2018 Brood Broodmerespawn Web

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Description Description
The following models are available for use in a Broodmere Spawn Brood force: A Brood force from the Broodmere Spawn sub-faction has the Adaptive Breeding
unique bonus. This force is allowed to choose and possess two copies of each unique
• Scion, Huntress • Lasher
Bio-Gen card within their force, instead of the one normally allowed.
of the Mire • Plight
• Howler • Alpha Broodling
• Bloat • Mucous Bloatling
• Gazelle • Broodling

Broodmere Spawn Rules Brood Subfaction Bonus

SCION L 40mm C 150

HUNTRESS OF THE MIRE BIO-GEN(x): This model possesses (x) Brood Bio-Gens, chosen before the beginning of the game. Some
models will have specific Bio-Gens named as the (x).
COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL DEFIANCE: This model may not be targeted or affected by Psychogenics.
[2] Claws 7 5 0 - ELUSIVE: This model automatically passes the PS Check in order to Evade while On Hold. Additionally,
4 •Rend enemy models may never target this model with an Aimed Ranged Attack.
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
REACTION STRIKE: Once per round, when an enemy comes within range of this attack, this model may
perform this attack for free against that enemy. This free attack occurs before charge attacks are resolved.
3 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is reduced to 0 HP it
is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
[3] Tentacles 7 1 4 RE - Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model would ever lose
•Reaction Strike HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
16 •Toxic REND: If all attacks from this assault group hit the same target, they gain 1 additional power multiplier for
this attack.
STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up from prone
for no AP cost.
Special Abilities TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter.
3 •Bio-Gen (1) •Regeneration Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it.
•Commander •Strider All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation.
All negatives are cumulative.
•Defiance 1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks
14 •Elusive 2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks
3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffers 1 automatic PW: 2 hit before
•Never Panic resolving those attacks.
3 2018

G 80mm [1]500 200

HOWLER BRUTAL: The Parry special ability may not be used against this attack.
DEFIANCE: This model may not be targeted or affected by Psychogenics.
[2] Claws 8 8 RE - IMMUNE(x): This model may never be affected by (x).
4 •Brutal
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
•Sunder Armor
REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
6 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model would
ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
[1] Sonic Shriek 10 1 5x2 SP 20
•Victimize SHOCKWAVE: This model may spend 1 AP to give all enemies within 2” 1 Stun Counter.In
18 addition, enemies with a smaller size are also knocked prone. Enemies at least two sizes smaller
are automatically pushed directly away 6” as well.
Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
Special Abilities removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
3 •Defiance SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter.
•Immune (Knockback, Knockdown) Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter at any time.
•Never Panic VICTIMIZE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Panic Counter.
12 •Regeneration
5 2018

H 40mm [2]500 100

BLOAT BIO-GEN(x): This model possesses (x) Brood Bio-Gens, chosen before the beginning of the
game. Some models will have specific Bio-Gens named as the (x).
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center hole
anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an
[2] Tentacles 6 6 RE - automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack).
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
6 than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed. A
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
[1] Hydrogen Vent 8 1 4x2 2 - IMMUNE(x): This model may never be affected by (x).
14 •Point Blank POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
•Proximity Strike (2) this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
PROXIMITY STRIKE(x): When this attack is selected, place the Blast(x) Template anywhere
Special Abilities completely in range of this attack. Make 1 separate attack roll against each enemy model under
3 •Bio-Gen (1) the template. Only the initial attack roll may suffer Malfunction or gain the benefits of Aiming.
•Explosive End (PW 4x2, Fire) REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
•Immune (Fire, Knockdown) Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model would
12 •Regeneration ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.

3 2018
L 40mm [4]500 75
GAZELLE DEFIANCE: This model may not be targeted or affected by Psychogenics.
DEVASTATING CHARGE: This attack gains Extreme Damage when used as a charge attack.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL EXTREME DAMAGE: Models that fail an AR Save caused by this attack lose 2 HP.
[1] Kick 5 6 RE - KNOCKBACK(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20.
3 •Knockdown (12) If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is moved directly away 6”.
Melee attacks suffer -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the
target and +2 to (x) for every size larger the attacking model is than the target.
4 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20.
If the number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee
[1] Double Kick 6 1 6 0 - attacks suffer -2 to the TN for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target
•Devastating Charge
and +2 to the TN for every size larger the attacking model is than the target.
14 •Knockback (12)
MASOCHIST(x): At the start of this activation, this model may gain (x). If it does so,
it loses 1 HP at the end of this activation.
Special Abilities REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
4 •Defiance reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model
•Masochist (+1AP) would ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
12 •Vault
VAULT: Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their MV
value, ignoring terrain as well as intervening models. If this move results in a charge,
this model gains and additional +1 AS and +1 PW to the charge attack.
2 2018
Gazelle (2)

