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Date: October 15, 2021 Subject: Social Studies Unit: Federal Government

Length: 48 minutes Topic: Lobbyists

General Learning Outcomes:  9.1
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canada’s political processes
impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs of all Canadians.

Chapter 1 Inquiry Question: How Effectively Does Canada’s Federal Political System Govern
Canada for all Canadians?


PROGRAM OF STUDIES (Observations, Key Questions,

Specific Learning Outcomes:

Students will: Students will understand what Formative:
lobbyists are through direct - Conversation
9.1.2 - Students will appreciate the instruction. - Observation
various effects of government
policies on citizenship and on Students will identify an issue in - Product (Lobbyist Project)
Canadian society their life they would want to
lobby the government for.
9.1.3 - Students will appreciate how
emerging issues impact quality of Students will follow steps to
create a mock lobby group.
life, citizenship and identity in
Students will present their issue
to the government.
9.1.4 - Students will examine the
structure of Canada’s federal Students will research lobbyists
political system by exploring and in Canada.
reflecting upon the following
questions and issues: Students will cite their sources.
● How are laws passed in the
federal political system?
● What is the relationship
between the executive,
legislative and judicial
branches of Canada’s
federal political system?
● How do lobby groups impact
government decision


Issues for Canadians textbook


Chromebooks, textbooks, internet research

Introduction (# min.)
● Attention Grabber:
● Advance Organizer/Agenda: (Write agenda on the board)
● Assessment of Prior Knowledge/Bellwork:
● Expectations for Behaviour:
Transition to Body:
Body (# min.)
● Learning Activity #1: Direct Instruction (Oct 14 only)
o A Google Slides presentation about lobbyists will be presented (and left on the board while
students research)
o This Slides presentation is available in Google Classroom
● Learning Activity #2: Lobbyist Project
o In Google Classrooms, students will have an assignment outline that will provide step by step
tabled instructions, a rubric, and online resources.
o This is a written assignment, so consider differentiation options for Jayla and David →
David will need extensive help in terms of all elements, Jayla may need a different
approach to completing the assignment if written will not work for her - conference with
her PRIVATELY about this.
o Students will also have a spot to upload their assignment into Google Classroom.
o There will be an element of student choice. They may either do a visual presentation, a
podcast recording, an essay format, or a verbal interview with me.
o This project will be due Monday morning- if students choose to do the verbal interview they
will have to consider organizing a time with me when they can do it.
o Students must decide what their format will be on Monday → I will make a list on Google
Doc on what they decide.
o This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment

Closure (# min.)

● Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Students will have had the opportunity to express their own
identity within the realm of political participation and activism.

● Feedback From Students: Check-in with students periodically.

● Feedback to Students: Give students a checklist of things their lobbyist project must include.

● Transition to Next Lesson: Next week students will have a review period as well as a final test on
government before moving on to the next unit.


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