Ravenloft Tables

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Ravenloft Tables

Random Tables for Your Gothic Horror Games

Written By: Sharang Biswas

Artwork By: Thomas Whitney
Layout By: Ben Morgan
Your players walk into a creepy house in the village of Barovia: what do they find
inside? The party falls asleep in a haunted house: what do they dream about? A
sorcerer’s Wild Magic takes effect while fighting a gang of ghouls in a graveyard:
what happens? In here, you’ll find random tables to add color and interest to any
Gothic Horror adventure or setting. Perfect for DMs running Curse of Strahd.

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Sorcerer Wild Magic Effects
D100 Effect
01-02 Randomly choose another character. Then roll again on this table. The new effect occurs for that character.
03-04 For the next minute, the shadows around you darken: If you are shadow or dim light, gain advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks and treat it as though you are proficient in
05-06 A bat, rat or raven (chosen by the DM) appears in an unoccupied space 5 feet of you, then disappears a minute later. Its attitude to you is friendly.
07-08 Swirling mist and shadow appear above your head, acting as a hypnotic pattern spell with your spell Save DC. It does not affect you and lasts one round.
09-10 You cast eldritch blast as though you were level 5, except that it deals necrotic damage.
11-12 You grow an extra finger on each hand and an extra toe on each foot, lasting 1 minute. Each finger looks as though it belongs to a rotting corpse.
13-14 You create a fog cloud effect centered on you. It lasts 1 round and is not governed by your concentration.
15-16 Your skin develops a leathery layer, hardening and increasing your AC by 4 for 1 minute. You gain disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws for the duration of the
17-18 Your hair animates and begins to writhe on its own for 1 minute.
19-20 The ground around you within 20 feet becomes coated in black sludge, becoming difficult terrain.
21-22 Deal minimum damage with your next spell. Do not expend a spell slot for it. If the spell has a verbal component, the incantation sounds as though you scream them out in mortal
23-24 Select another PC at random. You take on the appearance of their corpse. This effect lasts 8 hours.
25-26 You hear the surface thoughts of all nearby creatures for 10 minutes. Language is not a barrier to comprehension. However, you also hear faint telepathic screaming, making it
impossible for you to concentrate on any spells.
27-28 For the next minute, you gain advantage on all saving throws and your mouth becomes stuck in a ghastly rictus. You may still speak and cast spells normally.
29-30 You and an ally you can see teleport into each other's spaces in a swirl of oily, black smoke.
31-32 Time slows for you and you immediately take another turn.
33-34 The next spell you cast will heal hit points instead of causing damage. The target’s veins and blood vessels all turn black for 1 round.
35-36 You change sex. This effect lasts 8 hours.
37-38 An imp controlled by the DM appears within 60 feet of you. Its attitude to you is neutral, and it disappears in 1 minute.
39-40 For 1d4 rounds, you gain the ability to spit acid up to a range of 30 feet as a ranged attack using your spellcasting ability’s modifier. You are proficient in this attack, which deals
1d10+your spellcasting modifier in acid damage.
41-42 You start vomiting spiders until the start of your next turn. While vomiting, you are incapacitated. You produce a swarm of insects (spiders) which appears in a space next to you at
the start of your next turn, which lasts 1 minute before disappearing. The swarm is under the DM's control and is hostile to every creature.
43-44 For the next minute, you gain a fly speed of 30 feet, as skeletal wings emerge from your back.
45-46 You cast false life on yourself as a 2nd level spell. Your eyes turn completely white while the spell lasts.
47-48 A giant constrictor snake controlled by the DM appears within 5 feet of you, disappearing 1 minute later.