L 40mm [4]500 75
LASHER BIO-GEN(x): This model possesses (x) Brood Bio-Gens, chosen before the beginning of the
game. Some models will have specific Bio-Gens named as the (x).
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL ELUSIVE: This model automatically passes the PS Check in order to Evade while On Hold.
[2] Claws 6 4 0 - enemy models may never target this model with an Aimed Ranged Attack.
REACTION STRIKE: Once per round, when an enemy comes within range of this attack, this model
may perform this attack for free against that enemy. This free attack occurs before charge attacks
are resolved.
4 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
[1] Tentacles 6 1 3 RE - Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model
•Reaction Strike
would ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
12 •Toxic
STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up
from prone for no AP cost.
Special Abilities TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter.
4 •Bio-Gen (Chameleonic Flesh) Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it.
All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation.
•Elusive All negatives are cumulative.
•Regeneration 1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks
12 •Strider 2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks
3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffer 1 automatic
PW: 2 hit before resolving those attacks.
2 2018
Lasher (2)

L 40mm [4]500 75
PLIGHT BIO-GEN(x): This model possesses (x) Brood Bio-Gens, chosen before the beginning of
the game. Some models will have specific Bio-Gens named as the (x).
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
[2] Pincers 5 4 0 - reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
3 •Rend Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model
would ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
REND: If all attacks from this assault group hit the same target, they gain 1 additional
6 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL power multiplier for this attack.
[1] Acid Projectors 7 1 5 ST - SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter.
•Sunder Armor
Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter at
16 any time.

Special Abilities
3 •Bio-Gen (Acid Blood)

2 2018
Plight (2)

M 40mm [2]500 50
ALPHA BROODLING FIELD ORDER(x)(y): This model has (y). While (x) is within 8” of this model, it gains (y).
HUMAN SHIELD: When this model is hit by an enemy non-template attack, it may force 1
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL friendly model within 4” to be hit by the attack instead. That attack gains an additional power
multiplier for this hit (Hits from Human Shield cannot trigger Human Shield).
[1] Maw 5 4 0 -
3 REACTION STRIKE: Once per round, when an enemy comes within range of this attack, this model
may perform this attack for free against that enemy. This free attack occurs before charge attacks
are resolved.
REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
4 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model would
[2] Tentacles 4 1 2 RE - ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
•Reaction Strike
14 •Toxic STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may stand up
from prone for no AP cost.
TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter.
Special Abilities Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it.
3 •Field Order
All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation.
All negatives are cumulative.
(Broodling)(Regeneration) 1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks
•Human Shield 2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks
12 •Strider 3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffers 1 automatic PW: 2 hit
before resolving those attacks.

1 2018
Broodling (6)
L 40mm [4]500 50
MUCOUS BLOATLING EXTINGUISH: This model may, during its activation, spend 1 AP to immediately remove all
Fire Counters from itself and other models within 8”.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL IMMOBILIZE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Immobilized Counter.
[2] Claw Strikes 4 4 0 - Immobilized Counter: This model suffers -1 MV per Immobilized Counter.
3 Remove all Immobilized Counters at the end of a model’s activation.
PULL(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number
rolled is equal to or under (x) then the model hit is moved directly toward this model until it
4 AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL is in base contact, or comes in contact with another model or a terrain piece it cannot cross.
[1] Viscid Tongue 6 1 - 8 - Reduce (x) by 2 for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and increase (x)
•Immobilize by 2 for every size larger the attacking model is than the target.
14 •Pull (10)
REGENERATION: At the start of this model’s activation, it heals 1 HP. When this model is
reduced to 0 HP it is not killed, but instead gains 1 Regeneration Counter.
Regeneration Counter: This model is prone, and may not perform attacks. If this model
Special Abilities would ever lose HP, it is killed. Remove this Counter if this model is ever healed.
3 •Extinguish
•Regeneration SUPPRESSION(x): While within 8” of this model, the (x) ability is ignored on models.
•Suppression (Fire) VAULT: Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their MV
10 •Vault value, ignoring terrain as well as intervening models. If this move results in a charge,
this model gains and additional +1 AS and +1 PW to the charge attack.
1 2018
Bloatling (3)

S 30mm [6]500 25
BROODLING DISTRACTION: While engaged with an enemy, other friendly models gain +1 AS and +1
PW to melee attacks against that enemy. Distraction is not cumulative.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may
[1] Maw 4 3 0 - stand up from prone for no AP cost.

