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DOI: 10.7251/JEPM1902089S Journal of

UDC: UDC 577.152.3:579.66]:620.193.4 Engineering & Processing


The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods

Spasojević M.1 | Prodanović O.2 | Pantić N.2 | Popović N.4 | Balaž A. M.3 | Prodanović R.4

Innovation Center of Faculty of
Chemistry, University of Belgrade,
Studentski trg 12-16, Belgrade, Serbia Strategies based on the enzyme application are increasingly replacing the conven-
Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies, tional chemical procedures because of their efficiency, quicker performance and en-
University of Belgrade, Kneza Višeslava vironmental protection. However, natural enzymes can rarely be used in industry
1, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia since their beneficial features cannot endure the industrial conditions. Additional
drawbacks of natural enzymes are their inhibition by reaction products and dif-
Institute of Chemistry, Technology ficulty to be removed from the reaction mixture. The most promising technique
and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, to substantially improve the enzyme properties, such as activity, pH, thermal and
Njegoševa 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia organic-solvent stability, reusability and storage stability, in non-natural environ-
University of Belgrade-Faculty of ments is by the enzyme immobilization. In this review different techniques used
Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, to immobilize enzymes to inert carriers were summarized. Different materials of
Belgrade, Serbia both the organic and inorganic origin were used as carriers for the enzyme immo-
bilization. A class of new materials where the enzyme performance was enhanced
Correspondence by combining different classical materials and shaping in specific forms was also
Milica Spasojević, Innovation Center of summarized.
Faculty of Chemistry, University of
Belgrade, Studentski trg 12-16, Keywords: enzymes, immobilization, macroporous, carriers, hydrogels.
Belgrade, Serbia

1. INTRODUCTION cal shear etc. The enzyme activity is not sustainable. Af-
Enzymes are biocatalysts that are applied in diverse fields ter a while, the enzymes lose their activity and therefore,
owing to their great features such as activity, selectiv- have to be replaced with the fresh ones. The enzyme re-
ity, specificity and simplicity of production. They allow covery from reaction solutions, separation from the final
for the preparation of a wide range of products under product and replacement is laborious. In order to over-
mild and environmentally friendly conditions (Faber et come these issues and allow for the wide industrial ap-
al. 2011; Kobayashi, Uyama, & Kimura 2001). The en- plication, the enzymes are immobilized on various carri-
zymes reduce the number of reaction steps and required ers. The immobilized enzymes are defined as “Enzymes
quantities of hazardous solvents, and thus, make a process that are attached to specific solid supports and thus con-
not only environmentally-safe but also more inexpensive fined, and which can be used repeatedly and continuously
(Cowan & Fernandez-Lafuente 2011). Therefore, these while maintaining their catalytic activities” (Katchalski-
biomolecules have become of great interest in many prac- Katzir 1993).
tical applications ranging from food to pharmaceutical in- Unlike native enzymes, the immobilized enzymes are
dustry (Wohlgemuth 2010). reusable over successive catalytic cycles (Zhang, Ge, & Liu
However, a wide industrial application of enzymes is 2015). The immobilized enzymes have increased activ-
hampered by their structural instability, high production ity in organic solvents (Miletić, Nastasović, & Loos 2012;
and separation costs. The enzymes lose their beneficial R. M. Prodanović et al. 2006; Prokopijevic et al. 2014).
characteristics when used in combination with organic Moreover, they are more stable under various reaction
solvents. Also, they are not able to withstand some in- conditions such as increased temperatures. The immobi-
dustrial conditions such as high temperatures, mechani- lized enzymes can easily be separated from the product,

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which results in products of higher purity. (Marzadori, to 560–710 µm). They discovered that large carrier par-
Miletti, Gessa, & Ciurli 1998; Mateo, Grazú, et al. 2007). ticles (560–710 and 120 µm) had a non-uniform distri-
Also, they showed remarkable long-term stability and in- bution of enzyme with the most of enzyme on the outer
creased enantioselectivity. The reaction can be easily con- region of particles, whereas lowering in the particle size
trolled by removing the immobilized enzyme from the re- resulted in increasing uniformity of the enzyme distribu-
action mixture. The use of immobilized enzyme allows tion through the resin (B. Chen et al. 2007).
for the development of a multi-enzyme reaction system. Depending on the application, carriers for the en-
The aforementioned benefits of immobilization make an zyme immobilization should have certain mechanical
enzyme-catalyzed process reliable, efficient and econom- properties. When applied in a stirred tank, the carrier
ical. must be resistant to abrasion. The immobilized enzymes
This review considers the properties of immobilized used in columns require carriers resistant to flow.
enzymes, which are determined by the properties of both
the enzyme and the carrier. The existing methods used for 3. IMMOBILIZATION TECHNIQUES
immobilization were summarized, as well as their recent
Several methods were used to immobilize an enzyme on
developments. Materials used as carriers and a new class
a solid surface. They can be divided into four different
of advanced materials used in the enzyme immobilization
groups: 1. Adsorption, 2. Covalent bonding, 3. Entrap-
were reviewed.
ment, 4. Cross-linking.


Immobilization by adsorption is commonly divided into
Immobilized enzymes have specific chemical, biochemi-
3 subcategories: 1. Physical adsorption, 2. Electrostatic
cal, mechanical and kinetic properties. These properties
binding, 3. Hydrophobic adsorption.
are determined by the properties of both the enzyme and
the carrier, as well as by the interaction between the en-
zyme and the carrier. 3.1.1. Physical adsorption
The molecular weight of the enzyme, its functional Physical adsorption is a simple, low-cost and straightfor-
groups and purity are of great importance for the immo- ward technique for enzyme immobilization. An enzyme
bilization process and properties of the enzyme-carrier is bound to a carrier by Van der Waals forces, hydrogen
system. Due to the steric effect, the enzymes with high bonding and hydrophobic interactions. The immobiliza-
molecular weights and large molecules attach to the car- tion procedure is quite simple. A carrier is immersed into
riers to a lesser extent. The functional groups on the en- an enzyme solution and stirred for a certain period of
zyme surface determine the type of interactions between time. The unattached enzyme is removed by rinsing the
the enzyme and the carrier. Impurities, present in the en- carrier with a buffer. This process does not require func-
zyme, can interrupt the enzyme attachment to the carrier tionalization of the carrier surface nor use of destructive
surface. chemicals. Therefore, the activity of enzymes is main-
The properties of the immobilized-enzyme systems tained. Physical adsorption is reversible which allows for
are also determined by the characteristics of the carrier. reuse of the carrier. Inactive enzymes can easily be re-
Its chemical structure provides information about attach- moved by changing temperature, pH or ionic strength
ment of the enzyme to the carrier surface. When highly and replaced with fresh one. However, immobilization
porous materials are used as carriers, pore size and pore by physical adsorption is not suitable for industrial appli-
size distribution are of great importance for the prop- cation since Van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding and
erties of immobilized enzymes. The presence of small hydrophobic interactions are relatively week and can be
pores in the carrier can cause diffusion limitations. As a broken by industrial conditions (a high reactant or prod-
consequence, the structure of the enzyme is rearranged uct concentration, high ionic strength) or changes in pH,
and the enzyme loses its activity. On the other hand, temperature or solvent polarity (Miletić et al. 2012; Mo-
too large pores cause clustering of enzyme molecules and hamad, Marzuki, Buang, Huyop, & Wahab 2015). There-
thus, their inactivity. Size of the enzyme carrier deter- fore, the leakage of enzyme can occur, not all enzyme can
mines the enzyme distribution on the carrier and there- be reused and the product can be contaminated with en-
fore, properties of the immobilized enzyme. B. Chen, zyme which would require purification.
Miller, Miller, Maikner, and Gross (2007) immobilized Physical adsorption was used in the immobiliza-
CALB on methyl methacrylate resins with the same pore tion of lipases. When Yarrowia lipolytica lipase was ad-
diameter and surface area, but different particle size (35 sorbed on octyl-agarose and octadecyl-sepabeads, higher

