The nurse is admitting a child who has been ■ 4. Post an evidence-based article on the unit.
diagnosed with bacterial meningitis to the pediatric
unit. The nurse should implement which type of
■ 1. Standard precautions.
■ 2. Contact precautions. Answers, Rationales, and Test
■ 3. Airborne precautions.
■ 4. Droplet precautions.
Taking Strategies
74. The nurse manager on a pediatric floor is The answers and rationales for each question follow
reviewing national sentinel event alerts and prepar- below, along with keys ( ) to the client need
ing recommendations for the unit. Which strategy (CN) and cognitive level (CL) for each question.
would help reduce pediatric medication errors? Use these keys to further develop your test-taking
Select all that apply. skills. For additional information about test-taking
■ 1. Eliminate the pediatric satellite pharmacy. skills and strategies for answering questions, refer to
■ 2. Increase the steps in the medication adminis- pages 10–21, and pages 25–26 in Part 1 of this book.
tration procedure.
■ 3. Utilize only oral syringes to administer oral
■ 4. Limit the size of I.V. fluid bags that can be
The Client with Myelomeningocele
hung on small children.
■ 5. Reduce the available concentrations or dose 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. Common shunt complications are
strengths of high alert medications to the obstruction, infection, and disconnection of the
minimum. tubing. The signs presented by the child indicate
increased intracranial pressure from a shunt malfor-
75. The physician orders carbamazapine mation, which could be caused by an infection, such
extended release (Tegretol-XR) for a client with as peritonitis or meningitis. By listening to bowel
a cerebral palsy who also has a seizure disorder. sounds, the nurse will note if peritonitis might be
The client has a gastrostomy feeding tube, and a possibility. Palpating the fontanel would indicate
carbamazapine is on the hospital’s “no crush” list. increased intracranial pressure if it were bulging and
In order to administer the medication, the nurse taut. Obtaining vital signs would assess for signs of
should: infection, such as elevated temperature or, possibly,
■ 1. Cut the medication into four pieces that can Cushing’s triad (elevated blood pressure, slow pulse,
be placed in the feeding tube. and depressed respirations). A high-pitched cry is
■ 2. Dissolve the medication in 30 mL’s of juice. a sign of increased intracranial pressure. Weighing
■ 3. Ask the pharmacist for an oral suspension. the child at this time would not be a priority, nor
■ 4. Contact the primary care provider to change would it add to identifying the cause of the signs
the order. and symptoms.
CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Synthesize

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286 The Nursing Care of Children

2. 3. Before surgery, the infant is kept flat in the and watched closely. However, the parents can
prone position to decrease tension on the sac. This fondle and stroke the neonate.
allows for optimal positioning of the hips, knees, CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
and feet because orthopedic problems are com- CL: Synthesize
mon. The supine position is unacceptable because
it causes pressure on the defect. Flexing the knees 6. 1. Excessive cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial
when side lying will increase tension on the sac, as cavity, called hydrocephalus, is the most common
will placing the infant in semi-Fowler’s position, anomaly associated with myelomeningocele. Micro-
even though the chest and abdomen are elevated. encephaly, an abnormally small head, is associated
with maternal exposure to rubella or cytomegalovirus.
CN: Physiological adaptation; Anencephaly, a congenital absence of the cranial vault,
CL: Synthesize is a different type of neural tube defect. Overriding of
3. 2, 3, 4. Prevention of urinary tract infections the sutures, possibly a normal finding after a vaginal
includes adequate fluid intake, urine acidification, delivery, is not associated with myelomeningocele.
frequent emptying of the bladder including the CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Apply
use of the Crede’s maneuver if needed. While the
nurse should keep the skin clean and dry, this will 7. 1. Approximately one-third of infants diag-
not prevent urinary tract infections. Keeping urine nosed with myelomeningocele are mentally retarded,
close to the meatus with a tight-fitting diaper would but the degree of retardation is variable and it is
increase the risk for infection. difficult to predict intellectual functioning in neo-
nates. The parents are asking for an answer now and
CN: Reduction of risk potential; should not be told to talk with the physician later.
CL: Create
CN: Physiological adaptation;
4. 2. A Chiari malformation obstructs the flow of CL: Synthesize
cerebral spinal fluid resulting in hydrocephalus. This
is a common problem in infants with myelomenin- 8. 2. The nurse places the neonate with
gocele and will require surgical intervention with a myelomeningocele in an isolette shortly after
shunt. A high-pitched cry is one sign of increased birth to help to maintain the infant’s temperature.
intracranial pressure that may indicate the presence Because of the defect, the neonate cannot be bun-
of a Chiari malformation and requires further evalu- dled in blankets. Therefore, it may be difficult to
ation. Minimal movement of the lower extremities prevent cold stress. The isolette can be maintained
is an expected finding associated with spinal cord at higher than room temperature, helping to main-
damage. Overflow voiding comes from a neurogenic tain the temperature of a neonate who cannot be
bladder, not increased intracranial pressure. It is dressed or bundled. Body temperature readings, not
normal for the fontanel to bulge with crying. arterial oxygen levels, are the best indicator. Typi-
cally, an infant loses 5% to 10% of body weight
CN: Physiological adaptation; before beginning to regain the weight.
CL: Analyze
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
5. 1. The parents should see the neonate as CL: Analyze
soon as possible, because the longer they must wait
to see the neonate, the more anxiety they will feel. 9. 1, 3, 5. Prior to surgery, the neonate with
Because the parents are acutely aware of the deficit, a myelomeningocele should be placed in a prone
the nurse should emphasize the neonate’s normal position. The feet can hang over the edge of the
and positive features during the visit. All parents, mattress to prevent foot deformities. The neonate
but especially those with a child who has a dis- should rest on a soft surface to reduce pressure on
ability or defect, need to hear positive comments the skin; the nurse can use a fleece pad or foam over
and comments that reflect how the infant is normal. the mattress. The meningeal sac should not be cov-
Although the parents need to discuss their fears and ered. The hips should be maintained in abduction
concerns, the priority on the first visit is to empha- using a diaper roll or small pillow.
size the neonate’s normal and positive features. CN: Basic care and comfort;
Reinforcing the doctor’s explanation of the defect CL: Synthesize
may be necessary later. Reinforcing the explanation
at this initial visit emphasizes the defect, not the 10. 2. Because of the potential for hip dislocation,
child. The parents should spend time with or care the neonate’s legs should be slightly abducted, hips
for the neonate after birth because parent-infant maintained in slight to moderate abduction, and feet
contact is necessary for attachment. The parents maintained in a neutral position. The infant’s knees
cannot feed the neonate before the defect is repaired are flexed to help maintain the hips in abduction.
because the repair typically occurs within 24 hours. CN: Reduction of risk potential;
The infant will be prone in an isolette or warmed CL: Synthesize

