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Quarter 2 - Module 7:
Maintaining and Sustaining an
ICT Project for Social Change

Compiler/Contextualizer: Hans Mikel L. Alvarico


Content Standard : The learner demonstrates an understanding of how to

maintain and sustain operation of an ICT Project for
Social Change.
Performance Standard : The learner shall be able to independently evaluate the
performance of an advocacy via an ICT Project for
Social Change through available monitoring tools and
evaluating techniques such as user interviews,
feedback forms, and analytics data.
Competencies : Generate a report on the performance of their ICT
Project for Social Change based on data gathered
from available monitoring tools and evaluating
Learning Outcomes : 1. Define and explain feedback forms and its purposes.
2. Discuss the key features of Google Forms.
3. Enumerate and explain the procedures in making an
online for through Google Forms.
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of an online campaign
through user feedback collected from using Google
5. Assess the impact of an online campaign using
Google Forms
6. Generate a report on the success of an online
campaign using the data collected with Google Forms

What I Know

Instructions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

1. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that can be answered with a numerical range (e.g.,
1-5, 1-10)?

A. Dropdown C. Linear Scale

B. Multiple Choice D. Checkboxes

2. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that can be answered with multiple answers in a
set of options?

A. Checkboxes C. Dropdown
B. Multiple Choice D. Linear Scale
3. Which among in the collaboration setting should you select if you want that only
the people added can open your Google form link?

A. Anyone with the link C. Private

B. Restricted D. Public
4. In the Send button at the top of the Google Forms page, which option allows you
to generate a shorter URL of your Google form link, necessary for limited spaces?

A. Embed HTML C. Link to share

B. Send form via email D. Shorten URL
5. In Google Spreadsheets, which tab should you click to locate the Download
Microsoft Excel function to save your data file on your hard drive?

A. View tab C. Edit tab

B. File tab D. Format tab
6. Which type of electronic forms allow your site’s visitors to have their say to the
site’s strengths and weaknesses?

A. Application form C. Feedback form

B. Voting form D. Quiz form
7. What icon in the side toolbar of Google Forms should you click to add new fields
for questions in the form?

A. Plus icon C. Sheet icon

B. Tt icon D. Play icon
8. What icon in the side toolbar of Google Forms should you click to create a section
within your Google form?

A. Sheet icon C. Picture icon

B. Plus icon D. Bars icon
9. In the top-right menu, which icon or function allows you to see how your google
form will look like?

A. Settings C. Customize Theme

B. Preview D. Three dots
10. What button should you click to open the popup window with options to share
the form?

A. Send button C. Three dots

B. Options launcher D. Preview

11. What do you call the button that switches from “Accepting responses” to “Not
accepting responses” that allows you to start or stop receiving feedbacks?

A. spreadsheet logo C. scroll bar

B. slide button D. toggle button
12. Which of the following functions is NOT part in the three dots or options launcher
in the Responses tab?

A. Select response destination C. Unlink form

B. Make a copy of responses D. Download responses
13. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu functions
similarly with a multiple-choice question, but the options are revealed in a
dropdown list?

A. Dropdown C. Short answer

B. Checkboxes D. Multiple choice grid
14. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that answers in few words?

A. Multiple Choice C. Paragraph

B. Dropdown D. Short Answer
15. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that is answerable with a specified date?

A. Time C. Short Answer

B. Date D. Linear Scale

Lesson Maintaining and Sustaining an

1 ICT Project for Social Change

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

o evaluate the effectives of your online campaign through user feedback;
o improve your online campaign using various monitoring tools; and
o check the impact of your online campaign.

What’s In

Look at the three images below and carefully observe how they look and what
they contain. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible.

1. What do we call the information-asking sheets below? Write three acceptable

2. List down five purposes you think they serve.
3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having them to
evaluate a product, service, or a project?