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The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods Spasojević et al. 91

yields and stability greater than that of native lipase Electrochemical doping refers to immobilization of
were obtained (Cunha et al. 2008). A high activity an enzyme to a conductive polymer. This immobilization
of the lipases immobilized on octadecyl-sepabeads was route requires oxidation/reduction of the polymer where
caused by the hyper-activation of the enzyme due to the polymer carrier becomes charged and thus, the op-
interfacial adsorption to hydrophobic surfaces (Mateo, positely charged enzyme can interact with the conductive
Grazú, et al. 2007; Mateo, Palomo, Fernandez-Lorente, polymer. This system, where galactose was immobilized
Guisan, & Fernandez-Lafuente 2007). Candida rugosa by electrochemical dipping, was used for development of
lipase immobilized by physical adsorption on poly(3- biosensors for galactose monitoring (Shaolin 1994).
hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) had 94% of maxi-
mum activity after 4 h at 50◦C and reusability till 12 cy-
3.1.3. Hydrophobic adsorption
cles (Cabrera-Padilla et al. 2012). Temperature and pH
have a great influence on the activity of physically ad- Hydrophobic adsorption allows for the enzyme immobi-
sorbed lipases. Candida rugosa lipase, immobilized on lization through hydrophobic interactions between the
poly(N-methylolacrylamide) showed the highest activity enzyme and the carrier. The strength of these interac-
at low temperatures and in alkaline environment (pH val- tions depends on the hydrophobicity of both the carrier
ues of 7.5-8.0, whereas 90% of the highest activity re- and the enzyme. Therefore, parameters that influence
tained at pH 8.5) (Santos, Nunes, Moreira, Perez, & de the hydrophobicity (pH, temperature, concentrations of
Castro 2007). The activity of Candida antarctica lipase salt etc.) also determine the interaction strength (Porath
B immobilized on polystyrene nanoparticles was much 1987; Sheldon 2007). β -amylase and amyloglucosidase
higher than that of the crude enzyme (Miletić, Abetz, were successfully immobilized by hydrophobic adsorption
Ebert, & Loos 2010). onto hexyl-agarose carriers (Caldwell, Axén, Bergwall, &
Porath 1976; Caldwell, Axén, & Porath 1976).

3.1.2. Electrostatic binding

3.2. Covalent bonding
Enzymes can be attached onto the oppositely charged sur- Covalent bonding is the most common immobilization
face by electrostatic forces (ionic or polar interactions). technique. In this method, the enzyme is immobilized
Charge of the enzyme surface depends on the compar- onto a carrier through formation of a covalent bond be-
ative difference between the isoelectric point of the en- tween the carrier and the enzyme. Functional groups
zyme and the pH value of the solution (Nguyen & Kim of the enzyme, which participate in bond formation,
2017). There are two electrostatic adsorption immobi- are amino groups, carboxylic groups, phenolic groups,
lization techniques: layer-by-layer deposition and electro- sulfhydryl groups, thiol groups, imidazole groups, indole
chemical doping. groups and hydroxyl groups (Novick & Rozzell 2005).
Layer-by-layer deposition is a simple and highly The immobilization can occur through covalent attach-
biocompatible route to immobilize enzymes. This ment via long spacer arms or multipoint attachment. The
thin-film fabrication technique consists of dipping a first provides a moderate restrict of the enzyme configu-
cationic/anionic charged substrate into an aqueous solu- ration whereas the second, supposedly, higher stability.
tion of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte. After wash- Lysine is a quite common amino acid present in en-
ing, the coated substrate was immersed into a solution zymes, which contains the ε-amino group. This group is
of the cationic/anionic enzyme. This procedure was re- suitable for bonding in the covalent immobilization since
peated until the desired number of layers was obtained. it is relatively reactive, positioned on the enzyme surface
A multilayer system, composed of oppositely charged lay- and it provides good bond stability (Křenková & Foret
ers, is formed due to electrostatic interactions, hydrogen 2004; Miletić et al. 2012). On the other hand, the car-
bonding, coordination bonding, charge transfer, molecu- riers with the epoxy groups are most commonly used in
lar recognition, hydrophobic interactions or a combina- combination with this type of enzymes, since the epoxy
tion of these. This immobilization method requires mild groups can react with the amino groups under mild con-
conditions and it is a low-cost method. The layer thick- ditions and form a stable bond (Miletić et al. 2012).
ness and structure can be easily controlled and modified. Enzyme immobilization by covalent bonding is a two-
This system minimizes the enzyme denaturation. How- step procedure. Prior to enzyme covalent attachment, the
ever, overcharging of surface, substrate or product may surface of the carrier is activated using linker molecules
cause kinetics distortion due to partitioning or diffusion (glutaraldehyde or carbodiimide). These molecules act
phenomena and consequently, may change the pH stabil- as a bridge between the surface and the enzyme. The
ity of the enzyme (Nguyen & Kim 2017). type of the linker is determined by the type of the carrier

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92 Spasojević et al. The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods

