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Background of the problem

BECAUSE SPENDING TIME Humans are social creatures. It means human beings

TOO MUCH ON GADGET are bound to make social connections through

communication. Despite the fact, in these modern

days humans have become more individualistic which

leads to apathy behavior. Apathy is the other term for

passive trait and feeling numb to the things or

environment around someone. Behavior is a reaction

towards a certain feeling. Apathy behavior is when

someone feels indifference, and doesn’t have any

interest or attention to social life (Arnadi, 2016).

They focus only at themselves and feel indifferent. If

it’s not related to their business then they wouldn’t

care less. Especially in the pandemic era which has

not ended in Indonesia. The Pandemic era has

changed Indonesia in the communication aspect for

many fields. The fields are government, business,

education, health, and etc.

They have to adapt to the pandemic era, come out

with new innovations in which humans have to use

their electronic devices more often than before. Not

only adults need to keep up with this, but including


*Lina Budianti is psychiatrist for children and teenager

at RSJ Cisarua
Background of the problem
The apathy behavior in kids is also caused by parents. Since parents work from home, they

intend to spend much time in front of their laptop, computer, or other electronic devices.

This makes them lack the time to watch their kids, therefore doesn’t want their kids to

bother them while they work. Parents let them play and use gadgets however they like, and

don't care whether it affects their social or cognitive skills.

The work from home and physical distancing also affect the school. The school applies WFH

and the kids learn through online meetings. They are not able to make real social

connections with their peers, even though this is really important.

Kids are spending too much time on gadgets and being busy in their own world makes them

have difficulty adapting to the new environment, likes being alone rather than socializing,

and can’t control their emotions well.

Widya (2020) states there are 4 negative impacts of children who are using smartphone.

The negative impacts consist of physical development, cognitive development, emotional

development, and social development. The apathy behavior is from the effect of using

smartphone (gadget) too much. It affects their social development, and research says

children become lazy to socialize and developing a passive behavior. Children think their

smartphone is more fun and important.


AGE Correlation to a phenomenon

The children within the age 7-10 years old who are
7-10 years old
still in elementary school are supposed to play and

learn with their friends or parents. Building a

relationship and memories. However, the pandemic

makes it not possible. The implementation of work

from home and physical distancing increases the

Likes to play smartphone a lot, doesn't care about
use of smartphones (gadget) and is worsened by
their surroundings, busy with their own world, lack of
lack of parental control over smartphones.
social skills
Therefore leads to apathy behavior which may not

realize by them or their parents.

With family and with online friends (school peers but

can't meet directly)

Pradana, W. (2021, September 12). Kasus Anak Kecanduan Gadget di Jabar, Belasan Rawat Jalan-Ada yang Meninggal.

Retrived from


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Susan, et al. (2019). Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Anak Usia Dini. Hasil Penelitian dan

Pengabdian pada Masyarakat IV Tahun 2019, Seminar Nasional.

Oktasari, Z. (2019). Menghindari SIkap Apatis antar Individu melalui Komunikasi untuk Meningkatkan Hubungan yang Baik

antar Individu. Artikel Psikologi Manajemen. Universitas Negeri Padang.

Hidayati, L. (2018). Kemampuan Interaksi Sosial Anak Usia DIni Berdasarkan pada Pemberian Gadget oleh Orangtua di

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