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———— Judy Tian ————

Who am I?
● Instructor: Tian Yuan (Judy)

● E-mail:

● Office: R316

● Office Hours: E-mail appointment first pls

Judy Tian 2
Useful Materials for This Course

For attendance, all PPTs and other materials, pls check the WeMust

account & finish the pre-course questionnaire on

Judy Tian 3
Marking Criteria
Attendance 10%

Participation 10%

Quiz 30%

Final Exam 50%

Judy Tian 4
Attendance (10%)
Absent Mark (out of 10%)

1 100

2 93

3 86(-3)

4 79(-8)

5 oops~ FAIL!

Judy Tian
Participation Assessment Criteria (10%)

Mark 10 ~ 8 Mark 7 ~ 4 Mark 3 ~ 1 Mark 0

Willing to Learn Passive Learner Indifferent Rebellious

Enthusiastic, very Occasionally Unresponsive, usually constantly doing

unprepared, minimally disruptive or
well prepared, enthusiastic, engaged, occasionally
irrelevant activities
attentive listener, satisfactorily engaged, doing disruptive or
irrelevant activities (e.g.
taking initiative (e.g. adequately prepared talking on or playing
asking questions; with the phone, chatting
with others, reading
actively participating
books of other subjects,
in class activities). sleeping, etc.)

Judy Tian In-class activities all counts, like surveys, Q&A, group discussion… 6
Quiz (30%) & Final Exam (50%)

ü Pop quiz: single task, to check the understanding of course content

ü Exact dates: pls refer to the weekly plan (5 quizzes and 1 exam)

ü Multiple choices, True or False questions, Q&A…

Judy Tian 7
Final Production (50%)

Topic & Genre: sky is the limit

Teamwork: time limit: 3min/person
Marking Criteria: Moodle
Requirements: personal expression in a special period: original editing & clear
allocation (compulsory) + original shooting (elective)
(order: lucky draw or voluntary choice)

Judy Tian 8
• Teamwork: 3min/person

• Content: film analysis

Pls use course content to analyze a film& show logical thoughts through presentation (final
choice to be made by the team leader): marking criteria on Moodle

• Date: weekly plan (order: lucky draw or voluntary choice) Fit-in +



Judy Tian
Cheating in Exams & Plagiarism

All students are required to observe the rules and regulations in the Undergraduate

Students’ Handbook and be aware of the consequences of conducting cheating or

plagiarism. Anyone who’s found cheating or plagiarizing will receive punishments



Judy Tian 10
Visual Communication
Film Languages

Judy Tian 12
Persistence of Vision

• Definition: the ability of the brain to retain an image a split second longer
than the eye actually sees it.

• 16 (Lumiere brothers, 25years) vs. 24 frames per second (w or w/o

visible pause or shadow) 24帧每秒(w或w/o可⻅停顿或阴影)

24FPS → 48FPS → 120FPS

Judy Tian 13
Eadweard Muybridge
The use of photographs to capture and reproduce motion


• one of the first to show “moving pictures”

• series of photographs of a running horse:
to record these pictures, the photographer
use 12 still cameras placed in a row→ to
photographing running horse →to help
study their gaits (1872)
Judy Tian 14
Judy Tian 15
Galloping Horse

December 28, 1895

• First theater opens to the paying public.

• Basement of a Paris café.

• Lumieres’ show:
– Workers leaving the Lumiere Factory.
– Arrival at Lyon. (One film of a train pulling into
a station terrorized the audience. However,
audiences soon tired of the format)
The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey(2012)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
18 Judy Tian
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016): 120 FPS

19 Judy Tian
Judy Tian 20
120 fps/3D/4K
北京金逸影城(大悅城店) 武漢博納國際影城銀泰城店)
北京金逸影城(薈聚店) 湖北 武漢金逸影城(銷品茂MAX店)
北京博納影城(方莊店) 武漢中影國際影城光谷天河店
中影國際影城(昌平永旺店) 海南 海口中影國際影城(上邦店)
上海紅星電影世界(汶水路超級店) 四川 成都萬達影城(財富又一城店)

上海SFC上影影城(上海影城店) 江蘇 蘇州UME影城金雞湖店)
上海百麗宮影城萬象城店) 福建 福州金逸影城(寶龍店)
上海金逸影城(龍之夢店) 廣州金逸影城都匯店)
雲南 昆明百美匯影城(恒隆店) 深圳萬達影城(龍華匯海店)
河北 保定華隸影城(CNTY華創店) 廣東 深圳中影新南國歡樂海岸店

吉林 長春歡樂城國際影城 東莞華夏國際影城(家匯生活廣場店)

浙江 杭州東影時代MAX影城(西溪店) 重慶萬達影城(萬州萬達廣場店)
河南 鄭州奧斯卡熙地港國際影城 重慶金逸影城(名匯店)
陝西 西安奧斯卡熙地港國際影城 N/A
Judy Tian 21
24fps 120fps

Judy Tian 22
Film Studies Fundamental:
Genre studies
What is genre? 什麼是類型?
A critical tool that helps us study texts and audience

responses to texts by dividing them into categories

based on similarities in form and style, theme, and

communicative function.

性分入不同類別,以學習: 1.電影文本;

Judy Tian 24

Bondebjerg, Ib., 2015. “Film: Genres and Genre Theory”, in James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social &
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 9. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 160–164.
Georges Méliès (1861 –1938)

• famous for the use of special

effects: multiple exposures, time-
A Trip to the Moon (1902)
lapse photography, and hand-
painted color in his films.
• First to use the fade-in/out and

• Made over 500 films 在他的电影中作画。

Judy Tian 26
Generic Characteristics 通用規則
across all texts share similar elements and can be identified by these elements. These elements can be referred to as paradigms
meaning patters, and audience have certain expectations, what they expect to see in set or conventions.

Typical Mise-en-scène/Visual style iconography, props, set design, lighting, temporal and geographic
典型場景調度或視覺效果 location, costume, shot types, camera angles, special effects…

Typical types of Narrative 典型敘事 plots, historical setting, set pieces 故事情节,历史背景,固定套路

Generic Types 通用類型 typical characters (archetypes) 如典型人物 (原型)

Typical Personnel 典型人物(創作者) directors, producers, actors, stars, auteurs etc.

Typical Sound Design 典型聲音設計 sound design, dialogue, music, sound effects

Typical Editing Style 典型剪輯風格 montage, jump cutting 蒙太奇,跳切

• Consumption/ viewership 消費/觀看: easier choice /tastes
about what products they want to consume through
acceptance in order to fulfil a particular pleasure.


• Production 生 產 : generic standards easy template;

Screenwriters: stereotyped characters; Casting Directors:
Film industry
find actors quickly. save time & money
genre 電影工業 • Distribution 發行: what do the audience like? or What have
they seen in the past? ---easily marketable film (advertising)

• Culture 文化: rituals 滿足社會對於儀式的需求(to reaffirm

cultural values in a predictable way); solutions for contradictions
in real life; instruments of ideology 意識形態; social reflections.


Mittell, Jason. (2001). “A Cultural Approach to Television Genre Theory”, in Cinema Journal. 40. 3-24.

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