“Stomp ‘em, slice ‘em, burn ‘em…
just make sure the li’l buggers
stay dead!”

Special Abilities
3 •Distraction

1 2018
Broodling (3)

Description AG#1
Description AS RF� PW RN MAL
[1] Acid Globule 6 1 2x2 8 20
Whenever this model takes 1 or more HP in damage from an attack, all models in base •BL(1)force from the Broodmere Spawn sub-faction has the Adaptive Breeding
A Brood
contact with it suffer 1 automatic PW 3 hit (count this hit as a Ranged Attack). unique bonus.
•Sunder ArmorThis force is allowed to choose and possess two copies of each unique
Bio-Gen card within their force, instead of the one normally allowed.

SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter.
Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter
at any time.

Bio-Gen (Brood) Brood Subfaction

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bonus


Description Description
Whenever this model does not currently possess its maximum number of HP, its AR During regular deployment, this model may deploy up to 8” beyond its normal
stat is considered +2 higher (to a maximum of ARM 20) deployment zone, but it must be placed in contact with a marker or piece of terrain
feature possessing at least one Terrain Keyword.

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bio-Gen (Brood)


Description AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL
[1] Lasher Tendril 8 1 3 8 -
All ranged attacks targeting this model are considered to be made through Light Cover •Pull (10)
if not already modified for cover. If a ranged attack targeting this model is already •Toxic
modified by terrain with the Light Cover keyword, the Heavy Cover keyword is applied
PULL(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or under (x)
then the model hit is moved directly toward this model until it is in base contact, or comes in contact with another model
or a terrain piece it cannot cross. Reduce (x) by 2 for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and increase
(x) by 2 for every size larger the attacking model is than the target.
TOXIC: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Toxic Counter.
Toxic Counter: This model suffers penalties based on the number of Toxic Counters on it.
All Toxic Counters are removed at the end of this model’s activation. All negatives are cumulative.
1+ Counters: -2 AS to all attacks
2+ Counters: -2 PW to all attacks
3+ Counters: Each time this model spends AP on attacks, it suffers 1 automatic
PW: 2 hit before resolving those attacks.

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bio-Gen (Brood)


Description Description
This model possesses the Fueled by Combat special ability at all times. This model possesses the Ambush special ability at all times.

FUELED BY COMBAT: Once per round, when this model kills an enemy, it may make a AMBUSH: Do not deploy this model as normal. During any Preparation Phase
PS Check. On a success, it may heal 1 HP. after Round 1 you may deploy this model by choose a point on the battlefield and
performing a scatter roll from that point. Placing this model as close as as possible
to the location of the scatter. Models with Ambush that share a squadlink value may
deploy using 1 Scatter Roll, placing the first model on the point and the rest within 4”.

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bio-Gen (Brood)

Description AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL
[1] Resin Spinneret 8 1 - 8 -
This model possesses the Swarm (3) special ability at all times. •Immobilize
If this model already possesses the Swarm(x) special ability, this Bio-Gen adds +1 to •Proximity Strike (2)
its listed (x) total.

SWARM(x): When deployed, (x) Pud Roamer models are also deployed for free within Description
6” of this model. IMMOBILIZE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Immobilized Counter.
Immobilized Counter: This model suffers -1 MV per Immobilized Counter.
Remove all Immobilized Counters at the end of a model’s activation.
PROXIMITY STRIKE(x): When this attack is selected, place the Blast(x) Template
anywhere completely in range of this attack. Make 1 separate attack roll against
each enemy model under the template. Only the initial attack roll may suffer
Malfunction or gain the benefits of Aiming.

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bio-Gen (Brood)


Description Description
This model possesses the Defi ance special ability at all times. This model possesses the Immune(Bleed, Rot, and Toxic) special ability at all times.

DEFIANCE: This model may not be targeted or affected by Psychogenics. IMMUNE(x): This model may never be affected by (x).

Bio-Gen (Brood) Bio-Gen (Brood)

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