(carriers of inorganic materials, biopolymers or synthetic Dyal et al. (2003) immobilized Candida rugosa lipase
polymers) and immobilization protocols (Nguyen & Kim onto γ-Fe2 O3 magnetic nanoparticles. The activity of the
2017). immobilized enzyme was lower than that of the free en-
The advantage of immobilization by covalent bond- zyme. However, the immobilized Candida rugosa lipase
ing is formation of a strong linkage between the carrier showed a long-term stability. The authors observed con-
and the enzyme, which prevents the enzyme leakage. stant activity over one month (Dyal et al. 2003).
Moreover, this method provides increased enzyme stabil-
Miletić et al. (2009) immobilized Candida antarctica
ity and improved stereospecificity. E.g. Pseudomonas flu-
lipase B onto macroporous polymers of glycidyl methacry-
orescens lipase showed a significant 3-fold improvement
late and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate using glutaralde-
in the enantioselectivity when immobilized on glyoxyl-
hyde and cyanuric chloride as linker molecules. They
agarose by multipoint covalent immobilization. The au-
showed that with an increase in the amount of glutaralde-
thors assumed that this was caused by distortion of the en-
hyde or cyanuric chloride, the activity of the immobilized
zyme structure, since the catalytic activity was decreased,
enzyme primary increased, reaching the highest value for
or/and by an increase in the rigidity of the enzyme, since
0.66% and 0.050% w/w, respectively, and subsequently
the enzyme stability was improved (Fernández-Lorente et
decreased. The authors concluded that immobilized Can-
al. 2001).
dida antarctica lipase B had higher activity than free en-
The immobilization by covalent bonding has some zyme powder (Miletić et al. 2009).
disadvantages. This process is quite complex and needs
longer incubation times than the immobilization by ad- Spasojević at al. (2014) immobilized horseradish
sorption. It can require chemical modifications of the en- peroxidase onto alginate. In order to achieve covalent
zyme molecule to obtained functional groups for cova- bonding, the enzyme was modified with ethylenediamine
lent bonding. This enzyme functionalization can cause and the carrier was oxidized with sodium periodate to ob-
its denaturation. Moreover, the amount of enzyme that tain reactive aldehyde groups into polysaccharide back-
can be immobilized onto the carrier is quite low (∼ 0.02 bone. Immobilized enzyme showed high stability in the
grams per gram of carrier). Although the enzyme sta- presence of organic solvents and increased tolerance to
bility is increased by this type of immobilization, the ac- pH changes. The authors showed that immobilized HRP,
tivity is decreased in affinity reaction (Marrazza 2014). in a batch reactor, could be used in 5 consecutive rounds
Lower activity is caused by the restricted mobility of en- for pyrogallol oxidation without significant loss of enzy-
zyme chains that are covalently attached onto the carrier. matic activity (Spasojević et al. 2014)).
The restricted mobility disables conformational changes
required in catalysis. However, the immobilization by co-
valent bonding provides an increased enzyme stability, a
3.3. Entrapment
good recovery and reuse of the enzyme, that can compen-
sate lower activity of the enzyme and make it suitable for
the industrial application. Enzymes can be immobilized by entrapment via inclusion,
Immobilization by covalent bonding was reported by where they are not directly attached to the carrier but en-
several groups in literature. Prodanović et al. (2012) im- trapped in a polymer network. In the immobilization pro-
mobilized horseradish peroxidase (HRP) onto macrop- cess, an enzyme is added to the monomer solution and af-
orous polymers of glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene gly- ter mixing, monomer was polymerized. Since an enzyme
col dimethacrylate. They used two different methods to is entrapped within a polymer network, there is no direct
immobilize the enzyme. In the first method, the polymer contact with the environment. This method allows for the
was aminated and glutaraldehyde was used as a linker optimization of microenvironment for enzyme (i.e. opti-
molecule between the polymer and the enzyme. The au- mal pH, polarity) by the polymer network modification.
thors also immobilized the enzyme by covalent bonding The stability of enzyme can be improved by entrapment
between periodate oxidized enzyme and aminated poly- immobilization. The enzyme leakage is not completely
mer. They discovered that HRP immobilized by the pe- prevented but it is considerably lower when compared to
riodate method performed considerably better than that the adsorption. Drawbacks of entrapment are mass trans-
immobilized by glutaraldehyde. HRP, immobilized by pe- fer limitations, low enzyme loading capacity and possi-
riodate method, showed enhanced specific activity and bility of the carrier corruption. Also, the enzyme leakage
a rather high thermal and organic-solvent stability (5.3- can be substantial when the polymer network has large
fold more stable in 80 % dioxane than HRP immobilized pores. Entrapment immobilization can be done via elec-
by glutaraldehyde and almost 3.5-fold than free enzyme) tropolymerization, photopolymerization, sol-gel process
(Prodanović et al. 2012). and microencapsulation.

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The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods Spasojević et al. 93

3.3.1. Entrapment by electropolymerization activated by the addition of a base to initiate condensation

reactions between silanol groups, generated by hydroly-
In the electrochemical polymerization a polymer network
sis. The obtained siloxane polymer network is growing
is formed at the electrode surface by applying an appropri-
and aging until the gel is formed. The enzyme molecules
ate current and potential. The polymerization starts with
are entrapped within this gel (Gupta & Chaudhury 2007;
monomer oxidation/reduction which results in radical for-
Jerónimo, Araújo, & Montenegro 2007). Entrapment by
mation. These radicals interact with other monomer
the sol-gel process preserves the enzyme activity and in-
molecules, form macroradicals that further react with the
creases biosensor selectivity due to high encapsulation
monomer molecules or each other and form a growing
concentration. Also, it allows for the immobilization in
polymer chain. Enzymes in the electrode vicinity are
stable carriers under mild conditions. Drawbacks of this
firstly captured by the growing polymer. The advantages
method are carrier inhomogeneity and extra costs of or-
of this method are control over the polymer network thick-
ganic precursors (alkoxides).
ness and homogeneity, and high enzyme activity. How-
ever, this method requires an oxygen-free environment, a Vidinha et al. (2006) immobilized cutinase from
proper polymerization solution (to maintain enzyme ac- Fusarium solani pisi into sol-gel carriers prepared with
tivity), and high concentrations of both enzyme (0.2–3.5 a combination of alkyl-alkoxysilane precursors of differ-
mg/ml) and monomer (0.05–0.5 M). Polymer networks ent chain-lengths. The authors showed that the type and
obtained by this method are composed of polyaniline, combination of silica precursors had a great influence on
polypyrrole or polythiophene, pyrroles, thiophenes and the enzyme activity. When only tetrametoxysilane was
polyindole (Nguyen & Kim 2017). used, the enzyme had no activity. However, when tetram-
etoxysilane was combined with a similar monoalkylated
precursor, the enzyme activity increased with increasing
3.3.2. Entrapment by photopolymerization alkyl chain up to a certain point, and then decreased (Vid-
In the immobilization by photopolymerization an enzyme inha et al. 2006).
solution is mixed with liquid photopolymers and exposed Reetz, Zonta, and Simpelkamp (1996) developed
to UV or visible light. Light initiates chain-growth and fur- a method to immobilize lipases by entrapment in sol-
ther light irradiation results in cross linking of photopoly- gel-derived hydrophobic silica. They used several dif-
mer chains and network formation. ferent lipases and examined an influence of the type of
Ichimura at al. (1984) described the method to silane precursor on the activity of sol-gel encapsulated
immobilize different enzymes photochemically with the lipases. The authors discovered that the lipase activity
use of photocrosslinkable poly(vinyl alcohol) bearing stil- in gels composed of a mixture of tetramethoxysilane and
bazolium groups. It was found that the polymer with alkyltrimethoxysilanes was dramatically enhanced with
more than 0.9 mol% of the photofunctional group was increasing the amount and the alkyl chain length of hy-
suitable for the immobilization of enzymes with the drophobic silanes. All sol-gel immobilized lipases showed
molecular weights larger than that of hemoglobin. They substantially higher activities than those of the commer-
concluded that the entrapped enzymes preserved their na- cially available lipase powders (Reetz et al. 1996).
tive properties. Also, the high activity was retained ex-
Erdemir et al. (2012) immobilized Candida rugosa li-
cept for enzymes requiring large molecular weight carri-
pase in sol–gel carriers using alkoxysilane precursors and
ers. The authors found that the simultaneous immobiliza-
calixarene polymer. They discovered that encapsulated li-
tion of plural enzymes was possible (Ichimura 1984).
pases had better stability, enantioselectivity, adaptability
Sirkar et al. (1998) immobilized glucose oxidase
and reusability than the free enzyme (Erdemir & Yilmaz
by its entrapment in a hydrogel formed from vinylfer-
rocene and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate. The enzyme
retained its activity under the high-intensity UV radia-
tion. This system was promising for use as amperometric 3.3.4. Entrapment by microencapsulation
biosensors for glucose (Sirkar & Pishko 1998).
Microencapsulation refers to entrapment of an enzyme in
a semipermeable membrane (hollow fiber, polymeric net-
3.3.3. Entrapment by sol­gel process work or microcapsule). Enzymes can be microencapsu-
In the immobilization by sol-gel process, carriers are lated by coacervation or interfacial polymerization. The
metal-oxides, silica and organosiloxane materials of de- porosity of membrane should allow diffusion of small
fined porosity obtained from silane organic precursors molecules and retain large molecules, such as enzymes,
such as metal alkoxides. Metal alkoxide (tetramethoxysi- within. The immobilization by encapsulation preserves
lane or methyltrime-thoxysilane) is hydrolyzed and then the enzyme integrity and activity. This system allows for

