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Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD.

All Rights Reserved 1

Getting your woman to give
you head is easy when you
know how.

Once you've read this report -

you'll know how ;)

Better In Bed Special Report:

Get Her To
Give You Head
One Simple Technique Makes Her LOVE To Blow You…
Over and Over Again

By Adam Armstrong

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 2

Wri$en  for  every  man  who  wants  to  become  a  be$er  lover

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 3

Copyright Notice

For Those Thinking of Misusing This Book

This book is copyright 2014 with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or
create derivative works from this book in whole or in part or to contribute to the
copying, distribution, or creating of derivative works of this book.

If you attempt to copy, steal, or distribute all or any part of my book without
permission, I will have my solicitor contact you and make you wish you’d never

By purchasing this book, you agree to the following: You understand that the
information contained in this book is an opinion, and it should be used for personal
entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behavior, and none
of this book is to be considered legal or personal advice.

You must abide by these rules. I have employees who spend a lot of time searching
the Internet for people who violate my copyrights.

Now that we’re finished with this notice, let’s talk about “Get Her To Give You Head”…

Adam Armstrong is a sex coach.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 4


The information in this book is provided for personal entertainment purposes

only. You remain 100% responsible for your actions at all times.

Please use this information wisely, with caution and always with total respect
for women.

Cautionary Note

Some of the information in this book is hard-core. It’s explicit. It’s of an

extremely adult nature (and is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age).

It may challenge your sexual beliefs about women and what you thought was
the truth. But if you desire to master the area of your life that I like to refer to as
‘Women, Sex and Relationships,’ this is required reading…

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 5

About the Author

He specialises in teaching men how to become better lovers. The reason why he is
able to do this so effectively is because he has spent years figuring out why most
men are clueless when it comes to women and why so many women are dissatisfied
in bed with their men.

It wasn’t easy to work all of this stuff out, largely because the mainstream sex advice
to be found in magazines (both those aimed at men and women), on television and
on the internet proved to be mostly inadequate. And the stuff in so called “scientific
literature” was often no better.

It seemed that most so called “sex experts” skirted around the real issues for fear of
offending people, or simply because they did not really know what women wanted,
needed and craved in the bedroom and much less how to teach men the skills
required to become dynamite with women.

Luckily for you, Adam has this stuff figured out.

He is not afraid to speak his mind and at times uses some, how shall we say; colourful
language! He might challenge your beliefs and seriously make you question much of
what you previously thought was true about female sexuality.

But if you go with it and read, listen and watch Adam’s programs with an open mind
- you will become a better lover than you ever dreamed possible.

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 6

Get Her To
Give You
One  Simple  Technique  Makes  Her  LOVE  
To  Blow  You…  Over  and  Over  Again

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 7

One Simple Technique Makes Her
LOVE To Blow You… Over and Over Again

Get Her To Give

You Head
There’s no doubt about it…

As a man, getting a killer blow job is one of life’s simple pleasures. Watching your
woman greedily drop to her knees and then feeling her using her pretty little mouth
to give you incredible pleasure…

Does it get any better than that?

By the time you’ve
finished reading this I’m not sure it does.
powerful report, All that said, I can tell you that MOST men are not getting the amount of
you’ll know exactly blow jobs they would like. And that’s especially true of the guys who are in
how to be the right relationships…

kind of guy and Even though they have a girlfriend, fiancée or wife –
you’ll be able to they still aren’t getting head!

make your woman – And if you’ve been in a relationship where your woman gives you head less
or the next woman frequently than you find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, you might be
forgiven for thinking that women DO NOT LIKE giving head.
you meet –
absolutely LOVE to In fact, lame jokes like the one that follows might make you think that
give you head. women HATE giving head…

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 8

Question: “Why do women smile when they’re walking down the aisle to
get married?”

Answer: “Because they know they’ve given their last blow job”

However, I’m here to tell you that the truth is that women LOVE giving head –
but only to the right kind of guy.

By the time you’ve finished reading this powerful report, you’ll know exactly how to
be the right kind of guy and you’ll be able to make your woman – or the next woman
you meet – absolutely LOVE to give you head.

