Recent Advances in Sport Injury Surgery

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sports medicine 5/10/05 12:11 pm Page 1

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Lennard Funk, Sanjiv Jari, Henry Maxwell & Christopher Brookes
Manchester Sports Medicine Clinic

Further information and advice is

available from the surgeons and staff
at the Manchester Sports Medicine
Clinic - 0161 227 0027

INTRODUCTION professional athletes has ensured each The traditional treatments of chondral
athlete is seen by an expert for their partic- injuries include techniques such as subchon-
Over the past decade we have seen ular injury. This article covers the advances in dral drilling, microfracture and abrasion
huge advancements in sports perform- knee and shoulder surgery - the most chondroplasty, all of which result in
ances. Athletes are stronger, faster and commonly injured joints in sports. breaching of the subchondral plate to allow
bigger than ever. This has been due to an bleeding into the defect which will then
improved understanding of sports perform- KNEE INJURIES form a scar tissue. The scar tissue histology
ance, application of scientific research, however is that of fibrocartilage which does
technical improvements of equipment, Advances in knee surgery and sports not have the same properties as normal joint
training and more specialised, skilful and medicine occur hand in hand with advances hyaline cartilage. Up until recently there
dedicated athletes. in technology development. Here we cite were no reproducible techniques that would
only two of the many advances in allow the regeneration of hyaline cartilage,
Alongside these advances, sports knee surgery. as human chondrocyte, once damaged,
similar developments have
been occurring in the
does not have any intrinsic potential to
produce hyaline cartilage. A technique that
field of Orthopaedics
and Sports Surgery.
specialist One of the ideal
we now use is Autologous Chondrocyte
Implantation (ACI), whereby articular carti-
ments and
surgical expertise ments of new
examples of develop- lage is biopsied at an arthroscopy as a first
stage. The cells are then sent to a laboratory
understanding of
sports-related injuries
and advice that investigation
technologies is in the
where the chondrocytes are isolated and
then grown. The cells are then sent back in
has advanced in the
past decade more than
is easily treatment of articular
cartilage (chondral)
either a liquid form or on a membrane and
as a second stage procedure the chondral
any other time in history.
Surgeons have developed
available is a very common condition
injuries of the knee. This defect is treatment by debridement and
laying in the new chondral grown cells. This
skills in minimally invasive and and chondral injuries of the second stage is also usually done using
arthroscopic surgery to the level where it knee have been described in up to 64% minimally invasive technique.
has become the accepted standard. Our of knee arthroscopies. These are
better understanding and application has commonly associated with anterior The results look promising with an up to
led to faster rehabilitation periods and cruciate ligament tears, patello-femoral 80 to 90% resolution of the patient's
return to sports. dislocations and idiopathic conditions symptoms depending on the defect.
such as osteochondritis dissecans. Retrieval biopsy studies also show a high
These surgical developments are new and proportion of hyaline cartilage
not well known by traditional Orthopaedic With the development of magnetic
surgeons. Therefore, teams and athletes in resonance imaging technology and the
the United Kingdom have often sought production of high resolution scanners
treatment abroad. However, this is not using 3 Tesla magnets, the non-invasive
necessary, with the development of US style investigation of joint and articular
Sports Surgery groups, like the Manchester pathology has come to the forefront. At
Sports Medicine Clinic (MSMC). Our the Manchester Sports Medicine Clinic we
surgeons have trained with leading interna- are fortunate to have direct access to a 3
tional specialists and are pioneering Tesla high resolution scanner, which is
techniques for improving the treatment and ideal for imaging articular cartilage and
return to sports for athletes. We recognise will allow the determination of the site,
that one cannot be an expert on every part size and depth of chondral lesions. With
of the body. Forming a group offering sub- this information appropriate treatments Figure 1: Shoulder to shoulder impact
specialist surgical expertise to amateur and can be planned. in rugby