What’s New

Have you had an experience where you were asked to answer a survey form
to gather feedbacks like the ones you saw above? Why do you think people use them?
In the previous lessons, you have applied the skill of asking significant
information in the form of feedbacks through surveys. This is usually done to
evaluate your product, service, or a project. This is important for you to know if your
product, service, or project is effective and has made an impact to the people. Aside
from that, it will also help you assess should you need to make some necessary

improvements to further strengthen the effectiveness of your project.
In this lesson, we will be learning a novel way of creating the same survey
form but in an electronic format. Since we are now in the digital age, there are already
numerous ways to get users’ feedback through the Internet!
Below are the most common feedback or evaluation forms that we can create
online. Their development became a great help in the corporate world because it
heavily benefits content creators and business users in improving their products and
services. Understanding customer preferences and customer satisfaction is vital in
sustaining a business, and through feedbacking, creators and businessmen learn to
better understand the effectiveness and impact of their products or services to the


Have you come across to those online feedback forms before? They are the
most popular among plenty options that the Internet can provide. JotForm,
Typeform, Microsoft Forms, Google Forms, and Formstack are the common ones that
work at the purpose of efficiently collecting a bunch of responses from your audience,
which in turn will greatly help you in maintaining and sustaining an ICT Project for
Social Change.

What Is It

Creating Online Surveys/Feedback Forms Using Google Forms

The Internet may display several options of feedback forms for you to utilized
but what you need to know is that they are all useful and just differ on the way they
are presented. They can ask you for a service fee and there are also some that comes
free but with too many ads and lacking features. In an instance, it would be your
decision as to which of these services will lead you to your objective with less

In this module, we will be focusing on Google Forms. What in the world is

Google Forms? According to Anacleto (2020), Google Forms is a cloud-based

questionnaire and survey software. This means that you can create all your forms
online in your browser. It was launched in 2008 as simple integration with Google
Sheets. In this version, you had to use three different sheets: one to add a form, one
to format it, and another one to see the responses it acquired. Later in 2016, Forms
became an independent app, with more advanced features.

Forms comes with several features that allows you to share and collaborate
in making surveys, collecting feedback, conduct online registration, and offer
customer care support real-time among multiple people.

Have you heard much about it now? Let’s discover more of what it can offer!

Features that make Google Forms convenient to use:

1. All forms are online – no need to install on your computer. It is a cloud app that
is accessible anytime and anywhere in any browser that is connected to the
2. Saves storage space – does not use up space in your Hard Drive. It stores the
data and analytics it gathers in your Google Drive account.
3. Save time with templates – has a “Template Gallery” that can be used whenever
you want to save time instead of starting from scratch.
4. Auto-save – no worries of losing data from power outbreaks or data corruption
anymore. It automatically records the latest version of your edited form without
clicking a “Save file” button like you used to do in other document software.
Exploring Google Forms

1. Open your browser and go to

2. Sign in or create an account and select “For myself”.

3. On the next page, fill-in your First name, Last name, Username, and Password to
create your account.

4. Verify your phone number so Google can assure you’re not a bot. Make sure to
supply a recovery email address, your birthday, and gender as this will come in
handy in retrieving your Google account whenever it gets locked up.

5. After verifying your phone number, you also need to agree to the privacy statement
and terms of service. Now, you have successfully created an account! The Google
Forms homepage will be the first thing that you will see.

6. Create a Blank Form by clicking the multicolored plus sign that says “Blank”.

7. The screen editor will appear giving you an easy to comprehend layout with a title
preset as “Untitled Form” with “Form description” box below. You may now fill out
the form with questions.

You will notice two tabs above the title:

a. Questions – allows you to build your form with different types of questions.
b. Responses – displays the responses your Google form will collect and lets
you download a copy to your computer

The toolbar allows you to set new fields and is located at the right side of the
form that contains the following icons with different functions:
a. Plus icon – to add new fields for questions in the form
b. Sheet icon – to import questions from other existing forms
c. Tt icon – to add another title and description in the form
d. Picture icon – to add images in the form
e. Play icon – to add a video in the form
f. Bars icon – to create a section within your Google form

Look at the top-right menu, starting from the right-most icon, they are
displayed with corresponding functions:

a. Customize Theme – to change the theme and background color, add an

image on the header, and change the font style
b. Preview – to see how your Google form will look like with the current

c. Settings – control how your form will perform, set up a quiz, and the way
it will be presented

d. Send – opens the popup with options to share the Google form

e. Three dots icon/Options Launcher – contains extra options such as Undo
actions, make a copy of the archive, send it to the trash, print it, and even
set add-ons.

