Annotated-Abstract 20 - 20leaf 20thermometer 20activity 20 28own 20copy 29 20 281 29

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Makayla Harman, Shreeya Wadodkar

Shreeya’s data
5 smooth leaves
5 toothed leaves
Leaf AAT- 66.5186 F
NOAA AAT- 59.8

Makayla’s data
6 smooth leaves
4 toothed leaves
Leaf AAT - 66.5186 F
NOAA AAT - 58.3F


This lab is designed to see the relationship between leaf AAT and NOAA ATT, and to see if
leaves in North Carolina can accurately tell us what the average temperature is in North Carolina.

Our hypothesis is that the leaves can tell us within reasonable accuracy what the average
temperature is in NC.

Materials and methods:

The lab was conducted by collecting leaves from our surrounding areas and sorted those leaves
into toothed and smooth edged leaves. Next, we used an equation to determine the average
temperature of North Carolina based on the results of our leaf sorting, and we checked the
NOAA website to see what the instrumental record average temperature of NC is.

Below is a graph comparing the Leaf ATT gathered and the NOAA ATT’s. (show graph and
This chart shows that as the leaf ATT goes uo, NOAA temperature goes up, meaning that the leaf
temperature can predict the temperature to an extent. The data points are not very far from the
regression line, which means that the NOAA temperature is not far from the leaf temperature.
The R^2 value can range from 0-1, and it is pretty small, meaning the leaf data is similar to the
NOAA data. Some Possible issues with the data could be that all of NC is in the same biome of a
temperate forest, meaning we have similar trees through the state.

After looking at the chart, our hypothesis that the leaves can tell us within reasonable accuracy
what the average temperature is in NC, is true. The R^2 value for the regression model is on the
low side, meaning that the values for the leaf AAT are similar to the NOAA values.

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