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94 Spasojević et al. The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods

entrapment of more different enzymes inside the mem- In the cross-linked dissolved enzymes systems
brane (Nguyen & Kim 2017). The disadvantage of this (CLEs), surface amino groups of dissolved enzymes are
method is a lack of precise control of the membrane poros- connected using bifunctional chemical cross-linkers. For
ity which would prevent the enzyme leakage. example, Quiocho et al. cross-linked carboxypeptidase-A,
Zhang et al. (2009) encapsulated β -glucuronidase by treatment with glutaraldehyde to give an insoluble net-
in biomimetic alginate/protami-ne/silica capsules. The- work (Quiocho & Richards 1966). This method has plenty
se capsules were developed to improve their mechanical disadvantages, such as low enzyme activity and poor me-
strength and increase recycling stability of encapsulated chanical stability. Therefore, CLEs is not in use anymore.
enzyme. The authors discovered that the pH and ther- Cross-linked enzyme crystals (CLECs) refers to in-
mal stability of the immobilized enzyme was improved as termolecular cross linking of crystalline enzymes by glu-
well as the long-term storage and reusability (Zhang et al. taraldehyde. This system is stable, more resistant to
2009). heat and organic solvents and has higher efficiency when
Betigeri et al. (2002) immobilized Candida rugosa compared to the free enzyme powder (Jegan Roy &
lipase using various polymers (alginate, agarose and chi- Emilia Abraham 2004). Cross-linked enzyme crystals are
tosan) in the form of beads. They determined that agarose suitable for industrial application since they are reusable
beads were not suitable for immobilization due to its dis- and easily recyclable. However, this system requires
integration. The entrapment efficiency in alginate and highly purified crystallisable enzymes and therefore, is ex-
chitosan were the same. However, lower enzyme activ- pensive.
ity and higher leakage was observed with alginate beads Cross-linked enzyme aggregates system (CLEAs) is a
(Betigeri & Neau 2002). less-costly, improved version of CLECs. In this method,
Prodanovic et al. (2015) encapsulated horse radish prior to cross linking, enzyme molecules form aggregates
peroxidase within hydrogel micro-beads formed by per- by adding salts, water miscible organic solvents or non-
oxidase catalyzed cross-linking of tyramine modified al- ionic polymers to an aqueous enzyme solution. This sys-
ginates. The immobilized enzyme showed substantially tem, developed by Cao et al., is applicable to a wide va-
improved temperature and organic-solvent stability, and riety of enzymes and allows for the preparation of ‘combi
higher activity in operating conditions. After repeated CLEAs’ that contain two or more enzymes (Cao, van Lan-
use of 6 times in a batch reactor for pyrogallol oxidation gen, & Sheldon 2003). Immobilization of penicillin acy-
immobilized HRP retained 45% of original activity (Pro- lase, Pseudomonas putida nitrilase, and Trametes versi-
danovic et al. 2015). color, Trametes villosa and Agaricus bisporus laccases by
cross-linked enzyme aggregates was reported in litera-
ture (S. Kumar, Mohan, Kamble, Pawar, & Banerjee 2010;
3.4. Cross-linking Matijošytė, Arends, de Vries, & Sheldon 2010; Pchelint-
sev, Youshko, & Švedas 2009) Cross-linked spray-dried
Enzyme immobilization by cross-linking is a simple, enzymes system (CLSDs) is abandoned since spray-drying
carrier-free method where enzyme molecules are in- reversibly deactivates the enzymes.
terconnected by covalent bonds. Intermolecular cross-
linking of enzyme molecules is performed in a presence
of linker molecules that act as a bridge between two en- 4. CARRIERS
zyme molecules. Due to strong chemical binding be- As mentioned above, the most of immobilization tech-
tween enzyme molecules, the enzyme leakage is minimal. niques require a carrier. A wide variety of materials of
This method allows for microenvironment modifications, both inorganic and organic origin have been used as car-
which can increase the enzyme stability. The drawback riers for enzyme immobilization.
of this method is the application of glutaraldehyde as a
linker molecule. Glutaraldehyde can cause enzyme mod-
ifications and loss of activity as a consequence. However, 4.1. Inorganic carriers
the presence of inert proteins, such as gelatin and bovine The inorganic materials are very stable and inert to the re-
serum albumin during the immobilization, can prevent action conditions such as high pressures and temperatures
the effect of cross-linker (Broun 1976). but they have limited possibilities to create various geo-
There are several different approaches in immobi- metrical shapes and are susceptible to abrasion while stir-
lization by cross-linking, such as cross-linked dissolved ring. The most commonly used inorganic materials in the
enzymes (CLEs), cross-linked enzyme crystals (CLECs), enzyme immobilization are silica and inorganic oxides,
cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) and cross-linked mineral materials, and carbon-based materials. Lately a
spray-dried enzymes (CLSDs). new group of improved inorganic carriers was developed,

