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RATH’ZHI L 40mm C 200

THE ARBITER OF RAGE COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.
EMBERSPARK: If this attack kills an enemy, place 1 “Ember” within 4” of this model.
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
[1] Firecaller 8 8 0 - Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
4 •Emberspark
•Fire Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
4 [1] Soul Flame 6 1 4x2 8 - FUELED BY COMBAT: Once per round, when this model kills an enemy, it may make a PS
•Blast(2) Check. On a success, it may heal 1 HP.
•Fire FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks.
18 NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
Special Abilities
•Commander OUR VENGEANCE IS ETERNAL!: Once per game, during the Preparation Phase, this
•Fueled by Combat model may make a PS Check. On a success, all friendly Trueborn models may re-roll 1
3 •Furious Charge failed attack roll when making charge attacks this round.
•Never Panic RAGE: This model’s melee attacks gain +2 PW for each missing HP.
•Our Vengeance Is Eternal! RETALIATION: When an enemy misses this model with a melee attack, and this model has not
16 •Rage been killed, after all attacks are resolved this model may select 1 of its attacks and perform it
•Retaliation against that enemy.
4 2017

JZA’MHI H 50mm C 150

FURY REKINDLED ANIMOSITY (x): This model may not be included in any force that has a model named (x).
CRUSH: If this attack hits, all further attacks this model makes against the target
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL automatically hit this activation unless a malfunction is rolled. These hits may not be Parried.
[1] Crystalline Arm 7 8 0 - FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
4 •Crush
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
6 [1] Foci Blast 6 2 5x2 SP -
•Fire FRENZIED: At the start of each activation, this model must make a PS Check. On a
failure it does not activate as normal, but instead uses its activation to immediately
18 move directly toward the nearest model with a different model name and use any
remaining AP to perform melee attacks on that model.
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
Special Abilities
3 PSYCHOGENIC MASTER: Twice per turn, this model may spend 1 AP to cast one of its
•Animosity (Rath’zhi) psychogenics.
•Never Panic XENOSATHIC CONDUIT: This model ignores the normal method for choosing
16 psychogenics. Instead it chooses its psychogenic powers from any one of the elemental
•Psychogenic Master castes (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice and Shadow), chosen before deployment.
•Xenosathic Conduit
3 2017

H 50mm [1]500 200

FIRE ELEMENTAL DEFLECTION: When this model is targeted by non-template ranged attacks, after attack
rolls are made, this model may make an AS Check. If the check is successful it may
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL discard 1 non-critical hit from those attacks
[2] Inferno Fists 8 8 0 - EMBERSPARK: If this attack kills an enemy, place 1 “Ember” within 4” of this model.
4 •Fire
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
[1] Pyroclasm 8 1 8 * - Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
6 •Emberspark than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
•Fire A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
[*] Spray SP
18 [*] Eruption Arc FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks.

HEART OF THE FLAME: This model may never gain Fire Counters. Enemies hitting this
Special Abilities model with melee attacks gain 1 Fire Counter at the end of their activation.
3 •Deflection
•Furious Charge NON-LIVING: This model may never gain Panic Counters. This model’s PS may never be
modified by enemy effects.
•Heart of the Flame
10 •Non-Living TOUGH AS NAILS: This model ignores Critical AR Failure.
•Tough as Nails
5 2017

