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Kyle Lewis

Professor Bryce J. Renninger

COM 3062 Unit #3 Assignment
22 Mar, 2021

Part 1:

1. The writers and stars of the Amos ‘N’ Andy radio show did not return for the television

adaptation because the decision was made to employ actual black actors and actresses for the

show, and the dialogue was also refined by new writers.

2. The “War of the Worlds” broadcast was irresponsible because they could have

broadcasted news without fearmongering and being so dramatic. Their diction and phrasing blew

events that they covered out of proportion.

3. The protest against Amos ‘N’ Andy should have negatively affected the FCC’s

consideration of the NBC’s broadcast license applications because of the concern of the content

regarding the messages it can convey.

4. In summary of Neil Postman’s argument regarding how well TV news is able to inform

viewers, it is because not only the one giving the news gives the impression that the person is

credible, but that person also seems likeable.

5. It is because television and specifically the news, is how people take in information and

learn about what goes on in the world to them, and they accept that information.

6. What people meant when they asked the FCC to focus on localism in the media is for

media and broadcast companies serve them.

7. It might be important because it is important to be aware of the network you represent.

8. The law made it possible for Sinclair to own so many stations because of the desire and

demand for better and higher quality of the media. Specifically for Sinclair, it can grow and

9. There should be limits on how many radio stations or broadcast television stations a

single company can own because those limits would allow multiple companies to broadcast.

10. My favorite television show ever is Skyland. It is because of the style of presentation and

the concepts of the material of the show.

Part 2:

1. Original series that USA airs mostly consist of scripted dramas, some of which possess

elements of comedy. The network also airs a variety of movies from the selection of other

companies. The network is also the home of televised wrestling. With the shift to darker themes

and more serious content that was done a few years ago, USA targets the early adulthood age


2. The kind of product or specific brand to suggest would be Amazon as its services are

useful for people entering adulthood like commerce for purchasing stuff, and consumption of

content on via streaming.

3. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit exemplifies the network’s style very well because the

narrative material of the show is serious but has the relatability that the early adulthood age

demographic could be attached to.

4. Based on how natural the diversity of the cast of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

appears to be, which the network execs and creators should ask about, the diversity of the cast

does appear to be natural because there are at least a few of the cast that are black and some of

the cast members are also female, all of which fit in the show and actually look like they are

apart of law enforcement.

5. For finding the lookalike audience and doing the test viewing for the new show, the

group of people to get would be people in early adulthood, not too young but also not too old.
The social identity and backgrounds would be mixed to better gauge the resonance of the new

show with the lookalike audience. The test would be done at a screening room with social

distancing measures and COVID protocols being taken into consideration.

6. Online test screenings would be strongly ill-advised as the material of the show has the

potential to be leaked, spoiling the plot for interested viewers. In-person screening is much

preferable as not only would leaks be less likely to happen, but the viewing experience would be

enhanced by the environment. It would also be easier to assess how the test audience (or

lookalike audience) receives the show being tested.

7. The best reason to return to doing in-person test screenings is the process of doing test

screenings. It would be much more convenient to get an idea for how an upcoming show would

be received.

8. There is not really anything that the network has to do other than to continue to air the

kind of programming that they do now. However, they could put more shows together with

diverse casts and tackle various subject matters, but that is all. It is because the network already

does provide content that appeals to a variety of different demographics, and they air certain

programming during certain times of the year as promotion for certain holidays and specific


9. Television networks are broadcasts of content that may only be provided for some

duration of time and function differently from cable networks in the sense that the broadcasts are

local, delivered from stations. Cable networks provide all of its content that television networks

do not provide and can be broadcasted via multiple methods.

10. USA would be under fire from the FCC and many general viewers if they were to do a

broadcast of “War of the Worlds”, or a scary broadcast that would appear real. It is because of

the potential to fearmonger and exacerbate real world issues.

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