49-50 For the next minute, the only language you can speak or understand is infernal.
51-52 You grow a giant, insectile claw that lasts 1 minute. You can use a bonus action to use it to make a melee attack against a creature within 10 feet of you. Add your proficiency and you
spellcasting ability modifier to the attack, which deals 1d6 slashing damage.
53-54 For the next 7 days, you smell like rotting flesh. You may gain disadvantage on Charisma checks except those used to intimidate.
55-56 Your hair, lips, eyes, teeth and fingernails turn midnight black for 24 hours.
57-58 Gusts of wind start blowing around you. Lightweight objects near you or on your person are picked up and whirled around. You must make a Dexterity (sleight of hand) check to try
and retrieve them. This effect lasts 1 minute.
59-60 The spell you cast echoes and is cast again. You may choose a different target.
61-62 For the next minute, your voice becomes harsh and hoarse, and whenever you speak, smoke issues from your mouth.
63-64 Cast darkness centered on yourself.
65-66 Up to 3 creatures you choose within 30 feet of you gain the effects of the bane spell. While the spell lasts, ghostly skulls superimpose their faces.
67-68 You are charmed by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn.
69-70 The legs of each creature within 20 feet of you transform into hairy spiderlike legs, giving the creatures a 10-foot bonus to movement speed. This effect lasts 1 minute.
71-72 For the next minute you are immune to being charmed, frightened, petrified, poisoned or stunned, and a faint voice whispers unsettling stories into your ears.
73-74 A random creature within 60 feet of you falls asleep for 1d8 hours. They can be woken up if another spends an action to do so. During the sleep, it experiences a vivid, eerie dream.
75-76 You begin to emit dangerous psychic waves. At the end of your turn for 1 minute, every creature within 5 feet of you hears an echoing, cold laughter and takes 1d4 psychic damage.
77-78 Roll a d4. On a 1, you turn into raven, On a 2, you turn into a rat. On a 3, you turn into a wolf. On a 4, You turn into a giant spider. At the end of every one of your turns, make a
Charisma save against your own spell save DC to end the effect. You keep your mental statistics while in any of these forms.
79-80 You begin to weep illusory blood for 1 minute.
81-82 1d4 creatures of your choice near you are restrained by ghostly hands until the end of your next turn.
83-84 You gain a horrific, illusory visage, each creature that can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell DC. If they fail, they fall prone and are frightened of you until
the end of their next turn.
85-86 You cast blur. While the spell lasts, ghostly voices whispering ancient secrets emanate from you.
87-88 A random creature within 60 feet of you regains 2d4 hit points but is poisoned for 1 round.
89-90 You gain the effects of the gaseous form spell, except that it requires no concentration and lasts until the end of your next turn.
91-92 For the next minute, the first time you are reduced to 0 hit points or below, immediately negate all damage from that attack, and transform into a wraith, with all its powers and
statistics, for 1 minute.
93-94 You gain truesight, and advantage on all Wisdom (Perception), Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Insight) checks for 1 minute. However, for that minute, you also take on the
appearance of Strahd Von Zarovich, or another powerful vampire (GM's discretion).
95-96 You and all creatures within 30 ft of you catch fire, taking 1d4 fire damage every turn. A Dexterity saving throw at DC 10 at the end of the creature’s turn can put out the fire. The fire
burns black with purplish smoke.
97-98 For 1 minute, your shadow detaches itself from you and begins to pantomime throttling your friends.
99-00 All creatures around you hear the sound of flapping bat-wings and you regain spell slots the sum total of whose levels add up to half your character level (rounded up).
Spooky Dreams
D20 Dream