H 50mm [1]500 175

ENFORCER OF JUDGMENT EXTREME DAMAGE: Models that fail an AR Save caused by this attack lose 2 HP.
FINAL STRIKE: When this model would be killed, it may make a PS Check. On a success it
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL may select and perform 1 of its attacks before being removed.
[1] Scimitar 8 6 0 - FINISHING BLOW: This attack gains 1 additional power multiplier and Extreme Damage
4 •Finishing Blow when targeting models that are prone.
•Sunder Armor
KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the
number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL -2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size
6 [1] Spear Sweep 8 1 6 Arc - larger the attacking model is than the target.
NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
18 SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter.
AG#3 AS RF� PW RN MAL Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter
[1] Particle Ray 8 1 6 ST 18 at any time.
Special Abilities RAGE: This model’s melee attacks gain +2 PW for each missing HP.
3 TOUGH AS NAILS: This model ignores Critical AR Failure.
•Final Strike
•Never Panic UNSTOPPABLE: Whenever this model would be reduced to 0 HP, it may make a PS Check.
•Rage On a success, this model remains at 1 HP, but gains 1 Weakened Resolve Counter.
16 Weakened Resolve Counter: This model suffers -4 PS. Weakened Resolve Counters
•Tough as Nails are cumulative.
3 2017
L 40mm [1]500 150
SPIRIT LORD OF FIRE COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.
FINISHING BLOW: This attack gains 1 additional power multiplier and Extreme Damage
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL when targeting models that are prone.
[1] Warspear 8 6 RE - KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the
4 •Finishing Blow
number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer
-2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL larger the attacking model is than the target.
[1] Shield Bash 8 4 0 -
4 •Knockdown(12) NEVER PANIC: This model may never gain Panic Counters.
PSYCHOGENIC NEOPHYTE(x): This model may spend 1 AP to cast the (x) psychogenic.
18 AG#3 AS RF� PW RN MAL RETALIATION: When an enemy misses this model with a melee attack, and this model has not
[1] Particle Ray 8 1 6 ST 18 been killed, after all attacks are resolved this model may select 1 of its attacks and perform it
against that enemy.

3 Special Abilities SHIELD FORMATION: While not prone, and within 1” of another model with Shield Formation,
•Commander this model gains +2 AR.
•Never Panic STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
16 •Psychogenic Neophyte(1 Fire Psychogenic) Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
•Retaliation removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
•Shield Formation
3 2017

L 40mm [4]500 100

INFERNO COMBAT REFLEXES: Enemies never gain bonuses for Charging or Gang-Up against this
model. This model may stand up from prone for no AP cost.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL CRITICAL STRIKE(x): This attack Critically Hits on attack rolls of (x) or less.
[1] Khopesh 8 6 0 -
3 •Critical Strike(3)
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
[1] Pistol Whip 8 2 0 - Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
•Stun Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
4 A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
[1] Immolator Pistol 8 1 4x2 SP 18 FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks.
16 •Fire
RAGE: This model’s melee attacks gain +2 PW for each missing HP.

Special Abilities RETALIATION: When an enemy misses this model with a melee attack, and this model has not
3 •Combat Reflexes been killed, after all attacks are resolved this model may select 1 of its attacks and perform it
against that enemy.
•Furious Charge
14 •Rage STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
•Retaliation Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
2 2017
Inferno (3)

M 30mm [4]500 25
CINDER SLAVE FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
[1] Fire Shard 2 4 0 17 A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
3 •Unstable(Fire)
EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center
hole anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an
automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack).
INFILTRATE: This model is only deployed after all non-Infiltrating models have been
“HOT! HOT! HOT!” deployed. This model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 12”
10 from an enemy deployment zone.

UNSTABLE(x): If this attack Malfunctions, this model, and all other models within 1”,
Special Abilities suffer (x).
3 •Infiltrate
•Explosive End(PW: 6, Fire)

1 2017
Slave (4)

L 40mm [3]500 75
BRIMSTONE EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center
hole anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an
automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack).
[1] Brimstone Flame 8 2 4x2 SP 18 FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
3 •Fire
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
•Point Blank
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
“The flames... They beg to be unleashed!” this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
SMOKE BOMB: This model may spend 1 AP to place 1 Smoke Cloud anywhere completely
within 6” inches. This may be done as an On-Hold Action.
Special Abilities Smoke Cloud: This terrain piece is represented by a Blast(3) Template. Models in a Smoke
3 •Explosive End(PW: 4x2, Fire) Cloud gain Heavy Cover. All melee attacks targeting models in a Smoke Cloud suffer -4 AS.
•Smoke Bomb Remove this terrain piece at the end of the next Lingering Effects Phase.