And all it takes is one simple technique.

Happy days ;)

But first, a story…

She ‘Sucked Him Off’

Like Her Life Depended On It…
I have friend – we’ll call him ‘Jack’ to protect his identity – who is rather good at
SATISFYING women in the bedroom. (I should know because I’ve taught him much
of what he knows).

Several years ago Jack met this girl called Anna and they started fucking. They were
never an item – but she’d meet up with him pretty much whenever HE wanted.

He never spent a penny on her – aside from buying her a pizza and a coke the first
time they met.

And he never really showed any interest in her other wanting to have sex with her.
Every time he saw her – he’d make things sexual within about 5 minutes of meeting
and after the sex was done… he’d be on his merry way.

Needless to say…

She wanted more…

But he never gave her more.

So why did Anna keep seeing Jack?

Because he was good in bed, that’s why.

Damn good.

Simply put… she became ADDICTED to him and the sexual pleasure he could give

And even though he treated her pretty harshly and never even came close to
fulfilling her emotional needs outside of the bedroom – she couldn’t say “NO”.
Whenever he wanted her – she obliged.

Anyway, a few months went by and Jack hadn’t seen this girl because he was busy.
Busy with other girls.

But one day he developed the urge to see her again and started texting her – with
the sole aim of setting up a ‘rendezvous.’

At first she declined, her reason being that she now had a boyfriend.

But this didn’t stop Jack and he eventually persuaded her to meet ‘as friends.’ (Poor
girl – you can see where this is going, right?)

Next thing you know, Jack’s at her house and they’re chatting. Before you know it –
he has her pushed up against the wall… he’s kissing her neck… he’s talking dirty… he’s
whispering very bad things in her ear…

She’s getting wet…

She’s starting to give in…

And the next thing you know…

He’s unbuttoning his flies and getting his cock out…

He’s simultaneously guiding her to her knees.

Now get ready for the next part of this story because it’s priceless…

Jack told me that as he was guiding her to her knees, she was actually saying:

“I have a boyfriend”

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 10

He said she repeated this several times, but her mouth was saying one thing and her
physical actions were saying another. Her physical actions were saying “game on”
and she was making no effort whatsoever to stop his advances.

Needless to say…

She ended up on her knees, sucking Jack off like her life depended on it… with more
enthusiasm than ever before.

Now I’m not asking you to judge Jack.

That’s not the point of the story.

The point of the story is to prove to you that women LOVE to give blow jobs to THE

Right now, you’re probably wondering what the technique is that makes her love to
give you head.

I’m about to share it with you…

So turn off any other distractions and give me your total, undivided attention for the
next few minutes because what you are about to learn is going to get you more
sloppy wet blow jobs in a week than most porn stars gets in a month. No joke…

The Technique That Makes Her
LOVE To Give You Head
This technique has 3 parts:

Part 1: Sexually satisfy her

Part 2: Be vocal when she gives you head

Part 3: Compliment, then direct

I’ll talk you through each of those 3 parts now and then you can go ahead and put
them into practice with your woman…

1. Sexually Satisfy Her

You may be wondering what SEXUALLY SATISFYING your woman has got to do
with getting her to give you head.

The answer is: EVERYTHING.

Allow me to explain…

Most mainstream sex advice will tell you that if you want your woman to give you
more blow jobs – you should talk to her about it. You should DISCUSS it.

Well, let me tell you…

‘Talking about it’ never works.

Why doesn’t ‘talking about it’ work?

Because talking about it is LOGICAL and for women sex is not a logical event. It’s a
mental/emotional event.

Therefore – if you want your woman to ‘suck you off’ with enthusiasm WHENEVER
you feel like it… you have to appeal to her emotional side.

How do you appeal to her emotional side?

Not with logical conversation that’s for sure.

You can’t do household chores in exchange for blow jobs.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 12

You can’t buy her gifts in exchange for blow jobs.

You can’t beg and whine and moan and expect a blow job in return.

Those techniques may work once – but she won’t enjoy giving you the blow job and
it’ll never work in the long run. She’ll also lose respect for you in the process.