1 Someone with a high, cold laugh is chasing you through a dark forest, but you keep tripping over tree roots, rocks, and your own clothing.

2 An old woman in a tent is reading your future in her cards, but each card she pulls out depicts you dying in increasingly gruesome ways.

3 You are sitting in a large cauldron, up to your neck in foul-smelling liquid, and are surrounded by three hags adding ingredients, stirring the pot, or describing to you the flavor they
want to achieve.

4 You're uncorking a bottle of fine wine, but as you do so, thorny vines burst out of it, shattering the glass and spilling blood-red liquid everywhere. The vines begin to strangle you.

5 A man in white robes straps you to a crude wooden gurney and drags you into an insane asylum. You notice too late the man's clawed hands, serpentine neck, cat-like eyes and curved

6 You chance upon a dilapidated hut in the wilderness, which suddenly grows teeth and a long, sticky tongue, and proceeds to devour you.

7 As you walk through a hallway littered with shattered bones, a great skeletal dragon forms in front of you and roars. It opens its mouth wide and darkness engulfs your vision.

8 All you can see around you is mist, a choking, evil-smelling mist. Ghostly forms of people keep appearing and vanishing within the mists, each with pleading eyes and hands stretched
out, beseeching you for help.

9 You're in the middle of a village festival, except that everyone is chained up and being whipped by unseen masters. A man appears and clasps a stinging collar around your neck,
whispering "All will be well…"

10 You dream of amber…a prison made of amber and you're trapped inside…You can't move, you can't breathe…amber, hard and unrelenting fills your mouth, your nose, your
eyes…and there is something in there with you…something dark, something ancient, something hungry...

11 All around you in the darkness, hundreds of eyes watch you. Large eyes, bright eyes, small eyes, blue eyes…they follow your every movement, and then they vanish. You hear
footsteps, wings, wheels all leaving. And then eyes again. But only one pair this time, one pair of ancient, hungry eyes, watching...

12 You're paying a visit to a house. You can't remember who you're visiting, or why, but you know the house. You knock. No one answers. You knock again. A dozen zombie hands
burst out of the windows and door, and grab you and drag you inside…

13 You're climbing up a tall flight of spiraling stairs. All around you, you hear a steady, pulsing rhythm, the heartbeat of the edifice you're in. You have to reach the top but you don't want
to. Something bad awaits you there, something horrible...

14 You're rummaging around in an old attic full of broken toys. You're looking for a particular one, but all the junk is making it hard to find. And then you do: a perfect replica of
yourself, only, there's a miniature wooden stake plunged into your chest where your toy heart would be...

15 All around you in the forest, you hear howling. Dark shapes lope around among the trees…and you feel them calling to you. You can smell them, bloody, dirty and full of adrenaline.
You lift up your head and let loose a howl in return. You drop to all fours and join the hunt.

16 You're in an old battlefield. Black corpses of ancient soldiers are strewn everywhere, reminding you of pepper sprinkled on by an overzealous chef. One by one, the corpses begin to
get up. Their eyes are aflame and each and every one of them is staring at you.

17 A circle of ravens wheels above you as you run, desperate to escape. The ravens caw at you incessantly, almost as though they're trying to tell you something. But you can't understand
them, and whatever is chasing you will soon catch up…

18 You claw desperately at the earth, trying to dig out your friend who's been buried alive. Your fingers touch hard wood: the coffin. You pry open the lid, but inside you find your own
corpse: cold and lifeless, hands neatly folded over its lap. Its eyes open.

19 You're in a tomb. Too late, you see your own name carved onto a wall. You rush towards the entrance, but someone is already shutting the heavy stone door. You hear the thud of a
heavy lock. You scream but the sound merely echoes back at you.

20 You take a bite of the exquisite meal, listening to the chatter of your charming host. He's handsome and oh-so-interesting. You feel a rumble in your stomach. You look down and
your stomach burst open, a pair of hands clawing their way out. You look back at your host but he is now laughing. A charming laugh, to be sure, but all he is doing is laughing...

What’s Inside That House?

