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Gay and gay!

You are gay.

Being gay does not only mean an identification of one’s gender. Being gay means, you
are happy and carefree from the bullying and hate speeches of others. You are gay because you
are proud of who you are and what you feel. You are gay because in this pride month, it is the
time to support equal opportunities and rights. And you are gay, because you are an ally.
In this pride month we celebrate one’s identity and never forget that this is the month
where we become gay, joyous, and have the freedom to express our thoughts and emotions. In
this month, we seek for further equality and upholding the rights of the non-straight
Gender equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by
gender. It encourages individuality and remove gender stereotypes in the society. However,
still, inequality still exists between sexes and genders that can be observed in politics,
“esports”, and in the workforce.
Thousands of Filipinos especially women are marginalized in our society where their
voices were not heard, belittled, called stupid, worthless, and were forced to become the
individual that society pins them.
This is the reality of what we are facing. The issue of gender equality is like a loop.
History keeps repeating itself again and again from the series of inequality between men and
women. In the political fields, fields of education, culture, and many more still makes a society
unjust and lack of moral. Gender equality where? Gender equality how? Gender equality who?
Does gender equality still exist? Or it’s just a toxic child’s play?
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, as we look in the mirror, we are HUMAN BEINGS
with feelings and consciousness and a beautiful body. Labels don’t matter if we dream a society
that promotes equity and equality. We should act for equal.

You are gay, and equality is our first mission.

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