8. The Responses tab will hold all the submitted feedbacks in your Google
form. Clicking the toggle button that will switch from “Accepting
responses” to “Not accepting responses” allows you to start or stop receiving
new forms.

The “Not accepting responses” function will display in red color symbolizing
that the form has stopped collecting feedbacks and allows you to type a
message in a box to explain that the form has closed.

The Google Sheets icon (green icon) on top allows you to link your form to
a spreadsheet.

The three dots icon/options launcher contains several functions as well:

• Get email notification for new responses

• Select response destination
• Unlink form (if a linked form exists)
• Download responses
• Print responses
• Delete responses

Google Form fields

1. Question – includes the question that will be answered by your audience

2. Question Type drop-down menu – next to the question field, changes the type of
question according to your preference.

These options include:

a. Short Answer – for a question with answers in few words. “Response

validation” can be set to get the exact answer that you expect.
b. Paragraph – for a question for longer answers in one or more paragraphs.
Data input validation can also be set here.
c. Multiple Choice – for a question that can be answered by only one answer in
a set of options. It allows to set the form to jump to another section depending
on the response chosen or even shuffle the answer options.
d. Checkboxes – for a question that can be answered with multiple answers in
a set of options. A data input validation can also be applied.
e. Dropdown – functions similarly with a multiple-choice question but the
options are revealed in a dropdown list
f. File Upload – allows the respondents to upload a file in response to a question.
Uploaded files use Google Drive space for the survey owner. You can specify
the size and type of files people can upload.
g. Linear Scale – for a question that can be answered with a numerical range
(e.g., 1-5, 1-10)
h. Multiple Choice Grid – creates a grid from which people can select one
answer per row. Answers can be limited to one response per column and row
order can also be shuffled.
i. Checkbox Grid – functions similarly with a multiple-choice grid but multiple
answers can be selected in checkboxes.
j. Date – for a question that can be answered with a specified date. The default
is day, month, and year. Time and year can be added optionally.
k. Time – for a question that can be answered with a specified time.

In each field, there is a copy button to duplicate it and help you save time when
there are similar question types. There is also a trash can icon that allows you to
delete the question. Moreover, you can click the toggle button to choose if the
answer to that field is required.

When you click the three-dot sign icon, a drop-down menu will appear with other
settings for your question field. You can mark the following options to be shown on
the field: description, response validation, shuffle option order.

How to Add More Questions

1. In the side tool bar, click the plus sign (+) icon that says, “Add question”.

2. To group questions separately, add another section. Click the bars icon that says,
“Add section”.

3. Fill in the part below that asks for the “Section title” and “Description” to
distinguish one section from another.
4. If you want to add any questions to a different section, it’s simple! Just drag and
drop them between sections. At the end of the section, click the drop-down menu
to choose where the form should direct people next.

How to Collaborate on Forms

1. Click the Send button at the top of the page, scroll down on the Send form page
and click “Add collaborators” at the bottom.

2. Next, under the heading “Add editors”, encode the email address of specific people
who you only want to collaborate with. To change the link sharing options, click
anywhere in the “Get link” box.

3. Click the dropdown menu, select Restricted if you want that only the people
added can open the link or select Anyone with the link if you want anyone who
can access the link can edit, view, and delete responses.

4. Click Done to finalize your collaboration setting.

Finalizing your Google Form Setting

1. Click the Settings cog at the top of the page.

2. Three tabs will show – General, Presentation, and Quizzes tabs.

The General tab allows you to collect email addresses and limit each person to one
submission, which requires logging in to a Google account. You can also select
whether respondents can edit their answers after they’re submitted or see a summary
at the end of the survey.

The Presentation tab includes settings that show a progress bar, shuffle question
order, show link to submit another response, or compose a confirmation message
that respondents see after submitting the form.