The only way to get your woman to greedily, willingly and enthusiastically ‘suck
you off’ whenever you like is to give her incredible sexual pleasure.

The reason why this works is because women are creatures of sexual reciprocation,
meaning that they are wired to give incredible pleasure to men who give them
incredible pleasure first. (HINT: now you know why Jack found it so easy to get head
from Anna, even though he didn’t treat her very well).

When you truly sexually satisfy your woman, it’s almost like a switch flips in her brain
that turns on her desire to PLEASE YOU. From that point forwards – she’ll want to
give you head.

The important thing right now is that you understand what it really means to
sexually satisfy your woman…

Know that a single clitoral orgasm will not get the job done.

Sure – that is what most women get during sex, but only because most men are
clueless in the bedroom.

What it really takes to satisfy your woman in the bedroom are


You can make those happen for your woman by stimulating her G-Spot or
Give her multiple vaginal orgasms every time – which is very easy to do
once you know the techniques – and she’ll give you as much head as you
could ever want.


I explain the exact techniques you need to know to make those vaginal
orgasms happen in my program Ultimate Orgasm Techniques. Look out
for this in my next email...

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 13

And “YES” – EVERY woman can have vaginal orgasms. So no excuses.

2. Be vocal when she gives you head

OK, so you’re satisfying her in bed. You’re giving her multiple vaginal orgasms every

That’s great.

At this point – her desire to please you by giving you blow jobs will definitely have
‘come to life.’

But you still need to execute parts 2 and 3 of the technique in order to make sure
that her desire to give you head doesn’t fade away.

Part 2 is to be VOCAL when she gives you head.

Here’s why this is important…

I’ve spoken to enough women (hundreds) to know that women hate giving head to
a guy who just stands or lays there in SILENCE.

The silence makes women feel a few very negative things:

• Like she’s not satisfying him

• Like he’s not enjoying it

• Like she’s doing something wrong

Hardly how you’d like to feel when you give your woman oral sex, right?
Well, she doesn’t want to feel those things either.

When she gives you head, she wants to feel some of the things you want to feel
when you ‘eat her out.’

She wants to feel like she’s pleasing you…


She wants to know that you’re truly enjoying yourself…

Many men are very shy and timid in the bedroom and this causes them to be silent
or very quiet when receiving a blow job.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 14

If you want your woman to LOVE giving you head forever – don’t be shy and timid.
Make some noise as she ‘sucks you off.’ It’s natural to do so…

Moan and groan and simultaneously stroke her hair… she’ll love it… she’ll feel like
you’re enjoying yourself… and she’ll want to carry on.


3. Compliment Then Direct

You’re SATISFYING her in the bedroom – giving her multiple vaginal orgasms every

You’re being VOCAL when she gives you head – letting her know that you’re
enjoying yourself.

Is that it?

Are you now guaranteed to get as many enthusiastic, lovingly administered blow
jobs from your woman as you could ever possibly want?

Not quite.

There is a third part to the technique that gets her to LOVE to give you head.

The third part is called ‘compliment, then direct’ and it works like this…

• While your woman is giving you head, pay her a compliment


• Direct her

This simple looking technique is EXTREMELY POWERFUL. Here’s why…

Paying her a verbal compliment builds on what you did in part 2 of this technique –
being vocal.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 15

Actually paying her a compliment is even more powerful than simply ‘being vocal.’
Compliments make her feel REALLY GOOD, and women tend to keep doing things
that make them feel REALLY good ;)

Keep your compliments very simple and direct. Say things like:

“Baby that feels so good”

“I love it when you suck my cock”


“You make me so hard”

As you say these things you will likely notice a definite increase in how turned on
your woman is. Her pussy will get wetter… she might start breathing quicker… her
actions will become more enthusiastic.

Such is the power of dirty talk and compliments.

Remember to deliver your compliments in a strong, deep, manly, authoritative and

commanding voice.

Once you have paid her a compliment, direct her. Literally TELL HER WHAT TO DO.
Women are sexually submissive and therefore – they love being told what to do in
the bedroom by a strong, sexually dominant man.