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The Enzyme Immobilization: Carriers and Immobilization methods Spasojević et al. 95

such as magnetic particles, ceramics, carbon-nanotubes, is another benefit which makes these materials suitable
graphene and graphene oxide, etc. for immobilization of various classes of enzymes. Immo-
bilization of pancreatin, acid protease and acidic lipases
on natural or modified activated carbon was reported in
4.1.1. Silica and inorganic oxides
literature (A. G. Kumar, Perinbam, Kamatchi, Nagesh, &
Silica and inorganic oxides (titanium, aluminium and zir- Sekaran 2010; Ramani et al. 2012; Silva, Missagia de
conium oxides) are thermally, mechanically and chemi- Marco, Delvivo, Coelho, & Silvestre 2005). Charcoal car-
cally stable materials with good sorption capacity. These rier was used for the immobilization of amyloglucosidase
inorganic materials are very hydrophilic since they have which was applied in the starch hydrolysis in industry
a large number of hydroxyl groups on the surface. This (Rani, Das, & Satyanarayana 2000).
facilitates the enzyme immobilization and allows for sur-
face modification to obtain strong binding of the enzyme
onto the carrier. Silica and inorganic oxides were used for 4.1.4. Magnetic materials
the immobilization of different enzymes (lipase, lignin,
Recently, magnetic materials have gained more attention
horseradish peroxidase, cysteine, urease, α-amylase, etc.)
in the enzyme immobilization since they can easily be
(Dezott, Innocentini-Mei, & Durán 1995; Foresti, Valle,
manipulated by an external magnetic field. This behav-
Bonetto, Ferreira, & Briand 2010; Narwal, Saun, & Gupta
ior is of great interest because it allows for a simple sep-
2014; Reshmi, Sanjay, & Sugunan 2007; Vallés, Furtado,
aration of the immobilized enzyme from the rest of the
Villadóniga, & Cantera 2011; Yang, Si, & Zhang 2008).
biocatalytic system. Moreover, magnetic materials, such
Another material which belongs to this group of inorganic
as iron oxide, have good mechanical stability, large sur-
materials is glass. The use of glass for immobilization
face area and many hydroxyl groups at the surface that
of nitrite reductase and urease was reported in literature
allow for improvement of surface properties by chemi-
(Rosa, Cruz, Vidal, & Oliva 2002; Sahney, Puri, & Anand
cal modifications and further, strong binding of the en-
zyme. Candida antarctica lipase immobilized on modified
magnetic nanoparticles showed a high level of reusability
4.1.2. Minerals when used for production of biodiesel from waste cooking
oil (Mehrasbi, Mohammadi, Peyda, & Mohammadi 2017).
Minerals are very economical immobilization materials
High reusability was also observed when the immobilized
due to their abundance in nature, easy accessibility
glucose oxidase was used for the decolorization of acid
and use without further purification or functionalization.
yellow 12 (Aber, Mahmoudikia, Karimi, & Mahdizadeh
These materials are also biocompatible. Due to the pres-
2016). The immobilization of trypsin on modified Fe3 O4
ence of different functional groups, such as hydroxyl, car-
magnetic nanoparticles for hydrolysis of bovine serum al-
boxyl, amino, thiol or carbonyl groups, surface properties
bumin was also reported in literature (Atacan, Çakıroğlu,
of the mineral materials can easily be tailored to meet
& Özacar 2016).
enzyme requirements. Bentonite, halloysite, kaolinite,
montmorillonite, sepiolite and hydroxyapatite were used
as carriers for immobilization of lipases, α-amylases, glu- 4.1.5. Ceramic materials
coamylase, invertase, alkaline phosphatase, protease, ty-
rosinases and glucose oxidases (An, Zhou, Zhuang, Tong, Ceramic materials, such as alumina, zirconia, titania, sil-
& Yu 2015; R. Prodanović, Simić, & Vujčić 2003; Sanjay & ica, iron oxide and calcium phosphate, have been recently
Sugunan 2008; Sedaghat, Ghiaci, Aghaei, & Soleimanian- used as carriers in the enzyme immobilization. These ma-
Zad 2009a; 2009b; Xing, Li, Tian, & Ye 2000a; Zdarta terials are known to be mechanically stable, very inert to
et al. 2015). E.g. enzymes immobilized on minerals are chemicals, temperature and pressure. The presence of
used in biosensors, and for waste and wastewater treat- the hydroxyl groups on their surface allows for the en-
ment (Zdarta, Meyer, Jesionowski, & Pinelo 2018). zyme adsorption and chemical modifications. Enzymes
such as β -galactosidase, horseradish peroxidase and Can-
dida antarctica lipase were immobilized onto ceramic ma-
4.1.3. Carbon­based materials
terials and used for synthesis of oligosaccharides, the oil
Carbon-based materials are of great interest for the en- removal from wastewater, and hydrolysis of butyl ac-
zyme immobilization because of their well-developed etate in water and butyl laurate synthesis, respectively
porous structure which provides a large number of ac- (Ebrahimi, Placido, Engel, Ashaghi, & Czermak 2010;
tive sites for the enzyme adsorption. Besides high adsorp- Magnan, Catarino, Paolucci-Jeanjean, Preziosi-Belloy, &
tion capacity, the presence of different functional groups Belleville 2004; Wang, Li, Liu, & Wu 2012).

