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UNIT 2 Exercises l

2.1 In this exe

1 The swimming bath (open) ar 9.00 and (close)
at 18.30 every day. a
2 '$(hat time (the banks / close) in Brirain?
3 I have a car bur I (not/use) it very often C
4 How many cigarettes (you/smoke) a day?
5 'Vhat (you/do)?"1'm an electrical engineer.'
6 ''Whcre. (your fatlrcr / comc) fronr ?' 'l-trc
(come) from Scotlnnd.'
7 lf you need money, why ........... .. (you/not/get) a job?
8I (play) the piano, but I (noflplay) very well
91 don't understand the word'deceive'. What ('dqceive'/ mean)?

2'2 'fhjs time youbaue kt reacl s<tnte sc?ttcrlccs artd crtrrcct tbutr.'flte English is correct l.tut\thc
information is wrong. write tw<t correct scnt.c,tcas each tinre.
Exantple: The sun goes round''*r-th ..r..ou.nd.hh.?.e.un.,....

1 The sun rises in the west

2 Mice catch cats.

3 Carpenters make things from metal

4 The Rivcr Amazon flows into rhc pacific Occirn.

2'3 Now you haue to use tbese sentences to make qr.restions.

Begin your question tuith tlie
word(s) in brackets.
Examples: Tonr plavs rennis. (Horv ofren?)*.%.datr-.r.g.n..pK#-.kmts?.,.....
I get up in the morning. (Whatime i usually?)
W.t1g*rfillg,.fr.Uni.,r**La WEW|...
1 Ann watches television. (How often ?) How often
2 I write to rxy parcnts. (How often?)
3 I have dinner in the evenihg? (Whai time / usually?)
t 4 Tom works. (\Vhere?)
5 I go to the cinenra. (How often?)
5 People do stupicl tlrings. (Why?)
7 Thc car brc:rks tlown. (H<xv ofterr?) ,


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