2 2017
Brimstone (3)
L 40mm [4]500 75
PYRE BLIND: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Blind Counter.
Blind Counter: This model suffers -4 AS. Remove the Blind Counter at the end of this
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL model’s activation. A model may only have 1 Blind Counter at any time.
[1] Skirmisher Blade 6 4 0 - EXPLOSIVE END(x): When this model is killed, place a Blast(2) template with the center
3 hole anywhere completely over this model’s base. Each model under the template suffers an
automatic hit from (x), and then this model is removed (this is a Template Attack).
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
4 [1] Flameburst Bomb 6 2 6 6 18 Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
14 •Fire
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.

FURIOUS CHARGE: This model gains an additional +1 AS and +1 PW to charge attacks.

Special Abilities
3 •Explosive End(PW: 6, Fire) HIT AND RUN: When this model kills a model with an attack, it may immediately gain 1 AP to
•Furious Charge Move. This move action ignores the rules for Breaking Free and may result in a charge.
•Hit and Run

2 2017
Pyre (3)

H 50mm [1]500 75
SOUL WARDEN •Fire Elementals gain Availability [2][500].

AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.
[1] Foci Staff 6 6 RE - FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
3 Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
6 [1] Firestarter 8 1 4x2 SP 18
•Fire PSYCHOGENIC MASTER: Twice per turn, this model may spend 1 AP to cast one of its
PSYCHOGENIC RESOLVE(x): (x) times per game, when a malfunction is rolled from a
psychogenic, that model may ignore the malfunction. This ability functions even if this
Special Abilities model is killed.
3 •Commander
•Psychogenic Master
•Psychogenic Resolve(3)

2 2017

L 40mm [3]500 75
VOLCANIC HELOT GUARD: When a friendly model within 4” and line of sight is targeted by a non-template ranged
attack, this model may become the target of the attack instead (Guard may not trigger another
model’s Guard ability).
[1] Bardiche 8 6 RE - PSYCHOGENIC NEOPHYTE(x): This model may spend 1 AP to cast the (x) psychogenic.
VIGILANCE: If this model ends its activation unengaged it automatically goes On Hold.


Special Abilities
4 •Guard
•Psychogenic Neophyte(Fiery Resolve)

2 2017
Volcanic Order (3)

L 40mm [3]500 75
VOLCANIC PHALANX FINISHING BLOW: This attack gains 1 additional power multiplier and Extreme Damage
when targeting models that are prone.
KNOCKDOWN(x): When this attack hits a model, after AR Saves are made, roll a d20. If the
[1] Warspear 8 6 RE - number rolled is equal to or under (x) then the target is Knocked Prone. Melee attacks suffer
3 •Finishing Blow
-2 to (x) for every size smaller the attacking model is than the target and +2 to (x)for every size
larger the attacking model is than the target.
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL PSYCHOGENIC NEOPHYTE(x): This model may spend 1 AP to cast the (x) psychogenic.
6 [1] Shield Bash 8 4 0 -
•Knockdown(12) SHIELD FORMATION: While not prone, and within 1” of another model with Shield Formation,
•Stun this model gains +2 AR.
STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
Special Abilities removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
3 •Psychogenic Neophyte(Shield of Hatred)
•Shield Formation


2 2017
Volcanic Order (3)
M 30mm [1]500 50
COMMANDER: This model counts as having all Squadlink Keywords.

FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.

AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
[1] Heat Gun 6 2 4 4 19 Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
3 •Fire
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
•Sunder Armor
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.

SUNDER ARMOR: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Sunder Counter.

