Text To Number 1 - 5: A. Choose A, B or C For The Correct Answer!

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A. Choose A, B Or C For The Correct Answer! 10. Dika : “What is your name?

Text to number 1 – 5 Sela : “........is Sela”
Ibra likes fruits. He always eats a. Hai b. Oke c. My name
fruits every day. Ibra likes to eat
apple very much. The colour of 11. This is my...........(penggaris)
apple is red. The taste of apple is a. ruler b. book c. eraser
12. Clean your...........(ruang kelas)
1. Who is in the text ? a. house b. school c. classroom
a.Budi b. Ibra c. Apple
13. Library in Indonesian is ....
2. Ibra likes to eat .... a. ruang kelas b. perpustakaan c. lapangan
a.Books b. Fruits c. Animals
14. Daun berwarna hijau
3. Ibra always eats fruits ..... The english sentences is ....
a.Sunday b. Monday c. Everyday a. The leaf is red
b. The leaf is yellow
4. The colour of apple is .... c. The leaf is green
a.Blue b. Yellow c. Red
15. The sky is...........(Biru)
5. The taste of apple is .... a. Yellow b. Red c. Blue
a.Salty b. Sweet c. Bitter
B. Fill in The Blank With The Correct Answer!
6. Apple = ei - pi – pi – el - ..... 1. The apple is (Hijau) ..........
a.i b. ee c. ei 2. Ibu in English is ..........
3. I have……….Ears.
7. Ibra = ar – ai – en - .... 4. The cows have……….legs.
a. ei b. a c. ai 5. Nine, ten,……, twelve.
6. 10 + 6 is ..........
8. Nino : “How are you Dinda ?”
Dinda : “ ….. ” 7. I learn in the School = Saya belajar di ..........
a. I am fine b. I am Dinda c. I am you 8. Penghapus in english is ...........
9. P – N – E – L – I – C = ..........
9. Teacher : “Good morning student” 10. Fruits – like – I . The correct order is ..........
Students : “……….”
a. Good bye teacher b. Good morning teacher c. Good evening teacher C. Answer the Questions!
1. Arrange the words!
a. is - that - book – a b. like – Rina - banana
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................

2. Spell this words!

a. Books b. Pencils
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................

3. Translate this words into Indonesian language!

a. Blackboard b. Whiteboard
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................

4. Complete this sentences!

a. Eleven, twelve, thirteen , ....... , fifteen ,.................., seventeen.
b. I have ...... nose and.............ears.
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................

5. Translate this words into english language!

a. Siapa namamu? B. Bagaimana kabarmu?
Jawab : .........................................................................................................................

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