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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 287

11. 3. In a neonate with open cranial sutures, common. Asking about the skin rash is not a priority
increasing head circumference is the predominant when a child is wheezing. Who brought the child to
and earliest sign of increased intracranial pressure the emergency department is irrelevant at this time.
and the nurse should report this to the surgeon. CN: Reduction of risk potential;
Bulging fontanels also are seen. However, some CL: Analyze
neonates may exhibit bulging fontanels without
head enlargement. Seizures and vomiting are associ-
ated with hydrocephalus, but most often these are The Client with Hydrocephalus
seen in an older child with closed cranial sutures.
Shortly after increasing head circumference and
bulging fontanels occur, other signs and symp-
15. 2. An infant with hydrocephalus is difficult
to feed because of poor sucking, lethargy, and vomit-
toms, such as frontal bossing or enlargement with
ing, which are associated with increased intracranial
depressed eyes and the sunset sign (sclera visible
pressure. Small, frequent feedings given at times
above the iris), may develop. Although irritability
when the infant is relaxed and calm are tolerated
is an early sign, a brief, shrill cry is a later sign of
best. Feeding an infant before any procedure is inap-
increasing intracranial pressure associated with the
propriate because the stress of the procedure may
development of hydrocephalus.
lead to vomiting. Ideally, the infant should be held
CN: Physiological adaptation; in a slightly vertical position when feeding to pre-
CL: Analyze vent backflow of formula into the eustachian tubes
and subsequent development of ear infections. Most
12. 4. The most important aspect of the dis- infants are fed on demand every 3 to 4 hours.
charge plan is to ensure that the parents understand
what the daily care of their infant involves and to CN: Basic care and comfort;
provide teaching related to carrying out this daily CL: Synthesize
care. In addition to the routine care required by the
infant, care also may include physical therapy to
16. 4. For at least the first 24 hours after insertion
of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, the child is posi-
the lower extremities. Providing a list of available
tioned supine with the head of the bed flat to prevent
hospital services may be helpful to the parents, but
too rapid a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
it is not the most important aspect to include in the
Although elevating the head increases cerebrospinal
discharge plan. Usually, home health care is not
fluid drainage and reduces intracranial pressure,
needed because the parents are able to care for their
a rapid reduction in the size of the ventricles can
child. A referral for counseling is initiated whenever
cause subdural hematoma. Positioning on the opera-
the need arises, not just at discharge.
tive or right side is avoided because it places pres-
CN: Reduction of risk potential; sure on the shunt valve, possibly blocking desired
CL: Synthesize drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid. Elevating the
foot of the bed could increase intracranial pressure.
13. 3. Children with a myelomeningocele are With continued increased intracranial pressure, the
prone to urinary tract infections (UTI) and foul
child would be positioned with the head of the bed
smelling urine is one symptom of a UTI. Because
elevated to allow gravity to aid drainage. The child
of the level of defect, the child may be insensitive
should be kept off the nonoperative side (side oppo-
to pressure or heat. Using a heating pad may lead
site the shunt), or the left side, to help prevent rapid
to thermal injury because the child may not be able
decompression leading to a cerebral hematoma.
to sense if the pad is too hot. Keeping the child
away from other children is unnecessary and can CN: Reduction of risk potential;
retard social development. Using pillows as props CL: Synthesize
increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
17. 3. Monitoring the temperature allows the
CN: Safety and infection control; nurse to assess for infection, the most common and
CL: Evaluate most hazardous postoperative complication after
ventroperitoneal shunt placement. Typically, pain
14. 3. Children with myelomeningocele are at after insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt is mild,
high risk for development of latex allergy because of
requiring the use of mild analgesics. Usually narcot-
repeated exposure to latex products during surgery
ics are not administered because they alter the level
and bladder catheterizations. Cross-reactions to
of consciousness, making assessment of cerebral
food items such as bananas, kiwi, milk products,
function difficult. Neither proteinuria nor glycosuria
chestnuts, and avocados also occur. These allergic
is associated with shunt placement. Cerebrospinal
reactions vary in severity ranging from mild (such
fluid leakage commonly occurs with head injury. It is
as sneezing) to severe anaphylaxis. While the child
not usually associated with shunt placement.
could have allergies to medications that caused
the wheezing, the latex and food allergies are more CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize

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288 The Nursing Care of Children

18. 4. In a school-age child, irritability, lethargy, nutritious meals or letting the child play with more
vomiting, difficulty with eating, and decreased level able children have not been supported by research
of consciousness are signs of increased intracranial as beneficial in increasing intelligence. Vasodila-
pressure caused by a blocked shunt. Decreased tor medications act to increase oxygenation to the
urine output with stable fluid intake indicates fluid tissues, including the brain. However, these medica-
loss from a source other than the kidneys. A tense tions do not increase the child’s IQ.
fontanel and increased head circumference would CN: Health promotion and maintenance;
be signs of a blocked shunt in an infant. Elevated CL: Synthesize
temperature and redness around incisions might
suggest an infection. 23. 4. When teaching the parents of a child with
Down syndrome, activities should focus on increas-
CN: Reduction of risk potential; ing the parents’ confidence in their ability to care for
CL: Evaluate the child. The parents must continue to work daily
with their child. Most parents feel affection and a
sense of responsibility for their child regardless of
The Client with Down Syndrome the child’s limitations. Parents usually understand
the child’s disability on the cognitive level but
19. 1, 2, 3. The definition of mental retardation have difficulty accepting it on the emotional level.
includes deficits in intellectual functioning and As the parents’ confidence in their caring abilities
behavior. The child’s IQ will be 70 or less and he increases, their understanding of the child’s disabil-
will have difficult learning. The client cannot adapt ity also increases on all levels.
to situations in a manner consistent with children
CN: Psychosocial adaptation; CL: Create
with higher IQs. The client does not have a normal
intellectual capacity to learn and develop from his 24. 4. When responding to a mother who
experiences. The client may have behavioral prob- becomes angry when someone calls her child
lems but these are not considered a result of mental mentally retarded instead of exceptional, the nurse
retardation. should give the mother a chance to explore her feel-
ings on the subject. Because the mother obviously
CN: Health promotion and maintenance;
has difficulty with the term “retarded,” stressing the
CL: Evaluate
use of this term would cause further angry feelings.
20. 1. Watching the child relate to his teacher Apologizing, trying to use logic, and defending
and school work is the best indication of how he the comment are not effective ways to handle the
is progressing. School involves interacting with a situation because the mother’s feelings need to be
person who is not a relative and in a situation that is addressed.
not totally familiar. Observing the client in situa-
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
tions with family and friends shows social relation-
CL: Synthesize
ships but does not indicate how the child is learning
new intellectual skills.
CN: Health promotion and maintenance; The Client with a Seizure Disorder
CL: Evaluate
21. 1. The goal in working with mentally 25.
retarded children is to train them to be as indepen-
dent as possible, focusing on developmental skills. 1. Note the time.
The child may not be capable of learning something
new every day but needs to repeat what has been 3. Ease the child to the floor.
taught previously. Rather than encouraging more
lenient behavior limits, the parents need to be strict 2. Clear the area of potentially harmful objects
and consistent when setting limits for the child. and pad the head.
Most children with Down syndrome are unable to
achieve age-appropriate social skills due to their 4. Roll the child to the side.
mental retardation. Rather, they are taught socially
appropriate behaviors.
The nurse should very quickly check the time the
CN: Health promotion and maintenance; seizure begins to be able to determine its length. Sei-
CL: Synthesize zure duration will determine the need for immediate
additional interventions. Anyone who is standing
22. 4. Nonthreatening experiences that are or sitting needs to be lowered to the floor to prevent
stimulating and interesting to the child have been
a fall injury. The next step is to prevent potential
observed to help raise IQ. Practices such as serving

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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 289