If she is giving you the perfect blow job, simply say:

“Keep going baby”

If you’d like her to go a bit harder, say:

“Suck me harder baby”

If you’d like her to go softer, say:

“Softer baby”

Get it?

This is really simple and it really works.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 16

There is absolutely no time and place for COMPLEX communication in the bedroom.
Simple is always best.

Let me show you how the compliment, then direct technique might look in practice…

“That feels so fucking good baby. Keep doing what you’re doing”

“I love it when you suck my fat cock like that. Suck me even harder”

“You make me so hard baby. Use your hands as you suck me”

By paying her a compliment and then directing her you do 3 major things:

• You make her feel good

• You show her that you are IN CHARGE and not afraid to lead her

• You get her to give you head exactly as YOU would like it

Let’s Re-Cap The Technique That

Gets Her To LOVE To Give You Head –
Over and Over Again…
First of all, give her incredible sexual pleasure.

Be a giving lover and make sure that you see to her sexual needs.

Once you totally sexually satisfy her, you’ll flip that switch in her sub-conscious brain
that makes her overwhelmed with desire to PLEASE YOU.

At this point – you’ll be getting a lot of head.

Remember – to totally SEXUALLY SATISFY her… you need to give her multiple
vaginal orgasms every time.

And so long as she’s a WOMAN, with a brain and a vagina – she can have vaginal
orgasms. Period.

Secondly, be VOCAL as she gives you head.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 17

Most men receive their blow job quietly, if not in total silence. This is a major ‘turn off’
for a woman because it doesn’t give her any feedback and makes her feel like you’re
not enjoying yourself.

As your woman blows you, be vocal – moan and groan in a natural way and show
her that you’re enjoying yourself.

Thirdly, use the very simple, very clever ‘compliment then direct technique.’

This simply involves COMPLIMENTING her as she’s ‘sucking you off’ and then
DIRECTING HER. By doing this you make her feel very good about herself… you
show her that you are in charge and capable of leading her… and you get blown
exactly as you’d like to get blown!

What could be better?

Getting blown by 2 chicks, perhaps ;)

Before you rush off to make your woman ADDICTED to giving you head, read the
next part very carefully…

The Mistake To Avoid At All Costs

When Your Woman Is Giving You Head…
The mistake to avoid at all costs when your woman is giving you head is making her
feel bad about what she is doing.

Never ever make her feel bad.

If you do – she’ll never want to give you head again and you’ll ruin her confidence.
You might be wondering how to handle a less than desirable situation when
receiving a blow job…

What if she uses her teeth and hurts you?

What if she goes so hard it it’s painful?

What if she goes so soft you can’t feel anything?

How about if she goes too fast?

Or too slow?

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 18

What if she accidentally farts?

Let me tell you…

None of those situations give you the right to make her feel bad.

You have to handle them LIKE A MAN.

Most of the time, some simple direction is all she needs…

If she’s using her teeth, just say:

“No teeth baby”

She’ll get the idea.

If she’s going too hard, just say:

“Go a little softer baby”

This approach is really simple and it gets you the blow job you want, without
offending her and killing her self-esteem and confidence in the process.

Women freakin’ love giving head – but only to the right kind of guy.

I recommend you read this report two or three times and laser-burn the information
into your brain. Then, when you know the contents of this report inside-out – use it
with your woman.

You will absolutely love the result.

The result being – as many blow jobs as you could ever want, performed exactly as
you want.

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 19

Keep in mind three things:

1.The reason why most men aren’t getting blown is because

they are USELESS in bed

2.The key to unlocking your woman’s desire to ‘suck you

off’ regularly, eagerly and enthusiastically is to first give her
incredible sexual pleasure – including multiple vaginal
orgasms every time.

3. If she's going down on you (and she will) then it's your
DUTY to make sure she is going to be met with a thick,
throbbing, rock hard cock. There's no option. And for that,
you'll need TKA Extreme - created specifically for harder
and longer lasting erections. Click here to learn more

And I’ll talk to you soon…

Your friend,

Adam Armstrong

Copyright © 2011-2019. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved 20

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