3. Click the “Save” button to finalize these settings and return to your form.

How to Share your Form

1. Click the “Send” button at the top of the page.

2. The options to share are displayed at the top of the pane of the Send form
dialog box. You can edit these options according to your preference.

b. Send form via email – allows you to share your form via email
c. Link to share – contains the URL that you can share on your website
d. Shorten URL – generates a shorter URL necessary for limited spaces like
sharing on Twitter
e. Embed HTML – contains an embed code to attach to your HTML
f. Share form via Facebook – directly creates a status post to your Facebook
account containing the Google form link, ready to be shared
g. Share form via Twitter – directly creates a tweet to your Twitter account
containing the Google form link, ready to be shared
h. Add collaborators – allows others to edit your form, necessary when
working in groups

Analyzing Your Google Forms Result

After sending or sharing your Google Forms to others, collecting of responses

will follow in no time. Google Forms automatically stores all the data gathered and
organize them in a Spreadsheet that you can access through Google Sheets or
download as an Excel file. Information responses about your ICT Project for Social
Change survey are now ready to be interpreted and analyzed.

1. The easiest way to view the result is viewing a summary of the responses.
Click on Responses > Summary.

2. You will be taken to a Summary of Responses page. This is particularly useful

for viewing your results from time to time.

However, after a set amount of time, you may want to use this data in a
spreadsheet and eventually create your own charts.

3. To use the data collected through responses, click the Spreadsheet logo (green
box logo with white intersecting lines) that says “Create Spreadsheet” when
hovered by the mouse cursor.

4. Choose if you if you want to create a new Google Sheet as the destination of your
response results or if you want to put it on an existing Google Sheet.

5. Once you click Create, you will be taken to a Google Sheet which includes the
responses for your survey. From here you have two options:

a. Save this file locally on your hard drive by exporting it to Microsoft Excel. To
do this, click on File tab > Download > Microsoft Excel or click on the three
dots icon/option launcher on the Responses page and select Download
responses (.csv).

b. Continue working online using Google Sheets and use the built-in features
like creating a chart for your data (found in Insert tab > Chart).

6. You may now create a chart for your numerical data in either Google Sheets or
Microsoft Excel. Note that you must be online to use Google Sheets. Tip: Google
Sheets are automatically saved when the Internet connection is constant.

Figure 1. Spreadsheet generated from the responses includes a timestamp

With the help of Google Forms, you can view the summary of data gathered,
create, and download graphs and charts to better understand the statistics. You can
even do basic data validation or calculation. There are still a wide range of monitoring
tools and evaluating techniques available online and Google Forms is just one that
gives you the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to evaluate your data to
further enhance the project that you are trying to make relevant and purposive to
the society.

What’s More
Activity 1: Application of User Feedback

General Instructions: Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

For learners with a gadget and internet connection at home.

1. Enumerate the user feedback you gathered with Google Forms that you believe
can be useful in improving your campaign. Use this information to improve the
2. Monitor the success of your petition by looking at the number of
signatures it has. See if this increase coincides with your actions to promote
and improve your website.
3. Continue to promote your social project campaign (via social networking sites
or websites) using online and print ads through campaigns, blog posts, and

For learners without a gadget and internet connection at home. Please answer
the following questions.

1. What do you think are the most common user feedbacks you will get when your
website and campaign is evaluated? List down five and briefly explain each.

2. How do you think will the number of signatures gathered affects one’s social
campaign, will it help promote and improve one’s advocacy? Why or why not?

3. Think of your personal social campaign (via poster, drawing or flyers, etc.) that
can impact greatly your community. If you are to make an infographic or
advertisement for it, how will it look like? Create a manual drawing in a short
bond paper that will serve as your guide. Apply colors to add life to it.

What I Have Learned

Key Terms in My Nutshell

Look for at least ten important terms that sum up the topics learned on Google Forms
and Generating Report on a Social Project Campaign. Write them in a separate sheet
of paper. You may put markings in the word search box for your guidance.


Instructions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write your chosen answer on a separate sheet of

1. Which type of electronic forms allow your site’s visitors to have their say to the
site’s strengths and weaknesses?

A. Application form C. Feedback form

B. Voting form D. Quiz form
2. The Plus icon in the side toolbar of Google Forms should be clicked when you
want to ____________________________________.

A. import questions C. add images

B. add another title or description D. add new field

3. What icon in the side toolbar of Google Forms should you click to create a section
within your Google form?

A. Sheet icon C. Picture icon

B. Plus icon D. Bars icon
4. Which of the following functions is NOT part in the three dots or options launcher
in the Responses tab?