Manch. sports medicine 5/10/05 12:11 pm Page 2

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development. This suggests that the without the detrimental effects and
chondral cells which are being transplanted post-injection pain. There are also no restric-
are indeed doing what they are supposed to tions on the use of hyaluronan injections by
and are regenerating new normal hyaline WADA, unlike steroids.
like cartilage.
The shoulder is a deep joint, hidden
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries under many large muscles. Open surgery is
are an ever increasing injury amongst an painful and prone to complications of the
active population. There are ongoing joint access.
debates in the orthopaedic and sports Figure 2: Arthroscopic shoulder
medicine community about the best graft surgery has become routine for Open shoulder surgery has traditionally
type, the best method of fixation, the almost all shoulder procedures` been the gold standard, but that no longer
approach which should be used for the applies. The redislocation rates for arthro-
procedure and so forth. However, of prime SPORTS INJURIES scopic shoulder stabilisation (Bankart
importance is the patient's outcome. We repair) is now lower than open procedures,
perform a significant number of ACL recon- The injuries sustained by contact and with less post-operative stiffness. This is
structions during a year and recognise that impact athletes, such as rugby players, leads essential for throwing and overhead
patients are not concerned about which to specific injury patterns completely athletes. The success rate of arthroscopic
graft, technique or approach is used. All different to overhead throwing athletes. rotator cuff repairs is equivalent to open
they are concerned about is how quickly MSMC has considerable experience in surgery, without the extended period of
they can return to sport. We have instituted treating overhead and impact athletes with immobilisation and morbidity. On reviewing
accelerated rehabilitation protocols, insti- shoulder pain. This has led us to describe our outcome data at MSMC, our athletes
tuted from the moment the patient wakes and recognise, previously undescribed, are returning to contact sports 4 weeks
up from surgery, concentrating on swelling specific injury patterns in contact athletes. after subacromial decompression and
control, achievement of full motion as soon Rotator cuff tears are less common than acromioclavicular joint surgery and 3
as possible as well as an aggressive previously thought, but labral injuries are months after arthroscopic stabilisations and
strengthening programme. very common, and easily reparable arthro- rotator cuff repairs.
scopically. We have also found a higher
The national average of return to sports incidence of superior and posterior labral These outcomes are also due to the
after an ACL tear in the UK is about 12 injuries in rugby players than other sports rehabilitation - both pre- and post-opera-
months. However, most of our patients are and developed specific rehabilitation tive. The surgeon must play an active role
able to return to full competitive sports programmes for the specific patterns. The in this process. We have managed to return
within 5 to 6 months of their surgery, time taken to return to sports has been athletes to their sport sooner by working
depending on how their rehabilitation is reduced substantially, working in conjunc- closely with the therapists and
progressing. The assessment of the rehabil- tion with the team therapists and conditioning coaches.
itation is also scientifically assessed using a conditioning coaches.
KT1000 (an instrumented measure of Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is very
ligament laxity) as well as isokinetic DIAGNOSIS different to open surgery and the skills
strength testing. required are completely different. It is essential
Office ultrasound scanning has been a that a surgeon be specifically trained in arthro-
SHOULDER INJURIES revolutionary tool for the quick diagnosis of scopic shoulder surgery, as our surgeons at
rotator cuff tears and acromioclavicular joint MSMC are. When referring your patients it is
The shoulder is the second most injuries, leading to early repair and better worthwhile knowing the experience, training
commonly injured joint in sports, after the outcomes. With portable machines and and outcomes of your chosen surgeon.
knee. Up until recently it was known as the expertise we are able to offer instant diagnosis
'Unknown joint'. Most shoulder injuries are and prognosis to athletes. We also perform all CONCLUSION
of a "soft tissue" nature and not visualised shoulder and elbow injections under ultra-
on x-rays. Standard treatment has sound guidance for improved accuracy. This is just a short summary of some of
consisted of repeated blind corticosteroid the advances and technologies that are
injections, without a definitive diagnosis. INJECTIONS being used in sports medicine surgery. The
Over the past decade, our understanding same principles are applied to the treat-
of the complex mechanics and injuries of There is mounting evidence of the detri- ment of degenerative joint disease and
the shoulder, along with advances in mental effects of steroids on the rotator cuff other aspects of modern Orthopaedic
arthroscopic surgery and imaging, has and other tendons. Their benefit is only care. It is difficult for the general practi-
increased substantially. We now recognise short-term and it is restricted under the tioner and team clinician to keep up with
and treat previously unknown injuries, such World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) regula- all the advances in each area. Therefore,
as SLAP tears, and are able to treat rotator tions. At MSMC we have pioneered & you should utilise this specialist expertise
cuff tears and instability as day-case proce- published on the use of hyaluronan injec- and advice that is easily available to return
dures with minimal morbidity using tions in the shoulder. This has been shown your athletes to optimum fitness as soon
arthroscopic techniques. to have equivalent pain relief as steroids, as possible. ■

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