bodily harm by removing any item in the immediate 30. 4. Most febrile seizures occur in the presence
area that might present a danger and pad the head. of an upper respiratory infection, otitis media, or
Finally, the child should be rolled to the side, if pos- tonsillitis. Febrile seizures typically occur during
sible, to protect the airway. a temperature rise rather than after prolonged fever.
CN: Reduction of risk potential; There appears to be increased susceptibility to
CL: Synthesize febrile seizures within families. Infrequently, febrile
seizures may lead to respiratory arrest.
26. 2. Diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin) can cause
gingival hyperplasia. Children taking Dilantin should CN: Physiological adaptation;
brush their teeth after every meal and at bedtime, CL: Analyze
and visit their dentist on a regular basis. Drinking 31. 2. Shivering, the body’s defense against
plenty of fluids is not required while taking Dilantin. rapid temperature decrease, results in an increase
A child on Dilantin does not need to be observed in body temperature. Therefore the parents need to
during waking hours because the seizures should take measures to stop the shivering (and the result-
be under control. Infections do not occur with an ing increase in body temperature) by increasing the
increased incidence in clients receiving Dilantin. room temperature or the temperature of the child’s
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral immediate environment (such as with blankets)
therapies; CL: Create until the shivering stops. Then, attempts are made to
lower the temperature more slowly. Shivering does
27. 3. During a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, not necessarily correlate with being cold. Alcohol,
the first priority is to keep the child safe and pro- a toxic substance, can be absorbed through the skin.
tect the child by removing any nearby objects that Its use is to be avoided.
could cause injury. Although obtaining information
about events surrounding the seizure is important, CN: Physiological adaptation;
this information can be obtained later, once the CL: Evaluate
child’s safety is ensured. During a seizure, the child 32. 3. Phenytoin sodium (Dilantin) is a known
should not be moved. Although providing privacy teratogenic agent, causing numerous fetal prob-
is important, the child’s safety is the priority. During lems. Therefore the adolescent should be advised
a seizure, nothing should be forced into the client’s to talk to the doctor about changing the medica-
mouth because this can cause severe damage to the tion. Additionally, anticonvulsant requirements
teeth and mouth. usually increase during pregnancy. Seizures can be
CN: Physiological adaptation; controlled but cannot be cured. There is a familial
CL: Evaluate tendency for seizure disorders. Seizure disorders
and infertility are not related.
28. 3. Most children who develop seizures after
infancy are intellectually normal. A child with a CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
seizure disorder needs the same experiences and therapies; CL: Synthesize
opportunities to develop intellectual, emotional, 33. 3. A toxic effect of valproic acid (Depakene)
and social abilities as any other child. Activity limi- is liver toxicity, which may manifest with jaundice
tation is not needed. Learning disabilities are not and abdominal pain. If jaundice occurs, the client
associated with seizures. The child is able to attend needs to notify the health care provider as soon as
public school, and social stigma is a rarity. possible. Diarrhea and sore throat are not common
CN: Health promotion and maintenance; side effects of this drug. Increased appetite is com-
CL: Create mon with this drug.

29. 1. A child who has generalized seizures CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
should not participate in activities that are poten- therapies; CL: Analyze
tially hazardous. Even if accompanied by a respon-
sible adult, the child could be seriously injured
if a seizure were to occur during rock climbing. The Client with Meningitis
Someone also should accompany the child during
activities in the water. At summer camp, hiking and 34. 3. The current recommendation is that the
swimming would occur most commonly as group MCV4 vaccine be given at the earliest opportunity
activities, so someone should be with the child. Ten- after the age of 11. Therefore, it is quite possible
nis would be considered an appropriate, nonhazard- that the client received the vaccine at a previous
ous activity for a child with generalized seizures. visit and did not remember. On a college campus,
students living in dormitories are at highest risk,
CN: Safety and infection control;
but because it is difficult to target that group col-
CL: Synthesize
leges may elect to require proof of vaccination for

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290 The Nursing Care of Children

all incoming students. Other risk factors should 38. 3. Preschool-age children worry about having
also be considered, such as if the student plans to an intact body and become fearful of any threat to
travel abroad. The vaccination is typically given as body integrity. Allowing the child to participate in
a single injection, but sometimes a second dose is required care helps protect her image of an intact
recommended based on risk factors. The MCV4 is body. Development of trust is the task typically asso-
not a live vaccine. It may be given during pregnancy ciated with infancy. Additionally, allowing the child
if the client is at risk. to apply a dressing over the intravenous insertion
CN: Health promotion and maintenance; site is unrelated to the development of trust. Find-
CL: Synthesize ing diversional activities is not a priority need for a
child in this age group. Separation anxiety is more
35. 2. A child in the acute stage of meningitis is common in toddlers than in preschoolers.
irritable and hypersensitive to loud noise and light.
Therefore, extraneous noise should be minimized CN: Health promotion and maintenance;
and bright lights avoided as much as possible. There CL: Apply
is no need to limit conversations with the child. 39. 83 mL/hour
However, the nurse should speak in a calm, gentle,
reassuring voice. The child needs gentle and calm 1,000 mL ÷ 12 hours = 83 mL/hour
bathing. Because of the acuteness of the infection,
sponge baths would be more appropriate than tub
CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
baths. Although treatments need to be completed
therapies; CL: Apply
as quickly as possible to prevent overstressing the
child, they should be performed carefully and at a 40. 3. The child is angry and needs a positive out-
pace that avoids sudden movements to prevent star- let for expression of feelings. An emotionally tense
tling the child and subsequently increasing intracra- child with pent-up hostilities needs a physical activ-
nial pressure. ity that will release energy and frustration. Pounding
on a pegboard offers this opportunity. Listening to a
CN: Basic care and comfort;
story does not allow the child to express emotions.
CL: Synthesize
It also places the child in a passive role and does not
36. 1. Disseminated intravascular coagulation allow the child to deal with feelings in a healthy and
is characterized by skin petechiae and a purpuric positive way. Activities such as painting and stack-
skin rash caused by spontaneous bleeding into the ing a tower of blocks require concentration and fine
tissues. An abnormal coagulation phenomenon movements, which could add to frustration. How-
causes the condition. Heparin therapy is often used ever, if the child then knocks the tower over, doing
to interrupt the clotting process. Edema would sug- so may help to dispel some of the anger.
gest a fluid volume excess. Cyanosis would indicate
CN: Health promotion and maintenance;
decreased tissue oxygenation. Dyspnea on exertion
CL: Synthesize
would suggest respiratory problems, such as pulmo-
nary edema.
CN: Physiological adaptation; The Client with Near-Drowning
CL: Analyze
37. 2. Organisms that cause bacterial meningitis, 41. 2. Hypoxia is the primary problem because it
such as pneumococci or meningococci, are com- results in brain cell damage. Irreversible brain dam-
monly spread in the body by vascular dissemina- age occurs after 4 to 6 minutes of submersion. Hypo-
tion from a middle ear infection. The meningitis thermia occurs rapidly in infants and children because
may also be a direct extension from the paranasal of their large body surface area. Hypothermia is more
and mastoid sinuses. The causative organism is a of a problem when the child is in cold water. Although
pneumococcus. A chronically draining ear is also fluid aspiration occurs in most drownings and results
frequently found. Bladder infections commonly are in atelectasis and pulmonary edema, further aggravat-
caused by Escherichia coli, unrelated to the devel- ing hypoxia, hypoxia is the primary problem. Cutane-
opment of pneumococcal meningitis. Pneumococ- ous capillary paralysis is not a problem.
cal meningitis is unrelated to a fractured clavicle CN: Physiological adaptation;
or to septic arthritis, which is commonly caused by CL: Analyze
Staphylococcus aureus, group A streptococci, or
Haemophilus influenzae. 42. 1. Near-drowning victims typically suf-
fer hypoxia and mixed acidosis. The priority is to
CN: Physiological adaptation; restore oxygenation and prevent further hypoxia.
CL: Analyze Here, the client has blunted sensorium, but is not
unconscious; therefore, delivery of supplemental

