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UNIT 2 Present simple (l do)

a) Study this exemple situation:

Alex is a bus driver. But now he is asleep in bed.

Hc is nof driving a bus (lre is aslccp).
t, Ilut: He drives a bus.

,, This is the present simple tensez

I/we/you/they drive
he/she/(it) drives

. tWe ust the present sirnple ro talk about things in general. lWe are ner rhinking only abour
the present. \0e use it to say that something happens all the rime or .epeatidly,-or thar
sonrething is true in is not important *hither the acrion is happining al the time
of speaking:
- The earth goes round the sun.
- In Britain most of dre shops close ar 5.30 p.m.
Rememtrer drar we say he/she/it -s. Don'r forger the s:
- I work in a bank. Barry works in a shop.

b) We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:

do l/we/votr/thev ) work' I/we/you/they don't
does lre/she/it' work TtE
I he/she/it doesn'r )
- Excuse me, do you speak English?
- 'Would you like a cigarettei' .No, thanks. I don,t smoke.'
- What does this word mean? (zor,Vhat means this word?') 2.3 Norr y
- Rice doesn't grow in Britain. uord(s
For cluestions see also Unit 49. E*r^l
c) We use the prescnt simple when we say how often we do things:
- I get up at [i o'clock every morning, ( geming') i 1 .1 r...
- How often do you go to the dentist? 2 1.,,
- Ann doesn't often drink tea. 3 1 :,.
- In sunrnrcr Tom usually plays tennis twice a week. 4 Ti, -
5 I ,',
d) Nore that we say'\ilhere do you come from?'(: !7here are you from?): 5 Peo;
- Where do you come from? (nol,Where arc yoll coming from?,) 7 Th.
- He comes fronr Japrln. (n ot ,He is coming from Japan.i
e) When 1,'ou nrrrke rr slrggcsllor/, i'ou can say Why don,t you ...?:
- 'l'm rired.' 'Wh.v don't you go to bed early?'

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