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4.1.6. Carbon nanotubes such as nanogold, graphene, titania and silica nanopar-
ticles, provide high immobilization yields and improved
Carbon nanotubes have been receiving a lot of atten- catalytic activity (Zdarta et al. 2018).
tion lately due to their excellent mechanical, chemical
and thermal resistance, an ordered nanoporous structure,
large surface area, biocompatibility, and the possibility 4.2. Organic carriers
of surface modifications to improve interactions with en-
zymes (Zdarta et al. 2018). These materials are unique Organic carriers, widely used for immobilization of a va-
since they enhance transfer of electrons between the car- riety of enzymes, can be divided into two groups: carri-
rier and enzyme as demonstrated by study of Liu, Wang, ers made of biopolymers and carriers made of synthetic
Zhao, Xu, and Dong (2005). They immobilized glucose polymers. Organic materials used in the form of single
oxidase on the carbon nanotubes/chitosan carriers and particles, nanofibers or membranes have increased per-
used this system as a glucose biosensor (Liu et al. 2005). formance, better efficiency and provide higher stability of
Mohiuddin, Arbain, Islam, Ahmad, and Ahmad (2016) immobilized enzymes.
applied covalently immobilized α-glucosidase on carbon
nanotubes as a biosensor for measuring the antidiabetic
potential of medicinal plants (Mohiuddin et al. 2016).
4.2.1. Biopolymers
Biopolymers are natural materials obtained from sustain-
able resources. They are biocompatible, not-toxic and
4.1.7. Graphene and graphene oxide
biodegradable. Due to their natural origin, they have
Graphene and graphene oxide are biodegradable mate- excellent affinity to enzymes, and preserve the enzyme
rials with high surface area, and good mechanical and structure and properties. The presence of hydroxyl, amine
chemical stability. Besides hydroxyl groups, the car- and carbonyl functional groups allows for surface modifi-
boxylic and epoxy groups are also present in these mate- cations and the enzyme immobilization by covalent bond-
rials, which allows for strong binding of enzymes without ing or adsorption. Unlike inorganic materials, biopolymer
an additional chemical modification of the carrier. These materials can form a variety of geometrical shapes. These
materials can enhance the enzyme activity. Various li- materials gel easily, which allows for the enzyme immobi-
pases and esterases immobilized on amine-functionalized lization by microencapsulation or entrapment. Most com-
graphene oxide showed the enhanced catalytic behav- monly used biopolymers are alginate, chitosan and chitin,
ior (Pavlidis et al. 2012). When horseradish peroxi- collagen, cellulose, starch, pectin, agarose etc.
dase was covalently immobilized on functionalized re- Alginates are natural, unbranched polysaccharides
duced graphene oxide, the reusability and catalytic prop- mainly isolated from brown algae. They gel easily in the
erties of enzyme were improved (Vineh, Saboury, Poost- presence of divalent cations and without involvement of
chi, Rashidi, & Parivar 2018). any toxic compounds. Alginate gels are flexible and pli-
able but their mechanical stability is quite low. Also, algi-
nate gels are quite porous which can cause diffusion of en-
4.1.8. Mesoporous materials and nanoparticles capsulated enzymes out of the gel. Candida rugosa lipase
Inorganic materials in a form of nanoparticles or meso- was immobilized by entrapment in calcium alginate with
porous materials have recently been studied as promis- good entrapment efficiency. However, the reusability was
ing materials for the enzyme immobilization. Mesoporous quite low due to enzyme leaching from the gels (Betigeri
materials are water-insoluble, hydrophilic materials with & Neau 2002). Horse radish peroxidase immobilized by
good thermal and chemical stability, and well-defined microencapsulation in tyramine modified alginates had
structure and porosity that can be tailored during the syn- significantly improved temperature and organic-solvent
thesis. Since enzymes are captured within pores, the en- stability, and enhanced activity in operating conditions
zyme integrity and activity are preserved (Zdarta et al. (Prodanovic et al. 2015).
2018). Xing et al. (2000a) immobilized α-chymotrypsin Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide derived from
and thermolysin on microporous Y and mesoporous dea- chitin, polysaccharide that is found in the cell wall of fungi
luminized DAY zeolites and used them for peptide synthe- and also in the exoskeletons of crustaceans. The enzyme
ses in organic media (Xing, Li, Tian, & Ye 2000b). Can- immobilization in the chitosan carriers is a simple, non-
dida antarctica and Candida rugosa lipases immobilized toxic, versatile method which can be applied to various
on SBA 15 and MCM 41 mesoporous silica, respectively, enzymes. Moreover, this immobilization system provides
were used as catalysts in organic (Cai, Gao, Liu, Zhong, improved thermal stability and good reusability. Betigeri
& Liu 2016; Y. Chen, Xu, & Wu 2015). Nanoparticles, and Neau (2002) immobilized Candida rugosa lipase in

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both alginate and chitosan. Lipase immobilized in chi- Pectin, a water-soluble heteropolysaccharide present
tosan had substantially higher activity than that immobi- in ripe fruits, has also been used as a carrier for the
lized in alginate (Betigeri & Neau 2002). The immobi- enzyme immobilization. Chemically modified Saccha-
lization of nuclease p1 and glucose isomerase on chitosan romyces cerevisiae invertase, immobilized on the pectin-
beads and surface-modified chitosan beads, respectively, coated chitin carrier via polyelectrolyte complex forma-
were reported in literature (Cahyaningrum, Herdyastusi, tion showed excellent thermal, storage and operational
& Maharani 2014; Shi et al. 2011). Invertase, immobi- stability properties (Gomez, Ramírez, Neira-Carrillo, &
lized by covalent bonding on chitosan, had improved both Villalonga 2006). Calcium-alginate pectin entrapped bit-
activity and thermal stability (Hsieh, Liu, & Liao 2000). ter gourd peroxidase was used for the treatment of dis-
Xylanase from Bacillus pumilus strain MK001 was immobi- perse dyes: Disperse Brown 1 and Disperse Red 17. The
lized on chitin by physical adsorption. Catalytic activity, immobilized enzyme had improved stability as a conse-
thermal and pH stability and reusability of immobilized quence of the specific and strong binding between the car-
enzyme were improved when compared to those of the rier and peroxidase, that prevented denaturation of the
free enzyme (Kapoor & Kuhad 2007). enzyme (Satar & Husain 2011).
Collagen is the most abundant protein in all animals Agarose is a linear polysaccharide, generally ex-
and is a component of connective tissue. Immobilization tracted from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. It forms
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the polyethyleneimine gel easily by decreasing temperature of an agarose solu-
grafted collagen fiber and its fermentation performance tion below 35◦ C without addition of any ions. Agarose
was reported in literature (D. Zhu, Li, Liao, & Shi 2018). gels are highly porous, mechanically and chemically in-
When catalase was immobilized on Fe (III) modified colla- ert and resistant to organic solvents. They can form
gen fibers the thermal and storage stability, and reusabil- various shapes, such as beads, capsules and fibers. α-
ity of the enzyme were considerably improved after im- amylase from soybean seeds was immobilized by entrap-
mobilization (S. Chen, Song, Liao, & Shi 2011). ment on agarose and agar carriers and used in removal
of starch stain from clothes. The reusability of agarose
Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth. and agar immobilized enzyme was found to be up to 5 cy-
It is a linear polysaccharide and the main structural com- cles (Prakash & Jaiswal 2011). The immobilization of β -
ponent of cell walls of plants. Cellulose is also synthe- glucosidase on the agarose carrier modified with different
sized by algae, tunicates and some bacteria. Cellulose reactive groups, e.g. polyethylenimine (PEI), glyoxyl (lin-
is robust, dual hydrophilic/hydrophobic, nontoxic, and ear aliphatic aldehydes) and amine-epoxy groups was re-
chemically inert under physiological conditions and there- ported in literature. The best results were obtained when
fore suitable for enzyme immobilization. A wide variety β -glucosidase was immobilized on amino-epoxy agarose:
of enzymes was immobilized by different immobilization 80% of its activity was preserved and the enzyme was ca.
techniques on the cellulose-based carriers (Liu & Chen 200 times more stable than its soluble form (Vieira et al.
2016). Laccase immobilized on the bacterial cellulose 2011). Laccase immobilized onto thiolsulfinate-agarose
particles showed improved stability against heat denatu- was used for colour removal from textile industrial ef-
ration and very successful reusability (Frazão et al. 2014). fluents. The immobilized enzyme showed good thermal
When immobilized on the electrospun cellulose nanofiber and pH stability and high capacity for dye decolouration
membrane, Candida rugosa lipase exhibited significantly (Gioia, Rodríguez-Couto, Menéndez, Manta, & Ovsejevi
higher both thermal stability and durability than free en- 2015).
zyme (Huang et al. 2011).
Starch, composed of two polysaccharides (linear
4.2.2. Synthetic polymers
amylase and branched amylopectin), is another bioma-
terial which has been used as an enzyme carrier. As- Unlike biopolymers, synthetic polymers are chemically
pergillus niger glucoamylase was immobilized by using synthesized materials with a high degree of purity, de-
a combined method (adsorption of the enzyme to gela- fined chemical structure and lot-to-lot uniformity. A
tinized corn starch and subsequent alginate fiber entrap- large number of identical monomer units (small organic
ment) and used to produce glucose from maltodextrin molecules) bonded together form homopolymer, whereas
(Tanriseven, Uludağ, & Doğan 2002). Bitter gourd per- copolymers are composed of two or more different re-
oxidase was immobilized by either entrapment or surface peating units. Synthetic polymers can be tailored by
immobilization. Entrapped peroxidase was considerably a careful choice of monomer units to fulfill certain re-
more stable than the surface immobilized form of enzyme, quirements directed by the application (specific mechan-
whereas surface immobilized peroxidase had better activ- ical properties, hydrophilicity/hydropho-bicity, stability,
ity (Matto & Husain 2009). porosity etc.). Also, these materials can contain different