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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 291

oxygen with a mask is appropriate. Warming 46. 3. In a child with Guillain-Barré syndrome,
protocols and fluid resuscitation will most likely be decreased volume and clarity of speech and
needed to help correct acidosis, but these interven- decreased ability to cough voluntarily indicate
tions are secondary to oxygen administration. Intu- ascending progression of neural inflammation, spe-
bation is required if the child is comatose, shows cifically affecting the cranial nerves. Inflammation
signs of airway compromise, or does not respond of the larynx and epiglottis is manifested by hoarse-
adequately to more conservative therapies. ness, stridor, and dyspnea. A child with laryngeal
CN: Physiological adaptation; inflammation still retains the ability to cough. Irrita-
CL: Synthesize bility, behavior changes, headache, and vomiting are
common signs of increased intracranial pressure in
43. 2. Guilt is a common parental response. The a school-age child. Regression would be manifested
parents need to be allowed to express their feelings by being more dependent and less able to care for
openly in a nonthreatening, nonjudgmental atmo- self.
sphere. Telling the parents that these things happen
does not allow them to verbalize their feelings. Tell- CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Apply
ing the parents that they should not have taken their 47. 2. Ineffective breathing pattern caused by the
eyes off the child blames them, possibly further ascending paralysis of the disorder interferes with
contributing to their guilt. Telling the parents that the child’s ability to maintain an adequate oxygen
they shouldn’t feel guilty denies the parents’ feel- supply. Therefore, this nursing diagnosis takes
ings of guilt and is inappropriate. Telling the parents precedence. Additionally, as the neurologic impair-
that they are lucky that the child will be okay does ment progresses, it will probably have an effect on
not remove the feelings of guilt. the child’s ability to maintain respirations. Risk for
CN: Psychosocial adaptation; infection related to an altered immune system is not
CL: Synthesize involved with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Although
impaired swallowing and incontinence may occur
with the ascending paralysis of this disorder, oxy-
The Client with Guillain-Barré genation is the priority.
Syndrome (Infectious Polyneuritis) CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
44. 1. Most children with sore throat have some 48. 4. Even in the absence of respiratory prob-
difficulty swallowing, so it is important for the lems or distress, the child must be turned frequently
nurse to determine the extent of difficulty to aid in to help prevent the cardiopulmonary complica-
determining what action is necessary. Typically a tions associated with immobility, such as atelectasis
sore throat precedes the paralysis of this disorder. and pneumonia. Maintaining the child in a supine
Muscle tenderness is an initial symptom. Distal position is unnecessary. Doing so does not pre-
muscle weakness follows proximal muscle weak- vent unnecessary nerve stimulation. In addition,
ness, ultimately progressing to paralysis. Diet his- maintaining a supine position may lead to stasis
tory and difficulty urinating will not contribute to of secretions, placing the child at risk for pneumo-
assessment of the cause of a sore throat or difficulty nia. Transferring the child to a chair will not pre-
swallowing. After determining the extent of diffi- vent postural hypotension. However, doing so will
culty swallowing, the nurse can obtain information increase vascular tone and help prevent respiratory
about exposure to illness. and skin complications. During the acute disease
CN: Health promotion and maintenance; phase, vigorous physiotherapy is contraindicated
CL: Analyze because the child may experience muscle pain and
be hypersensitive to touch. Careful and gentle han-
45. 2. With Guillain-Barré syndrome, progressive dling is essential.
ascending paralysis occurs. Therefore, the nurse
should assess the child’s muscle strength bilaterally CN: Physiological adaptation;
to determine the extent of involvement and progres- CL: Synthesize
sion of the illness. Assessing the child’s ability to 49. 3. Developmentally appropriate activities
follow simple commands evaluates brain function. and therapeutic play should be used as rehabilita-
Range-of-motion exercises are an important part tion modalities. Taking the child to the pool to
of treatment, but they are not a priority initially. exercise with other children indicates that the child
Although the child may need diversional activities is participating in exercise as well as engaging with
later, they also are not an initial priority. other children, thus fostering development. Arguing
CN: Physiological adaptation; with the sister does not address the discharge plan.
CL: Synthesize Inappropriate rewards or threats should not be used