D20 What's Inside that House?
1 A mother and father are sitting in an unresponsive, dazed stupor, while a little boy is crying in a chair.
2 A group of ghouls are tearing into the corpse of a large woman.
3 Two little girls are prancing around the house wearing white sheets.
4 A man lies unconscious at a table that is littered with wine bottles. A puddle of wine is dripping onto the floor.
5 A family of four is conducting a memorial service for their pet cat.
6 A young woman is fighting back swarms of rats with a frying pan and a poker.
7 A trio of hooded figures are chanting around a blood-stained altar.
8 Every inch of the interior of this empty house is covered with spider webs.
9 This house looks deserted, but a meal has been laid out at the table, and from the looks of it, fairly recently.
10 Two older women are desperately trying to staunch the blood flow of a young, wounded man.
11 Two infant boys are playing in the puddle of drool dripping down from the open mouth of an unconscious eight-year-old girl.
12 This house is full of cats of all shapes and sizes, draped all over the furniture.
13 This house is filled with wax models of various recently-encountered NPCs.
14 Seven young children are dancing in a circle while a man in white chants from a book.
15 A pair of zombies is systematically destroying every piece of furniture in the house.
16 A shadowy shape is rummaging through the house, apparently searching for something.
17 A man and a women are hanging from the rafters, their nooses seemingly made of twisted bedsheets.
18 A swarm of bats is fluttering above a sleeping old man.
19 A young woman screams and fires a crossbow that she was pointing at the door.
20 The door bursts open and two screaming men in their nightclothes rush out, chased by a swarm of insects.
Gothic Trinkets
D100 Trinket D100 Trinket
1 A pouch full of the finger-bones of a small child 51 A glove made for a four-fingered hand
2 A black handkerchief with a silver cobweb embroidery 52 A miniature guillotine
3 A book full of poems about the beauty of death 53 An eye patch with a preserved eyeball sewn on to the front
4 A brooch in the shape of a grinning vampire's face 54 A seashell which, if held up to one's ear, emits a soft, high-pitched shrieking
5 A miniature iron maiden, whose spikes are still sharp 55 A scarecrow doll wearing replica clothing of one of the PCs
6 A stuffed raven that caws at sunset 56 A candied spider
7 An idyllic, pastoral scenery carved onto a full set of human teeth 57 Several severed rat tails woven into a bracelet
8 A snow globe with fluttering bats instead of snow 58 A plaster cast of a clawed footprint
9 A pamphlet denouncing those who have no soul 59 A fossilized wolf's paw
10 Four rings each set with a black stone depicting a different phase of the 60 A dried leaf exquisitely inked with the likeness of a beautiful woman
61 A pouch of dried prunes that provoke realistic, hallucinatory odors when
11 A perfumed love letter that smells of rotting roses to anyone with a tragic eaten
62 A hairball taken from the stomach of a child who would chew their hair
12 A little sack full of grave dirt and broken pieces of a doll
63 A midnight-black egg that is otherwise perfectly normal and edible
13 A bracelet that is invisible unless in complete darkness
64 A broken harp that produces soft notes when anyone nearby is dreaming
14 A snuffbox filled with a white powder that when inhaled, produces dreams
of being lost in a massive, gloomy castle 65 A raven's beak embedded in a rotten apple

15 Twelve tiny ceramic dancers, each missing a single limb 66 A doll's dress made entirely out of bat wings sewn together