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functional groups, such as carbonyl, carboxyl, hydroxyl, in academics but also in industry. Oxidoreductases, trans-
epoxy, amine and diol groups, which allow for the surface ferases, hydrolases, lyases, lipases and aldolases were
modification to adjust properties of a material to the re- successfully immobilized on Eupergit® (Boller, Meier, &
quirements of the application. Therefore, synthetic poly- Menzler 2002; Knezevic, Milosavic, Bezbradica, Jakovl-
mers are widely used as immobilization carriers (Miletić jevic, & Prodanovic 2006; Knežević-Jugović et al. 2017;
et al. 2010; Prodanović et al. 2012; Prokopijevic et al. Tibhe et al. 2013).
2014). However, the synthesis of a polymer with the de- The enzyme immobilization on diblock copoly-
sired properties and functional groups is usually a time- mers have gained attention of many researcher groups
consuming and costly process. since properties of these carriers can easily be tailored
Cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase was immobilized on during synthesis. Mechanical properties, hydrophilic-
aminated polyvinylchloride by covalent binding in the ity/hydrophobicity, porosity and the amount of de-
presence of glutaraldehyde and used to catalyze the cy- sired functional groups are determined by the type of
clodextrin formation. The enzyme properties were im- comonomers and the ratio between them. Porosity of
proved when compared to the free form. The immobilized the carrier plays an important role in enzyme immobi-
enzyme retained about 85% of the initial catalytic activity lization since it influences the enzyme activity and sta-
after being used for 14 cycles (Abdel-Naby 1999). Lipase bility (R. M. Prodanović et al. 2006). The porous prop-
immobilization onto glutaraldehyde activated Nylon-6 by erties, such as pore size distribution, specific pore vol-
covalent binding, preserved good enzyme activity at pH ume, specific surface area and average pore diameter
7.5 and temperature 5◦ C and enhanced the activity when are determined by the type and the amount of crosslink-
exposed to organic solvents (Pahujani, Kanwar, Chauhan, ing monomer, and the type and the amount of the in-
& Gupta 2008). α-amylase was immobilized by physical ert component (pore-forming agent) (Horák et al. 2003;
adsorption and covalent binding onto polyanilines. The Jovanovic, Nastasović, Jovanovic, & Jeremic 1996; Jo-
covalently immobilized enzyme had good immobilization vanović, Nastasović, Jovanović, Jeremić, & Savić 1994).
efficiency, enhanced thermal stability, reusability and Macroporous polymers, used for the enzyme immobiliza-
storage stability, whereas the adsorbed one encountered tion, can be obtained in the shape of spherical beads by
the problem of leaching and activity loss (Ashly, Joseph, suspension polymerization or monoliths in an unstirred
& Mohanan 2011). Trametes versicolor laccase was im- mold.
mobilized onto polyvinyl alcohol microspheres activated Prodanović et al. (2012) immobilized horseradish
with aldehyde and used as a biosensor. The immobilized peroxidase (HRP) on macroporous poly(glycidyl metha-
enzymes exhibited good chemical and storage stability crylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) beads ob-
and reusability (Bai et al. 2014). Horseradish peroxidase tained by suspension polymerization (Prodanović et al.
was immobilized, covalently through its lysine residues, 2012). By varying the amount of the inert component
on a N -hydroxysuccinimidyl carbonate-activated poly(2- (10, 15 or 20 wt%) and its type (butanol, dodecanol and
hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) brush (Lane et al. hexadecanol) different diblock copolymers were obtained
2011). Polystyrene nanoparticles, obtained by nanopre- with the mean pore diameters of 44, 53, 120 and 200 nm.
cipitation, were used as immobilization carriers for Can- The highest specific activity was observed when the en-
dida antarctica lipase B. The immobilized enzyme cat- zyme was immobilized on the carriers with the largest
alyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate. It was found pores. The carriers with small pores had larger total sur-
that immobilized enzyme had higher hydrolytic activity in face area but the pore size seemed to be the limiting factor
buffer solution pH 6.8 than crude enzyme powder (Miletić since it restricted mass transfer and enzyme penetration.
et al. 2010). The thermal stability of the immobilized enzyme also de-
Eupergit® is a copolymer of methacrylamide, N , N ′ - pended on the mean pore diameter. The most stable sys-
methylen-bis(acrylamide) and a monomer carrying oxi- tem was obtained when the enzyme was immobilized on
rane groups. In the shape of macroporous beads, it is the methacrylate carriers with 120 nm large pores. The
applied for the enzyme immobilization. The immobiliza- authors attributed the lower thermal stability of HRP im-
tion can be achieved without the presence of any addi- mobilized on the carriers with the largest pores (200 nm)
tional reagents, since eupergit® reacts directly with an to a finite number of binding sites which prevented multi-
enzyme by forming strong covalent linkages like amino, point attachment of the enzyme, crucial for stability (Pro-
hydroxy or mercapto functional groups. Eupergit® is hy- danović et al. 2012).
drophilic, stable over a wide range of pH and has good Miletić et al. (2009) immobilized Candida antarctica
mechanical and chemical properties. It is compatible with lipase B on poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol
a wide range of different enzymes, and therefore, fre- dimethacrylate) with identical chemical structure (60%
quently used for the immobilization of enzymes not only of glycidyl methacrylate) but different average pore sizes