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292 The Nursing Care of Children

to coerce a child into compliance. Although the in vital signs and pupils typically follow changes
mother is attempting to comply with the discharge in LOC. Motor strength is primarily assessed as a
plan, bribery is an inappropriate technique to foster voluntary function. With changes in levels of con-
compliance. Missing therapy sessions delays recov- sciousness there may be motor changes.
ery. The parents need to help set the child’s sched-
CN: Physiological adaptation; CL: Apply
ule to ensure that she gets adequate rest to be able to
follow her treatment plan. 54. 2. The unconscious child is positioned to
prevent aspiration of saliva and minimize intrac-
CN: Physiological adaptation;
ranial pressure. The head of the bed should be
CL: Evaluate
elevated, and the child should be in either the semi-
prone or the side-lying position. Lying prone with
hips and knees slightly elevated increases intrac-
The Client with a Head Injury ranial pressure, as does lying on the back in the
Trendelenburg position. The semi-Fowler’s position
50. 2. For the child with serious head trauma, a with arms at the side is not the best choice.
nasogastric tube is inserted initially to decompress
the stomach and to prevent vomiting and aspiration. CN: Physiological adaptation;
Medications would be administered intravenously CL: Synthesize
in the initial period. The tube will not be used to 55. 3. Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic used to
obtain gastric specimens. Nutrition is not a priority reduce intracranial pressure. The use of the drug is
initially. Later on, the tube may be used to adminis- controversial and should be reserved to cases which
ter feedings. do not respond to other treatments or when brain
CN: Reduction of risk potential; herniation is likely. Children this sick should be
CL: Apply on intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. The best
indicator that the drug has produced the desired
51. 1. Because a basilar skull fracture can involve results is a reduction in the ICP. Improved levels of
the frontal and ethmoid bones, inserting a naso- consciousness should follow reduced ICP. While
gastric tube carries the risk of introducing the tube the drug will cause increased urine output, that
into the cranial cavity through the fracture. An oral measurement in and of itself does not indicate suc-
gastric tube is preferred for a client with a basilar cessful treatment. Because the drug is being used
skull fracture. The tube would not be placed into the for head injuries, not to improve urine output in
duodenum. Gastric aspirate is not routinely tested acute renal failure, the child may not have visible
for blood unless there is an indication to suggest edema.
bleeding, such as a falling hemoglobin or visible
blood in the drainage. CN: Pharmacological and parenteral
therapies; CL: Evaluate
CN: Reduction of risk potential;
CL: Synthesize
52. 3. As a rule, children demonstrate more The Client with a Brain Tumor
rapid and more complete recovery from coma than
do adults. However, it is extremely difficult to 56. 2. A decreasing level of consciousness, decer-
predict a specific outcome. Reassuring the parents ebrate positioning, or Cushing’s triad (elevated sys-
that they will be kept informed helps open lines tolic blood pressure, decreased pulse, and decreased
of communication and establish trust. Telling the respiratory rate) indicates that there is pressure on
parents that children do not do well would be the brain stem and the client could require intuba-
extremely negative, destroying any hope that the tion and cardiac resuscitation unless the physician
parents might have. Telling the parents that chil- can order a medication or surgical procedure to
dren recover rapidly may give the parents false reduce the intracranial pressure. Raising the head
hopes. Telling the parents to talk to the doctor of the bed could offer some reduction in the intrac-
ignores the parents’ concerns and interferes with ranial pressure by increasing venous blood return
trust-building. from the head, but it is not the priority at this time.
An analgesic administered at this time would mask
CN: Physiological adaptation;
the sign of decreasing level of consciousness and
CL: Synthesize
hinder assessment. An oximeter would measure the
53. 2. The level of consciousness (LOC) is the oxygen level in the blood, but not necessarily in the
best indicator of brain function. If the child’s condi- brain.
tion deteriorates, the nurse would notice changes in
CN: Physiological adaptation;
LOC before any other changes and should notify the
CL: Synthesize
physician that these changes are occurring. Changes

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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 293