16 A goblet that makes any liquid drunk from it taste like sour wine 67 A white tile with five black fingerprints on it

17 A notebook containing colorful descriptions of animal and human 68 A half-finished suicide note
vivisections 69 A tiny vial of children's tears
18 A hairpin made of hardened human hair 70 A human bone carved with a cheerful fable about talking animals
19 A bloodstained left sock 71 A taxidermied cat with its eyes replaced by fanged mouths
20 A set of blank playing cards covered in bloodstains that appear different 72 A pair of church bell-shaped earring that tinkle softly when near a corpse
every time they are looked at
73 A folded map of the night sky that when unfolded reveals a pitch-black,
21 Half of a tiny, silver heart starless sky
22 A glass eye with a blood-red pupil 74 Sausages made from human flesh
23 A used wooden leg stained with blood 75 A jar of poultice made from human brain that is supposed to cure insanity
24 A shrunken werewolf head 76 A smooth, shiny stone carved to resemble a head of garlic
25 A needle threaded with sinew 77 Three stuffed mice with their eyes sewn shut
26 A preserved, pressed flower that still smells of springtime 78 A charcoal sketch of a long-dead monarch
27 A set of knitting needles made of bone 79 Glass case with labelled and preserved lice
28 A silver spoon carved with the phrase "I am the land" 80 The skeleton of fish that occasionally wriggles
29 A set of dice with ordinary pips, yet which always shows a blank side when 81 A locket that when opened releases a small mass of live maggots
82 A coffin the size of a human palm
30 A garrote made of braided hair with a pink ribbon tied in it
83 An unguent that when applied to skin, turns it ashen black for a few hours
31 Four clay jars filled with a preserved lung, a stomach, a liver and an intestine
84 A black, point hat that recited various ways of killing a human into the ears
32 A black hair-ribbon covered in miniscule writing describing the process of of whoever dons it
wasting away from starvation
85 A glittery necklace that attracts clouds of flies
33 A monocle that when looked through, makes the world appear in shades of
grey 86 A wrapped toffee that tastes like blood but is harmless to eat

34 A white silk glove that appears stained with blood, but only when worn by 87 A scarf made of woven raven-feathers
someone 88 A tiny, clockwork beetle that buzzes and flaps its wings when wound
35 A pair of dance slippers seemingly made for a small human child 89 A cube of incense whose smoke makes people dream of their worst fears
36 A jar full of toenail clippings 90 A wooden doll that despite being relatively plain, reminds everyone who
37 A severed tongue that still appears fresh and moist looks at it of a dead relative

38 A porcelain milk jug that pours up to an ounce of spoiled milk every day 91 A box of spice that leeches flavor out of any food its used in.

39 A candle whose flame never flickers, even in light breezes 92 A porcelain rotten apple complete with porcelain insects embedded with it

40 A jack-in-the-box with a black, featureless face 93 A broom with bristles made of thin, brittle bone

41 A eulogy written about one of the PCs 94 A broken wedding ring stained with blood

42 A fragment of a dream journal 95 A severed, elven ear preserved in a box of rich, fragrant herbs

43 A ship in a bottle whose sails are tattered and whose wood is old and rotten. 96 A set of wooden teeth with unusually prominent canines

44 Dried bat guano pressed into the shape of a small disk 97 A doll of a handsome young man that changes to that of a wolf during the
full moon
45 A handheld fan that hums a soft lullaby when fanned
98 A bottle of perfume that causes an itchy rash
46 A vial of fiery liquor that induces vomiting within minutes
99 A poster about a missing child
47 A werewolf teddy bear
100 A doll's rocking chair that moves on its own accord
48 A piece of crystal with the ghostly image of a flower within it
49 A pickled human toe in a jar
50 A pot of green ink made of human bile
Haunted Occurrences NPC Appearance
D20 Feature D20 Feature
1 Chandelier that lights up with a soft, inner glow 1 Hollow, blank eyes
2 A rocking horse that starts rocking when the PCs approach 2 Puncture wounds on neck
3 Platters that momentarily appear to be filled with the heads of the PCs 3 Black dirt under fingernails
4 The sound of a child laughing overlaying the sound of one screaming 4 Yellowing clothing
5 All the fireplaces, candles and lamps in a room simultaneously burst into 5 Gaunt, hollow cheeks
6 Eyes sunken into their sockets
6 A swarm of bats burst out of a window, fireplace, or gap in the walls
7 Prematurely graying hair
7 A loud, echoing ticking noise with no discernible source
8 Half their face disfigured by a vicious bite
8 Barely-discernible whispers of a dozen different voices fill the chamber
9 Constant sweat
9 Walls that seem to be momentarily splattered with blood
10 Corpse-like body odor
10 The PCs' shadows or reflections all pause to stare at them as they pass
11 Slightly more prominent canines
11 Every footstep a PC makes is followed by a the sound of another footstep,
with no visible source 12 Hairy backs of hands