4 Sunder Counter: This model suffers -2 AR. A model may only have 1 Sunder Counter
at any time.
“I FIX! I FIX!!!”
14 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE(x): (x) times per game, when a malfunction is rolled from a
non-psychogenic attack, that model may ignore the malfunction. This ability functions
even if this model is killed.
Special Abilities
3 •Commander
•Superior Maintainence(3)


1 2017

M 30mm [4]500 50
CAVEWING SLYTH AMBUSH: Do not deploy this model as normal. During any Preparation Phase after
Round 1 you may deploy this model by choose a point on the battlefield and performing
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL a scatter roll from that point. Placing this model as close as as possible to the location
of the scatter. Models with Ambush that share a squadlink value may deploy using 1
[2] Jagged Claws 5 3 0 - Scatter Roll, placing the first model on the point and the rest within 4”.
STUN: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Stun Counter.
Stun Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP, and then
AG#2 AS RF� PW RN MAL removes 1 Stun Counter. A model may only have 1 Stun Counter at any time.
2 [1] Screech 6 1 - SP -
•Stun VAULT: Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their MV
value, ignoring terrain as well as intervening models. If this move results in a charge,
12 this model gains and additional +1 AS and +1 PW to the charge attack.
“Wretched little things...”
Special Abilities
4 •Ambush

1 2017
Slave (4)

M 30mm [4]500 50
RAZOR SLYTH INFILTRATE: This model is only deployed after all non-Infiltrating models have been
deployed. This model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 12”
from an enemy deployment zone.
[2] Rending Claws 5 4 0 - REND: If all attacks from this assault group hit the same target, they gain 1 additional
3 •Rend
power multiplier for this attack.

STRIDER: This model ignores the Rough keyword of terrain pieces. This model may
stand up from prone for no AP cost.
VAULT: Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to immediately move their MV
“Before we knew it we’d lost two scouts...” value, ignoring terrain as well as intervening models. If this move results in a charge,
12 this model gains and additional +1 AS and +1 PW to the charge attack.

Special Abilities
3 •Infiltrate

1 2017
Slave (4)

M 30mm [1]500 50
TASKMASTER BLEED: Living Models hit by this attack gain 1 Bleed Counter.
Bleed Counter: During the Lingering Effects Phase roll a d20. On a result of 11+
this model loses 1 HP, otherwise, remove the Bleed Counter.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL A model may only have 1 Bleed Counter at any time.
[1] Shard Whip 4 4 RE -
3 •Bleed
HUMAN SHIELD: When this model is hit by an enemy non-template attack, it may force
1 friendly model within 4” to be hit by the attack instead. That attack gains an additional
power multiplier for this hit (Hits from Human Shield cannot trigger Human Shield).
6 TASKMASTER(x): Other non-Trueborn models this model squadlinks with may gain
(x) this activation. If this is done, that model must make a PS Check at the end of its
“FASTER!!!” activation. On a failure, it loses 1 HP. A model may only benefit from Taskmaster once
12 per activation.

WHIPLASH: Models hit by this attack who pass their AR Save gain 1 Whiplash Counter.
Special Abilities Whiplash Counter: The next time this model activates, it immediately loses 1 AP
3 •Human Shield per Whiplash Counter, and then all Whiplash Counters are removed.
•Taskmaster(+2 AS or +1 MV)


1 2017
Slave (5)
M 30mm [3]500 25
SHARD SLAVE FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
[1] Fire Shard 2 4 0 17 A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
3 •Unstable(Fire)
INFILTRATE: This model is only deployed after all non-Infiltrating models have been
deployed. This model may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 12”
from an enemy deployment zone.
SHARD SCATTER(x): Once per activation, this model may spend 1 AP to place 1 Shard
“BOOM!!!” Field(x) anywhere completely within 2” inches. This may be done as an On-Hold Action.
10 Shard Field(x): This terrain piece is represented by a Blast(1) Template. Any model
entering, or beginning their activation within, the Shard Shield suffers (x), and then
the Shard Field is removed.
Special Abilities
3 •Infiltrate SHARD WALK: This model ignores Shard Fields.
•Shard Scatter(Fire)
UNSTABLE(x): If this attack Malfunctions, this model, and all other models within 1”,
•Shard Walk suffer (x).