57. 1. This client is experiencing neurological tumor. It is more often a sign of diabetes insipidus
changes consistent with increasing intracranial following a closed head injury. Increased appetite
pressure (ICP). The nurse should first notify the occurs during a growth spurt and is not necessarily
physician. The physician may intubate the child to a sign of a brain tumor. Increased pulse is a nonspe-
ensure a patent airway. The nurse should not lower cific sign and can occur with many illnesses, cardiac
the head of the bed as this will cause increased ICP. anomalies, fever, or exercise.
The nurse should ensure an adequate fluid balance. CN: Physiological adaptation;
The physician will likely order hypertonic saline to CL: Analyze
draw fluid from the brain.
62. 3. After surgery for an infratentorial tumor,
CN: Management of care; CL: Synthesize the child is usually positioned flat on either side,
58. 3. A child who has symptoms of vomit- with the head and neck in midline and the body
ing, headaches, and problems walking needs to be slightly extended. Pillows against the back, not
evaluated by a health care provider to determine the the head, help maintain position. Such a position
cause. Unexplained headaches and vomiting along helps avoid pressure on the operative site. Placing
with complaints of difficulty walking (e.g., ataxia) the child in a prone or semi-Fowler’s position will
may suggest a brain tumor. Evaluation by an eye cause pressure on the operative site. The Trende-
doctor would be appropriate once a complete medi- lenburg position is usually contraindicated because
cal evaluation has been accomplished. Psychologi- keeping the head below the level of the heart
cal counseling may be indicated for this adolescent, increases intracranial pressure as well as the risk of
but only after medical evaluation to determine that hemorrhage.
she is physically healthy. Meeting with the child’s CN: Physiological adaptation;
teachers would be appropriate after medical evalua- CL: Synthesize
63. 1. Hypercapnia, hypoxia, and acidosis are
CN: Physiological adaptation; potent cerebral vasodilating mechanisms that can
CL: Synthesize cause increased intracranial pressure. Lowering
59. 4. When a brain tumor is suspected, the child the carbon dioxide level and increasing the oxygen
and parents are likely to be very apprehensive and level through hyperventilation is the most effective
anxious. It is unrealistic to expect to eliminate their short-term method of reducing intracranial pressure.
fears; rather, the nurse’s goal is to decrease them. Although ensuring a patent airway is important, this
Preparing both the child and family during hospital- is not accomplished by manual hyperventilation.
ization can help them cope with some of their fears. Manual hyperventilation does not lower the arousal
Although the nurse may be able to decrease some of level; in fact, the arousal level may increase. Manual
the child’s anxiety, it would be impossible to elimi- hyperventilation is used to reduce hypoxia, not pro-
nate it. Children with infratentorial tumors seldom duce it.
have seizures, so seizure precautions are not indi- CN: Reduction of risk potential;
cated. Although introducing the child to other chil- CL: Evaluate
dren is a positive action, this action would be more
appropriate once the nurse has decreased some of 64. 3. Glucose in this clear, colorless fluid indi-
the child’s and parents’ anxiety by preparing them. cates the presence of cerebrospinal fluid. Excessive
fluid leakage should be reported to the physician.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation; The nurse should not change the dressing of a
CL: Synthesize postoperative craniotomy client unless instructed
60. 1. The infant has opisthotonos, an indication to do so by the surgeon. Ordinarily, the head of the
of brain stem herniation; the nurse should notify bed would not be elevated because this would put
the physician immediately and have resuscitation pressure on the sutures. The nurse should notify the
equipment ready. Stroking the back will not relieve physician after testing the fluid for glucose.
the herniation or release the arching. Although the CN: Reduction of risk potential;
infant may also have a seizure, and padded side CL: Synthesize
rails will prevent injury, the first action is to notify
the physician. Placing the child in a prone position 65. 1. It is not uncommon for a child to be
will not relieve the herniation or release the arching. concerned about a change in appearance when
the entire head or only part of the head has been
CN: Management of care; CL: Synthesize shaved. The child should be encouraged to partici-
61. 1, 2, 4. Head tilt, vomiting, and lethargy are pate in decisions about her care when possible. Ask-
classic signs assessed in a child with a brain tumor. ing her if she would like to wear a hat is one way to
Clinical manifestations are the result of location and encourage this participation. Reassuring the child
size of the tumor. Polydipsia is rare with a brain that her hair will grow back does not address the

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294 The Nursing Care of Children