12 The PCs' minds are filled with visions of death 13 Creaky voice

13 The room briefly smells of flowers, burnt hair, blood or rotting corpses 14 Dark circles under eyes

14 All paintings in the room momentarily depict skeletal people and ruined 15 Bloodshot eyes
landscapes 16 Teeth stained brown
15 A flash of lightning illuminates a hunched figure in a corner, but it is then 17 Fangs or bone used as hair ornaments or hair pins
18 One or more silver teeth
16 Dust in the room inexplicably rises and provokes a coughing fit
19 Ring of scars around neck
17 The room contains a number of dead rats and insects, but they are arranged
in a very particular pattern, word or shape 20 Unusually warm to the touch

18 Objects that people move seem to find their way back to their original
19 A sour, chemical taste in the PCs' mouths for an instant NPC Mannerisms
D20 NPC Mannerism
20 The PCs' every word is echoed by a faint, breathy voice
1 Constantly licking lips
2 Stares deeply into someone's eyes while speaking
Wilderness Features 3 Coughs blood into a stained handkerchief
D20 Feature 4 Sniffs and breathes deeply when encountering someone new, almost as
1 A twisted tree whose knotted trunk resembles a grimacing face though to smell them

2 A cairn of stones near a makeshift grave 5 Constantly starts at small, harmless noises

3 A tuft of brightly colored flowers from the PCs' homeland 6 Fingers reflexively open and close, as though grasping or squeezing
4 A noose hanging from a tree branch
7 Laughs nervously after every few sentences
5 Wolf corpses made into a neat pile
8 Keeps looking beyond the PCs as though searching for something
6 An abandoned well full of black sludge
9 Frequently fingers a particular scar
7 A grassy hillock hiding a small tomb underneath
10 Sways from side-to-side while speaking
8 An image carved into the ground
11 Sucks their thumb
9 A repeating ghostly scene of a murder
12 Hugs themselves tightly while speaking
10 Various corpse limbs poking out of the ground
13 Smiles and turns their head very slowly towards whoever is speaking
11 Piles of dirt of a different color from the surrounding area
14 Keeps looking at their left hand as though fascinated by it
12 A nest of insects, all dead and perfectly preserved
15 Constantly rubbing their hands, as though trying to clean off some kind of
13 The skeletons of a family still sitting around the remains of a fire stain or mark
14 A patch of earth studded with broken weapons 16 Always trailing off mid-sentence, as though distracted by a thought
15 A tree in which is embedded a long, curved fang 17 Keeps forgetting what people have said in conversation
16 A tattered flag flapping from a tree branch 18 Sing-song, overly sweet voice
17 A perfect circle where the vegetation has been scorched away 19 Swallows frequently
18 A buried cache of spoiled food and drink 20 Constantly biting their lower lip
19 A tiny, abandoned hut
20 An area that seems oddly darker than its surroundings
NPC Bonds
D10 Bond
NPC Flaws and Secrets 1 Romantically obsessed with someone
D10 Flaw or Secret 2 Wants to find a relative's dead body
1 Is a spy for the main villain 3 Hopes to transform into a "higher state": a vampire, werewolf or lich
2 Helped the main villain gain power 4 Wants to atone for a heinous act
3 Sacrificed friends or family members for personal gain 5 Needs to get away from a heinous act they committed
4 Wants to run away out of despair 6 Is the reincarnation of an important figure and is trying to figure it all out
5 Wants the PCs to do their dirty work 7 Wants to find a cure for a debilitating or deadly condition
6 Has lost a great deal to the main villain, but is scared to talk about it 8 Believes themselves to be divinely ordained for a certain task
7 Is terrified of even the mention of the main villain 9 Needs to keep a secret safe
8 Has been reincarnated multiple times and remembers pieces of past 10 Wants to be free of the one who's controlling / enslaving them
9 Cannot stand anyone in their own community
10 Has a dark fascination for the morbid and taboo

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