1 2017
Slave (4)

M 30mm [3]500 25
SLING SLAVE FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
[1] Fire Shard Sling 4 2 4 6 17 A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
3 •Fire


Special Abilities
3 •None

1 2017
Slave (4)

M 30mm [6]500 25
SPEAR SLAVE DISTRACTION: While engaged with an enemy, other friendly models gain +1 AS and +1
PW to melee attacks against that enemy. Distraction is not cumulative.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
[1] Fire Shard Spear 4 4 RE 17 Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
3 •Unstable(Fire)
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
6 UNSTABLE(x): If this attack Malfunctions, this model, and all other models within 1”,
suffer (x).

Special Abilities
3 •Distraction

1 2017
Slave (4)

M 30mm * 0
EMBER •This model is only summoned to the battlefield by specific abilities and psychogenics.
FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.
AG#1 AS RF� PW RN MAL Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
[1] Immolate 4 - 2 - Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
3 •Fire than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
•Point Blank A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.
HEART OF THE FLAME: This model may never gain Fire Counters. Enemies hitting this
6 model with melee attacks gain 1 Fire Counter at the end of their activation.
NON-LIVING: This model may never gain Panic Counters. This model’s PS may never be
modified by enemy effects.
POINT BLANK: This ranged attack may be used while engaged. If used while engaged,
this attack must target an enemy this model is engaged with.
Special Abilities SERVANT OF THE FLAME: Friendly models with Emberspark within 4” may:
3 •Heart of the Flame • Kill this model when they suffer damage to prevent 1 damage.
•Non-Living • Kill this model to re-roll 1 failed attack roll.
•Servant of Flame • Kill this model when they hit an enemy with a melee attack to
give that attack +2 PW.

1 2017
Elemental (4)
This model gains the Rage special ability at all times.

RAGE: This model’s melee attacks gain +2 PW for each missing HP.

Fire Caste Psychogenic



8 1 6 8 18

If this attack hits a model that already had a Fire Counter, you may remove that counter
to give this attack +1 power multiplier and the Blind weapon ability.

BLIND: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Blind Counter.

Blind Counter: This model suffers -4 AS. Remove the Blind Counter at the end of this
model’s activation. A model may only have 1 Blind Counter at any time.

FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.

Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions
other than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is
completed. A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.


Fire Caste Psychogenic


6 1 6 8 18 •Proximity Strike(2)

FIRE: Models hit by this attack gain 1 Fire Counter.

Fire Counter: This model may spend 1 AP to roll a d20. On a result of 10 or less remove the
Fire Counter. This model suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit for each AP it spends on actions other
than removing the Fire Counter. Resolve these automatic hit(s) after the action is completed.
A model may only have 1 Fire Counter at any time.

PROXIMITY STRIKE(x): When this attack is selected, place the Blast(x) Template
anywhere completely in range of this attack. Make 1 separate attack roll against
each enemy model under the template. Only the initial attack roll may suffer
Malfunction or gain the benefits of Aiming.


Fire Caste Psychogenic



14 1 - 18

On a successfull cast, the caster may heal 1 HP.

MALFUNCTION: Caster suffers 1 automatic PW: 6 hit.

Fire Caste Psychogenic

This model gains the Heart of the Flame special ability at all times.

HEART OF THE FLAME: This model may never gain Fire Counters. Enemies hitting this
model with melee attacks gain 1 Fire Counter at the end of their activation.

Fire Caste Psychogenic



When this model is hit by a melee attack, it may make a PS Check. On a success, the enemy
that hit it suffers 1 automatic PW: 4 hit.

Fire Caste Psychogenic



This model’s melee attacks gain the Emberspark special ability at all times.

EMBERSPARK: If this attack kills an enemy, place 1 “Ember” within 4” of this model.

Fire Caste Psychogenic


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