immediate change in appearance, and it ignores the decreased gastrointestinal muscle innervation. The
child’s current feelings. Explaining that this type of nurse evaluates this by auscultating the abdomen.
reaction is normal does not address the child’s feel- Because the client has a thoracic spinal cord injury,
ings. The child needs to be able to express feelings the client may not feel abdominal cramping. Addi-
and be involved in care as much as possible. Buying tionally, auscultation would provide no evidence of
the child a wig as a surprise does not address the cramping. Hyperactive bowel sounds would be evi-
child’s feelings and does not allow her to participate denced with increased peristalsis; peristalsis would
in decision making. Rather, the parents should ask probably be diminished with this injury. Profuse
the child if she would like a wig and then work with diarrhea, resulting from increased peristalsis, would
the child to determine what kind of wig she would not be an expected finding. Diarrhea would be
like. more commonly associated with a gastrointestinal
CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
CL: Synthesize CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Analyze
66. 1. Parents of a child who has undergone neu-
rosurgery can easily become overprotective. Yet the 70. 3. Spinal shock causes a loss of reflex activ-
parents must foster independence in the convalesc- ity below the level of the injury, resulting in blad-
ing child. It is important for the child to resume age- der atony and flaccid paralysis. When the reflex
appropriate activities, and parents play an impor- arc returns, it tends to be overactive, resulting in
tant role in encouraging this. Statements about going spasticity. The reflexes and bladder becomes hyper-
back to school would be expected. Parents want the tonic during this phase of spinal shock resolution;
child to return to normal activities after a serious ill- sensation does not return. A widened pulse pressure
ness or injury as a sign that the child is doing well. is not associated with resolution of spinal shock.
CN: Psychosocial adaptation; CN: Physiological adaptation;
CL: Evaluate CL: Evaluate
71. 1. After a catastrophic injury, individuals
commonly experience grief. Initially, the person
The Client with a Spinal Cord Injury experiences denial, the most common response.
With gradual awareness of the situation, anger com-
67. 2. The adolescent’s signs and symptoms sug- monly occurs. The child is demonstrating anger,
gest a spinal cord injury. A client with suspected not rebellion, as he gradually becomes aware of his
spinal cord injury should not be moved until the situation. Rebellion is the child’s way to maintain
spine has been immobilized. Removing the helmet autonomy and individuality. It is a reaction to rigid
could further aggravate a spinal cord injury. The rules. Examples include refusing to follow a treat-
nurse could assess for abdominal trauma, but only if ment protocol when the child had no input and
it can be done without moving the adolescent. running away. Sensory overload would cause the
CN: Reduction of risk potential; child to be irritable and tired and to have difficulty
CL: Synthesize sleeping. Too much attention usually would lead to
irritability, difficulty sleeping, and mood swings.
68. 1. In spinal cord injury, temperature regu-
lation is lost below T3. Body temperature must CN: Psychosocial adaptation;
be maintained by adjusting room temperature or CL: Analyze
bed linens, such as covering the client’s legs with 72. 1. The adolescent is exhibiting signs of
blankets. Coolness of the extremities is an expected autonomic dysreflexia, a generalized sympathetic
finding. Therefore, it is not necessary to notify the response usually caused by bladder or bowel dis-
physician immediately. Repositioning the client’s tention. Immediate treatment involves eliminating
legs does not alleviate the temperature regulation the cause. Because bladder distention is a common
problem and could be harmful, considering the cli- cause of this problem, the nurse should immediately
ent’s diagnosis. Moving the legs before the spine is determine the patency of the indwelling (Foley)
stabilized could lead to further cord damage. Laying catheter. Lowering the head below the knees would
the client flat will not increase the warmth to the increase the blood pressure and is contraindicated
legs and feet. because of the spinal cord injury. Lying flat will not
CN: Physiological adaptation; decrease blood pressure. Epinephrine is contraindi-
CL: Synthesize cated because it elevates blood pressure and there-
fore can exacerbate the problem.
69. 3. A thoracic spinal cord injury involves
the muscles of the lower extremities, bladder, and CN: Physiological adaptation;
rectum. Paralytic ileus often occurs as a result of CL: Synthesize

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The Child with Neurologic Health Problems 295

Managing Care Quality and Safety increases the safety of medication administration.
Any time steps are added to the medication admin-
73. 4. Bacterial meningitis is caused by one of istration process there is one more place where an
three organisms, Haemophilus influenzae type b, error might occur.
Neisseria meningitidis, or Streptococcus pneu- CN: Safety and infection control;
moniae. All three organisms may be transmitted CL: Synthesize
through contact with respiratory droplets. These
droplets are heavy and typically fall within 3 feet of 75. 4. The coating on an extended release
the client. Droplet precautions require, in addition medication helps assure slow absorption of
to standard precautions, that health care providers the medication. If the nurse crushes the medication,
wear masks when coming into close contact with the medication may enter the client’s system too
the client. Standard precautions, previously referred quickly and result in toxic levels. The only appropri-
to as universal precautions, are general measures ate action is to contact the prescriber and ask that the
used for all clients. Contact precautions are used order be changed. Cutting the medication or trying to
when direct or indirect contact with the client dissolve a whole tablet would have similar results as
causes disease transmission. Gowns and gloves are crushing it. Carbamazapine comes as an oral suspen-
needed but not masks. Airborne precautions differ sion, but it is not extended release. Therefore, an
from droplet in that the particles are smaller and order would be needed to address dosing if switch-
may stay suspended in the air for longer periods of ing to this form.
time. These clients require negative pressure rooms CN: Safety and infection control;
and all heath care workers must wear respirators. CL: Synthesize
CN: Safety and infection control; 76. 1. A poster presentation is an eye-catching
CL: Apply way to disseminate information that can be used to
74. 3, 4, 5. Using only oral syringes to admin- educate nurses on all shifts. The addition of the post
ister oral medications reduces the chance that the test will verify that the poster information has been
medication will be given intravenously. The use received. Because of the large volume of emails the
of smart pumps alone is not enough to prevent I.V. typical employee receives, information sent this way
fluid administration. An additional measure pedi- may be overlooked. If several nurses are observed
atric floors can institute to prevent accidental fluid not using the most current practice, it is quite pos-
overload is to use smaller I.V. fluid bags, such as sible many more do not understand it. Thus, a larger
250 mL. Whenever a medication comes in multiple scale plan is needed. Posting an article will not
concentrations and doses, there is risk of adminis- alone assure that the information is read.
tering the wrong dose. The use of pediatric satel- CN: Reduction of risk potential;
lite pharmacies with pediatric pharmacists greatly CL: Create

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