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(from 30 to 560 nm) and different particle sizes (Miletić 2016). Despite higher porosity of monoliths, the enzyme
et al. 2009). The carrier was modified by diamines, glu- immobilized on these carriers had lower activity yields
taraldehyde and cyanuric chloride and the enzyme was than that immobilized on beads. The authors attributed
immobilized by adsorption and covalent bonding. When these findings to difference in the surface of the interface
the enzyme was immobilized on the 630–300 µm beads between the carrier and the enzyme. Monoliths had lower
(average pore diameters: 30 and 90 nm) modified with interfaces than beads (Knežević-Jugović et al. 2016).
diamines, a slight increase in the enzyme hydrolytic activ- Properties of organic carriers are determined not only
ity was obtained. However, modification of the 300–150 by the chemical composition but also the material form.
µm (average pore diameters: 87, 270 and 560 nm), 150– Electrospun nanofibers are long fibers with a uniform di-
100 µm (59 nm) and < 100µm (48 nm) beads, resulted in ameter easily produced by electrospinning. They can be
the decrease of enzyme activity. Changes in porous prop- made of different materials with properties tailored to
erties caused by amination and the type of binding be- meet the enzyme needs. The nanofibers have high surface
tween the carrier and enzyme influenced the enzyme hy- areas and porosity that allows for high enzyme loading,
drolytic activity. The authors discovered that the enzyme reduces both diffusional limitations and barriers to mass
activity was significantly better when the carrier was mod- transfer. They are biocompatible, non-toxic, biodegrad-
ified by glutaraldehyde and cyanuric chloride (Miletić et able, hydrophilic and mechanically stable (Zdarta et al.
al. 2009). 2018). Poly(vinyl alcohol), polystyrene, polyacrylamide,
Soybean hull peroxidase was also immobilized on polyurethanes, poly(ε-caprolactone), chitin, chitosan, al-
poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimetha- ginate and cellulose can be used to produce electro-
crylate) with various surface properties and pore size di- spun nanofibers for the enzyme immobilization (Canbo-
ameters ranging from 44 to 200 nm (Prokopijevic et al. lat, Savas, & Gultekin 2017; Ramakrishna et al. 2006;
2014). Specific activities of the enzyme immobilized on Weiser et al. 2016; Zdarta et al. 2018). Polymeric mem-
carriers with larger pore sizes (120 and 200 nm) were branes are known for their high mechanical stability, good
the highest. The best thermo stability at 85◦C had the porosity, well-defined pore size and structure. Their prop-
enzyme immobilized on the carrier with 120 nm large erties can easily be tailored to fulfill the enzyme require-
pores. However, the authors determined higher organic- ments. The enzyme can be immobilized not only on the
solvent stability of the enzyme attached to copolymers surface of polymeric membranes but also inside the pores.
with smaller pore sizes of 44 and 50 nm. The immobi- The membranes can be produced in different shapes.
lized enzyme had higher activity than the native enzyme When used as an enzyme carrier in catalytic processes,
at both basic and acidic conditions (Prokopijevic et al. no additional separation and purification of reaction mix-
2014). ture is required. The polymeric membranes can be made
Another example is the immobilization of α- of polyamide, polyurethanes, poly(vinylidene fluoride),
glucosidase on macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate- chitosan, cellulose etc. (Donato, Algieri, Rizzi, & Giorno
co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) with pore sizes rang- 2014; Konovalova et al. 2016; Sen et al. 2011; Vitola et
ing from 44 nm to 270 nm (R. M. Prodanović et al. al. 2016).
2006). The immobilized enzyme showed similar spe- Hybrid and composite materials have gained atten-
cific activities and immobilization yields, except for the tion of many research groups since they allow for obtain-
enzyme immobilized on the copolymer with the largest ing the desired properties of a carrier by choosing and
pores (270 nm). This sample had higher both specific ac- combining individual components. These carriers are de-
tivity and yield. The organic-solvent stability depended signed to meet the enzyme requirements. The hybrid and
on the type of the used solvent and the type of the car- composite materials have improved properties when com-
rier. a-glucosidase, immobilized on the macroporous car- pared to their precursors. They have higher mechani-
rier with the 48 nm large pores had the highest stabil- cal, thermal and chemical stability than their composite
ity in methanol, whereas the enzyme immobilized on the units (Zdarta et al. 2018). These materials provide an
methacrylate carrier with the largest pores (270 nm) was, appropriate microenvironment for immobilized enzymes
among all samples, the most stable in DMSO (R. M. Pro- and therefore, high catalytic activities. Enzymes immobi-
danović et al. 2006). lized on the hybrid and composite nanomaterials can have
Knezevic-Jugovic et al. (2016) investigated the in- higher reusability and storage stability. Combination of
fluence of the shape of the carrier on enzyme proper- different materials allows for immobilization of enzymes
ties. For that purpose, penicillin G acylas was immobilized belonging to all catalytic classes. The hybrid materials can
on macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene be composed of:
glycol dimethacrylate) in the shape of microbeads, and 1. organic-organic precursors, where the enhan-
rod-like and plates-like monoliths (Knežević-Jugović et al. ced properties of a carrier are achieved by combining

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two organic compounds: two synthetic polymers (e.g. The application of immobilized enzymes is still at
polyethyleneimine with epoxy-activated acrylate copoly- low commercial level due to their high costs and storage
mer, poly(acrylic acid) and polyvinyl alcohol) (Rajdeo, problems. New immobilization routes and carriers should
Harini, Lavanya, & Fadnavis 2016; Sui, Wang, Wei, & be designed to overcome these issues and allow for large
Wang 2016), two biopolymers (e.g. chitosan and algi- scale production.
nate, cellulose and dextran, alginate-pectin) (Celia Mon-
teiro de Paula, Pessoa Andrade Feitosa, Paula, & Haroldo
2015; Satar & Husain 2011; Zdarta et al. 2018) or syn- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
thetic and biopolymer (e.g. poly(acrylic acid) and cellu- This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and
lose, polyanilin and chitosan) (Riccardi, Kasi, & Kumar Science of the Republic of Serbia, Project. No. III41007,
2017; Yavuz, Uygun, & Bhethanabotla 2010); ON172049 and ON 173017.
2. organic-inorganic precursors, where the proper-
ties of organic materials (e.g. polyacrylonitrile, polyethy-
leneimine, polyvinyl alcohol, chitosan, lignin, alginate, REFERENCES
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