A. Select response destination C. Unlink form

B. Make a copy of responses D. Download responses
5. In the Google Forms drop-down menu, which among the options tells the function
of a Dropdown question?

A. for questions with longer answers

B. similar with a multiple-choice question but the options are revealed in a
dropdown list
C. for questions answerable with multiple answers in a set of options
D. similar with a multiple-choice grid but multiple answers can be selected

6. In the Google Forms drop-down menu, which among the options tells the function
of a Short Answer question?

A. for a question with answers in few words

B. for a question that can be answered with a specified time
C. for a question that can be answered with a numerical range
D. for a question for answers in paragraphs

7. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that is answerable with a specified date?

A. Time C. Short Answer

B. Date D. Linear Scale
8. Which tab in Google Sheets should you go to generate a chart for your data?

A. Data tab C. File tab

B. Insert tab D. Edit tab
9. In the Google Forms, which among the options in the drop-down menu should
you choose to make a question that can be answered with multiple answers in a
set of options?

A. Checkboxes C. Dropdown
B. Multiple Choice D. Linear Scale
10. In the top-right menu, which icon or function allows you to see how your google
form will look like?

A. Settings C. Customize Theme

B. Preview D. Three dots

11. How do you share your newly crafted Google form?

A. Click the Send button at the top of the page

B. Go to the Settings cog, there you will find the share button
C. Click the three dots/options launcher menu
D. Go to Responses to find the Share button

12. What do you call the button that switches from “Accepting responses” to “Not
accepting responses” that allows you to start or stop receiving feedbacks?

A. spreadsheet logo C. scroll bar

B. slide button D. toggle button
13. In the Google Forms drop-down menu, which among the options tells the function
of a Linear Scale question?

A. for a question with multiple set of options

B. for a question that can be answered with a specified time
C. for a question that can be answered with a specified date
D. for a question that can be answered with a numerical range (e.g., 1-5, 1-10)

14. In generating report on data gathered from your feedback form, which is the
correct sequence to follow to download responses in Excel format when you are
in Google Sheets?

I. Click File tab

II. Select Microsoft Excel option
III. Click Download option

A. I > II > III C. I > III > II

B. II > III > I D. III > II > I
15. Which among in the collaboration setting should you select if you want that only
the people added can open your Google form link?

A. Anyone with the link C. Private

B. Restricted D. Public

What’s In (sample answers only) What’s More
1. Survey form Activity 1:
Feedback form Application of
Evaluation form User Feedback
Assessment form
Comment form 1. Answers vary
depending on
2. Provides positive criticism the owner’s
Collects information website.
Assess a product, service, or project 2. Answers vary
Stores feedback for analysis depending on
Encourages audience participation the user’s
3. Answers vary.
What I Have Learned
▪ Anyone with the link
▪ Autosave
▪ Checkboxes
▪ Collaborate
▪ Download responses
▪ Dropdown
▪ Google Sheets
▪ Link to share
▪ Multiple Choice
▪ Paragraph
▪ Parallel Bar
▪ Plus sign icon
▪ Questions
▪ Responses
▪ Restricted
▪ Send
▪ Short Answer
▪ Shorten URL
▪ Summary
Remember: This portion of the module contains all the answers. Your HONESTY is
Answer Key


RBS Empowerment Technologies First Edition. Manila City, Philippines: Rex

Book Store, Inc. and Innovative Training Works, Inc., 2016, 219-234

Yuvienco, Joel. 2017. Empowerment Technologies Student Reader. First Edition, 2017.
Department of Education

Online Sources

Gavin, Brady. (2019). The Beginner’s Guide to Google Forms. Retrieved

November 5, 2020, from

Anacleto, Samantha (2020). Google Forms: The Ultimate 2020 Guide. Retrieved
November 5, 2020, from

Techopedia (2020). Feedback Form. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from


Restaurant Survey Form, Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Event Satisfaction Survey. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Customer Satisfication Survey. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Jotform logo. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Microsoft Form logo. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Typeform logo. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from

Google Form logo. Retrieved November 5, 2020, from


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